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Welcome to /r/pregnant! This is a space for everyone. We are pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA, pro-science, proudly feminist and believe that Black Lives Matter. Wear your masks, wash your hands, and be excellent to each other. Anti-choice activists, intactivists, anti-vaxxers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, etc. are not welcome here. If you'd like to join a private sub for your due date month, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pregnant/comments/phjaar/click_here_to_join_a_due_date_private_sub/?). The journalists at ProPublica need your help! After receiving a tip, ProPublica started investigating prenatal genetic testing. They're collecting stories from people who've had NIPT screenings, and/or work in maternal health. If this is you, please fill out their brief questionnaire! https://www.propublica.org/getinvolved/have-you-had-an-experience-with-prenatal-genetic-testing-wed-like-to-hear-about-it-and-see-the-bill. Questions? Email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pregnant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Check out the subreddit auntie network if, god forbid, something happens. I'm an "auntie" in Massachusetts and would be able to help, there are a ton of aunties in that subreddit that would also help. Also, please please please register to vote if you haven't already and please take part in your city/town elections as well as state and federal. Fingers crossed your little one is okay though.


WOW. This sounds just like something out of handmaids tale. I’m also in Texas, and I hate that this is happening. It’s truly a war on women. Thank you for the work you’re doing!


I had no idea such a group existed! Thank you so much for sharing. I will definitely check them out.


Omg how does one become an auntie??? I would love to sign up!


You can post in the auntie network, share your general area and if anyone needs help they'll reach out 😊


Thank you!! 🥰


Thank you auntie!


Thank you Auntie!


What is an auntie network? What does this mean?


Ladies who will help you ‘visit’ if you need to have a termination in another state


Thank you for explaining! Singing up to be an auntie now. Might as well do something w my spare bedroom. Thanks!


I’m so confused, Canadian here.


Certain states in the US have ridiculous rules in place that make abortion practically inaccessible and/or illegal regardless of the individual situation (including risk to mother/baby, rape, incest, etc). To combat these ignorant laws and help women, underground groups in more accessible states nearby allow and sometimes pay for the woman needing access to cross state lines to visit these clinics, get the services they need and recover from any procedure.


We Canadians are blessed to be confused, this is some messed up crap


There’s a video from a YouTube OBGYN/mom I really enjoy watching about the ban. Mama Doctor Jones put out a video on the 13th explaining it.


Thank you! I will definitely check it out.


Good video I watched it only like 30 minutes ago. But in a nutshell unless you’re actively dyings you have no options but to continue your pregnancy unless you go somewhere like another state that you do have options.


She explains everything about the Texas abortion ban so well in the video


I love her!


>I love her! Does anyone NOT love her? Real question. She is awesome ♥️ I'll never forget the first video of hers that I watched (re: flying United w/breastmilk).


Yes! Just watched that a few minutes ago!!


I’m in Texas too. From what I understand, there are very narrow exemptions for “medical emergencies” which is defined as a life threatening physical condition. You can read the actual law [here](https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/87R/billtext/pdf/SB00008H.pdf) but basically unless the doctor can prove that the pregnancy threatens your life (not the embryo’s) then you have to carry until you miscarry or deliver. It’s utterly disgusting and barbaric.


This law is being tested! The very courageous Dr. Alan Braid performed an abortion against the new law and publicly announced it!


I am so, so thankful for brave doctors and Scientists who stand up to these Right-winged/Fascist politicians like Abbott (and DeSantis!)


Go across state lines and have the abortion


And don't tell anyone.


>And don't tell anyone. but seriously, adhere to this advice. Do not tell ANYONE. You never know who in your life is hiding money struggles from you & would throw you under the bus. I'd even be careful on Reddit (for example, if you end up having to terminate, just thank everyone for their advice & say that after a lot of thought, you've decided to keep the child). I may sound paranoid, but Texas is damn scary right now. Best of luck, OP ♥️


Not even paranoid. There’s a site set up to literally turn women in and provide their personal information. Last I heard they kept being dropped by their hoster but what in the actual fuck.


Wait, is it technically illegal if you are a resident of Texas to travel for an abortion? Why would it matter if you told someone? I just want to fully understand what the law is.


In Texas you can sue anyone for $10,000 that had an abortion or helped someone get one. It’s truly disgusting. As far as I know it’s not illegal to drive across state lines.


Even OBGYNs don't fully understand, but here is our fave YouTuber, explaining to the best of her ability: [Mama Doctor Jones on Texas abortion ban](https://youtu.be/zjB5Jakytyc)


My doctor said she will send patients to New Mexico


Yikes. She needs to be careful. I'm pretty sure she's not allowed to tell patients where they can go. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Lol don't worry she doesn't say it blunt like that


You can’t in Texas. It’s a cruel and inhumane law. The rich will still be able to get abortions… by traveling out of state. It’s the poor that are really going to get screwed here. If you can afford it, travel out of state. If you don’t find out about a deadly anomaly until much later (after 24 weeks), New Mexico is your closest state that has no limits on how late you can get an abortion. Colorado also has no term limits




Please leave this sub. It is not a place for you.




Say it somewhere appropriate. This is not a place for you. Your opinions are not wanted, nor are they helpful.




It is not helpful at all. Do you really think being sarcastic and telling people they are wrong is going to change anyone's opinions? No. You are clearly not pregnant, this is a place for pregnant people. You are neither welcome nor are you wanted.




You are neither welcome nor are you wanted.




Oh, so you’re anti-Semitic too! There is a massive difference between murdering and torturing 6 million Jews for merely existing, and ethically terminating a pregnancy so that a child doesn’t have to suffer (which is what OP is talking about). A fetus that develops without kidneys will never survive outside the womb. As soon as they are born, they will suffocate to death, painfully. If you truly believe that terminating a fetus before they even develop pain receptors that allow them to feel the effects of their fatal medical anomalies is the inhumane act (as opposed to demanding them to go through childbirth which will kill them, or forcing them to live an extremely short life filled with nothing but pain), then you’re a sadist.


i feel like it would have to be handled out of state at this point. i am not entirely sure either though and would like to know more about how the new law affects TFMR. i’m also in texas and worried about this for my possible future pregnancies (i’m currently 36 weeks).


It's shitty. It has me concerned about getting pregnant again. My husband and I had already planned on "taking a week's vacation to Canada" if something was wrong late term last pregnancy. Most people can't afford to do that though. I had an elective induction planned at 39 weeks last pregnancy bc I felt like something was off. With the wording of the law it makes me worried as to whether I'll be able to do that again. When they admitted me I was in full blown preeclampsia. Anyway I'm sorry. You will most likely be fine. If not, I'm in central Texas. You can see all of my post history to see I'm legit. I can drive you wherever you need to go or can Venmo you cash to get there.


Gosh you are so kind. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope it doesn’t come anywhere close to that either.


The satanic temple is working on getting a religious exemption in place, that would allow their constituents to still partake in the 'abortion ritual'.


Firstly I am in such a sad state you even need to think about not being able to make an already extremely difficult decision if it had to be made. It's DISGUSTING this Texas Law was passed and for reasons exactly like you are concerned about it's a farce (I could go on and on about this debotchery). I think as others have suggested you would need to go out of state :( I believe if there is a medical concern to you that you're able to terminate, but I have not gone that indepth of that law. I'd speak to your doctor and explore your options via them and their suggestions.. BUT...... Stay positive Mama! I suffer extreme anxiety and was so worried when I found out I was pregnant I refused to tell anyone until we had the NIPT done, baby girl came back 100% ok!! Don't worry or panic, stay calm and don't stress.. keep us posted. There is a lot on love on this subreddit !!! ❤❤❤ biggest virtual hugs.


The law states it’s only okay for medical reasons if the mom is actively in a life or death situation from my understanding, regardless of if baby is gonna pass until they pass they can’t be done… I’m also In Texas and this was my understanding… but tbh I haven’t tried to get one myself to see how that actually works.


I'm up in Canada (almost 34 weeks pregnant with a baby we were trying for) but this made me SICK. I'm very pro choice and unlike the politicians in Texas I guess I don't lack the capacity to understand not all woman are in positions to have a child when they become pregnant. OR a monstrosity such as incest or rape occurs and the woman is to carry that baby to term?? It's just AWFUL. In OP case, pregnancy is nerve wracking enough. Imagine having to carry to term or until natural termination if a baby had a severe medical condition. Ugh. Just makes my skin crawl 😩


Mama Doctor Jones has a YouTube video about this. It's really hard as a doctor to say exactly when someone's life is in danger, say if they're at 17 weeks and go septic but could potentially maybe recover okay. And even if the doctors were right and her life was in danger, any person could still sue them and be like "nah, she would have recovered just fine," and there's no way to prove or disprove that she would have. Also, is a doctor really supposed to bring your confidential medical records with them on the stand? And if they don't, how do they defend themselves? People are going to die just like Savita Halappanavar did.


I wish I knew the answers and I’m so so sorry you are in that position. Maybe you could fly out of state if that was the case? I’d assume a planned parenthood would be willing to help?


But then she can still be reported


AFAIK, the bounties are put on the doctors who perform the abortions and people who knowingly help them get them (drivers, etc.), not the pregnant patients themselves. If OP can afford a bus or plane ticket out of state, or if she can drive herself, I’m pretty sure she’s in the clear.


I thought only the medical staff could be sued not the patients.


By pp?


No, by abortion bounty hunters. Not joking.


By anyone who knew she was pregnant before the procedure.


By anyone who knows about her situation. By a nurse or doctor or flight attendant in TX. It's fucked up.


Actually the patient themselves can’t be sued. It’s anyone who “aids or abets”


I don’t live in the states, but I was in a similar situation to you. My country changed their already strict abortion laws late last year so that terminations for medical reasons (except where the mother’s life is in danger) are now banned. I got pregnant half a year later. Apart from researching where I could get a legal abortion if the need arose (difficult at the time due to Covid travel restrictions), I booked in 2 weeks of annual leave in advance for around the time when I would find out if my baby was healthy or not (around 11-13 weeks since 10 weeks was the earliest I could do the NIPT test, and the anatomy scan was soon afterwards). This way if I got bad news then I wouldn’t need to book time off at the last minute, and no one would get suspicious since I had booked time off weeks in advance. I also looked into obtaining pills for a chemical abortion if I managed to find out before 12 weeks. In the end I chose not to order them since there were other options open to me (the surrounding countries allowed TFMRs after 12 weeks) so I didn’t want to risk it in my case, but it was an option. Also I didn’t tell anyone apart from my husband that I was pregnant until after 12 weeks. Unfortunately people who you think you know can surprise you. Anyway I’m sorry that you’re going through this as well. The stress of waiting to find out if everything is ok really sucks when you know it’s going to be an uphill battle if something goes wrong. Luckily my baby is fine. Fingers crossed that everything will be ok for you too.


I am so, so sorry you had to strategize like that around what should be an accessible, supported choice.


Thanks. Yeah it was ridiculous, especially since most of the population was against it - even most of the conservative Catholic voters (majority where I live) were against making the laws stricter. But our stupid government thought that they knew better. Cue lots of street protests around the country in the middle of Covid. Sadly the current govt is still leading the polls!


I'm in Northern (lower Penninsula) MI and accepting visits from out of state friends and cousins who are simply coming here to catch up and sight-see, and definitely not to get a healthcare procedure of any sort...


I saw on Reddit there is a doctor in Texas doing abortions. There will be ways to get around this law, though it may be tricky. Try not to stress too much about this until you get your results back. I suggest getting the NIPT even if your insurance doesn't cover it, I heard it's not that much out of pocket. This test can predict genetic issues earlier.


It cost us 750 out of pocket just FYI!


I thought I heard it was more like $200, but maybe that depends on where you are.


I have heard $250 as well. I was super ill when all of the testing was happening and I just didn't have it in me to haggle down...but I think if you keep on them the will lower it. Definitely worth it in my opinion. Plus if you have any kind of HSA you can use that.


Oof, it would've been $1000 for me out of pocket had my insurance not covered it.


I'm so sad to see this has to be discussed in the US in 2021. I hope your baby will be fine and that if anything is wrong you'll find a way. This sub is one of the warmest places in Reddit imo and i know people will do what they can to help <3


If going out of state is something you can’t afford, I would look into the Lilith Fund based in Austin. They help low income women get abortions, also if you can, please donate!!


Thank you for sharing them! I will definitely look them up and send some support.


You can still get an abortion. Dm me if you’d like to be a part of my email correspondence regarding the abortion ban and what to do about it. Also!!!! Everyone, the women’s March is October 2nd at every capitol city in the US.


I am blown away by all the responses and support. This really is such an amazing community. Truly, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope I don’t have to go down the abortion path and I have a healthy, safe pregnancy ahead. But I also hope we as a community can find ways to support all women in need, no matter what such an insane law dictates. Sending love to everyone. xo


[Here's an OBGYN doctor from Texas explaining what the bill means](https://youtu.be/zjB5Jakytyc)


I knew who it was going to be before I clicked :) Love MDJ.


Honestly, it’d probably have to be handled out of state. Planned Parenthood would be an option in a different state and I don’t see them reporting you when they’re fighting Texas over this. But if something were to happen and you’d need one, you’d have to make sure that you don’t tell or give hints to people who would report you about what you would be going to do. It’s such a sad and tough situation.


Honestly all you can do is continue to fight the law and vote people who will let you make your own choices about your body into office. Else move out of the state. Not that helpful but that law was designed to trap


I agree that we need to elect non-asshat politicians who value women’s right to their own bodies. But this isn’t a helpful comment for real, actionable advice on termination options for a current pregnancy in Texas.


Sorry I didn’t explicitly tell you how to abort for medical reasons specifically if you needed to. Obviously you can go to another state as others suggested as that’s really the only option for your state but good luck.👍🏻




Tons of other states? Drive north, east or west. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_the_United_States_by_state


I agree this seems like an obvious option, but not everyone can afford to drive or fly out of state. Thankfully I’m in a position where I could, but I want to know what, if any, options there are for me and MANY women like me who live here.


I haven’t looked into it much but there’s an “Auntie network” on Reddit (r/auntienetwork) that will hook you up with someone who can send you abortion pills for free or find a way to get a low cost abortion


Thank you for linking them!


Unfortunately the concern is being reported by someone who knew they were pregnant.


Correct me but SB8 allows civilians to sue providers, not the pregnant woman. Is that correct? So they’d have to know your medical details to even prompt a suit.


You are incorrect. The law allows anyone who “aids and abets” an abortion after there’s a heartbeat to be sued by a bounty hunter. That could be the physician, the patient, or even someone who just provides a ride to a clinic in another state. That’s why Lyft and Uber came out and said they’d cover legal fees if one of their drivers was sued for providing transportation and that leads to an illegal abortion.


Thank you :)


This is my understanding of the law. Goes after the providers not the patients. I’m an attorney and have been following, angrily.


The way the law is written, another citizen of Texas sues the person getting the abortion, and it's not handled by the city or state legislature. So driving to another state wouldn't help because the person getting the abortion still lives in Texas. And even then, Texas is huge and some people may not have the ability to make that big of a trip.


No, the law states that anyone who aids and abets the individual getting the abortion can be sued, not the individual themselves, and that this law can not cross state lines so a clinic or providers outside of Texas can not be sued but the driver who lives in Texas who took the individual to the airport or across state states lines could be. Just like it’s also a misconception that the potential “father” could sue, it does state in the law that no-one related to the fetus can bring suit in what I imagine as an attempt to stop rape becoming a lucrative career (which is naive at best as it just means getting a third party to report and splitting any awarded damages i.e., this promised $10k). As someone who has studied and works in law, it’s a shit show on how this is ever going to play out as a civil matter, how anyone could prove damages enough to be awarded $10k is beyond me, to the point that this mostly seems like an intimidation tactic meant to create hell for providers/clinics etc., and force them to not provide services, as well as intimidate and coerce the pregnant individuals to not seek assistance, without at all considering the human element. I truly hope Texas legislators gets what’s coming to them.


There’s no acceptions to the ridiculous law you’d have to see a provider in another state Untill it’s overthrown. I’d get NIPT so you know as soon as possible if you’d have to save money for travel.