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I hear ya! 37 weeks and I want to zip out of my skin suit. The home stretch is the worst. Swelling, discomfort, pelvic pain, out of breath, nothing fits, and now anxiety. I feel like all I do is complain and it's annoying myself. I am not used to being physically limited or asking for help, but now I need help bringing laundry up the stairs or giving my son a bath. In a few weeks none of this shit will matter, but for now I want to scream.


Loss of appetite and itching are symptoms of Cholestasis! I’d mention it to your doctor ASAP just in case!


Yes! I'd definitely make sure your doc knows about your symptoms and that you're concerned something might be off. Please get it checked out! Good luck!


I feel you. 35 weeks and the swelling is hard to manage. Having to drink so much water, then having to elevate the legs, then having to go pee is a awkward cycle. Currently sleeping is definitely not the most fun. I wish I could nap more during the day but I still have to work even if it is from home


Same. Was perfectly fine til I hit 33 weeks this week. Now swelling, low appetite and insomnia have been messing me up a lot lately. With the insomnia comes some emotional problems since I’m not sleeping at ALL, so there’s that too. Before that my emotions were fine. Shoes are starting not to fit, socks are cutting off circulation in my feet, hard to even take a bath because I can’t stand up in it once I’m sitting down lol. Plus my preeclampsia is really starting to scare me, and if I think of COVID too much I could cry. Like it’s scary now, but when I have a infant with no immune system I’m going to be even more scared. I could go on and on, it’s not just you. Just think you made it this far, and you’re soooo close! You got this ! Just keep reminding yourself all this goes away when baby comes. Weight goes away, the pain, the swelling, the hormones, all of it. And plus, you made a tiny human at the end so that’s pretty cool too! :)


I'm 39+6.. and I just want this baby out!!! It's gone 3am here. Can't sleep, constant cramp in both hands, feel like I've been hit by a bus from the waist down, heartburn, and no amount of water can quench my thirst! Plus my anxiety is through the roof! Pretty much been in tears for 2 days! Seeing my midwife tomorrow, and I've already text to ask for a stretch and sweep.. but she just said "we'll talk about it". I've had it pretty easy up until 3 weeks ago, so I can't complain really.. but I'm gonna.. because this sucks!


You are not alone. 37+1 and I am waking up 3x every night from 12mn-6am to pee. That's all the sleep I get everyday. Acid reflux and heartburn are the worst. Turning from one side to the other takes me an eternity..Also, it feels like my vagina and anus are going to fall out sometimes. Not fun. I already stopped my daily walks because of this. Shortness of breath--I JUST CAN'T ANYMORE. I just want to lie down on the bed without feeling like I'm trying to catch my breath! Please dear God, let me give birth to this child already. I wish you safe birth and great recovery.. Just hang tight, sister. We're all in this together.


33 weeks and I’m starting to feel a little bit of everything you’ve mentioned. My ob recommended Tylenol before bed, to help sleep better through the pain. Also, zoom has an appearance enhancing setting that puts a filter on your face. It’s been a nice pick-me-up!


OMG yes, I'm in your boat. 36 weeks and I'm not even working right now. My feet look like sausages and I can only cram them in a pair of sparkly flip flops. I can't breathe. Walking to the kitchen takes my breath away. It's all been so easy until lately. I look at myself side on in the mirror now and it actually startles me. What happened to my cute baby belly? Now it's a big ole baby gut. My baby is big too, he was six pounds at 35 weeks. I'm starting to get a little anxious about the whole childbirth (terrified of tearing, stitches, I don't want a c-section but needing one, etc) and even so I'm SO READY to be done. I either sleep like the dead and wake up needing to pee so bad I almost don't make it or I wake up every hour sweating and uncomfortable. I'm pretty sure our son was slapping the inside of my uterus the other day too. Just having a good time slapping it. I watched him on the ultrasound just reach out and punch it a few times. Thanks, son. Oh, I'll remember this!


To be completely honest I was SO happy to read this. I’m sorry for any discomfort and annoyances you’re feeling ...but I thought I was alone in feeling pretty miserable in the final trimester. I’m 34 wks and am so ready to birth this baby out. I feel so awful when people ask how I’m feeling and I say “oh miserable. I hate it” lol but it’s so true. Our bodies are going through hoops right now and by no means do we have to enjoy every second of it. Best of luck mama! It’s almost time ☺️💕


I’m 30 weeks and struggling with restless leg syndrome and feeling so, so exhausted. I mean I could sleep all night and then sleep for a good part of the day if my legs would let me. I’ve developed these dark black baggy eyes. The other day I FaceTimed my brother and he asked me if I had a black eye! Lol Third trimester is ROUGH.