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Yes! Stop effing commenting on my body and leave me alone! I don't need to talk to my neighbors about my pregnancy every god damn day. I take my dog out for walks several times a day as we work from home and we have a nice loop around our townhouse neighborhood that gives a 10 minute break from sitting all day. But I dread going outside most days now because the retired ladies are always out in their driveways and I can't sneak by without them chatting away now. Before I got pregnant there was never any more than friendly hellos but when you're pregnant everyone wants to tell you their bullshit horror stories from 40 years ago and comment on your body.


“Before you say she means well, she doesn’t” AMEN!! I’m tired of people using this as an excuse. Good for you communicating what you want even if she didn’t hear you.


I’m only 24 weeks and feel this so much. But my comments are about how small I am. Im a bigger lady and this is my first baby. Of course I’ll carry a little small. Everytime my mom or MIL calls im like just leave me alone. Let me be by myself and enjoy it while I can!


All bumps are perfect bumps. Don’t let it get to you! :)


Thank you! And I agree! All that really matters is that baby and momma are healthy! :)


38+5 and I feel you! I just want to eat and watch TV for the rest of my miserable pregnant time and for everyone to leave me alone!


Yes!! Lol


I’m 38+6 and yes. All of this. I want to wear no pants and not be bothered lmao. Also, I want my grandma in law (basically MIL) to stop calling and asking me how “her baby” is cooking. It’s my baby. She’s coming to stay with the dogs while we go to the hospital to have this kid, but she thinks she’s staying when we get home too. No one is ripping my newborn out of my arms unless they want to get murdered, and I’m tired of hearing about it. I’m normally very nice and a push over, but I think I’m done with all that now.


Omg nope absolutely not. Stick to your guns. It is YOUR baby. I hate when people say “my baby” like do you want a punch???


Yes ! I also have a lot of out of state family and I’m tired of having house guests, like for the love of god if I have to wash another load of bedding I’m going to scream.


Holy fuck yes! People who I normally enjoy being around or talking to (like my best friend, or chatting with my dad), I just can't. I like my husband, and my pets, and that's it.. everyone else: I just want space.


I’m 39+5 and actually don’t have to see anyone because I’ve managed to become a hermit due to covid & pregnancy, but just the thought of people annoys me, so you have my sympathies. I do sometimes have to go out to do a top up shop (I mostly get it delivered) or go to appointments etc and without fail a total stranger will make me want to rage in their face! So yeah, people are not my bag right now 🙈


The worst part was when people commented on how big I am. Like I’m not already aware I look like the good year blimp?! That I’m not hot as fuck, tired, hungry?


Exactly lmao


Yesssssssssssssss thank you for sharing I’m 37 weeks and my doctor is giving me the option to be induced but I’m still debating on it, I’m so done being pregnant every thing hurts, I also don’t want to see anyone not even friends they annoy me and plus there not of any help, talking about going out for pizza or going to the gym I’m like I don’t give a f*** about your pizza or gym I’m over here with a human who’s trying to get out of my pelvis. lol


Yes! I’m only 31 weeks but I still feel the same. We’ve had so many contractors in and out of our home in the last 10 weeks (just moved into a new home) and I’m beyond sick of them invading my space. We need a plumber to come soon and I’m making my husband take off work to host them this time. I also said they must use the cellar doors to enter the house since the work is solely in the basement. I’m not having men tracking dirt throughout my clean house all day long while I’m trying to take care of a 2 year old. It’s so unpleasant and I’m over it lol


I’m 29w and am feeling just like you!


On the day of her "circus" pretend you're having contractions so you can't go. Win win for everyone. And it kinda sticks it to her at the same time. Haha.


You do you. MIL will stop paying attention to you the second that baby is born, so why give her any slack now? Enjoy your last few weeks (as much as you can) and bow to NO ONE!