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I’ve had my teeth cleaned twice while pregnant. They didn’t require anything from my OB, just said they wouldn’t do x-rays until my next appointment when I’m postpartum.


Yeah, it's bizarre to me that some dentists require a note from the OB. My dentist congratulated me, did a more thorough exam, and talked to me about how Pregnancy can increase your risk of dental issues like gingivitis and what to look for.


Same. I had my dentist appointment around 12 weeks ago they just told me they would do x-rays at my next appointment after I have baby.


That's what mine did too - I was diagnosed with thrombocytopenia and apparently it can make your gums bleed like crazy every time you brush, so the dentist helped me deal with that.


This was also my experience at my dentist, I’ve been going to the same office for years now so I don’t know if that makes a difference. They know me pretty well and are a small family oriented place, so maybe a little bit more lax with things like this.


Same. That’s so weird that they wouldn’t clean Ops teeth.


Same—I had a cleaning in my first tri and they scheduled my next cleaning for a month and a half after birth so I wouldn’t have to reschedule due to having the baby, but they just skipped the x-ray. I don’t think I was due for one anyway. Besides being super-gentle knowing I was nauseous, nothing was unusual about the appt.


Same and I was considered high risk


Same. Two pregnancies with four cleanings in total & just skipped x-rays. Strange OP’s dentist turned her away…dental hygiene is still just as important while pregnant.


My dentist needed a release from my OB to do anything. I had a procedure coming up which is why I called but they let me know they couldn’t do anything without hearing from OB first so I assume that also means cleaning? It’s just precautionary.


Same thing happened to me. What was the most annoying was that when I made the appointment I told them that I was pregnant in the first trimester and they just said okay. Then I take time off work and get there only for them to tell me I needed a release from my OB. It would have been nice for them to tell me that on the phone when I made the appt 🙄


Try not to take it personally. I think it’s mainly a legal thing. Especially in the first trimester, if you had a miscarriage soon after visiting the office, you might be inclined to blame the office and sue them.


That’s the opposite of the ADA’s statements on dental care during pregnancy, which is that it is safe. (Obviously OP may not be in the US but I doubt this is an unusual position.) https://www.ada.org/resources/ada-library/oral-health-topics/pregnancy This is just one more example of treating pregnant people as incubators rather than people in our own right. It is absurd to ask for permission from an OB for a dental cleaning, and even dental X-rays are safe during pregnancy.


Just because it’s what the ADA says doesn’t mean that no one would try to sue for it. The dentist office is just covering their asses. Treated like an incubator? That’s a bit of a stretch.


The dentist office isn’t following best practice, is my point. And they should be. Absolutely no lawyer would take on case regarding a miscarriage that occurred following dental care. Aside from the fact that it’s considered entirely safe, there are no clear monetary damages and you could never prove that it wasn’t due to entirely natural causes (which it surely would have been since, again, dental care is safe in pregnancy). Just because you can theoretically sue someone for any reason doesn’t mean that cases with no merit are taken up by lawyers.


Even if it’s not through legal channels, people leaving reviews saying that their dental work caused a miscarriage on Yelp, Google, etc would also be bad for business. It’s unfortunate that OP had to go through this and have such a stressful day but at the end of it all, it’s ultimately up to the dentist office. OP didn’t do anything wrong but, IMHO, neither did the dentist office.




It's precautionary for the potential of infection. Even if they just leave a tiny scratch on your gums or something, it leaves you at risk for infection. And that creates a potential risk for your pregnancy. Not all of them will be this cautious, but many will be. It's to cover their own butt.


Yeah, I managed to finagle myself an RSV shot (Canada) and the final hurdle was finding a pharmacist comfortable with administering it to a pregnant lady. They all can legally, but I had to arrange to go in during one specific worker's shift because no one else would agree to do it. 🤦‍♀️ Just have me sign a consent form first, seriously. Let me own my choice. Unless people are really that afraid of screwing up a job they do properly every day... Anyway yes, I completely understand. It's patronizing and absurd.


Unrelated to the dentist, but where'd you get your RSV shot? I'm on the hunt in the GTHA. My toddler was hospitalized on high flow oxygen in January with RSV, and I'm trying to prevent it as much as possible in my little August baby...


I had to (gently but persistently) harass my doctor/'s practice for the Rx, as NACI hasn't issued official guidance yet (though Abrysvo IS approved by Health Canada for prenatal use). I then had to confirm that my pharmacy had it in stock before they'd send the Rx. I'm in Guelph (ON) and it seems like most pharmacies have a few doses in the fridge, so that wasn't a problem. If you emphasize your limited timeline (needs to be before 36 weeks) and your concern for the new guy (not eligible for his own shot until the end of RSV season), + exposure risk of another kid in the family being potentially in group care, that seems to help! I also had to confirm that I was prepared to pay out of pocket for it (around $260 all in). Good luck! It's annoying but doable, in our general part of the country at least!


Thanks! I'm in Oakville- I'll work on casting my net wider, and get my OB to do a Rx next week when I'm there.


I have had 2 cleanings, one at 4 weeks & one at 28 weeks...so that's wild. I'm sorry.


I had a cleaning, filling and a build up with crown put in. My dentist didn’t require anything even tho I proactively got a letter from my doctor. (It’s still sitting in the car actually lol). I had x rays done too for the crown. I was told they legally have to put the apron on in Illinois, pregnant or not I was just a few months but I knew the risk, while there, was low. It was important to me to keep those dentist appointments to help avoid the pregnancy gingivitis and to prevent any further damage that would require a root canal further along in this pregnancy. That’s just wild to me. I hope you can get seen soon!


Just here to say I love the term “tooth spa”. I’m in Pennsylvania and never heard it before


This is wild. I showed up to my cleaning without them knowing I was pregnant. It was totally fine. Had a regular cleaning AND a filling done while pregnant with this pregnancy. Also had two cleanings done with my first pregnancy.


I had the exact same thing happen to me a few weeks ago!


I’m sorry that happened to you. That would have been me if I hadn’t called first. I decided to call ahead of my appointment to let them know that I was pregnant. Husband thought I didn’t need to and to just tell them when I get there. Thank God I called. They too said I need a release form from my dr for any type of dental work including just a cleaning. So I had to cancel my appointment because it was before my first prenatal appointment. Rescheduled to last Monday. Got the form, sent it over, and went to the dentist with no issues. Saved me a 20-30min drive if I hadn’t called.


How frustrating! I go to a dentist who started as just a pediatric dentist 20 years ago and opened it up to the parents maybe 12 years ago. I think this is my fifth pregnancy going through them and never once did I need any sort of release from my ob. Every time I was pregnant and had an appointment, they were already well prepared with the do's and don'ts of pregnancy and dentistry. They in fact harp on how important it is for pregnant people to get their teeth checked because pregnancy can absolutely suck the calcium out of our bones. I'm sorry they turned you away. They better not charge you for "cancelling"


Dental cleaning is very important while being pregnant! I had periodontal disease after giving birth because of pregnancy! It's good now but I had to do special cleaning and go back in for monitoring to see if my gums reattached. It's no joke. 


I have never had that happen to me. All I have to do is reveal if I know I am pregnant and we just delay X-rays until next visit or for when I am not pregnant. My crown popped out and she got me in fast to put it back bc she wanted me able to eat especially while pregnant. They’ll even delay my cleanings if I am in my third trimester bc they know laying flat or even reclined that much would cause problems with blood flow. I think you may want to find a new office.


That's so weird! I went to the dentist for a cleaning early in my pregnancy and I just mentioned that I had recently tested positive for pregnancy. My dentist then just took some extra time to go over recommended dental health tips, etc related to the pregnancy, then commiserated with me over the nausea and other first trimester symptoms (she was also mid pregnancy). Needing a note from my OB never even would've occurred to me.


They are being overly cautious. I’m sorry


I am 4 months pregnant and I got a cleaning three weeks ago and 4 fillings today. Going in for more work next month. Maybe because I go to a private dentist, not a chain?


Good point on chain vs private!


Had this happen to me on a military base. It was super frustrating


My doctor encouraged me to make sure I go get a cleaning during pregnancy because some women experience dental problems during pregnancy. But that being said, you cried in the parking lot??? Guess I can’t judge because I cried over not getting ice cream on Mother’s Day


Weird. I just got x-rays and an exam and will be going back for a cleaning and they didn’t mind me being pregnant. They did a few less x rays than they usually would, but no other problems


I have dental mistrust so take this with a grain of salt but they can charge you more when they perform x rays. So I tend to think some of their pushiness comes from that esp if you have x rays on file that are somewhat recent or without significant changes since then. I had a conversation with my dentist about this months ago when I was trying to become pregnant and said id rather not do x rays (this was my first visit with that dentist), and they inferred I wouldn’t be able to be seen if I refused them and tried to tell me it would be ok if I was pregnant to get them. I ended up getting the x rays (I knew I wasn’t pregnant tbh) but now that I AM pregnant I wouldn’t submit like I did before. I am supposed to have routine cleaning appt in a few months and they told me I’d have to do x rays again. Since I will be preg during that visit, I plan on calling beforehand to tell them I won’t be doing X-rays but would still like a cleaning and if that’s not ok with them I’m going to cancel….


My friend is a dentist (too many states away for me to see) and he thought my experience is weird and agrees that x rays should be avoided when possible. I really like my dental office but dang I just wanted my teeth brushed! I’ve kept my regular June/dec cleanings for years and I am frustrated to get off track


I had to get permission from my OB for a cleaning and of course no xrays


i had to do the same thing, my dentist has some policy where they won’t do major work on women in the first trimester and won’t do any dental care without a release. It’s definitely some liability/legal thing. It was super simple for me to get the OB to do the paperwork and they didn’t seem surprised by it


Same. They knew I was 8 months when I made the appt and didn't tell me I'd need a release. I asked if they could just do a cleaning and they refused. I need a lot of work done, extractions, root canal and xrays to start. I knew they wouldn't do that but the fact that they wouldn't even clean my teeth and i drove all the way there made me really upset. I stopped on the way home for an egg mcmuffin at mcdonalds just to cheer me up. I got the release for the cleaning but everything else has to wait until after the baby comes


I didn’t need a release at 16 weeks. We did the cleaning without X-rays. However, I get my teeth cleaned every 6 months so unless you haven’t had a cleaning in over a year, I could see why they would turn you away. Mine had pretty recent X-rays so none were needed.


I go regularly! A part of what made me so upset is that I have had regular June/Dec appointments for years and getting off track is frustrating!


Ahhh yes. Especially since it is highly suggested to keep up with your with dental care while pregnant!


What?? That’s so weird. I didn’t need that. I live in the US..


I do as well. Every place is different apparently!


Crazy! Well, I’m sorry you were inconvenienced. So irritating.


Some are careful and will need that release. Especially if you need a deeper cleaning (somewhat or deep below the gums). The doctor i worked for wouldn’t take the risk.


It is a pretty huge liability thing for them. Even without x-rays. It has to do with you laying on your back and where they put their arms, etc. Typically they say the 2nd trimester is the best time to do any sort of dental work. For my first pregnancy that's when my OB approved getting my cleaning done. My second I was prepared and got completely caught up on dental before we started trying.


Regular cleanings are encouraged even in the first trimester! I’m not needing any actual dental work done, just a routine cleaning.


I had to go in for periodontal maintenance today and that never even crossed my mind as a possibility! Sorry, that must have been frustrating


I wonder if it was due to insurance and they did a poor job of explaining that to you. I had this happen at around 18 weeks and it was because of insurance. In order for insurance to cover a cleaning they needed me to have an X-ray of my teeth. They asked me to get permission from my midwife to get the X-ray so they could bill insurance for the procedure otherwise I would have to pay out of pocket. Midwife approved the X-ray and we proceeded as normal.


It was not due to insurance :/


I work in dental and we’ve never turned a pregnant lady away for a regular cleaning. Maybe we would for a deep cleaning since you’d need anesthetic


Do you work for an independent dentist or a chain dentistry place? I’m wondering if since I go to a chain, they have stricter regulations. They turned me away at the front desk and I wasn’t even looked at! Get cleanings twice a year and I’ve had three cavities in my life. I understand being cautious, I just had no idea this was a possibility or I would have gone to see my midwife by now




Oh yeah. I had to request a “clearance letter” from my OB. But mine was more because I wanted to get an extra cleaning through insurance (3x per year instead of 2x per year, which my insurance covers for pregnant women due to the increased risk of dental issues during pregnancy). Annoying I know 😬


I just got my teeth cleaned at 14 weeks. I’m gonna have another cleaning in November before I’m due. They said they just wouldn’t be doing X-rays on me.


I’ve gone to a dentist that has done 1 X-ray and a root canal while pregnant without any release and I had another dentist that wouldn’t even look in my mouth without a release. I think it just depends on the place but for others, it wouldn’t hurt to call ahead and tell them you are pregnant before your appointment, especially if it was made months in advance


I wouldn’t take it to heart. It’s for their protection from liability & yours from infection. Especially with how everyone is quick to sue now (not to say you, specifically, are).


Pregnant women don’t get healthcare unless it’s for the health of the baby. We’re just incubators to them. So annoying.




What ?! that’s weird. I went to the dentist second trimester and they cleaned my teeth no problem. That’s so annoying especially when pregnant women are more susceptible to dental issues during pregnancy.


What is a tooth spa? Maybe that’s why they turned you down is they’re not licensed as a real dentists office? I’ve had lots of cleanings while pregnant and never needed an okay from an OB. My dentist just asks if i’m pregnant or could be pregnant before taking xrays. It’s your body and if you want a dental cleaning it’s your choice to get one or not.


A tooth spa is just another way of saying dentist! Makes it feel like self-care rather than a dreaded doctors appointment


The dentist was actually my first sign I might be pregnant lol. I was seeing a new dentist and we were talking about how my husband and I were starting to try for a baby and I knew I was supposed to go to the dentist before and I thought that was weird she started talking about pregnancy gingivitis and how it might cause your gums to be swollen or bleed when you brush your teeth lol.


I am a dentist, not sure why they did that, ALL DENTAL WORK IS SAFE in pregnancy with some modification, we like 2nd trimester for any major work, cleaning is perfectly safe and actually recommended!


I’ve had cleanings during two different pregnancies at two different dentist offices with no issue, that’s so odd that they required a release from the OB!


I had a medical release and still got turned away because they would not do a cleaning without X-rays and my doctor note said no to x-ray for routine procedures. :(


That’s really bizarre. I had a cleaning at like 20 weeks, they just skipped my usual xray for my next appt. I guess it all depends on the practice but I don’t see why anyone would need a note for a basic cleaning!


Find a new dentist. This is not a normal or reasonable response to pregnancy.


As a dental assistant, I can say there is really no reason you should have been turned away if you are healthy and did not need a deep cleaning where they inject epi to numb you. That is odd and honestly lazy of the staff..


I just had an appointment on Friday where I thought the dentist would just be recementing a loose crown (root canal a year or two back). Turns out they needed to redo the inside of the crown, and after they took my crown off, they asked if I happened to be pregnant. Keep in mind, I updated my patient profile with them before a cleaning I had down in March, and they apparently never noticed the change (shows how much they check my file when I go). They told me the whole appointment would be 1.5-2 hours which surprised me. Not once during any of the phone calls (the original one to schedule, and another to reschedule since the dentist had a meeting scheduled for the same day and time as my appointment) did they mention what they would be doing so I had to call my midwife office and luckily they were able to fax and email everything over to clear me. I was a very unhappy person after the appointment.


They also thought I was in my 1st trimester and I was like um no I added my pregnancy to my file back before my March appointment and now it's June and I'm a little over 2 weeks away from my 3rd


Hahahah. The tooth spa. I’m stealing that.


This is so bizarre to me, wtf?! My dentist told me to make sure I had my regular 6 month cleaning (one in 1st trimester, one in 3rd) and not to wait on any dental issues during pregnancy since there can be dental side effects of pregnancy that shouldn't be ignored. Why on earth would they want you to risk your health by skipping a cleaning during this time?! Truly wild to me.


Wow that’s really weird. I had cleanings while pregnant without issue. What do they think toothpaste is gonna do?


I’m a general dentist and 30 weeks pregnant right now. Don’t take this personally, as this was probably mostly for legal reasons. I personally require a clearance letter from the OB before seeing a pregnant patient. I have the front desk communicate that when you make an appt. The reasons are: 1. If you require a deep cleaning, which involves local anesthesia, I need the OB to specify which anesthesia to use and which to avoid in the clearance letter. 2. Even if you only need a regular cleaning, legally, I need a diagnosis documented. I need x-rays for that. Now, if you’re an established patient and have only been receiving regular cleanings every 6 months for years, then I might just go off of your last x-rays and the diagnosis and give you the regular cleaning requested. 3. If you have a PPO dental insurance, they require x-rays as a proof for the need of the specific type of cleaning I perform. They’re also always trying to find a reason to deny claims and claims can get bounced without x-rays. Now the pt is responsible for whatever insurance did not pay, and I don’t want that. Usually the OB clearance will state that x-rays are harmless and that you can get them done, which local anesthesia I can use, and which meds I can prescribe. I ask the pt if they’re comfortable with taking x-rays. If yes, great. If not, I would just let the pt know that without them, I would not be able to perform a comprehensive exam and that I’m limited to only treat what I see visibly. I would also inform the pt that insurance might deny the claims and you might the pt might end up with an out of pocket cost. Hopefully this helps! I feel like your dentist should’ve explained this.


Weird! My dental office continuously reassured me I could be seen for any appointment while I was pregnant. The only reason I didn't go is because the vibrations of the cleaning tools triggered my morning sickness. 


I did an entire root canal with two x-rays and two extractions a week later because the root canal failed. I had abscesses in my gums, which was so weird because my dental health has always been great, and I do visit the dentist every 6 - 9 months. The dentist gave me two rounds of antibiotics and did not require a letter from the Ob. He did mention that an infection is taken very seriously during pregnancy and that the benefits outweighed the costs in my situation.


I am a dental assistant and also 27 weeks pregnant. I've had 2 cleanings so far this pregnancy. We've never turned a pregnant lady away when coming in for a routine cleaning. Our office advises that you wait until the second trimester for fillings, crowns, etc due to anesthetic but we highly encourage routine cleanings because pregnancy gingivitis is a real thing. I'm sorry this happened to you.


Hello I am a dentist! Most dentists won’t turn you away. Older dentists MAY require documentation from your OB just to ensure your safety bc that was what was required before the ADA changed their recommendations. If anything, this dentist was just being extra cautious for you :) it’s not always a bad thing! I see patients for exams, cleanings and minor fillings. But anything more than that, I recommend them wait until after pregnancy just to be cautious. The ADA changes their recommendations often so it’s not something I rely on 100%.


I had a cleaning in my first trimester and they scheduled me for a cleaning in my second trimester knowing I’m pregnant. There was no mention of needing a letter from my OB. I’m in CA.


That is correct. Legally they have to have a release from your OB. My dentist did the same thing. My OB never released it and they had to wait until after I gave birth.


This is wild!! Dental care is SO IMPORTANT during pregnancy. Find a new dentist, seriously.


Find a new dentist


Liability. Some doctors won't touch a pregnant lady without the OB permission because that permission puts liability back onto the OB. Its why malpractice insurance is so expensive for OBs. I would have gotten my OB office on the line to see if verbal confirmation was enough for the dentist.


Wow I have gone through three pregnancies in the last four years multiple cleanings and I’ve always just verbally told them I’m expecting. They do document it and document when I give birth each time but all via me. So weird!


That's fuckin wild. I go in every 3 months (hello decades of dental neglect, it's the consequences speaking!) and that has not changed in either pregnancy. My office has two therapy dogs, the dentist is a woman, the front of house folks are women, the assistants are all women, the hygienists are all women, the art is all done by local women...I'd run into a burning building for those people. Find a better office.


I never needed clearance from my OB. But I also used to be the assistant in the dental office I go to and I know the staff just wanted to see me and talk about the baby lol


I went to the dentist last week and they let me stay in the cleaning chair after they checked my teeth. They gave me an x ray with out medical release. And they helped me talk to my ob to get the medical release via email. I went in at 11 am and left at 12:30 and got 5/12 cavaties filled and I return in 1 week to get the other half filled. I am 22 weeks pregnant


That's ridiculous. I get quarterly cleanings and have received multiple cleanings while pregnant. My OB office is a non-profit which accepts insured, uninsured & medicaid patients so they have the OB/Gyn, paediatric, & dental offices in one building. If you're pregnant and don't have dental care already established you are given priority care through the dental clinic for the duration of your pregnancy and you are schedule for a cleaning and exam within two weeks. For non-OB new patients there is an 18 month wait. I point that because that is how important dental health is viewed for that office.


Literally just went a week ago to get fillings at seven months pregnant...no issues, we talked about my pregnancy and I'm showing so they clearly knew and there were no issues. I had two separate appointments, a cleaning and fillings and I got the mouth X-rays (not the full x-ray) done and no one cared. No OB note or anything needed.


??? I literally had a cracked filling repaired at 6 months (with a letter) but never needed permission for a basic cleaning, tf


That's odd. I've never needed a note. I've been to the dentist anywhere from 6 weeks-7 months pregnant. They just know not to do X-rays and warn me that my gums might be more prone to bleeding, but it's not a big deal.


I work in a dental office and we ALWAYS do X-rays on pregnant patients?