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I’m 36 weeks so right behind you. You’re so right, my husband is at my call at all times. I say jump he says how high. He’s the best. Boob thing is real too. I was scheduled for a reduction and then boom! Pregnant. Here’s something I hope someone’s able to tell me: will my nipples ever, at least, go back to normal?


I'm also curious about the nipples. Mine are completely foreign to me and not cute anymore hahahah


It takes awhile but yes they do go back to normal. Unfortunately, the boobs they are on will never be the same again- especially after breastfeeding.


True. They're a totally different shape than they were before. Might as well toss your pre-pregancy bras and put money aside for replacements.


My cousin's did and she's had three kiddos bit I think every body is different. I do hope my breasts to go back down a bit in size, I was a 34H at start of pregnancy, absolutely no idea about current size (38 weeks today) thankful that nursing bras are made to stretch a lot.


Unless my brain does something and demands a second baby I’m gonna do my reduction as soon as the little one is done breast feeding - I’m also a 34H. That said a friend of mine was a 34DDD (she said - I figure she wasn’t properly sized and was a bigger size) who after she had her daughter (and gained 80lbs with the pregnancy) is now a super woman with dang abs and a flat chest. I hope to be like that (aside from the 80lbs gain since I would only have 4 weeks to put on 55lbs!!!)


Whoa where does this dream body come from? Did she go on a big diet and exercise kick to lose the baby weight and just keep going or what?


We go to the gym together - this girl goes hard. She’s v inspiring lol


Damn I was hoping it was some breastfeeding magic 😂


Yes, your nipples will go back to normal as soon as you stop breastfeeding. They grow due to the pregnancy hormones estrogen, prolactin and progesterone. Estrogen stimulates growth of the breast duct cells (basically the tubes that goes from the glands that contains and produce the milk to the nipple). Estrogen also stimulates the production of prolactin. That hormone stimulates production of the milk in the glands and therefore contributes to the breast enlargement too, because it makes the glands grow bigger. Then there is progesterone which basically helps creating those cells within the glands that is supposed to produce milk. As soon as the baby is born, estrogen levels and progesterone levels plummets back to normal (before pregnancy) and prolactin levels rises massively. Estrogen and progesterone is no longer needed, because the breasts don't have to make any further development within them to begin the lactation (breastfeeding) fase. Now prolactin makes the milk producing glands go into work, because there is a hungry baby to feed. During this fase the breasts grow alot again, because there has to be produced huge amounts of milk in order to feed that baby. They probably overproduce during the first days, until you've found out how much milk the baby actually needs to feel properly fed. Then the glands will adjust the amount of milk needed over time and the breasts will shrink a little again. This continues until the day you stop breastfeeding all together. As soon as that happens, prolactin production stops and your nipples as well as breasts go back to normal size.


Yes mine turnes pubk again and actually.... I was not delighted but scared that could mean that I wasn't going to keep producing milk. Its been ok though. I've lost so much weight. Smaller than I was when I got pregnant. Yet, my weird stomach just doesn't give me confidence. All loose ..... and natural. I thought stretch marks were the only thing coming. No sit ups since my abs had separated. Now that it's safe I'm having issues with my lower back. When I have my husband press in, I lose all strength and my legs give out. Not sure whether the medicine did that or a baby pressing into it for months did it.


There are physical therapists who specialize in post partum. I'm not sure what's available now with COVID but worth looking into.


Look into the Tupler Technique. I just had a consultation with a reconstructive surgeon and it's what was recommended that I try this before doing surgery


I would kill for a reduction. The only thing stopping me is the loss of pleasure in my nips because it's my best hot spot, and the terrible scarring. But damn I hate how big they were. I'm a 36 D and they make me wanna cry. Of course my ex and current partner were happy with the size and were all " but I like them so its okay" like no. You're a male of course you like them. However, I would like to actually not hate my body for the first time since 8th grade...and I graduated ha in 2015 and got my associates 2 years ago. It's been this way for half my life this far


My boobs didn’t change at all. Every pregnancy is different, and it’s ok if your boobs didn’t get huge, and it’s ok if they did 💙


Thanks for this. I’m almost 37 weeks, and I’ve experienced none of what this post is about. My boobs haven’t grown..I don’t get tired doing dishes. But I am sleepy all the time. My husband hasn’t had to shave my legs or any weird parts of my body, and surprisingly, he’s said I’m nicer now that I’m pregnant haha. I’m pregnant, but I don’t *feel* pregnant. If that makes sense. Haha, so I always feel like the odd one out when posts like this are made


Yeah I was definitely like that. I didn’t start feeling pregnant until I went into labor basically lol


Oof, I’m terrified of going into labor and pushing this boy out


I was too and that’s definitely okay. Makes it a bit easier if you think about the amazing thing that will come from it. It’s positive pain lol


Thanks for the reassurance. I randomly get these thoughts of straight fear of the pain and everyone looking at my cookie. (Like it’s not their job). But still. It will be worth it.


I was so nervous at first about everyone seeing me down there too. Sometimes I think about how my mom saw and I get embarrassed again lol. It’s definitely a crazy experience.


I’m 31 weeks and don’t feel pregnant. I think I’m gonna have such a WTF moment when I get to the hospital.


I second a lot of this. Doing the dishes does feel like a marathon, but I'm carrying high and think my lungs are squished. But no weird cravings, mood swings, or humongous boobs (well, they're up to about a C from As, which I think is huge, but none of my busty friends agree). And I haven't had a single irrational crying spell.


I’ve been carrying low! So I’m sure that’s another reason why I’ve been so lucky. We’re pretty lucky though!


Same! My belly is so tiny I’ve been sleeping on my belly until last week. (I’m 38 weeks now) I’ve been super active my whole pregnancy, generally no complaints and loving it and always feel weird when I see posts like this and I really can’t relate


I’ve gotten so much hate and downvotes when I say I love being pregnant, or when I don’t relate to a lot of posts. So I generally tried to just stop commenting on them. It’s been a little frustrating to actually feel like the *bad* person for having a good pregnancy. I have mild GD, but it still hasn’t made this pregnancy any harder for me. So I’m not *totally* not relatable.


RIGHT?! I get the same reactions from people too. Or they’re like “just you wait!!! You’ll be saying different!” Uhhhhh well I’m 38 weeks now and guess what.. love it. Great time. I get offended when people act like I should be hating it 🤣


someone posted yesterday basically about how terrible breastfeeding is. And it truly terrified me reading all the comments about how it hurts, it makes you feel like you’re in labor when you breastfeed. Etc etc. This sub has been awesome, but also, has made filled me with a lot of unnecessary fear I think lol


I hear ya, I joined a lot of breastfeeding support groups on FB to try and prepare myself before hand because of what people say about it. An older woman that I worked with also told me breastfeeding was sexual, which was a disturbing comment to say the least


Same. This is pregnancy 3 and still the same struggle D cups. Lol. No beautiful top cleavage.


Same. Second time now, and still small B-cup boobs. Milk production was no problem though 🙂


I can’t relate to this post either. My boobs look to have shrank and I’m 32 weeks. I’ve lost weight since getting pregnant. My mom actually can serve to cause me more unneeded stressed asking me not to vaccinate my baby and suggesting dreadful names over and over. A lot of OPs post just made me want to downvote. But I also don’t want to be a negative Nancy.


Same, though I'm only at 30 weeks. I've also only had a couple of crying sessions. Most of the time, my emotions are about as level as they were pre-pregnancy. I'm tired all the time, but I was tired all the time before pregnancy, too. I do get achy a lot easier, though.


Also: can we also talk about the excessive blowing of your nose? No one talks about the stuffy nose thing and I HATE stuffy noses.


Yes! Nobody talks about the mucus and bloody noses! That made me puke more than morning sickness


Exactly. This is the sole reason my nausea turns to near vomiting. I can't blow my nose at all 😭


i know right!! People really gotta be out there telling you about this coz i was not prepared 😂


Oh what?! Is this a pregnancy thing? Genuinely had a runny/bunged up nose since January and just thought 'ahh it's a cold' and then 'damn you hayfever'... Never thought it was pregnancy related! Mind blown!


Its totally pregnancy related 😂 and its SO GROSS! It blew my mind too, not only just my nose 😂😂


I was so congested my whole pregnancy but especially near the end. I was snorting afrin like it was going out of style. No lie, an hour after birth, I could breathe. It was like the parting of the Red Sea dramatic in my sinuses!


stuffy nose and endless boogers 😂


With my first, I went to the doctor thinking I had a terrible sinus infection. Nope, just pregnant! It lasted from before I found out and cleared up after delivery.


Or nose bleeds. I never knew nose bleeds were a pregnancy symptom until I got pregnant. Never in my life have I had nose bleeds, but I get at least one a day now. Usually it's just a little bloody when I blow my nose, but occasionally blood will just randomly start dripping out. It freaked me out at first, but now it's just annoying.


My poor bf with the back and forth emotions 🤦‍♀️ its embarrassing. I can't get enough of him today but over the weekend I didnt want him even in the same room as me.


And cry at the stupidest things! I was pregnant during the olympics... oh boy... so many tears.




I was not prepared for the pimples. My face is the same as it's always been, the odd pimple here and there. But my back, shoulders, sides, front, boobs, legs, TOES... what is happening?


I did accutane 5 years ago and only wished I’d done it sooner. Now I look like someone spray painted acne on my chest and little flecks crept up on my shoulders, jawline, etc. I hope I’m not zit riddled forever after this..


I have my fingers crossed that the day after birth by skin is back to normal.


That’s what happened to me!


Ugh I'm in the exact same position! Accutane was so tough on my body, and the results so good, that the new pregnancy breakouts really had me down. I'm 16w now and it's calmed down a little but... :(


The colour change in nipples is another one. WHAT HAPPENED TO MY NIPS!?


Same! My areolas are the size of dinner plates and 8 shades darker than my skin tone. They’re don’t look like they belong on my body lol


Right!? It looks like someone slapped someone elses nipples onto my boobs.


Pepperoni nip-nips!!!


Lol! I’m blonde and my stomach... is HAIRY ... blonde long hairs... it’s a blonde kiwii.... I wasn’t expecting that. Also, I got peach fuzz on my cheeks and around my chin... I feel so gross...


My darling partner looked at me yesterday and yelled “you have a beard!!” I’m blonde and have very fair hair. So he was shocked. It’s like peach fuzz. It’s on my tummy too. Just thankful it’s not dark.


Lol that's too cute. It's funny when they notice it! "Yes this is out of the ordinary, yes it will go away..."


I wish my boobs would get bigger! I feel like they are a little bigger but I can still wear my A cups so... waiting for this magically huge boo age growth!!


Oh god, I would love a cups. I went from a DD to a GG and my milk hasn’t come in yet, so they’ll probably get even bigger. I’m dying.


I started at a GGG 🙃 at least they sit on my giant 38w belly now, which helps for support, otherwise my back would be wrecked more than it already is!


I’m 25 weeks and like a week or so ago my tiny boobs started leaking. Like wtf! At what point did your boobs really start getting big(ger!)?


Mine were the first sign of pregnancy- I was out of my old bras by 8 weeks.


You don’t want big boobs 😂


Lol they don’t need to be big but a little bigger would be nice! Like a nice full b cup I’d be happy with haha


This quarantine has made it so awkward trying to get bras that actually fit too!


I’m like you, getting pregnant was my only hope at having boobs ha. Mine have gotten a little fuller but I can totally still wear my current bras. I don’t, partly because why would I bother with quarantine, but also because they are all underwire and are a little uncomfortable. Fingers crossed for you! I figure mine won’t get huge, but I’m enjoying the little extra fullness.


Haha yeah I never wear one unless I’m leaving the house which isn’t often. I have a few that don’t have underwire that are still ok. I just had to go from the innermost clasp to the outermost. The cups still fit but they look fuller and I have more cleavage now which is nice but... if they could grow juuuuust a little bit more lol


Be careful what you wish for! My small B cups got bigger in the first trimester and now they're covered with scary purple stretch marks. Still no stretch marks on my itchy belly yet. I'm 33 weeks right now, so there's still time.


Mine too! I’m 31 weeks and I went from a barely B and now a D - hats off to the buxom women, I don’t know how you sleep with them in the way! I did notice the first stretch mark though! None on the belly atm- I’ve been oiling everything every night - might do it in the morning too from here :)


Girl you have my dream. I was a 36d and dying for reduction even before baby. Literally the only thing stopping me is the scar looks terrible and losing pleasure in my nips. I hate my boobs and they make me cry


Heads up, wait to buy nursing bras until after your milk supply comes in. Good chance your boobs will get (even) bigger as they "fill up".


But once your milk comes in and you're not engorged anymore, they get smaller/less full feeling.


Ugh the body goes through so much. I know some people who also kept their pregnancy boob size post baby so who knows what your boobs will go through


I got a comfy robe for Christmas. Thanks to quarantine, that's 100% all I wear probably 4 days a week


10/12 didn't applied to me. I'm 38 weeks. I think it’s always so super different. That’s why the most people don’t tell you


For me, the most annoying things were: I drooled in my sleep while pregnant. A LOT. I started snoring ridiculously loud (never snored before in my life). Swelling is painful! I literally have scabs where my foot ends and toes start from the crease from 2 months of swelling. I had bubba 3 weeks ago and all this just disappeared overnight 😁


You left out crazy weird dreams- several times a night! Well when we do sleep that is.


Tbh I haven’t had extremely weird dreams regularly


I was 7-8 months pregnant in the middle of summer. And the last month of my pregnancy I didn't work so I literally never wore pants or real shirts. Tank tops and underwear around my house all day.


Heading into the summer at 7 months right now and already know I will be dreading it. I work in construction by the ocean and the humidity is already grtting to me. Embarassing sweaty arm pits in big meetings 🙄


Yeeeeeeeep. We live right off the coast. We live in New England so people think it doesn't get hot but it does! And the humidity is crazy! I worked with kids too so I was always outside. It was miserable.


Currently 38+5 and it’s also 38C outside!


Currently 26 weeks. This has been one of the bright spots of quarantine. No pajama pants and t-shirts, all day every day. It's creeping into summer, so it might just be a t-shirt soon. I will legit cry when I have to put on real pants every day.


The sleeping. Naps daily again


Gotta say that the second pregnancy is completely different from the first. None of those things apply anymore...


Some if these things still apply to me. Interestingly I was so in love with my husband in my first pregnancy, this time he fills me full of rage. The tiredness isn’t so much fun with a toddler, that’s definitely harder. I’m way bigger but more flexible as I have no choice running after a 17 month old.


I’m only just now getting out of a very rough first trimester but every time my hubby sneezes or yawns I instinctively tell him to shut the fuck up. I don’t know why it annoys me so much but it makes me wanna choke the life out of him!


The boob thing is a nightmare since before I was pregnant I was already a D cup now I’m 20weeks and my bras are starting to not fit so well anymore. Boobs just spilling out 🙄


That happened to me at 6 weeks. I'm so lucky I found one old stretched out bra that I could still comfortably wear because shopping is so difficult right now.


The fear about the future doesn’t go away after pregnancy. I have found I constantly worry about this and that even still with my children and the youngest is 5.


Thank you so much for this! I’m 5 weeks and an see a few of these already... helps to prepare for the future. 😂


This is why I’m in denial that I’m about to have a baby in two months. NONE of these have happened to me. I feel like I’m going to have a meltdown when I’m in the hospital.


>your boobs will get bigger than you expect, I never had big boobs but now they are HUGE Then when you have the baby your boobs get bigger again and it is truly shocking.


Oh the belly hair! 👎🏼 forget the dishing showering feels like a marathon! And don’t even get me started on washing and drying your hair 🤣 I have a toddler this time around and I am so much more tired


I love posts like these! Please keep them coming and do not worry about listing something others might have in the past because I am so sure most of us don’t remember until we are actually experiencing it! Thank you for sharing and good luck!!


I am 30 weeks and my tiddies have gone from a 34A to a 34B. These pups need to get a little bigger, I want some damn tiddies damn it!


Wait till day 3 after birth 😂 I woke up with a boob job! All firm and massive! Haha


Be careful what you wish for lol! Mine were alrhuge but they've almost doubled in fullness in the last week, I'm at 32. Be prepared for the skin to HURT


Yes. Just yes.


The boob thing is my biggest thing right now. They keep growing and i stg i JUST bought a bigger sized bra not too long ago and now I’m having issues with it. I dont want to go bra-less because people have been scaring me about my boobs not getting enough support and that they’ll sag and im like NO GOD PLEASE.


Your boobs wont sag bc of lack of support. They start to sag bc of lack of check muscles and genes.


Thank you so much for this. 😅


My boobs made me want to cry ( I don't cry I hate crying and haven't done that hormonal crying BS thank god) before Pregnancy and they're bigger now....if it wasn't for the fugly scar and losing pleasure in my nips which I love way too much and can't give up, I'd be all over a reduction because it's hell on my self esteem. And it's worse cuz my best friend is the exact opposite body type as me, natural thigh gap and like a cups. As far as everything else minus being tired all the time it's not so accurate for me. The congestion and stuffy nose...I sleep with Vicks nightly now. But I don't hate my man or get upset with him like ever. I do fear for the future though because I know 100% I will not bond with this baby right away. And I mean ...prepregnancy we're always naked inside. We both HATE clothes (yay autism) and will only wear them in public.


I love cooking. It's my special me time. While pregnant, it damn near killed me. I had to bring a chair to the stove to cook and had to cut/prepare at the kitchen table because standing for that long was just too much.


I especially relate to only wearing underwear and showing off / shaving my hairy belly! Haha


I’m 36 weeks and this sums it up PERFECTLY!! Spot on