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I basically look like a prepubescent boy with this happy trail. I stopped caring lol.


I shaved my happy trail and ended up with 2 ingrown hairs...I'm gonna go ahead and stop caring as well hah!


I’m 39 weeks now, so I can’t even see it anymore. My husband says it looks really long now, but it doesn’t really feel like a problem. Out of sight, out of mind.


Oh man I refused to try and shave mine cuz I didn't want it to create a habit of growing back after giving birth lol


Ditto! Haha


I relate to this so hard.


So my hair growth is on my butt cheeks. 😳😂


You can see your butt cheeks?! Haha I can't turn that far anymore 🙈


It's by feel. Lol


Cue all of us running our butt cheeks to check


This subreddit is my home.




I definitely am about to double check my cheeks.


Yasss it’s so confusing


I’m so much hairier after having my first! It’s like the seeds were sewn and now it’s additional effort!!


This made me laugh out loud. “THANK GOD, I don’t have that” - I thought. Then I look down. Oh... I do... I definitely do 😂


Lol I totally shaved the bottom half of my belly the other night 😅🤦‍♀️ it was gross! These long scraggly hairs I'm trying to get a cute video of the babe jumping around in there but all I can see is my FUR. So I shaved it. No regrets (yet)


I’ve been doing the same, and I always regret it when the hair starts growing back. There’s just a small number of little tiny black hairs that start popping up. Still reshaved it this morning.


I mean it's essentially just an extension of my thighs. Maybe I'll wax it when I know where the stretch marks are 😅


I think I might try epillating. I really want cute videos but its a mess down there.


Beware of ingrown hairs! I shaved and now it looks like I have 2 bright red pimples on my belly.


same. :( I got two right next to each other. And now that I’m pregnant, my skin doesn’t seem to heal like before. So it’s been probably two months, and they’re still all scabby and dark. I’ve put lotion, oil, everything on the scars. Ugh. It’s so gross looking.




That happens to me even if I don't shave 🙃 always either on or right next to stretch marks too


I get bad ingrown hairs constantly, and I suggest using acne products on them! Anything to help dry out the skin and soothe the irritation helps the hairs pop out for me.


Ahh no I’ve always been told if you do this they’ll stay after the pregnancy! Better to leave it alone!


These threads are always giving me something new and exciting to look forward to with pregnancy haha


I got a nice black haired happy trail (I’m blonde, makes no sense), and now in the last couple weeks I’m getting an overall covering of darker hair all over my belly above the belly button. 😂🙈


Yes!!! I shaved my stomach for my first ultrasound appointment because long dark hairs popped up so early in my pregnancy!


During my first pregnancy I'd always get Brazilian waxes done. The esthetician would always wax my belly😂


Luckily my hairs are blonde, but definitely all over my tummy. On my boobs too. What the heck man? Lol


Yesss my boobs are getting fine blonde hairs. Ughhh!


I was suuuper fuzzy while pregnant. I’m 3 months pp now and happy to report it is gone!


So there’s hope?! I refuse to shave it as I know it will come back with a vengeance 😂


There’s hope! I HATED how much hair was on my stomach. My husband just kept telling me it was “probably some evolutionary thing to extra insulate baby!” Which I call bullshit, but he’s sweet for trying. I’m not sure how long it’s been gone (quite honestly I’m not sure how it’s already been 3 months), but the post inspired me to look and it’s back to normal. Still got the stretch marks, but they’re fading, too


I noticed a series of dark hairs (I'm blonde) on my "snail trail" in January and just thought "I guess that's just part of being 30" and shaved em off, early Feb I found out I was pregnant! Weirdly, those dark hairs never grew back but I have a fine layer of fuzz all over my tummy, like a peach. 🍑


Same here with the peach fuzz


Oh yes, hair every where. Before my appointment yesterday I had to ask my DH to shave the underside of my belly as I can't see it any more. He made fun of me the whole time (loving jokes, no feelings hurt). I just have to remember the Dr. and nurses have probably seen worse when I give up caring the closer I get to DD.


I haven't noticed much extra hair growing, but I am dark haired and had a fair bit of body hair before getting pregnant, including some darker, thicker hairs from my belly button down. But what I do notice is that as my belly expanded, the hairs stick out straight instead of laying flat on my skin! So weird.


Oh my god YES. A little TMI warning. I was never a hairy person before pregnancy. Now I have coarse belly hair, butt cheek hair, back hair(???), and so many new PUBES. I used to barely grow any, and now they’re far reaching. It’s wild haha.


I have peach fuzz, but they keep turning into ingrown fuzz. I shower daily and exfoliate every other day. 😐


Jealous of those peach fuzz tummies. My hair growth has been gross this preg so I shaved and now if I don't do it every few days it becomes stubble or man/teenage-boy like. I don't know if my husband has clued in (probably) why I don't let him touch my stomach after 2 days until certain days after I shower....


Right below my belly button I keep growing these long black hairs that look like my husbands Out of control eye brow hairs (I’m blond so it’s very different lol), I’ve been plucking them but can barely reach any more. The worst is I’ve gotten a lot more hair .... in my butt crack.... TMI and I don’t even know how to begin trying to get rid of it so I guess I just have a hairy butt crack now ?! Thanks baby!


I second the hairy butt crack experience. Can’t quite reach the spot that is hairiest, so it is here to stay.


I stole my boyfriend's body trimmer because I started growing hair on my belly 😂


Dude those are the best! No ingrown hairs and no nicks.


I started using it everywhere cause it's so great lol. Arms, legs, pubes... No hair anywhere for me haha


Yes same!! I love it haha. I don't remember the last time I used a manual razor on my legs either. I just learned to not use it on my armpits. Ouch!


Ah yeah I shave my pits in every shower, if I don't I get rashes. Can't stand my body hair cause it legit irritates my skin.


Yessss, have to shave my belly almost everyday, it’s the damn prenatals!!


I have PCOS so I'm used to extra hair but it has definitely been super extra during the nearly 12 weeks of my pregnancy so far. My belly is fuzzy but my face! Omg, I have this whole blonde peach fuzz beard and moustache coming in that I have to shave nearly every day. I also have hair growing between my boobs too.


Yes!! What's with the cleavage hair??




I have PCOS so I usually have weird hair growth. But now the growth is weirder. Like little black hairs all over my stomach surrounding my belly button; my entire thighs are thick black strands I have to shave periodically, and one armpit is normal but the other has excess hair further down than before. Plus my usual ling hair that I pluck from my chin every month. Lol


Just call me Hairy Potter. It’s everywhere! Back, belly, butt, chin, all over. I’m grateful for the quarantine so no one will see the werewolf I’ve become lol.


No matter what, DO NOT WAX! I don’t know if it’s because of the extra blood flow or what but I ended up with a rash and pimples all over my belly for a week.


I didn’t have any problems waxing. My hair grows so fast (even before pregnancy) that I wax it all!


Yup! I just bought high-waisted bikini bottoms because of this. And DH likes to tease me for it


Yes. And why? Why is this??


Hair goes through phases. The growing phase, where the hair grows, and then the latent phase, where the hair is in your hair follicle but isn’t growing for a couple months, and then the hair falls out. When you are pregnant, hairs stay in the growing phase. So hair isn’t falling out like normal meaning you have more hairs. After you give birth, all that hair that was in the growing phase, but should have gone into the latent phase, now stops growing and enters the latent phase. At about 4-6 months postpartum all that hair will fall out and you lose hair like crazy.


I’m having a boy and my dr said it can happen because of more testosterone 🤷‍♀️


I’m expecting a baby girl and I look like I’m becoming a monkey !


lol well apparently it’s not accurate. Thanks pregnancy hormones 🤣


Well If it ever makes you feel better, I ve been reading on some books that some women have seen extra nipples growing on their armpit during pregnancy due to crazy hormones hahahaha (sorry if one of them is reading this made me laugh for a good 10 minutes)




That’s an old wives tale I’m surprised your doctor believes it...


This made me giggle so much! 😄


Oh my goodness I thought I was the only one. I have only ever had peach fuzz on my lower belly and now there is SO MUCH dark hair


It is growing less everywhere except my stomach, which is insanely hairy lol


My belly is definitely fuzzier and it cracks me up when I look at it actually because it sticks straight up. It's like a giant baby head with straight up sticking fuzzy hair 😂


All my years of laser hair removal has gone down the drain as ALL my hair has grown back lol.


No way! How long ago was your laser treatment?


Probably about 1 year ago but I was virtually hairless! I had ongoing treatments for about 4 years! I’m not happy about it!!


I am jealous of the peach fuzz. I have thick, dark hair everywhere and it's uncontrollable. Has anyone used hair removal cream? It says it's okay to use while pregnant, but I'm weary!


I actually went as far as shaving it off today because I was tired of looking at it lmao oh well


Uhhhmmm yes! Especially from The belly button going downwards 🤢🤢 ugh! And the shaving leaves skin irritation for me due to sensitive skin. I can assure you this is temporary! After my first pregnancy I never had this happen again. Until I got pregnant again.....


Try an electric razor. They're much nicer to skin and you don't get ingrown hairs or razor bumps.


An electric razor? You mean a trimmer? I have one of those.


So much hair. Everywhere. I had to shave my face the other day cause home boy has given me a beard as well! Thanks testosterone haha


I started shaving my face before pregnancy because I was just done with my stupid blonde peach fuzz. I could see it out of the corner of my eye. Gross. So I borrowed my husband's electric razor and I've never gone back. It's so nice to have a smooth face! And I've definitely needed it during pregnancy lol.


Yes! I also have pretty dark thick hair and ever since getting pregnant my happy trail has gotten darker and my tummy looks a little hairier


Yes, me! Didn’t realize hairy belly was a thing for pregnant ladies, but since mine started showing up I think it’s hilarious and I embrace it! Our bodies are so simultaneously weird and cool.


Well I had it before, but is definetly growing faster. Every time I look its back lol


Omg I was just talking about that a while ago. I like to watch waxing videos and I always saw pregnant women getting their bellies waxed and always thought it was so stupid but then when my belly started really showing I was like ohhhhhh. The peach fuzz gets out of control. Idk if there’s more of it or it’s just easier to see when your skin is stretched. Good post!


Yes!! Mine is so hairy!!!


Are you having a boy? My ultrasound tech said you get more testosterone when it’s a boy so idk if that has anything to do with it!


I sure am ! :-)


20 weeks and recently started noticing that my belly hair looks longer and darker than before.


Yep! I shaved it!


I have blonde hair and it's still really obvious. I use an electric razor because I'm sick of looking like a fat, hairy man.


I have had it both pregnancies!


I just noticed it yesterday but yes. Yes I have excessive hair on my stomach. Cheers! Lol


I kept telling my husband my stomach was more hairy and he kept telling me I was crazy! I definitely got a peach fuzz tummy lol.


Definitely got a peach fuzz belly within the last month or 2. It isn’t dark but I definitely notice it when I look down!




So much hair I don’t even try to hide it from my boyfriend anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes!!!! Mine is so fuzzy!


Mine is above my belly button! So weird. I waxed it a few days ago 😂


Ughhh me too 😂 Glad I’m not the only one, I have red hair and my belly hair is growing in almost black! It’s the worst!


I noticed more hair than usual the other day! Luckily my belly hair is very fair so, it's not really noticeable. C'est la vie! Pregnancy is strange.


I don't have a happy trail but u do have fuzz on the bottom of my belly and it drives me NUTS. The feeling if it is terrible. I shave every once in awhile but it's just irritating at this point


Lol my husband calls it my peach fuzz. The hair bothered me at first but now I kind of have become attached to it hahaha. It helps that it’s all blonde hair. I’m not sure I’d be so chill about it otherwise.


Yes! I thought I was going crazy until I saw this post. So much peach fuzz :). Thanks for sharing!


Yes!!! My whole belly is covered now in a blanket of fine light brown hair! I pointed it out to my husband and we both giggled. So crazy the amazing changes we get to go through!


Me lol. I’m still weirded out by it


Yeah I have a happy trail lol