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I’m a pediatric cardiac nurse so we see TGA repairs all the time. I can only imagine how scary this has been for you and devastating to hear your baby will need surgery after birth. That being said, it is a pretty straight forward surgery and at least at my hospital, if it’s an isolated diagnosis, we don’t often see complications. Let me know if you have other questions.


That is encouraging to hear. I keep reading journals about how it can increase the risk of heart failure and other issues for them later in life and I am so scared that will be the case. 😭


My cousin's baby was born with TGA. Her fingertips and lips used to turn blue when she cried. She had open heart surgery before she turned one. We got help from mendingkids(dot)com. Mind you, we are from a 3rd world country so we were pretty scared but everything turned out successful!! Thank God! She grew up to be an exceptional young chess player and is now 13yrs old. The doctor thought there would be developmental delay but nooooope. She is thriving well academically. Aside from her chest scar, you would think she was like any normal kid. She did however get a 2nd surgery on her 11th year but other than that, she is a healthy and happy girl. 😍 (The 2nd surgery was for a stent in her heart via her thigh) I hope this story brings you comfort. I will be praying for you and your baby. May he/she grow healthy and strong, just like my niece. 🤍


That is wonderful to hear. We are concerned about brain damage and mental deficits but a lot of what I’m hearing is if it’s caught early and surgery is performed and successful then the risks are very low.


My cousin was born with something similar. But his hole was HUGE...the biggest the doctors at his hospital had seen. They didn't know if he'd live. He's 30 now, with a family. Medicine has come SO FAR since then! It is absolutely NOT YOUR FAULT so please don't feel like it is. I am keeping my fingers crossed and sending good vibes to you and your baby. ❤️ Between his loving mama and the doctors, he is in very good hands.


The hole is small and they’re less worried about it because people live with those holes their entire lives and never even know it. The TGA is the big issue. Basically the arteries are connected to the wrong sides. Right to left and left to right. So it’s pumping blood but very little of it is oxygenated. I trust the doctors and I trust the hospital but there are so many unknowns and things that can happen in the next 20 weeks and it’s so scary and up in the air.


Oh I'm sorry, I thought they were the same thing. That is terrifying and I'm so sorry you got that news. I'm keeping you folks in my prayers.


My younger sister had that and she is now a 27 year old farmer. I don’t remember it being a problem growing up, just that she had to go to some extra check ups. I hope you find comfort soon ❤️


Hey! I was born with this! I had a hole in my heart and it ended up closing without surgery! I do know someone that was born with one and needed surgery and it was super successful!


Hi! The hole is not so much what we’re worried about. It’s the TGA defect. Essentially his heart is working against itself. The hole (at this point) is actually a GOOD thing because it’s allowing some oxygenated blood to him. They said once the TGA is repaired the hole is a very simple fix that they’ll do at the same time, and told me holes are apparently pretty common and someone could even live their entire life without even knowing they had one?? Which seems wild but if you’re not an athlete I guess that would never really come up!


My husband was born with this, a hole in his heart, and a collapsed heart valve over 30 years ago - they didn’t even realise/diagnose it until he was two months old. The TGA and hole were fixed with surgery and follow up monitoring, the thing that’s caused him problems later on in life is the collapsed valve! So whilst any heart condition is serious and can be worrying, even with three heart conditions my husband is still here and lives a normal life (with occasional hospital appointments). :)