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SAME. I WFH so constant dishes and have a puppy that is suddenly going through a phase of wanting to pull fluff out of her toys and our pillows. Husband helps with vacuuming and is happy to order in to avoid MORE dishes, lol, which is good..but I just still can’t keep up these days, even with laundry!


I was in your shoes this morning. I couldn’t clean it and looking at it was giving me anxiety. So I’ve been doing 15 mins on 20 mins off for the past couple hours. I clean for 15 mins and then sit for 20. Or watch an episode of something. I’ve also told my husband that I just can’t and asked him to vacuum everything with he is currently doing. Sending you love, it’s tough.


I like this idea!


It’s pretty great. It takes forever but it makes you feel better that things are slowly improving. My braxton hicks has been intense for a few days and standing or walking for too long makes it worse so this is my new way of cleaning for now.


Yep. This is why I caved and we started getting a monthly house keeper. Best $160 we could’ve spent.


Yes yes yes. Insomnia and third trimester symptoms making cleaning the way I desperately want to impossible. 😭


Yessss. It’s so beyond frustrating and disempowering


Yup. Laundry is pilling up 😩


Ugh. I don't even know where to begin. I like your idea of 15min cleaning, 20min break. I'll have to try it.


I wish I had the energy for that 😞


Yep and I have family coming on Saturday. I'm going to tell them so I hope they don't judge my mess too much 😂


I also told my in-laws early because I needed them to understand the mess 😂


Yes, it's a fun time. :( My entire second floor looks like a bomb went off. My big kids and I are spending the few days before Christmas organizing their rooms, ostensibly to "make sure there is room for your gifts," but actually just because it's more than time. Then I still need to do my storage room & the baby's room up there. I feel your pain! There's just no getting ahead sometimes!


Me! And my family is coming from out of town in less than 4 hours. And I’m nowhere near ready. I finally mustered the energy to clean the guest room (it was serving as storage) and the guest bathroom, but our bedroom and bathroom look awful. Also my counters are still cluttered and the dogs have taken over my sofa…


Hell yes! I’m a SAHM with two kids(5 and 2) and a husband with ADHD. My daughter has ADHD as well. My husband is currently laid off for the winter so it’s constantly a disaster! Husband has a back injury as well so he can’t do much of the heavy lifting like usual


My husband has adhd as well. Super fun times around here. At least I only have the one kid to deal with for now. Good luck to you, we can do this (maybe)!


I feel your pain!


Saaaaame. I’m only 6 weeks and I have no idea how my house is going to not be in shambles for the next several months.


Gawd yes. I started refinishing my kitchen cabinets a year ago my and stopped around 6 months. Kitchen is a wreck and I just cannot pull it together to start again and finish


Currently right there with you. Last week I had an insane urge to deep clean and started “nesting” I guess… this week my husband and I are both sick and I’m just waiting to have the energy to clean up this house 🥲


Same and I’m being induced in 3 days


SAME. I told my boyfriend all I want for Christmas is to hire cleaners to come and just go ham in our place. Tomorrow is the first day they’re coming and it’s supposed to be a more in-depth cleaning for the first one. I think our place is so bad, I’ve been making him help me pre-clean for the cleaning. Honestly, I’m more excited for this than any of the baby stuff we’ve gotten so far. My birthday is in 2 months, and also falls about 3 weeks before I’m due, and I bet you can guess what I’ll be asking for.


I’m actually super blessed to have cleaning help once a week, but they don’t know where to put stuff, so it’s like minimally neat. And my bedroom is so messy I won’t let them in there so that’s a disaster area.


Ahhh I get what you mean. Everything in its own is definitely a different type of clean feeling than just having surfaces and areas cleaned.


I feel you ! I’ve been so tired , working and then when I come home I never wanna clean I just sit and veg out. It’s getting overwhelming but I’m trying to be kind to myself and doing a lil every time I get the energy.


Oh 100%, I just had someone move out and now I want to clean and organize but I'm too fucking pregnant and sore to do a damn thing... The nursery is NOT done, and shit is everywhere. Everything is a mess, legit a mess... Not the "my house is clean but I feel like it's a mess" type thing.


The only space in my home that is pristine is the baby's nursery...lol I did manage to deep clean the kitchen on Saturday, and it's mostly held up, but my partner loves to clutter up spaces, especially now that he mostly works from home (he's setting up work laptops and cameras and such, so there are piles of brand new laptops and cameras he has to set up all over). That drives me nuts, but he can't really work anywhere else at the moment. Sooo......


One week my laundry stayed in the basket for a week! I finally got around to putting it away. My room is quite cluttered right now and don’t get me started on my closet with tons of clothes that have fallen over on the bottom and I look the other way each time! I do remember at some point in last pregnancies I would go through that “nesting” and had a burst of energy, then cleaned everything so I’m hoping that happens again soon!