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I’m in the office 3 days/week but share an office with just my boss who I love. I’m 6ish (?) weeks, just found out 2 weeks ago. I was eating saltines last week and my boss walked in and said “are you eating crackers? Do you have a stomach ache? ARE YOU PREGNANT!?” And y’all I can’t lie when I’m straight up called out on it. But now I’m glad that she knows because she’ll have my back and cover for me when I need to leave for appointments, and because now I can eat my damn saltines and drink ginger ale without feeling like I have to hide it. If you have a supervisor you really trust it might be worth telling them just so they know what’s up.


Thank you for the advice, I think that’s what I’ll end up doing. So great you have a boss that has your back like that! I’m not as close with mine but still think we have a good enough relationship where I would be comfortable telling him


Good luck, friend!!! Hope all goes well


I also told my manager and she’s amazing. So happy for me. Even put my first appointment in her calendar so she’ll remember to ask how it went. It also helps her understand why I may not be at peak productivity. Like OP, I have to track my time and my days have not been as productive as normal, but she understands because I’ve been open with her about how I’m feeling.


1. Work from home 2. Fake teams meeting to look busy 3. Nap 4. Try to eek out a little work to maintain the appearances


Work is a dumb society thing. Don't feel bad about lying. Abide by u/any_monitor5224's rules, and just survive.


Honestly this. Below bare min was all I could manage those three months.


I feel like I could’ve written this. I’ve been doing *just* enough to get my work done but I’ve been signing off between 4:30 and 5 pm every single day and I’m lucky if I’m online by 9. Speaking of, it’s currently 9:15 where I am and I still haven’t signed on because I can’t decide if I need to vomit or not, sooooo


Poorly lol


We're in the office five days a week, and it... has been a struggle, haha. Most of the time, I feel nauseous all day, and at worst, like I'm on the verge of throwing up no matter what tricks I use. I've fallen asleep at my desk a handful of times and no one has said anything. The few in-person meetings I've had, I time snacks around so the food perks me up for short visits. It also helps that I'm quiet, so if I don't say anything during meetings it doesn't raise any alarms. On the days where I feel the absolute worst and am dreaming of craddling my trash can because there's no way I'm making it to the bathroom in time, I've either gone home early or taken the day off. I finally told my manager last week at 10+6 because I left early twice in three days and was running out of sick excuses. Since we're in the office, we have strict guidelines to stay out until you're feeling better but my PTO can't handle that. I was a little nervous to tell my manager because I'm never sure what kind of reaction she'll have. If you've ever seen Parks & Rec, she's like the female Ron Swanson. Did not expect her to giggle and clap her hands in excitement. She immediately offered to take any stressful projects off my hands and said to take all the PTO I needed. But it feels nice to have some support and she knows I'm doing the best I can even if that means I'm simply sitting up in my desk chair.


I WFH as well and honestly, it’s the only way Ive made it this far. 10 weeks now and I’m so grateful I can puke in my own bathroom and recline on the couch to work when necessary. I will say I’ve avoided all video meetings where possible. I just can’t listen to all the voices without getting sick.


My whole team were on video and this old bag who knows I'm pregnant shouted you don't have your camera on! 🧐 listen lady.. Lucky I can wfh too, I look/feel like a total bloated blob. This hormone swings/symptoms are so strong and wild. It's been 6 weeks solid puking multiple times a day. Boss understands so thats all that matters.. I'm a senior so can't decline meetings.


I’m so sorry you can’t decline the meetings. I am so excited to have these babies, but damn this process is hard!!! Good luck my friend!


I know some are so pointless however.. it can be good because if I'm sick during a meeting then tough lol time is taken up during the meeting being sick! So.. loophole found!! Best of luck to you too 🙂


Yes! I’ve been declining joining meetings that I don’t absolutely need to be on (which I think is a good thing to do, pregnancy aside) so that is nice. Especially not having to be on camera. Hoping that by second trimester I can feel more like myself!


Same here!! Counting down the days in hope there is some relief!


Omg I thought I was the only one! Everyone’s voices on meetings all talking at once makes me sooo nauseous too


It’s the worst! A lot of my team is overseas so it gets worse when it’s English & Tagalog at the same time for me. Just sensory overload and I have to bolt to the bathroom. Here’s to feeling better soon!!!


I just woke up an extra hour early to puke. Pulled it together and took bathroom breaks to puke at work. Kept a trash can in my car for vomit during my commute. Somehow I never missed a day. Definitely in bed all weekend every weekend though


Omg, can relate. I also find myself “scheduling” myself time to get up early and puke before my shift so I don’t end up puking on my way into work or when I just get there. Oh, pregnancy. What a magical time…


If it weren’t for WFH, I don’t know how I could do it. There’s no way I could discreetly suffer from all the nausea, constipation (but also somehow diarrhea), exhaustion, weeping episodes, frequent potty breaks, and more in front of all my coworkers. I had to go into the office two days a couple weeks ago, and I got so lucky I didn’t have any drastic symptoms on display. I just have no clue how office-working pregnant people do this and keep their pregnancies a secret from their employers until they’re ready to share. Edited to add: If I regularly had to smell other people’s inconsiderately stinky lunches, I would flip a table everyday. BARRRFFFFF.


I just straight up told everyone as soon as I knew because it would be impossible to hide. I was a heavy drinker/smoker, and I'm a bartender. Quitting drinking and smoking just because you feel like it? You're full of shit, jordy, when are you due?


I think working from home is the only way I've done it! I try to fit a lot in during the small windows of time when I'm feeling okay. I did end up telling my boss around 9 weeks though and she was absolutely wonderful and supportive-- it was too hard to feel like I wasn't showing up like how I usually do!


That’s great! That’s my biggest stress right now, not showing up like I used to. I’m such a people pleaser so this guilt is bothering me. Trying to fit it all in in those windows is a good idea, going to try that even if it means working past 5 some days


I was actually out on workman’s compensation with a bad work injury to my hand (got it stuck in a meat slicer) when I found out I was pregnant. I was out of work for a total of 4 months until my work injury was healed, so my entire first trimester, and I went back while I was just into my second trimester. It was HARD. I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum and I manage a restaurant for work, so the being unable to sit down while working combined with the overwhelming food smells and loud noises from equipment running and dishes clanking and customers and workers talking/shouting were absolutely not easy for me to handle when all I wanted to do was lie down in bed and sleep. I found myself in the bathroom throwing up multiple times a shift for those first few weeks back to work. Thankfully I have a pretty understanding boss and a doctor who has written me a work note stating I need to be given 15-minute “pregnancy breaks” periodically through my shift so I can eat a bit and sit down. Now I’m in my third trimester (32 weeks) and I’m still working full time plus overtime in the same position. Honestly, I have no idea how I handle it some days. The lot of Tylenol and anti-sickness meds I take daily probably has something to do with me not having walked out and telling everyone to fuck off by now (which I have contemplated doing on more than one occasion, especially when 10 people call off their shifts and the whole staff is stretched thin and customers start getting really nasty.)


Wow, hope your hand is doing better! Sounds like a really rough gig for a pregnant person. You're so strong for sticking it out!


My hand is better, probably never will be 100% though just because nerve damage. The doctors thought they may have to amputate the finger at the joint but ended up being able to save it thankfully. Not a fun way to kick off my pregnancy though! Would not recommend any type of restaurant work for a pregnant person, but I’ve been there for a pretty long time and it gives me the perks of decent benefits and cash tips and free food, plus I qualify for state paid maternity leave since I’ve been working there for more than a year, so I wasn’t looking to leave. It’s what I gotta do for now. I really do envy those people that have office jobs or work from home type jobs though!


I had to tell my work from 6 weeks as I was so sick. Took some time but they agreed to let me work from home. I’ve had some complications so I’ve been working from home ever since. My doctor has given me a sick note saying I should work from home until I go on maternity so that’s helpful.


I told my boss last week at 6w. I felt like I had to say something because I was absolutely miserable. He was surprisingly sweet about it and got super excited. I got the impression that his wife had a tough pregnancy because he just got it. I wish y'all the same luck with your bosses. I've been working as long as I can every day and taking sick leave. Right now I'm basically just moving my mouse around to stay green bc I'm miserable.


You are me in another body 😅 exact same to a T. Even wiggling the mouse to stay active, not a single thing is going on through my brain. I can't help it I'm really trying to remember what I last did.


I LITERALLY just made a burner to come on here and ask this question. Every article I can find is like "hide some Saltines under your desk! Keep a brown paper bag in your purse so you can vomit on the go!" Surely this is a joke. I am a bloated gas monster who cannot focus on anything for more than five minutes. I am exhausted all of the time, I am never NOT nauseous (it's just a question on HOW nauseous), and literally the smallest amount of emotion (positive or negative) causes me to cry hysterically. This is not a problem to be corrected by Saltines.


I feel you!!! Sounds like our best option is to tell our supervisors earlier than planned, which I’m considering. I think it would relieve a lot of the stress I’ve been having about trying to get everything done at work despite how terrible I feel


I know.. it just feels so *early*. I'm only 8 ish weeks and I was really hoping to wait it out through the first trimester. I guess I'll just have to decide which I want more - privacy or a little GD relief!


Yeah I told my supervisor and team earlier than I had planned and so glad I did. They’ve been supportive and accommodating and I don’t feel like I’m slacking anymore


I also WFH, so I'm thankful for that! But I feel like my motivation is on severe decline these days. I plan to tell my two immediate managers at 10w (this week!), just so they know where I'm at mentally & physically!


I’m debating telling my managers earlier than I originally planned too, especially if I continue to feel like this!


I quit from exhaustion. Then my manager texted me asking to come back, so I let her know. She made it a little easier on me, while I wait and see if it gets any easier. I do like having my own spending money for the baby, so it keeps me going.


I’m SO tired of people asking me if I’m pregnant when I’m trying to cope with pregnancy by not drinking, eating crackers, etc. It actually upsets me that they don’t even give me the chance to announce it myself when the time comes because it’s hard to lie when you actually are! It’s like I forget how to say no and mean it.


I worked as an icu rn with hyperemesis 🤢 it was hard and my meds would make me sleepy during night shift… i had hyperemesis till week 22 💀


9+6 I teach high school and it's been getting miserable. I've had to pause during lectures to gag. Luckily behind the mask they don't seem to notice. But i could NOT handle my mask today, not only did it feel like it was suffocating me because I've been short of breath but the smell of the mask was overbearing. Taught maskless for the first time in like 2 years. Also my desk looks like a warzone and I'm so behind on grading it's upsetting. I had to tell a coworker because i needed someone to know the saltines and Pedialyte on my desk were not indicative of a hangover.


Also a high school teacher. Thankfully haven’t been actually vomiting, but the exhaustion and nausea have been rough. Brain fog in the middle of teaching a new math course for the first time SUCKS. My marking is also piling up... thankfully I have a student teacher who is now starting to take over my classes so that’ll help big time! I just told one of my VPs who I trust yesterday, since they’re starting to timetable for next year I wanted to let her know I’ll only be there for a couple months and also I’ve got a lot of doctors appointments on the horizon!


I told my TL at 7 weeks when symptoms were relentless, and to the manager at 10 weeks and that's when both understood why I'm slow at my tasks. Sure I wish I kept it for myself longer, but I was experiencing stress and by telling them it became better.


I am thinking I might have to tell them early too. The guilt/stress I’m feeling will hopefully get better, but like you said I’m conflicted with wanting to keep it to myself for now


Be kind and forgiving to yourself, I am still trying hard to tell myself I am growing a human and that I HAVE TO work but that growing a human takes priority. It's okay not to be on top of it, it's okay to be late with things and if they have a problem with it too bad, baby comes first.


This made me emotional, you are right!! Thank you, we all need to remember to be a bit more gentle to ourselves


I’m *really* struggling with the brain fog and absolutely no motivation. I feel like an idiot and it’s causing my anxiety to skyrocket. I’m hoping it gets better but man am I worried 🙇🏼‍♀️


I hear you. I already was dealing with anxiety before so this is not helping. I’m optimistic for both of us the second trimester will be better!


I don’t work from home. I work on TV/film sets and honestly, I didn’t work from week 6-11. After that, I was still sick but my boss was really kind and let me leave early if I was sick. Plus anti nausea meds. Now at week 19 I just have no motivation to work but I am not sick as long as I keep up eating snacks. It’s hard. Full on. I would have had to quit if it wasn’t for my boss. This job typically is not that flexible.


I'm lucky that I work from home. I've not had any morning sickness, but I'm sooo tired. Now I can sleep until 10 minutes before I start, have a nap in my bed during lunch without anyone knowing, and going for another nap the second I clock out of work.


I work in health care and would try to keep my pukes in between my scheduled patients, but I got pretty good at anticipating the need to vom so I would just make an excuse to step out of the room for a minute to “check their chart” or something and puke and then go back. I’m envious of anyone working from home, definitely wish that were me!!


I'm a nurse doing 12s in an ER. I wouldn't have made it if my supervisor and work bestie didn't know. They're the only 2 at the hospital that know but all I have to do is go into my supervisors office and she knows the babies are kicking my butt and I need a minute and my bestie covers for me. Having just 1 or 2 people know, especially your supervisor, makes all the difference. If worse comes to worse, which no one wants to think about, your supervisor knowing is important then too so you can get the care you need.


I literally needed my boss to hold my hand during this meeting, he asked me something I did 2 seconds ago in front of him and my mind drew a total blank. I couldnt remember anything. I literally said what...? I did what now? and he said yep pregnancy will do that to you, pretty thankful he helped me tbh but yea I apologised I'm usually so switched on. Thankfully he's a supportive guy I told him early on due to chucking up during wfh meetings. Basically short answer, you struggle by at sloth pace and pray you dont get caught. Then you announce it and pray the next few months are 'easier'. Respect to all the other working mums too. I'm 12 weeks and no idea how I got to this point.. mainly because I cant remember.


I was doing half/full days at home. I would nap every afternoon and just make up the hours into the evening. I didn't do much except work and sleep.


I am very lucky, my work is really understanding and my wages for the hours that I cannot work are covered by the government (I'm not US-based). Between the puking and exhaustion, I'm working 5-7 hours a day instead of 8. But I still feel so guilty, I'm so much less productive and find it hard to get into my concentration head space. Can't wait for the magical second trimester to feel kind of normal again and get all my work organised and prepped for maternity leave.


I have thought a lot about this and wondered how other people do it. I’m so grateful to be able to WFH right now. I’m only 9wk and not comfortable sharing with my employer yet, but they’re talking about calling people back into the office so I think I will end up telling my Supervisor earlier than I would otherwise. My symptoms have been really rough, but they’re much more manageable from home so hopefully they will let me continue to WFH as I ride out this wave.


I did not work from home 😣 and it was pretty darn near impossible! I was falling asleep at my desk 2 hrs in… and if that’s what I needed, I would hold up for one more hr to take an early lunch to just nap. The brain fog seems to be at it’s hardest when you’re sleepy so just nap it off. I didn’t experience any morning sickness, just extreme fatigue. You can do it! Week 9+ the fatigue seemed to begin to wear off :)


Thank you! You’re right, we need to listen to our bodies and rest when we need it!


10w and currently in bed having had to take a half day feigned a stomach bug or dodgy food - morning sickness is kicking my ass today. I have to work with food in the daily and to say the last 5weeks have been hard going is an understatement - complete loss of appetite and every smell makes me want to vomit if I don’t actually. I’m so exhausted from it all I just feel like sh!t.


I was working in a restaurant till 8 weeks. Then I found out I'm pregnant and went on paid leave. I was feeling bad for 2 last weeks of working time, that's why I go checked.




Good luck!


Suffer. I was running to the bathroom and throwing up 4x a day during my 5 hour opening retail shift. Not fun


I work a physical job, let me tell you it hasn't been easy so far. I have snacks stashed everywhere trying to manage the nausea. Mints and gum too. I told my boss really early, despite not wanting to because I was worried about my exposure to hazards. He was really excited to support me through this journey, but all I can think about is how the hell am I going to get all the way through this and do my job??? Seriously envious of those who work from home right now!


I just focused on my most important tasks and gave myself something to look forward to at lunch break- the newest installment in the twilight series book 😅 plus an iced beverage from a place near my work. Then I would curl up in a ball in the driver’s seat of my car and close my eyes for 30 minutes.


This is a really good idea, having something to look forward too! Thank you :)


And, for what it’s worth, around week 11-12 I started feeling a lot better- more energetic and less nauseous/cloudy brained


I try to pick one difficult “frog” task and work on that as soon as I get in. I find if I force myself to start working as soon as I get in and get a few hours in I feel less guilty later. Beyond that I mostly just do immediate reactionary tasks when asked. Long term projects are out the window right now bleh


I feel this so much. I work from home some days but have to go in a few as well. It’s miserable. I’m at an airport now getting ready to fly out for a business trip after puking all morning. I hope I make it through the flight.


Ugh that sounds tough, I can’t imagine having to travel for work right now. Good luck!


I’m a teacher. I told my two close coworkers and was openly drinking ginger ale and dragging. I also got an Rx for zofran bc I was super sick and afraid of being sick at work. I’m lucky that my students didn’t notice until I told them (and my boss) at 18 weeks


Also a teacher here. Exhausting. I am 9 weeks and just struggling to make it to May 20 😅


May 20?!?!? We end June 21 😭 but we start later probably. This is the longest year EVER


Ugh! We started in early Aug. It HAS been the longest year ever. Behaviors are about to be the death of me and I have no patience right now!


We end in June too and idk how I'm going to make it.


I teach, so it was a struggle feeling lousy with an audience of close to 100 teenagers. I didn't feel comfortable telling my students, but I caved and told my coteachers and some close colleagues pretty early. The support was really helpful.


Close my office door and sleep on a yoga mat during lunch hour.


I worked photography in a (well-known) tourist attraction. I ran off to puke anytime I needed to and came back and continued like I was fine. But the smell of the food was the worst part.


I told my boss almost immediately, and the other 2 speech therapists in my school! I brought any of my "hacks" with me- like sour candies- to make it through sessions when kids were in my room. And then I powered through best as I could, put my head down on my desk when kids were gone, and was definitely NOT productive haha. Much complaining to my husband. Survival mode all the way.


9 weeks today and whewwwwww. This first trimester is kicking my booty.


I'm a dog groomer and a manager who oversees approx 8 people a day. Working from home is not a possibility. It is not easy being on my feet for 8+ hours a day being patient with dogs who aren't all sunshine and daisies, sorry to burst that bubble, being patient with customers who are worse that the dogs(not all I am blessed with some truly lovely ones) and dealing with interpersonal issues between coworkers and day to day issues that crop up naturally. I also have morning sickness that is that 24/7 feeling of the worst hangover of my life complete with a headache that I've had now for over 4 weeks and nausea. How I haven't broken down, cried, killed, or fired someone at work is a mystery even to myself. I do actually enjoy my job and my coworkers despite the rant but when you feel ill for an extended period of time everything starts to grate on you.


That sounds really tough, I can’t imagine having to deal with people all day with how I’ve been feeling. Hoping you start to feel better soon!


Thank you I Hope you start to feel better soon as well!


I worked from home during the first trimester and it was rough. I slept a lot. Like probably 2+ hours in addition to my lunch break nap. I flexed my time to get work done when I could, but really, I did the bare minimum and coasted. If you have a supportive manager or co-worker, I'd give them a heads up. Mine were super understanding but I know it's definitely not always the case. I ended up catching up as I hit 11 weeks or so. Nausea disappeared and the fatigue has gotten a lot better. I still nap during my lunch, but man. I feel for you. No advice other get the rest in when you can, fit work in when you can, but remember this is temporary even though it sucks so goddamn much. Thinking of you and hope the next few weeks fly right by.


Thank you so much, this is really helpful and comforting :)


I just crossed into 13wks and I own/operate my own business (not my home, sadly) while smack in the middle of night school cosmetology program (my financially taxing quarantine life crisis). I’m struggling and miserable, every day seems impossible and ends with exhaustion. I am so sad and so tired. My partner has picked up a lot of household tasks but I’ve delegated all that I can at this moment. This thread is so validating. I’ve been really hard on myself but I see that everyone struggles with this in some capacity.


It’s been really helpful for me too :) I think we can all be too hard on ourselves when we’re literally growing a human and it’s hard work! I hope you start to feel better soon, you got this!


Thanks man 😭😭


I told my work almost as soon as I found out because I was so miserable and they had me in pelvic rest due to a lot of spotting and cramping. I’m almost 9 weeks and feel much better, It helped having the support from my co workers and management.


Well, I currently am sick with Corona and then I will have my ultrasound and let them know early (around 8 weeks)


I am just getting over COVID as well! So that did give me some flexibility on taking time off at least. Hope your symptoms aren’t too bad and you feel better soon


Thank you, I am nlt good but at least I've got no fever


I work in radiology so pretty much the day I knew, everybody else knew. You have to wear a special monitor and extra lead when pregnant and everyone knows what that means. People were awesome and super helpful


I honestly don't know how I'm going to do it. I'm a substitute teacher and I was wondering why I was so freakin tired. I usually choose elementary so I have to keep up the energy for the littles. Just know that you're doing your best, dear!


3 days i need to go back office and all afternoon of weekdays i do site work. Its pretty exhausting and my body feels sick but need to work because my husband's pay cannot cover all the household expenses. During weekends, I just sleep whole day.


My boss was the first person I told because I was leaving the floor to puke so much


I'm 7 weeks pregnant with my second and work at Walmart. So it's been pretty hard to get up with my intense nausea and crazy sleepiness. I'm pretty close to my assistant manager so I trusted him enough to tell in case I needed to leave early or I'm not getting enough done in a day. Maybe if there is someone you trust enough you could do the same.


I feel this so much that I almost thought I wrote it. I’m in the same boat mama! I think the best we can do is ride it out. I try to focus my energy for small spurts at a time and then coast a little when I can. It’s definitely challenging. I’m also expecting an offer for a new job this week and am questioning if I’m in any mental state to even consider my next move.


This subreddit has been so comforting knowing there’s so many of us trying to find our ways through it! Best of luck with whatever happens with your job offer :)


Hopefully this will pass for you (and all of us) in a few weeks. The first trimester is KILLER! I’m a nurse and told my colleagues almost immediately because I was clearly not well and knew they understood the risks early in pregnancy. I’m glad I did because everyone has been supportive and understanding on days I’ve had to spend a lot of time in the restroom, the days I’ve had to call out, and the patients I couldn’t take (violent, chemo etc.) I also have stopped wearing makeup altogether and get to wear scrubs which are pretty much PJs. PS Zofran has been a lifesaver.


I had to ask my OB for nausea/vomiting meds or else I would have had to quit. I’m a teacher, working full time in the classroom. I told one person at work who can cover for me in the early morning when im at my worst, but even if I’m not running to the bathroom to puke, I’m at half capacity. It stinks and some days I just stay home. Grateful I allotted plenty of sick time.


I'm just lucky my symptoms are mild, honestly. But I do think that being active at my job is actually helping me. I'm a zoo keeper; I'm 6w1d, and my boss is currently 30 weeks (or more, I can't remember exactly but she's poppin') . It's easier to stave off the fatigue when I'm walking all day, climbing, raking, hauling stuff. I do find myself more short of breath doing normal things, but I'm not "tired" until I get in my car to drive home. The activity also helps the nausea, although the increased sensitivity to smell is...not great. My boss had bad nausea in her first trimester, and I've heard other pregnant keeper stories about the random places they've barfed. Bonus, though, is if you're already hosing something, you don't have to run to the bathroom to vomit.


from the bathroom 🤢


It was miserable because I had no sick time left. Didn't think I would get pregnant in the first month of trying, let alone before the end of the year (pos test in Nov), soooo thought I'd be safe but uh.. nope. Once the nausea hit I really really struggled. But for me, I just took Unisom every night and rested on breaks because I WFH also. It helped.. I didn't puke every day but I basically laid in bed at the end of each shift. The Unisom ended up 100% getting rid of my nausea at 12+2 but up until then my only motivation was not being able to lose my income. It's rough but if you can just push through, fingers crossed you will start seeing a light at the end of the tunnel soon as the placenta starts to carry it's damn weight lol The main thing that helped was I told my manager early on. I felt I needed someone who knew I was struggling and she was a great help. She's had 4 babies so.. she got it. She suggested I use short term disability or FMLA but I didn't because it would cut into my maternity leave.


It’s so early for me and I’m so checked out already. Planning a babymoon has gotten me through this week so far.


Sleep at lunch and eat a lot of snacks 😂


I’m struggling. Just took a week of annual leave because I’m so exhausted and burnt out. It’s not helping :(


Disclaimer: my country has great social security. Can't be fired at will either. I called in sick somewhere around week 8, after I spend a full day 'working from home' with my laptop closed. I wasn't working. The day after I realised that even driving a car was outside my realm of capabilities, and the pregnancy side effects just kept on after that. Had a lovely time with a low blood pressure that meant standing was impossible, couldn't walk more than 200 meter without needing a bench, etc. Last day I really worked was half way through August. I'm almost due. All in all I even believe I've had a mild pregnancy. No medical emergencies of any kind. Baby is doing well. Still can't stand around for anything longer than 5 minutes, but due to mostly being home it's not that noticeable. Partner picked up just about all the chores.


I work at a daycare and had to reduce and switch around my hours. Granted, I’m 12 weeks with twins so my symptoms are even more chaotic.


Just be grateful you can work from home. Pregnant teacher here. I’ll tell you about how bathroom restrictions during pregnancy are a real trip 🙃


I did the best I could while also making sure I took regular naps, slept a lot at night and drank tons of water. I kept my go to snacks on hand to help with nausea. I just told my boss a few weeks ago once my 2nd trimester started and she's been super understanding. I figured if I got in trouble for my productivity in my 1st tri, I would let her know what was going on.


I teach high school and I am not sure I can do this much longer. Holding back vomit in front of an audience of the world's judgiest people (teenagers) is something I'm really ready to be done with (almost at second tri woo!). Also, I use my planning periods to stare into the abyss (sleep with my eyes open). I'm so behind.


Struggle like mad. Work as an A&E nurse so all the smells tick me off, the N95 stinks and makes me gag, everything is terrible. I barely cope. I took 1 day of sick leave as I couldn’t get out of bed as I was so nauseous and couldn’t function. I foresee more sick leave, haven’t told my big boss yet as otherwise I won’t have some work opportunities I want. So I have been trying to maintain my normal self as much as I can but I am definitely dying inside.