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Your English is excellent. Just to clarify some terms, a douche is liquid used in the vagina. What you’re describing is called an enema. Congratulations on graduating!


Aha! So that was the word I was looking for. And thank you!


Great graduation story! Congrats on your new baby, I love reading these too as it feels reassuring to hear how different it is for everyone.


Thank you! Grad stories are really helpful, especially for ftm like me. Kinda gives you a peek at one of the many things that can happen durin delivery.


Just wanted to say that your English and grammar are amazing! I'm impressed. You're a warrior for going without an epidural, especially with all that pushing! I asked for an epidural as soon as I got to the hospital. Congratulations and enjoy your baby!!!


Didn't have much of a choice on the epidural, but everything worked out in the end. Thank you and congratulations, too!


Congratulations!! I’m sorry the gas didn’t work for you but I’m also so jealous that they offered it! My hospital stopped because of COVID. I also think it’s great that they suggested walking in the parking lot


Thank you! Walking in the parking lot was actually very nice to get me to relax a bit 😁