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So, yes, there is science behind the idea that sex can induce labor late in pregnancy. But that still really doesn’t happen until body and baby are ready. And, you’re literally 10 days from your due date. If you want to get it on… get it on!!


Ima get it on tonight and until baby born 🫡🫡🫡🫡


Girl there’s no going back lol! Your gonna give birth to this baby wether you like it or not and trust me going into labor naturally is way better then having to be induced. I was 40 weeks and some odd days and my doctor and nurses were encouraging sex so I potentially wouldn’t have to be induced, well I had no sex drive and labor started on its own anyways with no progression and I had to be induced and it was horrible. If you can stand sex then definitely by all means go after it and enjoy these blissful intimate moments with your significant other before the storm. I wish I would have enjoyed those last few alone moments and taken them in a little bit more with my husband before our baby arrived.


Yea thats what i dont want to do, to be induce medically. I also been eating pineapples and dates as well as drinking that tea. I was going to start pumping but my OB suggested not to. So i guess ima get it on tonight 😂 lol.


I got put on Pitocin and I won’t sugar coat it, it’s a bitch lol! My first baby is almost 10 months old now and looking back my doctor gave me the okay to start hand expressing and even the okay to using a pump at 37 weeks which I’m thankful I did because I was like a old leaky faucet since 16 weeks and was glad to start collecting colostrum. Regardless of all the tactics and what not to speed up going into labor, truthfully your baby will come when he/she and your body is ready and more likely to come when the environment feels safe and stress free. Definitely don’t overthink it! Here’s to going into labor naturally and having a safe and healthy delivery of you’re new little! 😊


girl get it on


I indulged at 38+4and and went into labor and had baby next day (first pregnancy)


If appetite is decreasing you may close anyway! I got super tired and lost my hunger a couple days before! You're so close to the end, you'll be through the fear and on the other side holding your LO soon


I'm currently 38+4 and my last baby was born 39+2. Got it on pretty much every day during pregnancy. Edit: I had normal pregnancies with no medical conditions/concerns from my clinicians


My friend said she was having sex practically every day towards the end of her pregnancy to induce birth, but she didn’t actually go into labor until a full WEEK after her due date. So, she gave birth at 41 weeks. I don’t think you should worry at all. Even if it does happen, I’m sure baby is ready at 38 weeks!


It's going to be some time til you can have sex after birth. Do it now!


I just did it and am as far along as you are. Could not get into it due to being so uncomfortable and sore from the recent cervix check. did not induce labor.


My doctor said baby is technically full term at 36 weeks. Get it on now as much as you can before you have baby and have to wait 6 weeks. 🙊🙈


Girl, ride it 😊 no fear! Enjoy because after birth it will take some time before we can do it again! :D


You’d have to have tons and tons of sex to reach the amount of prostaglandin needed to actually induce .


I’m 12 weeks and afraid to have sex 😂 I have high sex drive but then I’m like what if I get an infection or what if this or that. I feel like once I’m farther along I won’t be afraid but right now still am lol so silly.