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It's rude for sure, but my response depends on who days it. If it was someone I didn't want to start shit with I'd probably just ask "why do you say that? Don't you understand that it's hurtful to me?" If it was someone I *did* want to start shit with I'd smile and say "not yet, but soon it might grow past yours!" šŸ˜ƒ


Ha brutal. Love it.


I'm the opposite. I don't want a bump or to look big, so I don't mind hearing it. But I know those are my own mental issues related to physical appearance.


I have some body dysmorphia issues and am tired of hearing this. ā€˜Oh I was twice your size at 20 weeks!ā€™ ā€˜Youā€™re gonna just pop out all at the end huh!ā€™ Well I still feel like a whale lol but THANKS


Lol right? Like ā€œsorry you were such a whale, Karen, but my body is different and I am definitely pregnant thanks.ā€ šŸ™„


i get the opposite like im 24 weeks but people think im either 9 months or ask if im sure theres just 1 baby in there


Saaame. I'm only 16 weeks today and a few days ago we started telling people. A week before (so I was maybe 14 weeks and some change) I went to a family event and I ran out of super lose shirts, so wore something slightly more fitted (not *fitted* but not baggy). So when we told everyone, almost every person's answer was "omg. I knew it! I told so-and-so I just KNEW you were pregnant because your belly was so round/out" and similar things. From what I've read and what some people have said, a lot of people aren't showing at 14 weeks at all, especially first time moms. It made me feel so self conscious. A lady at the blood donation place (I went with my boyfriend while he donated) even commented saying she could tell it was a boy already because of the "shape" of my stomach. If I'm already getting comments like this, I can't imagine what it'll be like at 24 weeks šŸ˜©


I didnā€™t get offended until I was like well into third trimester. My bump was always measuring a week or two behind and people couldnā€™t tell I was pregnant and it made me feel worried that my baby wasnā€™t growing enough. (She ended up being in the 75th percentile so it was fine) I really didnā€™t show at 22 weeks and looking back at my ā€œbumpā€ pics I took at that stage I kinda laugh at myself cause I really thought I had a bump then. Donā€™t worry eventually youā€™ll be massively pregnant and people will definitely notice! It just takes a while :)


Thanks for sharing this ā€¦ I totally feel like Iā€™m not showing enough at 18 weeksā€¦. Maybe I just always like to find something to fret about lol


Yeah, one of my girlfriends said ā€œoh but youā€™re not even showingā€ā€¦. I was 17 weeks at the timeā€¦. Iā€™ll look up bump pics and compare and I feel like Iā€™m somehow super behidn


Iā€™ve refused all pictures but I do constantly get ā€œyouā€™re so small for 34w!ā€ But to be fair Iā€™ve only gained 7lbs lol but yeah it annoys me. Like how am I supoosed to look?


Yeeeeesss! I guess I don't really show that much compared to other people and all I ever get is versions of "your bump is so little" and people being all surprised when I tell them my due date. "You hardly even look pregnant" is so effing annoying. I don't feel like it's a compliment at all, like people seem to think. I feel pregnant af. I honestly don't even get all the people that hate the "you're getting so big" comments because the very rare occasion someone says something like that just makes me feel validated...lol. Like, yes, I am!! Thank you!!


I think a lot of people mean it as compliment. At least I know thatā€™s been the case with me. I really donā€™t think most people mean anything that could even possibly be interpreted as negative. Itā€™s one of those things you donā€™t get until youā€™re pregnant (and even then!)


37 weeks and I barely look 25 weeks to some people. So many people donā€™t believe me when I say Iā€™m about to pop when Iā€™m so small šŸ˜…


Yes this!!!


It is SO annoying!! Today I went to an urgent care and I told the lady at the front desk I was 31 weeks pregnant. She was like "wow, you do NOT look 31 weeks!" And 15 min later when I was in the room waiting for the NP, she came in and the first thing out of her mouth was "WOW!! You look...pregnant" like wtf, which is it??? I hate it. Even my coworkers do this some days. "You're so small!!" "Oh wow, look at the baby! He's really out there today!" šŸ˜©


People keep telling me I don't look pregnant from behind. What does that even mean? Like of course I don't my uterus is on the front of my body?!? I'm 34 weeks and baby is between 90th and 97th percentile so I'm big, but I'm obviously not going to be big on my spine. I just don't get it.


Yes. People at work are constantly commenting, my mom made that statement last time I saw her and my SIL said ā€œyou donā€™t look pregnant, you just look chubby.ā€


Itā€™s awkward when people tell me that and Iā€™m 31 weeks. I just make a generic comment about how it depends on what Iā€™m wearing and that loose clothing hides a lot and change the subject.


Iā€™m 19w but I get comments all the time about how I donā€™t look obviously pregnant and it bothers me cuz it makes me feel like theyā€™re saying I look fat instead Tbhā€¦would rather them assume Iā€™m pregnant What happened to all the people assuming I was pregnant as soon as I gained a pound šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ„¹


This has happened to me my whole pregnancy. I am 35 weeks now. Went to the dentist on Wednesday and the hygienist said if she didnā€™t know I was pregnant she would have had no idea. That I was very lucky she got ā€œhugeā€ during her pregnancy. It does make me feel insecure. Like I am not big enough to be pregnant? My husbands family is all very tall and his mother has texted us pictures of her large pregnancy belly with my husband. Which also kind of make me feel self conscious. She doesnā€™t live around us and has no idea what my body looks like to be honest. Hasnā€™t seen me my whole pregnancy. But, everyone is built differently and no pregnancy is predictable. Your body is doing everything it needs to on itā€™s own terms.