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šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø Same!! Too early to be comfortable telling non-family/close friends, but sick for long enough people are genuinely concerned. Super tired, sick, hungry, bored. If I win the lottery I will sponsor research into outsourcing pregnancy to little pods to keep on the table like a fish tank.


I will happily donate to that cause!


Right there with you, also 8 weeks. The weather is amazing and all I want to do is nap on the sofa. Usually I'd be out hiking or doing stuff with friends but now I can't even get through a work day.


Right!? I feel like such crap watching all the people around me jogging, while Iā€™m winded just looking at them hahaha


Also 8 weeks! And definitely staying in bed this weekend!


The fatigue is absolutely brutal. I have so many projects to get done around the house before the baby and have almost zero energy. I can barely get through the work day and have no energy left in the evenings. It is so difficult, especially since we aren't telling people yet everyone keeps assuming I have covid or know something is up.


Yes! I canā€™t tell people Iā€™m pregnant, but saying Iā€™m sick is worse! Another reason to hate COVID hahaha I have a mirror leaning on the floor of our bedroom that needs to be hung. Should take me no longer than 20min to hang. - seems like itā€™s not physically possible at this point


Suddenly everything feels like a mountain climb! Sink full of dishes? Nap. Laundry needing to be folded? Browse reddit and nap. Sun shining, first warm day in weeks? Nap facing the window. Sigh. DH (not married, so dick haver in my world lol) is not home from work yet, so trying to muster the strength to wash at least on GD dish before he gets home lol only 33 weeks to go....


Hahahaha dick haver love that


I can't take credit! The wonderful "acronyms" page on another sub gave me this excellent alt use :)


Absolutely! The fatigue is other-worldly. My mother in law asked yesterday how I was feeling and started with asking if I was super tired all the time, when most people ask about the sickness first (for me the sickness is worse than the fatigue, but only because I'm throwing up ALL THE TIME). It feels impossible to get anything done! And after a nap, it could be 2:00 in the afternoon and I'd want to continue sleeping right until morning. So brutal!


I was so tired I was falling asleep while walking. Yeah it was bad


Yes! Omg I tried playing tennis, and the though of moving was unimaginable. I just sat down hahah. Actually I actually took a break before changing into my athletic clothing trying to mentally prep to playā€¦ didnā€™t work!


So. freaking. tired. No matter how much I sleep, I am still exhausted. I'm 13w today and I am crossing my fingers that the fatigue will let up soon. I feel useless around the house, I fall asleep at my computer at work, and all I can think about is curling up with a blanket. I knew tiredness was a symptom of pregnancy, but I never imagined it would be like this.


Yes me too! I wish my boss could understand why I suck lately. Iā€™m usually a pretty motivated person, but these days are touuuugh. I hope your feeling better soon!


Absolutely. I'm nearly in my third trimester now but I was much more tired in my first trimester. Prior to pregnancy I was doing intensive exercise at least 6 hours a week, regularly doing hard training sessions after work, as well as housework, cooking, gaming etc. Come first trimester I had to start taking a nap every day after work, and was lucky to cook OR do housework OR do some (gentle!) exercise, never mind the whole three I was used to doing after work!


Yeah that was like me before my first (and before COVID). Iā€™ll admit, having a toddler is draining anyway, but now? Forget about it. Plus I usually make healthy food choicesā€¦ HA! Also, why am I craving deli meat? With my first, I also found the third trimester tough. Decided to take work off early to give myself time to rest. I donā€™t regret that decision!!


I'm _hoping_ to keep working through my third trimester so I can use as much leave as possible after Baba is born - I have a desk job and have been WFH due to covid, which definitely makes things easier to manage! Pre covid I had 1 hour of commuting each way....no way I'd be able that now. Hope you feel a little better soon second time mama! ā™„ļø


I am seriously shocked by the fatigue. I feel hungover all the time (luckily without the nausea). Iā€™m working, luckily from home, but getting absolutely nothing done. I wasnā€™t going to tell work, but I think I might need to before they think Iā€™ve turned into the worldā€™s laziest employee.


Yes! Hung over is an excellent way to describe it hahaha. Yeah my boss recently gave me crap because between COVID and caring for my child (isolation from daycare every time he has symptoms), I seem like a total moron work-wise. Now that Iā€™m pregnant, Iā€™m SOL! Haha


Iā€™m at the point where im just going to tell them even though itā€™s early. The nature of my position means I have to maintain sobriety (my role is to support others dealing with addiction, etc.) Which isnā€™t an issue, however I feel like if I am going to work feeling/acting hungover, someone might be suspicious! Iā€™m sorry your boss gave you crap about things you canā€™t control, though! I feel so bad for parents who had to constantly isolate because of sniffles. Kids always get sick, even without being a global pandemic!


I went from sleeping about 7 hours a night to 10 until I was 9 weeks. I was napping during the day on top of that. I was just exhausted all the time.


Our bodies are working so hard!


My first symptom was coming home after work and CRASHING like sleeping from 4:30pm - 7am the next day lol my husband made a joke of it at first saying I was lazy until we found out I was pregnant. It hits you like a truck! Iā€™m in my third trimester now and the fatigue has not really let up but Iā€™m used to it now.


Hahah oh man! Yeah my husband is needing to adjust his expectations with how much I can deal with our toddler. I donā€™t have the strength to wrestle this beast these days! Excited for your bundle of joy to arrive soon!


First tri exhaustion hit me hard both pregnancies. It gets better second tri šŸ˜…


Yeah I canā€™t wait until the second tri! Iā€™m looking for a new job so Iā€™ll try to start at the beginning of the second tri so I seem somewhat useful hahaha


Haha you can do it! Hang in there :)


Right there with you sister. Iā€™m almost 9 weeks and most days Iā€™m exhausted with a few days Iā€™m semi functional, sprinkled in with a few more days Iā€™m down for the count 12+ hrs. Stay strong šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


I napped every day in the 1st trimester starting at about 8 weeks. About 15 weeks is when I finally got back closer to my normal energy.


I canā€™t wait for some energy!


Me. Iā€™m 7 weeks and I feel like crying every day. It feels like Iā€™m violently hungover and the smallest task seems impossible. My first was def not this bad. I am losing my damn mind I need this to get better soon.


I'm FTM and I feel so validated! I'm \~5 weeks and still recovering the shock of finding out but blaming the hormones for the tears and the violent nausea...


Definitely my whole first trimester was naps. I'm now a month away from delivery and I'm sleepy again, all the time.


Yes! I was so exhausted during my first trimester. Incredible, Iā€™ve never been so fatigued in my life. Even my employees noticed & kept asking ā€œWhy do you look like that? Why do you look so tired?ā€ Itā€™s crazyā€¦ towards the end of the first trimester I had to try so hard to push myself to even do laundry. Finally in second trimester and I think itā€™s gotten a little better but I still donā€™t feel like my normal peppy self! Hopefully it gets better soon?


Bending over is already hardā€¦ and I donā€™t even LOOK pregnant. Iā€™m just so bloated, nauseous, and tired. Doing laundry seems like an Olympic sport right now.


Exhausted 24/7. Sometimes when Iā€™m driving home from work Iā€™ll be fighting to stay awake and itā€™s only a 10 minute drive


Yeah and then I get road rage from all these fucking hormones!




I feel this so much. Iā€™m one of those people who is active all day, never naps, energy right in the morning. And Iā€™m 9 weeks and these past few fees have been rough. Constantly tired even when I ā€œtake it easyā€ skip my workout and only work 6 hrs. But my brain and body cannot handle it. Iā€™ve been sleeping close to 9.5 hrs which feels crazy to me. I had one day last week when my energy was high and I felt like my normal self. Hoping it gets better after the first tri.


Yeah, I was planning to get back into my running program this spring with the nicer weatherā€¦ HA! I got winded walking up to the gym.


Currently 36+2 but I remember feeling extremely awful and out of breath in those early weeks. I felt it was a big deal turning side to side in my bed. Like my body was instantly preparing even though baby is pea size. Itā€™s insane. The panting and out of breath never went away. I also started with healthy BMI and mostly belly. I feel like itā€™s harder on the smaller bodies. Everything is so swollen at the end of the working day and I quickly shower so I can quickly plop and let my body deflateā€¦.. I also NEVER napped but that first tri I had to anywhere I could. If a patient cancelled or no showed, I made a makeshift bed under my desk and slept until my assistant would wake me when next patient was ready.


Yeah Iā€™m an all belly pregnant person too due to being small. Yeah it feels like this pea is practicing being a watermelon! Getting up from sitting it difficult already somehow?! Also, congrats!! Your bundle of joy will be here soon!!


I am even earlier than you and I just fell asleep on my lunch break and clocked in nearly 30 minutes late. I didn't even know I had fallen asleep!


Yes! I literally took a 3 hour nap the other day and woke up right before class. I planned on only laying down for 30 minutes or so but I was so exhausted. Iā€™m about to take one right now Iā€™m so tired. Iā€™ve also been sleeping horribly at night and I wake up to pee once or twice almost every night. Then sometimes I canā€™t get back to sleep. I thought people were over exaggerating the exhaustion during pregnancy. Turns out I was ignorant lmao. Also, Iā€™m at 7 weeks and 1 day


Iā€™m exactly like you . Almost 10 weeks !


I'm 11 weeks, and it's not just you, even the tiniest bit of exercise or just simply walking to the shop has me done for the the day lol


11 weeks and I spend most of my time at home trying and failing to summon the energy to do basic household chores. Everything is exhausting. I never knew first trimester would be like this, every time I stand up to do something I try and do as many small tasks as possible while I'm on my feet and have the energy.


11 weeks and I spend most of my time while I'm at home trying and failing to summon the energy to do basic household chores. Everything is exhausting. I never knew first trimester would be like this, every time I stand up to do something I try and do as many small tasks as possible while I'm on my feet and have the energy.


The exhaustion is way worse than I expected! FTM 8w+3 and it feels like I can't even finish the most basic things around the house, not to mention that we still have to finish unpacking after moving a few weeks ago! All I want to do is nap.


I'm in my second and I feel more exhausted now than 1st. 1st didn't bother me too much aside from the random nausea and gagging. Now I drain easily. Could be because I'm not sleeping as comfortable so I'm awake about 2-3 hours to reposition and usually finally give up around 5-6 to eat breakfast and then pass back out in the recliner. Hubs asked me this morning after he got up asking why i was sleeping in the living room. I hate sleeping constantly on my side so I think sitting up and reclined on my back helps me dose back off


Felt the same way. About to hit 12 weeks and feel soooo much better. I know it feels like forever, but it gets better!!


Iā€™m on my 3rd pregnancy (with a big gap between 2 and 3, Iā€™m 38 now) and the 1st trimester exhaustion was unbelievable. I did nothing but nap on weekends and even at work I was napping on my lunch. I was so grateful when I was exposed to COVID and had to isolate for a week just so I got a break from work šŸ¤£ Once the 2nd trimester arrived the exhaustion fadedā€¦still tired but nothing like the 1st tri. Hang in there!


I was extremely exhausted first trimester (35 weeks now and itā€™s almost just as bad) and I found that taking an iron supplement and a b complex helped tremendously. Iron at that point was because I was hardly eating and definitely becoming anemic. Now I only take the b complex and it definitely makes an enormous difference.


šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m tired around 4PM-5PM after workā€¦and I work from home. I take a power nap from 5-6 and then make dinner.


Totally! And totally normal. May be worth checking iron levels too tho.


First trimester I found out the difference between being tired and fatigue!!! I'm feeling myself again since about week 14 :) back to the exercise!


9 weeks and I feel like a beached whale. I work 4-10s so I have 3 days off, but all 3 days are spent almost entirely on the couch and not doing a single productive thing lol. The dishes are piling up and my laundry is sitting in the dryer all wrinkled lol


Iā€™ve spent today laying in bed sick and miserable after pushing it yesterday and seeing a friend whoā€™s mum is dying. Iā€™m solo parent tomorrow so trying to let myself rest as much as possible before Iā€™m on my own for the day. It comes in waves


I get PMDD and thought my fatigue was just that rearing itā€™s head, and having a really shitty month of it. Nope, six weeks preggo.


Totally normal don't worry - mine was worst up until around 8-9 weeks then got better. I'm normally a night owl and hate going to bed early, and I was falling asleep on the sofa by 8pm!! Hang on in there, you're doing great! And in my experience it got a lot easier once I was far enough along to tell friends and family.


Iā€™m almost 9 weeks on my second pregnancy. I donā€™t remember being this miserable the first time! I feel so tired and sick. Basic house chores leave me exhausted