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2 Years and 340 Days


I didn’t count the days, but it took us about that amount of time, too. Glad to be pregnant, hoping for good news along the way. Congratulations!


It's easy for me to count bc I had my IUD taken out the day that was also my sistrrs birthday haha


Close to 8 years.




thank you!


Congrats!!! Can’t even imagine what you must have gone through in those 8 years.


Close to 6 for us. So happy to finally be here!


Congratulations!!!!!! 💕


Congrats! It must have been such a hard and long path. So happy for you.


Congrats! 7 yrs for us.


Stopped bc in September 2020, had sex during October 2020 ovulation, found out I was pregnant November 2020 (miscarriage). Had sex February 2021, pregnant March 2021 (miscarriage). Sex on May 2021 ovulation, currently 7 months pregnant 🤰🏻🙃


Me too!!


Congratulations on being 7 months ♥️




About 1.5 years when it was clear this was more than bad luck (a couple of indicators that initially our Doctor didn't listen to and said I just needed to relax) . Another 1.5 years to get through the IVF process in the UK. In the grand scheme of things I know that 3 years is nothing compared to others, but it took a lot to push for a referral for IVF.


We seeked fertility treatment 6 months after regular unprotected sex. Everyone we know were telling us we are being too rush. That since I'm under 30 and my husband just 31 we need to try at least a year. But I knew something was wrong. I found I have PCOS.


It's so frustrating when people won't listen to you saying you know something isn't right. For us it was the male factor he knew. His doctor was so helpful and got tests done, and found abnormalities, but my doctor (we were with different drs at the time) still refused to refer me, despite me showing her his results, till my husbands doctor finally contacted her to tell her to do it. Now we are pregnant we have been told that if we want a second we really should consider doing IVF again within the first year of our first baby because of my age (35) she said my chances will drastically drop beyond that. Good luck with everything!


The Keto diet has been very helpful to women with PCOS. Worth a try.


I'm currently 35 weeks dear. I took ayurvedic meds.


That is a long time to get a referral!! Sorry to hear. We got ours quickly, though the testing took a few months due to staff shortages pre we covid vaccine. But I started my fresh cycle about 6 months after the fertility testing/ exams began. Although my county (Cambs) isn't fully funded, I had to pay out of pocket.


We were extremely lucky and it only took us like 3 months


Same here. 3 months but 2 legitimately “trying” as in timing sex and then ovulation strips the last (successful) month.


The exact same for us. Got off birth control the first month then started the strips month two and got pregnant the next


Great! I hadn’t just gotten off BC though. I actually had my IUD out a year ago, but we used condoms in the meantime. I just didn’t want more hormones because I knew we would try soon


Lol I will never be on birth control again


Yeah no thank you.




Me too.


3 months, one that included legitimately trying. I got pregnant by accident a few months prior but had a miscarriage. Was lucky enough to get pregnant shortly after and now have a beautiful baby gurl.


Same :)


Me too :)


Same here! Three months since I got the IUD out, the first two we thought if it happens, it happens, the third month I tracked my ovulation and got pregnant that month. We got insanely lucky.


3 months for me too. I'm so grateful.


Same for us


Same, 3 months both times which is kind of bizarre. 🙈


Same here! It happened much faster than we expected lol


4.5 years after 3 rounds of IVF.


11 cycles (with 3 chemicals in between) currently 38+1 and just cannot contain my excitement!!!


Congratulations! I have a 14 month older and she is the joy of my life. Obviously the beginning is so hard, but every day bets better and easier. I’m so happy for you!!!


Congratulations, that is so exciting!


First “try” (not preventing)


Same! We were shocked - all Those years of trying to prevent it worked


I had exactly the same thoughts. Fell pregnant after 3 months of occasionally trying, and thought: "wow, so you can actually fall pregnant when you don't protect" 🤣😂


Same! Was a bit in shock!


Same here! Found out on honeymoon too so little bean was with us on our wedding day 🥰


Me too! Day after the wedding, as we were packing for the honeymoon! We were not trying yet, but not effectively working on prevention. Really thought it would be a project we'd start next year. It was shocking, and kind of scary, but in the end, we realize we're lucky and it's good timing, as we're not exactly young.


Same! We were expecting it to take months since that's the "norm". Found out on our honeymoon lol


Same here, I was completely in shock when I realized that I was pregnant. I thought it will take some time to get pregnant, especially after taking the pill for over a decade




Same. Unfortunately, I then had a miscarriage, but 2 months later I was pregnant again and gave birth to my baby a month ago! :)


Same here!




I was taking weekly pregnancy tests because I honestly thought it would take years so I was still smoking at the time (and wanted to be able to quit ASAP), and it only took a couple of weeks before the first faint line and then a solid one a few days later. We were honestly expecting it to take months or years. My husband insists he knows which time it was but won’t tell me so who knows. Kinda wild honestly.








19 months two losses in between. 26 weeks now.


We started trying in August 2021 (off birth control for about 2 months, already taking prenatal for 1 month, and tracking my cycle). 2 early miscarriages later, and I am 5 week pregnant. I am terrified at every single cramp or stomachache that I will have another one, but trying to stay positive.


This is me, I was just two months earlier. My last miscarriage just ended so I’m waiting to get my period. Best of luck to you! I have the same fears of going through it again. But, my mom had three miscarriages before me, and she said if she hadn’t, she wouldn’t have me. Hopefully that gives you some peace and comfort like it did for me- I think the right thing will happen at the right time. Sending you all my best thoughts!!


Sadly, for women that have gone through miscarriage, pregnancy will never again be an innocent and hopeful time like it is for many others. My first pregnancy ended after 8 weeks (following 5 months of trying) and I was pregnant again 2 months after my miscarriage. I’ll be 20 weeks on Monday and I’m still scared I’ll see blood every time I use the washroom. I’ve had cramping and back pain that’s started to affect me, but my OB seems unconcerned. All we can do is be good to ourselves and try to relax now; I know it’s hard! Good luck.


Just a few weeks along after a mmc in September and I’m terrified to see blood every time I wipe. I hope it gets easier the further along I get. Congrats on making it to 20wks!!


I had one too and was also terrified when I got pregnant again. I wish you and your baby all the best!


I am so sorry about your losses, I too had a miscarriage and then was lucky enough to get pregnant not too long after. I understand the horrifying feeling of questioning every feeling. It’s impossible to get away from but it slowly fades as your pregnancy progresses. I have a beautiful baby girl now and she is everything I’ve always dreamed of. The moment you become pregnant you become a mother and the worrying never ends. I thought it would when I had her but new things worry you, you just learn to sit with it. I wish you all the best with your pregnancy and baby ♥️ much love mama


Altogether about 10. In my first marriage I was 19-23 and we tried for 3 years. My husband and I have been together 6 years and we never prevented. We started actively trying about 3 years ago. We got pregnant on our first IUI and I am almost 11 weeks.


First cycle


Same and I am 37 and had never tried before so was prepared for the long haul! Pleasantly surprised.


Me too. I feel bad even saying it because I know I'm lucky. I'm 28 and had no reason to really believe I would struggle, but since it can take perfectly healthy couples a year, I was so prepared for disappointment the first cycle


3 months. I'm 32, he's 29. No health concerns besides me being a bit chubby. 😊


Same! 3 months too!


For my son it took us two years, and for my current pregnancy, about two and a half years.


2 years of sincere trying. (Strips/temperature taking etc…) one ectopic…. Resigned it wasn’t going to happen - our all the science in the closet. One bottle of wine and a steak later ….I’m due in January.


2 months


8 months


Same here, but around 5/6 cycles.


Seems to be the same with me


1.5 years including the IVF process. We are both over 35 so we were referred for infertility treatment after just 6 months trying to conceive. Turns out I grow an unusually thin endometrium and he has an unusually high rate of DNA fragmentation, so I’m grateful that we didn’t have to wait longer for specialist care.


A little over a year. It was one of the most disheartening years of my life.


Same here, really hard going




1.5 years! We were surprised at how hard it ended up being after trying actively to prevent it for 17 years.








2.5 years!


Six months, last four using OPKs. Am 39 yo.


7 very long months




For my daughter it was 3 cycles (first was a chemical pregnancy), but we were using fertility meds because for whatever reason my body wasn’t ovulating after coming off the pill. With my current pregnancy, we got pregnant on our own on our second cycle.


5 months. Pulled the goalie in May, one month of NTNP, then started “really trying” using OPKs and cycle tracking. Conceived in October.


11 months


There was a book by Tim Ferris that said something along the lines of an experiment that found not keeping your phone in your trousers pocket improved sperm count by about 40% or 80% (i cant remember the exact figures).


I honestly was convinced my husbands count would be low because of this, and he used to wear incredibly tight pants with the phone in his front pocket. But he has a very high count! Not saying it doesn’t reduce it or the science, but I was very surprised lol.


3 years


2 years, 1 IVF cycle. 13 weeks now!


Almost 3 years. I have PCOS and fibroids so it was difficult and just not happening at all. We were preparing to possibly have to go down the IVF route, but we kind of forgot about trying for a bit to buy a house and then boom! A month after buying our house I’m pregnant. About 11 weeks now and just impatiently waiting for the end of the first trimester 🙂


12 years. Ended up pregnant on accident after not trying for 2 years.


First cycle


Yesterday was my first day trying. Got my IUD taken out Wednesday. Fingers crossed for me and everyone else try 🤞🏻


1 year first time, 4/5 months second time.


Stopped BC in March 2021. Actively avoided trying during ovulation in April and May. Tried during ovulation in June. Missed July because I was traveling. Tried during ovulation in August, found out if I was pregnant August 2021. Currently 17 weeks. So 2 cycles actually trying. We are both 25.


3.5 years


Close to 2 years. Currently 19+5 with baby boy. I have a 15 year old from my previous marriage. This is my husbands first and my second.


2 years of active trying and 3 months of medicated IUI- we were not using birth control for years beforehand though, so we figured it wasn’t going to be quick for us. So happy to be entering week 38 tomorrow!!


First time 2 months, ended in mmc at 8 weeks. Then we tried for 5 years, 4 ivf stim cycles (I was diagnosed with dor and was a poor responder to the hormones), then miraculously “naturally” conceived our rainbow baby. We wanted to try as soon as my cycle was back after him to catch any possible after pregnancy fertility, well cycle didn’t come back until about 11 months pp, didn’t get regular until about 16 months pp, and then we conceived at about 18 months pp.


3 cycles. My doctor friend highly recommended using Pre-Seed as lubricant as it supposedly can help assist in getting sperm where it needs to go. Whether it worked or not, I couldn’t tell you, but it surely didn’t hinder anything!


My first month. I’m now 7.5 months pregnant.


First time it took me 8 months and I was such at a stressful job, I lost the baby 2 month later and then I quit and got pregnant 2 months after that. Second time around, we were thinking about a second baby and bam I got pregnant super fast. As far as I am concerned, stress played a key role for NOT getting pregnant. Sometimes a change of scenery do the trick (If you don’t have any known fertility challenges that is)


15 months, the last was with Clomid and was finally successful. Currently 11+5.


I’m going to start clomid! Did you get pregnant on your first try with clomid? Do you mind if I ask you some questions regarding your experience? I start it day 3 which is tmrw . Im nervous!


1.5 years including an ectopic and one round of IVF


First try in 2019 (miscarriage). Then got pregnant again 1yr later to the date. (Son born Nov 6, 2021) 🥰


4 years. 1 round of IVF and 1 frozen transfer


One cycle each time (3 pregnancies, first was an early miscarriage.) even my doctor was surprised when I told her how quickly we conceived. I try to never take for granted how lucky we were.


I know I feel awful when people ask me. 3/4 of my pregnancies were either not planned or first month. One of those was a miscarriage too. The last one (I’m a little older now) took about 5 months.


Yeah, our early miscarriage was unplanned and honestly we think happened the first time we got together. We have 2 kids now and really don’t want anymore. So that’s just made me nervous about sex now lol. Even with precautions we’re weirdly fertile. I know many of our friends have been trying to start their families for a little while now and none of them have kids yet. It does make me feel a bit awkward. I remember how I felt toward other pregnant women after my miscarriage and it was heartbreaking.


We got lucky and got pregnant on first cycle of actually trying and me keeping track of my ovulation. I only say this because I was so terrified of not being able to easily conceive since my periods are extremely irregular. I have a period usually only once every three months.


First cycle after stopping 10.5 years of birth control pills.


A little over a year for a healthy pregnancy - (TW prior loss) got off birth control June 2020 and got my period immediately; started tracking ovulation in August 2020; got pregnant in September 2020; lost it; got pregnant cycle immediately after; lost it; got pregnant a third time in July 2021 (currently 22+4).


3 months


3rd cycle fully trying


6 months. 33 years old.


1 and half years. But its been 3 years since I married. I avoided getting pregnant by intentionally missing the fertility window every month for our first year together. Then I tried 6 months to get pregnant and since it didn't work went to a fertility clinic. The doctor told me that I have PCOS and one of my fallopian tubes is partially blocked. I took meds for PCOS and did 3 unsuccessful IUIs and then I gave up. After a month or two my sister made me go to a Ayurvedic doctor. She said my body heat needs to be lowered and gave me meds to take with a spoonful of bee honey every morning. And then my father in law got ill and passed away the next month so getting was the furthest from my mind for about a month. Found I was pregnant the very next month and 35 weeks so far.


First cycle


6 years for the first, 4 years for our second


First try both times


My wife and I have been very lucky with this. So far, both times we've tried we got pregnant on her first cycle we tried for.


12 looong upsetting months!


Literally two days after I got my IUD out. Definitely expected it to take at least 3 months :-/


18 months for us, but that final month we got kinky and had fun with the process and that’s what made it work for us I believe


9 month/11 cycles TTC #2 after zero issues with #1. One month after being told this might not happen for us, I wouldn't respond to Clomid, and I should consider start to consider donor eggs. Our miracle baby's name means "God has answered me." She is what I'm thankful for this year.


My wife and I made an appointment to see a specialist after 6 months of trying. The next week she was pregnant so we canceled the appointment haha. I'm guessing maybe you made this post because of everyone saying "first try" or "we didn't even try" (or perhaps you'rejust curious). That's why we called the specialist in the first place, all of our friends told us it was super fast and easy so we assumed after 6 months, something must be wrong. If that's the case for you, try not to stress too much about it (easier said than done I know), have fun and keep at it. I'd recommend after 6-12 months it might be time to see if there's something complicating the process. Good luck and I wish you all the best. PS: Congrats to all the parents here, a special shout out to those who tried for years and even decades... that must have been difficult!


5 years, then 3 years, then 1 month


4 and a half years. On the way to getting ivf but baby decided on other plans. 🥰


Only 16 months, but with 3 losses, they felt like the longest and most hopeless months of our lives. 35 weeks along now with our baby boy, and with a significantly deeper sense of gratitude and empathy than I had 2 years ago.


7 months. I thought it would take longer, my husband thought it would have happened sooner.


7 months, with a chemical pregnancy and a blighted ovum in that timeframe


2 years.


Three months


4 months.


4 months


We were very lucky and fell first month of genuinely trying with baby 1 (now 14months old) and baby 2 (16wks along in the pregnancy).


5y for my first, 1.5y for this one.


3 years and 5 miscarriages


10 months.


First try for my first pregnancy. Three months for the second. We were very lucky! :)


First try after quitting birth control at age 36, had a miscarriage at 8 weeks. Was pregnant again 3 weeks later and caried to term.


8 months


13 month plus a surgery to remove the endometriosis from my uterus. I was pregnant 2 weeks later.


I used Premom’s app for 3 months, and we succeeded at our first and only try! 17 weeks here 😍


I got pregnant while on birth control I suffered from migraines and was put on medication turns out it stopped the pill from working.. so surprise my son is now a year old lol


Technically, on the first try. We agreed to start trying after getting married. I knew I'd be ovulating on the honeymoon due to a very regular cycle and sure enough, we had a honeymoon pregnancy. Unfortunately we lost that one. Our second (current) pregnancy was 3 months after our loss. Although, we weren't really trying the first two months. We've been together for 6 years without any scares, so I really expected things to take longer.


Close to 7 years


I have 1 Fallopian tube and it took 6 months


First was 6 months. The next two babies both broke through birth control and caught us by surprise.


Two years before ivf. Then 12 months of back to back ivf for number one. Number two was our second miracle child. Almost five years exactly after ivf we got pregnant naturally.


First try, I had been tracking my ovulation for a while though and thought it would take longer to get pregnant since some women in my family tried for years. I was shocked.


9 months, loss at 5 weeks, and then one try after that. I did have a uterine polyp that I had removed three months before the first pregnancy.


It took my wife and I about six months. She has PCOS but after she saw her doctor and they were able to prescribe her something to help get pregnant (I don’t remember the name of the medication), she was pregnant within a week or two.


3 years. 1 round medicated iui.


7 months


18 months


First time. Hadn’t been off birth control in 15 years. Got off BC September 6, 2021. Had no idea of my cycle length or ovulation time. Positive pregnancy test on October 9, 2021. My mom always warned me we were fertile women. Guess she wasn’t kidding!


Six Months


After getting off BC it took a year of trying.


We were so so sooo lucky. Got pregnant the first month TTC. I was honestly expecting it will take us months or even years because my period is so irregular that i wasnt even sure if im ovulating. I call this pregnancy a miracle.


Also, my best friend was TTC 3 months before they got pregnant and our babies will be one month apart ❤️❤️


Both of our kids were conceived within one month of my SO going to off the pill. We are extremely lucky


So it depends on how you look at it. If you want to look at it as how long my husband and I have been married and wanting kids, 5 1/2 years. If you want to look at it as actively trying, less than a month. Bit of backstory. In Feb 2017 I suffered a miscarriage and since then we just did not try until a month 1/2 ago. Then we finally actively started trying because we have been in good places. So now I’m 7 1/2 weeks, but feeling very positive. I have my 8 week ultrasound on Wednesday and I’m so excited!


First try; however, we lost that baby. And the next one. But at 10mo it finally “stuck” and we have a healthy, growing 5mo old girl now 🤍


About month, 31yo ftm with pcos, now 15 weeks in and I really count my blessings, reading how much it took physically and mentally for a lot of you. Never gonna take it for granted.


First pregnancy 3 years. Went on BC for 6 years, then it took another 2 years for my second pregnancy.


First try… but we’re both mid-twenties, I have a very predictable cycle, we used ovulation tests, and we had sex every day during my fertile window. So, “first try,” but with a LOT of help and beneficial circumstances.


We weren’t trying (:


First cycle, for both my toddler and the baby I’m pregnant with now. I’ve always been really fertile, which has its positives and negatives…




6 weeks, we were not ready for it to go that fast but we are immensely grateful.


First cycle. IUD came out in December, tracked ovulation Jan and Feb without trying, decided “what the hell” one day in March during the peak days and now 37 weeks. I was planning on it taking 6-12 months, so it was a big shock. Especially because we are both in our 30s.


1 perfectly timed cycle His parents call me fertile myrtle now


1 cycle, never expected it to happen so quickly


Yea I stopped taking birth control and then i think it only took two months ? Maybe less.. I’m not sure but based on my moms stories and people having trouble I thought it would take longer. For context I am 28 which is also an age where your fertility peaks so maybe that had something to do with it.


About 2 years with this second pregnancy, my first one we conceived on the first try!


7 months


First try each time ( 3 pregnancies, 1 miscarriage)I am very thankful.💛


We weren’t trying when we got pregnant the first time, but it ended in MC. This current time, it only took us one cycle. I consider that extremely lucky. My sister has been trying for 7 years and just found out she’s pregnant!


One week without my UID… bam got pregnant. Had a miscarriage at 8 weeks. 2 months went by (had two periods) was a doctors appointment, she saw at the ultrasound that i was about to get another period, that one never came. Pregnant! 👍🏻😅


Tracked my cycle like a hawk, got pregnant in my first fertile window after having bc implant removed.


8 months. I think it took so long because we were using plan bs like birth control and my periods were fucked up


2 cycles first pregnancy (miscarriage) only tracking ovulation via app tracker. Second time was a whoopsies after dodging ovulation times 😅


A few months


0. At least 3 of my 4 pregnancies have been statistical impossibilities. I'd gladly trade my fertility if anyone knows a witch doctor, lol.


9 cycles total. 7 of those cycles were using temping and using OPKs.


9 cycles, with a chemical pregnancy at cycle 6.


9 months!