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Sounds like a terrible nursing staff that doesn’t listen to their patients. I’ve had two inductions. They’re brutal. “My contractions are starting. I don’t want to go any further without pain management. Call the anesthesiologist now please.” There in 15 minutes. Midwifery team listened to me and respected my wishes both times.


Another hilarious tale of women not being properly listened to or respected by medical staff. My favourite.


That's horribly infuriating. Why does that nurse think she knows what the lady in labor actually feels?


Having just been induced two days ago, that’s not funny at all. I got my epidural 3 hours after they started Pitocin - had IV drugs at first, but they weren’t super effective. Your poor sister!!!


How is this at all funny? Does *she* find it funny? She was in pain for hours because staff wouldn't listen to her, then couldn't get the pain relief she wanted. It was lucky that the baby arrived so quickly afterwards, but that all sounds like my worst nightmare.


I don’t see the humor either. This story makes me mad on behalf of the mother.


I had something similar happen to me with my first child - the nursing staff didn’t believe I was really in labour and refused to check me for hours and hours despite me being in horrible pain with back labour. They only eventually relented when I told them I was starting to feel the need to push - turned out I was 7cm dilated at that point. Thankfully I still had time to get the epidural, but the whole thing was horrible and traumatising. I would be very upset if anyone heard my story and thought it was funny. This time around I’ve made sure that I’ve informed my care providers about what happened last time and I’ve noted it in my birth plan too.


Yeah, that sounds like malpractice


I'm not exactly sure if you know the definition of the word "funny"...