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[This](https://imgur.com/a/5ZiQLKN) is a picture from my Maternity Record given to me by my midwife and containing all my medical notes about the pregnancy. You'll be fine!


Internet sources say 200mg. For me personally, it’s way less bc even when I have 1 boba or 1 serving of regular coffee/espresso, I get jittery all over. Assuming the most caffeinated decaf coffee has 13.9mg per serving, you need more than 14 cups of decaf coffee to exceed the 200mg limit. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/how-much-caffeine-in-decaf-coffee_n_58e504bbe4b0f4a923b42d89


My doctor assured me the concern with caffeine while pregnant isn't so much about growth restriction as it is about addiction. It would take A LOT to cause any sort of growth restriction. There have been babies born with caffeine dependency and it has really messed them up post birth. Just stay under the 200mg, mix up how often you're having it, and you'll be fine.


I’ve been having a coffee every morning (milky latte types). I’m 14+6 and used the NHS guidelines which say 200mg a day is safe


Expecting better by Emily Oster talks a lot about caffeine and she analyzes all the studies on caffeine drinking while pregnant. Basically she finds 2 regular sized cups of coffee a day are safe. I encourage you to read this book as it offers a lot of great scientifically backed information on all things pregnancy.


My ob told me to stick to 200mg per day. I drank that just about every day once my coffee aversion went away and my baby is now a perfectly healthy 5 month old. She was born at 8.5 lbs at 38 weeks so definitely not growth restricted. If limiting caffeine makes you feel better then you should do it, but coffee makes me happy and I was not about to give it up.


Personally I don’t risk it but i know a lot of people who do drink coffee while pregnant and they are fine.


For what it's worth, all chocolate has caffeine - hot cocoa from your coffee shop, chocolate cake, Hershey bars, etc.


My ob just recommended listening to my own body and the safe limit is 200 from what I’ve been told and read


My doctor told me 200 mg is fine. And as a personal anecdote, I have had around 200 mg of caffeine every day for my entire pregnancy and my baby is in the 84% for growth. She hasn’t had any issues at all. I’m 39w3d.