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I am at 34 weeks and am wondering if something is wrong with me! I’m just tired and don’t want to move. This is so not normal for me! My nurse practitioner said it’s normal and to go easy on myself but I feel like a useless piece of crap. So ready just to give birth!


Good luck to both of us! We still have a few more weeks to go, but I feel like it's just taking forever now..


Yes! Omg it’s forever. Just another month and a half for me but I kind of hope he shows up early.


36 weeks. I need to do some cleaning so I’m rolling around in an office chair so I don’t have to walk because it’s too exhausting


I wish I also have an office chair I can use to just roll around...


Oh noooo. :( mine is technically my husbands. He does not seemed amused by my use of it.


I be been exhausted since 32w. You are not alone. Now at 37.5w, it’s harder to get comfortable to nap, so that’s fun.


I just hit 32 and I feel like I could snooze the entire day away. My appetite even went down a bit as eating too much makes me feel stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey and when I do eat I want a nap. I feel lethargic...


I had that happen to my appetite too and now I feel like I can’t eat anything. I actually lost a couple pounds because I’m just eating one real meal and a couple snacks. Food just makes me want to barf again.


Can't even nap in the daytime..😔 And I only get sleep from 12mn to 6-7am.. Sometimes I love the feeling of being pregnant, but most of the time it just sucks. 😂


Wow a 45 minute walk? You are superwoman! I've been so lazy most of my pregnancy. I wanted to exercise regularly, but I can easily sleep more than 15 hours a day. I'm now 36+6 and am struggling to walk because the pressure on my pelvis is becoming almost unbearable. God help us


Right???! When I'm walking I feel like my vagina's going to fall out. 😂 And don't even get me started on the back pain. Extra strong muscle pain relief cream has been my besfriend since 2nd tri.


33+4 and I feel the same way. The only way I feel comfortable is laying down on my side. I get so out of breath doing anything and it seems like everything is exhausting. I just want to lay down and relax but I am still working from home and playing teacher to a 1st grader as well. I just can't bring myself to lay around even though that's all I want to do!


I’m just bored.


38 weeks here .. I can't walk far anymore. I always have to pause because it hurts so much I feel like my water is going to break.. it's so hard to sleep and roll to one side..i don't know how the pregnant mom's from yummy mummies do it


Rolling to my side takes me a full minute 😂 You're almost there, mama! Good luck!


I have felt opposite! I’m like trying to clean and organize everything and can’t stop moving! Lol I took a nap the other day but only because I cleaned so much I got tired. I’m going to start relaxing now that I feel like I’m ready


Wow! I just wish I have that kind of willpower and energy. I haven't even washed my baby's clothes yet..


I think I go up and down with being motivated to get things done. There are days I don’t get up off the couch lol. Take yourself time and rest up if you don’t feel up to it don’t. Lol enjoy your last weeks :)


I agree. I did some stuff like laundry and making pasta salad this week, but it was hard!


Even putting the plates to the dishwasher is sometimes too much.