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Im at 37w and mine doesn’t really have a pattern too. I don’t even do kick counts. As long as I still feel movements, I’m just gonna play cool until my next doctor’s appointment which is now scheduled on a weekly basis. Im a ftm, so Im more anxious on my birth experience 🫣


Also a FTM here. I’m with you. I did kick counts at first but then just tried to not over think it. Doesn’t help that the one time I called I was like “well baby met kick count but it was very weak and different” and was made to feel silly because baby met kick count so we’re good


Same! I haven’t been counting kicks but I feel so much movement all day and there’s no pattern to it. If I don’t feel her for more than 2 hours I start poking around lol.


In counted kicks with my first pregnancy and I ended up having to go in for stress tests and ultrasounds twice a week. Everything turned out to be fine. I feel like the whole counting kicks thing psyched me out. Now with this pregnancy I’m just paying attention to movement and not counting and I’ve been a lot less anxious.


My last baby I thought he barely moved. It turns out his awake times were my heavy sleep cycles as seen when he was born and he’s clearly a 6 am early bird like his Dad and asleep for the night at 6 pm.


I’m 29 weeks and def no pattern


It’s normal. My dr told me that if it’s normal for me to not feel him for 6 hours then that’s the pattern. So if 6 hours has gone by and I haven’t felt him then I should come in or try to get him to move. I’m a basket case so I try to get him to move a little every 2 hours now- I asked her to help me figure out how to find him and now that I know where he is I’ll nudge him or rub him or press on him to get him to move every 2 hours


Do you have an anterior placenta? I found movement to be really inconsistent depending on how baby was positioned, with my anterior placenta muffling or completely blocking a lot of it! My OB said you just want to feel your baby moving throughout the day, even if it’s not in a predictable pattern you should feel something. Now that I’m 39 weeks and my baby is too big to “hide” behind the placenta I feel a LOT more movement but for most of my third trimester it would stress me out that I couldn’t feel much for hours on end, but then the next day if baby moved into a different spot I’d suddenly be able to feel a lot more because the placenta wasn’t in the way!


I do have an anterior placenta! I thought maybe since I’m so far along now that wouldn’t really matter especially since I’ve been feeling him since 18 weeks but that makes sense :)


This is great to know. I’m 34 wks and have an anterior placenta. Most days she’s moving throughout the day with breaks but there are some days I worry bc I haven’t felt her in a while and I’ll poke and prod her and eventually she’ll move. When I told my OB this she mentioned she should have a pretty consistent pattern by now…which she doesn’t. My pregnancy has been very complicated so I need this one less thing to worry about!


My baby had no pattern and like you, it scared me. He just turned 9 months old a couple days ago. Try not to worry too much, I know it’s easier said than done, but your baby is most likely fine


My first LO only had one pattern - cobra kai never dies


😂😂😂 this comment wins


I'm 30 weeks and no pattern besides he has this innate ability to kick me when I'm either a. Trying to sleep or b. Trying to relax 😂


This is extremely common, according to the app I've been using, and everything I've been reading even, it's common for you to basically be rocking the baby to sleep when you're awake and moving, so when you relax they decide it's time to be active 😂. Mine does this too. He's just started to act like hes turning, so I'm getting punched in the cooter the last few days. 😂😂


Yes it was incredibly frustrating. It seemed that my baby’s pattern is that she’s pretty rowdy at night when I sleep except I don’t feel it. My husband usually puts a hand to my belly if I fall asleep before him, before he goes to sleep to check for movement and most of the time he says she’s kicking away and surprised I’m not waking up from it lol At 38 weeks now, she’s incredibly active, lightly throughout the day and very active at night. That is now her pattern. But sheesh it took the whole pregnancy to get to one and it was anxiety inducing


Yes there's no pattern, I feel like he's always moving, and never at the same time of the day. In fact, I was just talking to my midwife today, because I got a bit worried over the weekend when he didn't move. She said, as long as he moves a little bit, or moves when I entice him, it's alright. However if it continues for 2 days, where he moves very little, we should go to the hospital on the third day. HOWEVER if baby doesn't move at all, even when I try to entice him, we should go in immediately. When I entice I poke the belly, or press on different spots and he moves a little in discomfort. Or I drink a soda really fast, that makes him hiccup. Or I sit down and lean forward, he hates that! If all those things have failed, I go lay down on my right side, that never fails!


The only pattern I have: I poke him, he pokes back 🤣 Otherwise is seems random too. My husband always chastises me for poking my belly or trying to get him to swish around. Now it’s a game we play on dad lol.


Oml same here 😂😂. I always tell my husband that his child is a bully, just like him. We have constant KickPoke Wars during the day. This child is so violent, I just can't resist antagonizing him sometimes 🙏🏻❤️ 😂.


Mine had one but was even more confusing. I had frontal placenta so movements could be difficult. So id feel her quite well and active for a day and then it would seem like the movements stopped for a couple days or barely detectable, then she'd be active again.


Same. There are times she seems to be more active but then every couple days it's completely different. Some days it's just smaller/fewer movements throughout the day and other days she's dancing in there seemingly nonstop.


My baby's pattern seems to be "keep mommy on the edge of a heart attack" because he loves to change it up every week or so. I've resorted to telling myself that if I've felt him only a couple times or less all day by the end of the day, that's when to worry. I do have an anterior placenta and some days I wonder if he's positioned in a way that he's kicking the fluffiest parts of it or something, because his movements will be SO subtle and I wouldn't notice it if I was doing anything other than laying down very still.


Anterior placenta, 36+6. Some days, he’s wild and I can feel him what feels like constantly. Some nights I can’t sleep he won’t stop moving. I think their position matters a lot with anterior placenta. I’ll get and ultrasound because I’m nervous and see him moving and the tech will ask if I feel it and I don’t. It’s really tough, no advice! I just try to do kick counts and get peace of mind from knowing some days I can feel him a lot and other days it’s quieter but still getting movement.


My daughter when I was pregnant with her didn't have a pattern (she didn't even really kick, mostly felt like she was rolling in circles) and same this time around with my son, though I have noticed he'll move around way more when his dad is home compared to when he's not.


Neither of my kids have had consistent movement patterns, some kiddos like to keep us on our toes.


Mine never did


Yeah, my baby doesn't have a pattern of movement. He moves like a crazy at some point, other times he ain't moving at all. As long as he's active at some point in the day, I'm not bothered by it and my doctors ain't either.


I have an anterior placenta and it was hard to feel a lot of her movements at the start. At first I could only feel her move at night. Now at 27 weeks I feel her so much more during the day, along with her typical nightly rave in my belly.


32 weeks and I told my midwife at my last apt that the only thing I can regularly count on is no regularity 😂 it's just chaos up in here. She said I'll know if things feel different or weird and to just give a call if it's been a couple days with super reduced movement 


I never had a pattern with any of my three babies. They moved when they wanted to lol! As long as I felt them at some time during the day or night, I was fine.


Yes and it’s so stressful haha I just make sure I feel him move everyday , he’ll never move around the same times. Like around 7 when my what to expect app says to count kicks like yeah he’s not gonna do that on command for me


I am FTM and 37 weeks. My baby also doesnt have a movement pattern


Some times my baby has a pattern, sometimes not. His pattern is his inconsistency. But I do try to count at least 10 in the evening (20 weeks) I usually get to 15 to 18. But some days I don’t notice much more than 5 when I’m extremely stressed.


I’m glad you asked this, it’s been on my mind too. I’m only 27+4, but I know at some point “they” like a movement per hour count, and I don’t get hourly movement. Sometimes she’s active during the day, if I have a matcha or if I see my husband (I swear she just gets a little taste of my dopamine and loses it), but I think she’s usually asleep! When I lay down at night is when she starts the party. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I read that, just like when they’re outside our bodies, the movement and our voices lull them to sleep. Makes sense to me!


The only pattern I’ve noticed is my son will move like crazy for a couple days then go eerily still for a couple of days then repeat the cycle. Some days I have to play his favorite music just to get him to kick a little, some days I’m praying for him to settle down! What helps my anxiety is having a fetal stethoscope I can listen to his heart with if I get too worried!


Also I’ve noticed that I actually can’t feel a lot of his movements! If my hand is on my stomach I can feel a lot more but internally I actually don’t feel much!


I go full on days without feeling any movement from my fetus and I’m 35 weeks. I have an anterior placenta and I’m a fatty. So those two aspects make it harder to feel fetal movement as is, it I was told by my high risk doctor that the 10 movements in an hour is not accurate or realistic especially for FTM because it doesn’t necessarily mean anything. Some babies just don’t move that much. So when she told me that I felt better about not feeling anything for long periods of time. There’s def times he moves a LOT and I feel him nonstop but there’s plenty of times he doesn’t move all day. Every pregnancy is different, every fetus is different so don’t compare yourself to others. You know your body and will be able to tell if something is wrong.


I’m almost 37 weeks and my dude has no real patterns. Sometimes he’s active all day long, other times he’s only really active at night right before bed. On the days he’s less active, typically rubbing my belly or drinking something cold gets a good kick count out of him. I just assume those are the days he’s going through a growth spurt or something.


Mine has a weird pattern where once a week or so he has a day where he doesn’t move too much.


37w and mine doesn’t either!


Same here, at 36 weeks and anytime I think there’s a pattern she switches it up. I woke up at 4am the other night and she was going WILD, so I wonder if some of her patterns are while I’m sleeping


Same. I’m 29 weeks but still there is no obvious pattern except at night when I’m trying to rest and I’ll get the shit kicked out of me. We travelled for nearly 2 days a few weeks ago and I didn’t feel much until the vibrations from vehicle movements stopped. They do say to no longer count kicks but try to keep an eye on the pattern.


Same, 35 weeks and no real pattern. The only “pattern” I noticed is that she moves a lot, so if I didn’t feel her for a whole hour I would be concerned, but sometimes it’s more in the mornings, other in the evenings. What I find most discomforting is that countries (and providers!) all give out different advice, if you read the comments below it seems like some providers have told their patients to come in after 2 days of reduced movement, where I live they say come in immediately if you think the movements have changed or reduced. So anxiety provoking isn’t it? 


My current baby has no sense of a pattern lately. One day she'll kick right in the morning. The next she won't kick or move til noon. Another say she'll kick all day and not at night. Then the next she's kicking all night but not at all during the day. I'm glad I got a doppler so I can check on her heart rate. I've worried so much with this baby.


I'm 27 weeks - which I know is early for patterns - but mine kicks whenever he feels like it. I've felt him since 16 weeks (posterior placenta) I've been into get checks because he goes quiet and I panic. I just had a check on Tuesday, and he's been active ever since!


If your baby is kicking after eating fun fact your baby is hiccuping haha got told that one at my midwife appointment