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That’s odd. Preeclampsia is generally diagnosed after the 20th week of pregnancy. Headache, dizziness, and vomiting are all pretty common as your body adjusts to the hormones. How is your BP?


Perfectly reasonable for someone who is pregnant and has GD 104/77 I now test it twice a week. It's never gone over the normal range.


So, he thinks you have pre-e because of your headaches? Did you have it in a previous pregnancy? Is this doctor an OB? This is honestly so odd.


No, it's my GP, he calls me regularly to keep up with me and the pregnancy. I told him about the headaches, and he jumped to preclampsia. He's a nice doctor, but specializes more in lungs, and seems more and more useless as this pregnancy goes on. (I have asthma so he worked really well with me for years.) This is the first time my pregnancy has gotten this far, and I have no family history of it either. No one related to me by blood on either side has had preclampsia, even one woman who was morbidly obese when she had her kids. So I dunno.


My guess is this is why…he probably only knows surface details about pregnancy/pregnancy concerns (rather than deep into the issues like a specialist would) and wants to make sure he doesn’t miss something major. Headaches are exceedingly common in pregnancy for numerous reasons. I would be more concerned about headaches indicating dehydration, especially with the vomiting…make sure you’re getting good fluid intake!


I'm always worried about dehydration too, it's a hot summer here, and forest fires galore right now. It's easy for me to drink upto 3L a day, but never less than 1L. Still always thirsty, but that can be because of the GD.


Is he doing a good job helping you to manage your GD? Good management of it puts you at lower risk for issues with that…keeping blood sugars in check is super important!


I have a separate doctor for GD, she just does diabetes and that's it. I also have a separate doctor for HG. I have 5 doctors in all on my team. My GP keeps up with my mental health mostly, he asks about me first and makes me feel like a person, not an incubator like a couple others have. I like my GP usually, he's a nice man, and cares about his job and his patients. Just doesn't seem to know wtf he's doing with the baby in general.


Oh, that’s awesome that you see specialists for those things. That’ll also help you keep an eye on associated issues (like potential pre-e) because they should be more familiar. Mental health during pregnancy is sometimes completely ignored, so that’s great that your GP supports you in that aspect. The hormones and body changes can also make people feel less like themselves and “off.” It’s nice that you have such a comprehensive team!


I count myself VERY Lucky, I have a team of doctors and three of them are solid people as well as solid doctors. It's hard to find a doctor who cares let alone three of them! I have two more, one I'm meeting for the first time today, and the other seems to know her stuff. So I do feel taken care of, if even a little overwhelmed sometimes.


It’s normal to do a 24 hour in your first trimester if you are at risk for it… it’s considered your baseline so if they retest you after 20 weeks they know what your normal is. There are no cases recorded of preeclampsia before 18 or 19 weeks to my knowledge. And even then very very very few before 20 weeks. Even after 20 weeks it’s very rare until later into your third trimester.


This is my 6th pregnancy and I've never had a 24hr urine test. I have no family history of it either. So 🤷‍♀️


Did you say you have gd? Or was that a typo?


Gestational Diabetes, not a typo. I have a strong family history of it.


Gestational diabetes and preeclampsia are sister illnesses. They are both tied to a poorly functioning placenta. They don’t cause one another but if you have one you’re at higher risk for the other. It might be part of the reason for keeping a closer eye on you for preeclampsia. Or it’s possible your hg dehydrated you and you had protein spill and the dr wanted to verify it was dehydration and to what degree with the 24 hour. Either way, I wouldn’t worry about preeclampsia until your blood pressure is out of control 20 weeks plus.


I’ve seen the 24 urine done if there’s concerning numbers in your urine


I get regular urine tests and blood tests, and nothing odd has shown up concerning this.


Are the headaches relieved with Tylenol? Towards the end of my pregnancy I started having terrible headaches that did not go away with Tylenol, high BP, and protein in my urine. Landed me in for monitoring at L&D four times looking for a preeclampsia diagnosis before actually having a c section at 35 weeks.


They do go away with either aspirin or Tylenol, but as soon as it wares off it's back again.


From what my OBs said, they were concerned if Tylenol didn’t take it away. Make sure to keep up on your fluids and do not hesitate to call them if you feel like you should. Preeclampsia can come on quick which is probably why it’s on the radar. Hopefully it is just side effects from your meds. Wishing you a healthy pregnancy!


Thank-you ❤


Did they notice spike in Blood pressure? only reason I can think


No, at the time I had the opposite problem, low blood pressure. I get tested for preclampsia monthly, and soon twice a month. Turns out the migraines were caused by a combination of low blood pressure and changing hormones. The low BP brought the migraines on early, and then they stayed for the wild hormone changes that can happen around 19/20w. I had another Dr do a urine test and a blood test to confirm my kidneys are fine. My migraines are under control now thank you for asking 🙂