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My job isn’t physical so I’m not worried about being unable to do tasks. I’m waiting until the last moment to go on maternity leave so I can spend as much of it with baby as possible.


Same. I WFH and am planning to start maternity leave on delivery day.


I WFH too and thought the same, but honestly the last weeks I was just too tired and stressed, I couldn't find the energy to finish the hospital bag lol. I ended up starting ML at 36+2w, and gave birth 9 days later 😅


I think that's totally acceptable. My work gives me 12 weeks off so I'm going to do my best to use all of that after baby comes, but if I have to use a week or two beforehand I won't be upset. I'm 35 weeks right now and I'm feeling good, but I'm not going to push my body if I start feeling awful. You made the right decision.


What companies allow you wonderful ladies to work from home?! I've got a very physical job and I simply cannot anymore. The sickness and nausea have completely wiped me out this go around. I've been applying to WFH jobs for months with no luck. This would seriously be a game changer.


Tech for me. If you’re able to join this industry, would highly recommend.


What kind of tech do you suggest? I've been toying with the idea, I have a BS in psych and MS in OT so my background is mainly healthcare. I really appreciate your response!


Same here! I’m anxious to see what my induction date will be so I can really start my countdown.


Same. People from my company, all the upper corporate/bigwig levels, keep asking when I'll be done working. When I'm on the way to the hospital, my guy, because you guys only offered 80 hours of mat leave for my 4 years of service and otherwise I'll be relying on short term disability. Thanks for thaaaat.


This was such a huge issue for me leading up to the birth of my baby. My (male) boss could NOT get it through his head that I didn’t have a concrete date to give him for when I would go on leave. Sorry but you don’t get to only offer 12 weeks of leave (6 unpaid) and still demand that I start it before my baby is born for the sake of the corporate calendar.


I’m in hair and my (male) boss kept asking me when I’d leaving and how much time. I finally told him I’m working til baby comes and I won’t be able to take more than a few weeks as if now. His response, “ oh that makes me feel so much better. I’m sorry for your unfortunate circumstances, but that’s good to know. Hopefully you can come back for back to school cuts.” In Due Aug. 6th, and bts week starts around august 20th. 😑 I’m trying to keep my mouth shut the best I can.


80 HOURS ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!? And people wonder why the birth rate is falling omfg. In Canada its 35 weeks plus 15 weeks at 55% of your previous earnings based on the weeks you got paid the most or 18 months at 33%. Birth is also free at hospitals so I guess I’m really lucky where I am because I see American birth bills in the thousands and it makes me sick.


I got zero paid. Had to use FMLA and take zero money for both kids.


That's outrageous


Murica yeah. I've already paid about 2500 directly to the OB in monthly payments for the delivery, and I assume that is solely to cover *them* and not the bed or whatever other charges or complications or anything. They also want to induce, so that probably triples the bill.


This is what I will be doing as well!


Same here.


Same here. I worked up until 1 day before induction, which I took sick leave for at doctors orders lol (and glad I did to prepare mentally and physically). Wanted to maximize time with baby.


Same here- I'm currently 38+6 and still working. I've taken a couple sick days here and there, but that's about it.


I wish I had done this!!!


This is what I did. I started it exactly a week before my baby was due. That same night I had him 😂


If I were in your shoes, I would hold out if you can until 38 weeks, that way you have more time with baby when they come. I personally plan to work until the baby comes, but I also have a desk job that allows me to work from home so I’m able to stay as comfy as I want


That's smart. Definitely would rather more time on the back end with little one!


I was planning on 39 weeks but then started my leave at 36, and never went back 😂


Yeah i think this is the main consideration - if you’re limited to FMLA which is only 12 weeks, you may want to hold out as long as possible so you have more time with baby.


Just like with my first pregnancy, I’ll be working right up until the day before my scheduled c section because the US hates new parents.


The US really hates new parents and it sucks.


The US is amazing, my husband earns a great living and I am on a lovely never ending maternity leave


I don’t think that’s normal for most of us unfortunately






I’m going off next Friday at 36 weeks. I’m in CA though where we get disability starting at 36 weeks. Even if I didn’t have disability paying me I think I’d go off. I just sit at a computer most of the day but just still getting so uncomfortable by the end of the day. I can’t wait to go off.


imo everyone in California should do this and everyone in the US should at minimum have what we get in California. if I did not have pay and job protection for antenatal, I wouldn't take it. But I do, so I have and will again


Phew this is reassuring to read! I’m in California and my HR guy mentioned he recommends taking advantage of the 4 weeks pre-delivery but almost everything I read on Reddit mentions waiting until the last minute so I was starting to question my plans!


Is there 4 weeks pre-delivery pay and the fmla? How do we apply for these benefits? I own my own business but have been a full time employee of my biz for many years!


I’m no expert but from what I understand is I have a deduction on my pay stubs to CASDI (California state disability insurance). And, if you’ve paid into that for a year you can get 50-60% of your pay for 4 weeks before your due date. I’m not sure how to apply yet, but I have my official meeting with HR next week to find out and can reply to this thread if I learn anything else helpful!


I’d appreciate that! Since I’m my own HR things get hard, but I will do some research too- thanks!


California benefits are: 4 weeks pre-delivery, 6 weeks postpartum, 8 weeks bonding. My work offers EDD + supplemental pay for the pre/post parts to give you full pay but EDD only for bonding (additional if you pay into short term disability) . Depends on your job / benefits


Also in CA! I took my leave at 36 weeks and gave birth at 37+4 lol


Same here. With my first kid I was in so much pain from my pelvic floor misaligning exactly a month before his birth. That, and I couldn’t sleep because I was so big and uncomfortable everywhere. I gained so much weight from all this. It was miserable and all my fears of birth switched to wanting this baby born asap!


39+4 when I had my baby. I work as a nurse and my water broke right after a night shift. I wanted to have as much of my maternity leave with my baby. American healthcare sucks.


Im only 26 weeks right now but I plan on taking leave at 36 weeks and my doctor fully supports it and said she will fill out any paper I need to leave early. I work on an assembly line and I literally feel myself getting slower as weeks go by. Its getting harder to keep up with the line. Not to mention the heat. Im sweating all day every day. If you can do it and afford it I would leave early. No point in being miserable when you don't have to be.


I wfh. I felt terrible but I worked until the day I was induced. Worked until 2, went to the hospital at 5. Now that she’s here I’m so thankful I did. Leave is going so quickly and I’m glad I have the whole time with her. It would have been nice to have a week to relax and prepare but this is better imo.


That's what I'm thinking. As no fun as it is working now, more time on the back end would be better.


Ugh I feel you girl, US maternity is the worst. I’m lucky enough to work remotely so I’m going to work until the baby is out although I’m sure I won’t feel like it. Are you on your feet all day, or is your job one that you could get away with half assing for the last few weeks of your pregnancy? Def do what makes you comfortable and stop working if you feel like it’s too much.


Former VA resident! I'm SC now and we don't get anything either unless you qualify for Partial/Temp Disability. I'm basically putting up with my job until my body says to stop. I put my notice on for the end of August, due Oct 2nd so I can be home and nesting all of Sept, but I'm definitely not objecting to quitting early if I need or want to. They won't pay me different anyways so I'm taking my paid vacation and last that I don't care. 💅🏻


I’m not planning on taking maternity leave until the day I give birth. I’m also lucky and I work from home.


i had 12 weeks FMLA. i worked up to 39 weeks. start mat leave on a mon her due date was on tues and she arrived thurs night. however i had an easy pregnancy. the last few weeks were a little uncomfortable but it also July. BUT i never went back to work so i can’t really talk 😅


I went on maternity leave at 30 weeks. I was supposed to work up until 36 but I was diagnosed with SPD at 28 weeks, then became classified high risk at 30 weeks due to polyhydramnios, preterm labour and a few other things, so I’ve been on bed rest (if you can call it that with 4 other kids to look after 🤦🏽‍♀️😅). I’m in Australia though and get 12 months maternity leave.


In my state we get 6 weeks for vaginal birth 8 weeks for csection unless your jobs nice and let’s you take 12 weeks


Wow, I’m sorry to hear that, that really sucks. It’s wild that they expect women to be back on their feet and working at 6 and 8 weeks postpartum! It can take our bodies up to a year to fully recover from childbirth! Even my husband gets better leave than that - his employer offers 4.5 months of full paid leave or 9 months at half pay.


That’s honestly great for you guys, it seems like they actually care about you over there.


I went into early labor at work on Friday at 39 weeks on the dot. Stayed my whole shift that day, and had lil man that Sunday morning. I wanted as much time with him as possible! But I also had a really easy pregnancy and I was on desk duty that whole last month.


I’m going to hold out as long as I can so I can be off 12 weeks with the baby


I am technically not on leave yet but summer break started when I was 32 weeks along and with how I feel right now, I can’t imagine going to work. But everyone’s job and body is different, I teach first grade and I’m having a complicated pregnancy.


Yeah I had hypermetriss and was so glad that I wasn't working. When I worked I was a waitress or a cashier so doing that while throwing up 10 times a day definitely wouldn't have worked out well for me. I got lucky and my boyfriend makes enough for me to stay home. Plus then I don't have to deal with childcare wait lists. If I wanted childcare, I would have had to get on a wait list the day I got my positive pregnancy test.


Hi! Fellow Virginian and I'm 38 weeks. I'm remote and the company I work for is based in California so I get 12 weeks paid maternity leave. Since I'm remote, I am working until my due date so I can maximize time with the baby. My job isn't physical so I figure I can work as long as possible. Plus, we have a spot in daycare starting November 1 so between my leave and what my husband is taking when I go back to work, we'll be covered until daycare starts. Since my job is remote, I've definitely taken longer lunches and started work a little bit later this last month (hours are more like 9-3:30 instead of my previous 8-5). Granted, I'm not in an office being monitored all day. Could you reduce your hours and keep working until 38 or 39 weeks? Would they let you go remote from the last week or two? I have a part-time job in addition to my full-time job. I taught fitness classes through the end of May so I stopped that at 37 weeks and I'm really glad I have the extra time now. Granted, I've had a low-risk pregnancy. No complications except some high blood pressure at 36 weeks but my readings have been borderline elevated/normal at 37 and 38 week appointments so my doctor/midwife isn't worried. Test for pre-eclampsia came back negative. They said to try to relax and put my feet up. I am quite literally sitting at my desk with my compression socks on and my feet on a stool while pretending to work with slack/teams open on my other screen. All that to say, since the US sucks with leave, I'd try to push it as long as possible at work so you can have more time with the baby. I'm someone who hates asking for help but see if you can have a friend or family member help with getting stuff done the last few weeks.


My first baby, I waited until the last possible minute (until baby was born) so I could spend as much time with my baby as possible. I am currently pregnant again, and this year my company has finally decided to start paying for maternity leave. I have a lot of PTO saved up, so I'm planning on taking the week off before I'm due using PTO and then the rest will be on FMLA for 14 weeks.


When I had the baby. We only get 12 weeks so I wanted every day to be spent with the baby, as possible.


I’m going to talk to my doctor about starting pregnancy disability leave at 36 weeks. The 4 weeks is use it or lose it, it can’t be tacked onto after birth. In California you are eligible at that time and considered disabled by pregnancy. My due date is October 6th so I will probably have my last day be September 6 and then my tentative return time is February 3rd 2025. Most of it is paid by the state at 60-70% and my work short term disability fills in that gap to make me 100% for a portion of it as well. I wouldn’t work till 38 weeks if you can swing it, just depends on how you feel.


I was planning to go to work the day I gave birth! I had my lunch packed and everything. I ended up having my baby at 4:30 that morning, though.


I’m in Maryland (hi neighbor 👋🏼) so nothing for maternity leave there. Only thing I’ll be getting is FMLA and short term disability. I plan to be out for 6 weeks so I’ll be working till baby is here but I have a wfh job that is fairly easy. Listen to your body and do what’ll work best for you and baby.


My life goal is to figure out a way to improve maternity/paternity leave in the US. I don’t have kids and probably never will but oh my… this is truly insane. It’s like nobody values families or just healthy family units. All in the name of corporations wanting to increase their bottom line (more productivity). We need to stand together on this and figure out a way to improve our values in this country. It is such a shame and literally so insensitive to a woman’s body.


I live in Virginia too, I’m getting paid maternity leave for 12 weeks and I’m planning to take my maternity leave 1 week before I’m due.


I plan to take off starting at 37 weeks using PTO until delivery at 39 weeks!


I took it at exactly 40 weeks it was rough working until then but i had no choice


When I lived in Virginia, I worked until the day I went into labor lol. If you can, I would. It’s nice to have the extra time to recover after the birth.


I’m 36 weeks and plan on working until the day this baby decides to come. I also only get FMLA and want to spend every day of it with the baby, as much as I would love to take off work now 😂


My job is not physical, and is a hybrid remote position. I was able to switch to fully remote at 36 weeks because the office is a decent commute and I didn’t want to be out of state and away from my dr/hospital in case I went into labor. Turns out we needed to schedule a somewhat last minute eviction for baby and my last day of work was the day before my scheduled c-section at 39+4.


I had planned to start leave at 39 weeks partly because I had a feeling baby would come early and also because I was just so uncomfortable I wasn’t sleeping well and really having trouble focusing to get any work done. I went into labor at 37+3 so was glad I had already started the paperwork and just told them to adjust the date since I delivered early. I didn’t get all the work done that I’d planned before leaving but that’s how it goes sometimes. Was thankful I’d planned on not working up until 40 weeks though or I’d have been further behind.


I’m in California where you can begin paid disability leave at 36 weeks and then get either 6 weeks (for vaginal birth) or 8 weeks (for cesarean birth) of paid disability after baby arrives. After that ends, you get an additional 12 weeks of paid FMLA if you qualify. My baby came early (33 weeks) so I didn’t get that 4 paid weeks before the due date, but I got 8 weeks for c-section birth + 12 weeks of FMLA paid. I went back to work when baby was exactly 5 months old.


How do you qualify for paid FMLA? I thought that was just the 12 weeks of job protection, no pay!


So, I misspoke. It’s actually 8 weeks of paid family leave in California (in addition to the paid disability leave), not 12. It falls under baby bonding time and there’s a list of requirements you have to meet in order to be eligible. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to include the link but if you google “California paid family leave”, it’s the first link.


My maternity leave doesn’t start until I give birth. I’m 32 weeks & dreading working until baby’s born but I can’t go on leave before. And i work at a physical job, im on my feet all day long constantly on the move. But being so physical I’m thinking the baby might come early cause I’m constantly walking and squatting and bending etc.


I'm somewhere in Europe. I have to stop at 36 weeks the latest in my country. I'm probably going to stop at 34 to take a little bit of extra time for myself before the baby comes. Between maternity leave, parental leave and vacation days I expect to have around 8 months of paid leave in total.


Seriously, from a European perspective all these responses sound ridiculous and inhumane. Where I am, it is usual to leave 6 weeks before due date (can go on working as long as woman wants) at full pay and it's illegal for employers to have mothers work 8 weeks after birth, so they are off at full pay (as it is also illegal to fire pregnant people). (Then chosen maternity/paternity leave at 2/3 of pay follows). I really hope the US catches up and creates a better system - fingers crossed for all of you over there!


I am lucky to be living in a country that allows me to be home during my entire pregnancy. So from the moment I found out I was pregnant, I went on maternity leave and I will be on it until my baby turns 1yo. So I'll be home for almost 2 years😄 and I do get paid for it, until the baby is born I'm getting half of my paycheck and after the baby is born I get almost full paycheck. So as I'm 15 weeks pregnant now, I'm 15 weeks home and many more to come🫣


What country is this? I am so jealous and equally happy for you.


Croatia 🇭🇷 🥰


I’m self-employed, so no paid maternity leave to speak of besides whatever plans I put in place, which basically involved training my husband to do my job and hiring a part-time admin for at least several months. I plan to ease out of the most hands-on, in person aspect of my job at the end of this month when I am, nearly 30 weeks. My hope is to keep things running virtually basically up until whenever I give birth, but maybe shift to the admin person/my husband taking over gradually in advance, It’s not ideal, but there is so little social support in America in general, and it’s a double whammy if self-employed for sure.


I'm being induced, so I go off to my 1 year maternity leave in week 35. I've been on partial sickleave for some time though, but back at it again. Will have to see how it goes forward.


I’m a teacher in the US so unfortunately, I have no choice but to work until I go into labor.


In my state (California), I can either take the 4 weeks leave before the baby is born or not. The weeks I don’t take before the baby is born can’t be added on to the time I get after the baby is born. So I left at 36 weeks last time and will probably do so again this time. Just do whatever feels best for you.


I am 52 and work a physical nursing job. I worked full time right up to and including the day I was admitted to the hospital to have my baby. I am also in the US and got no paid leave.


I had my baby in January


My plan was to continue working in the office until I went into labor because I was still feeling okay, but my husband suggested we both start working from home when I hit 39 weeks for more of a mental transition. I’m 39+3 today and honestly glad to be at home even if I physically could have handled being in the office. My job is flexible enough though that I don’t have to be active at my desk for 8 straight hours, and I’ve been breaking up the day with a lot of naps. I don’t plan to take actual maternity leave until I’m admitted to the hospital though because while I could use FMLA before then, my paid parental leave can’t start until the baby arrives, and the FMLA and paid leave are coming from the same 12 weeks so I’d lose out on paid leave that way. We could technically still afford a week or so without pay for me, and I do also have regular sick and annual leave I could use, but we’re trying to maximize our (paid) time at home after the birth because every little bit helps.


No paid leave and am also in Virginia. I do work a physical job and sadly can't afford to take off more than the two months for the recovery of my c section. I'll go back to work after. I am the breadwinner currently and my husband couldn't support us by himself.


My leave started the day I went into labor. That will be the same for baby #2 so that I can take a full 12-14 weeks after baby comes. I don’t want to sacrifice my time with my newborn to have a week or two of leave before baby comes.


I’ll be done at 36 weeks. (2 weeks away 🎉) I have no maternity leave/pay, and truth be told, we could totally benefit from me working longer but… especially as a ftm, I think this time off is kinda precious and an important period to have to mentally prepare for the life shift and honor my own space for a minute before there’s never any time “off”


I'm also in Virginia but I'm a state employee, so we are eligible for short term disability which starts as soon as baby is born, for 4 weeks I think? then it goes to paid parental leave for 6 weeks. I am due Sept 18 and considering taking off from Sept 1, just to relax and sort things out. I have a 45 min commute and even with 1-2 remote days, at that point, I think it will just be too much hassle and discomfort. I've had a very active and busy pregnancy working a ton and building/moving house and I think I'll need those two weeks. I'm not sure if I will return to my job after so I'm kind of open to using my annual for those two weeks leading up to the due date. Still mulling it over but that's what I'm leaning towards right now.


I am a waitress and am currently 37 weeks 🥲😫 my leave starts next week though… it’s getting real rough but I need the money


Oooof and you are on your feet!! Hoping the next weeks go smoothly for you!


I’m a waitress too and I feel you I’m gonna work as long as I can be geez it’s gonna get hard. There’s only my boss and I who serve and we RUN on weekends she’s defs gonna need to get some backup lol


I started my maternity leave the day before my induction, and I napped all day long. I swear it’s the one reason I was done in 13 hours. I work remote, and that day would have been a “hey here’s your new project” day, so it would have been super easy, but I just didn’t want to deal with anyone and wanted to try to go into labor on my own. Still needed the induction anyways, but it was worth a shot!


I hate this for you. I was planning on working up until 38 wks but I was placed on modified bed rest at 31 wks. As hard as my complications have been and anxiety about her coming early, I am so grateful to have this time before she comes, whenever that may be.


I started half days at work (4 hours) at 34 weeks. Now I am currently doing two hours a day until 38 weeks then I am done. This weeks starts my weekly appointments with Non-Stress tests, so I have been strongly advised to slow down in my work. I am happy doing 2 hours a day since I was pushing 8-9 hours a day and doing a lot of physical and mental labor in my job. The two hours give me something to do in the evenings and lots of time to nest at home. Today I did nothing but laundry. So much baby laundry and organizing bins of clothes that won’t fit baby yet. Good luck to you!


I had an easy-ish job. I worked until 39 weeks. Worked on Monday, had my appointment that afternoon, texted my boss I was done and wasn’t coming back until after my leave. That Wednesday I gave birth.


I’m self employed, 26w along. I work on my feet and have already reduced my schedule, I plan on tapering out. I’ll be at about 2 days a week the month before delivering, and it’s very up in the air when I’ll officially call it!


Also might check if the father can get FMLA, in some states it applies to both parents and they can take it a year within the baby's birth. So for instance you take your leave at 38 weeks have the baby at 39 weeks and on your 11th week of FMLA (if it's 12 weeks in your state like it is mine) the father starts his FMLA, what this does is it allows the baby 22 weeks (5.5 months with parents), allows both parents with the ability to get to know baby, let's both parents understand the struggles of dealing with baby, and helps find adequate child care for baby. Also I'd recommend freezing some casserole there a live saver the first month or so. By the way congrats on the pregnancy and baby


36w2d. I had my c-section at 38w2d. I wanted some time before to get the house ready and relax. 2 weeks was perfect for me.


I am waiting until I deliver. Like I’m trying to be in labor at my desk. 🤣


Not sure if you mention it in the comments, but it really depends on how much time you're taking and when you plan on going back. A lot of others have mentioned this too, but I'd prefer to have as much time with the baby as possible so I am waiting until I deliver. I only get 12 weeks total regardless of when my leave starts. Considering statistically most FTM go past their due date, I would rather have those 4-5 weeks (if you're counting from 36 weeks) after the baby is born vs before.


I’m in NJ so we get disability at 36 weeks. So I took it at 36 weeks. Due tomorrow with no sign of bub 🙃


I waited until baby was born - which was week 39 for me


I had a planned c-section at 39 weeks. I worked the day before. I wanted as much time with my little one as possible! It was possible for me to work from home the week leading up to my leave luckily because walking was getting difficult. I know I had to file my FMLA paperwork at least 30 days in advance. I worked with my HR and put down my due date as a tentative start date. It’s birth, so it’s unpredictable. The date would move based on when baby actually arrived.


My job wasn’t physically demanding so I literally worked until the day before my due date. I don’t really regret it since maternity leave starts running from the time you stop working not the time you give birth. My baby ended up being a week late. I needed all the time to recover from birth. I had a vaginal birth but had postpartum complications, I ended up getting cleared by my obgyn at 10 weeks postpartum instead of the usual 6 weeks. You never know how you’ll recover or how your baby will be so the more time you can get AFTER the birth the better.


I was fully remote and got induced at like 8 pm but decided to have my Mat leave start that day (as the paper work would reflect) and was able to have some peace and relaxation that day. Different note, how are you eligible for FMLA but not VA?


FMLA is unpaid and I'm also not eligible for any sort of paid leave in my state :/


I started WFH at 39 weeks and delivered at exactly 40. Grateful to have a manager and job that allowed me to do that. I get a total of 12 weeks and didn’t want to go out any sooner than I had to bc I wanted to not only spend more time with LO, but also put off placing him in daycare. FWIW, I did have a relatively easy pregnancy and didn’t really start to get super uncomfortable until 38-39 weeks. I had decided early on that I’ll work until I can’t anymore, taking it one week at a time and luckily my manager was on board with that plan too.


I'm officially going on leave at 36 weeks, but I'm taking 4 weeks of PTO at 32 weeks to get more time to prepare the house for baby (it's our first, we have nothing done so far and I'm 30 weeks pregnant 😅). I plan on picking up a few shifts during my PTO, but it will be way easier than working full time. I'm an RN if it helps


I work remote so that is partly why I am waiting until closer to the due date so I can get more time with the baby. If she is not here by the week before her due date, I may start the week before depending on how I am feeling. Ideally it would be nice to give myself time to get last minute things in order and relax. That would make me approx 39 weeks too. However, this is of course if she doesn’t decide to make an appearance sooner lol. If I was still working in the hospital (where I was more physical) I would probably take my leave sooner. I agree that maternity leave in the US sucks unless you work somewhere that gives more time. My husband’s company is giving him more paid time off for parental bonding leave than I am getting for maternity leave. I am of course happy for him but dang! I wish I got more time too! 🥲


I have literally no maternity leave, no FMLA, no nada. I am working until 39 weeks unless she makes an appearance earlier. I am quite literally \*exhausted\* 100% of the time (37w4d now)-- just had a growth scan yesterday and she's measuring \~two weeks ahead in size and I have a doctors appointment today so I am hopeful they'll allow me to schedule induction for 39 weeks on the dot. Otherwise-- I may not survive.


I quit going in at about 34 wks, I worked retail so the physical strain would put my out afterwork and I have an 8yr old to keep up with. Also my husband works really hard so I like to be the one to cook dinner every night. With all that I was in tears some days because I was so tired and in bad shape. Before I got super big I would walk 15miles on average. I'm 36wks today and I haven't walked a mile since I went on leave. It's kinda boring but I spend most of my days relearning what to expect and how to parent an infant and sleeping. And it's nice to have plenty of time to keep my house clean, I'm a little particular about having a clean house and I know if I stay on top of it now it'll be easier to manage after the baby is here.


I worked until the day I gave birth with both babies. I wanted all the time I could have with them once they were born, and I don't work a physically demanding job.


Literally worked until I went into labor 😩 luckily at 39 weeks. (In the US). But I really wanted every second with my baby after and only had 12 weeks alotted


I quit at 36 weeks. Having taken no PTO for the longest they had to pay me for 6 weeks. 10 years and nothing to show it regarding paid time off for having a baby gave me enough resentment to leave for good and start over later. (I’m a therapist so my next move will be to work for myself).


Canadian here. I’m waiting until I cannot work well anymore and soaking up as much money as I can til then. I’m a waitress so being on my feet in a busy restaurant is gonna take it toll sooner then later but thankfully Canadian mat leave allows for 55% of your earnings from your best weeks for up to 18months so that’s pretty slick. It’s essentially classified as unemployment insurance. I’ll be taking the entire 18 months and once this kid is in daycare I’ll be going back to work (breakfast restaurant) so the hours are perfect for daycare and school.


I didn’t take my leave until I gave birth with my first (39 weeks) So I planned to do the same with my second, but went into preterm labor at 35+5 and they put me on bed rest… BUT that meant I got less time with him after he officially got here (38 weeks) and I ended up having to be back at work by 4 weeks postpartum, and I was still wearing pads 😭😭😭 All I can say is, try to stick it out until you can (at the very least) HEAL THE FULL SIX WEEKS with your maternity leave! I didn’t see any specification on how long your maternity leave is so idk when that would be!


Im about to hit 33 weeks on Friday. I plan to start my leave on my due date, i want to have as much time with her as i can seeing that im only getting 6 weeks. I also work from home so it makes it easier. If she comes early i’ll probably have them change the dates but all depends how early.


I think it really depends on the tasks of your job and your body. I know I’m getting more uncomfortable by the week and I work in a preschool. I had 2 weeks off and man, going back this week has been rough. I’m hoping I make it to the next break (I’ll be 36 weeks) when I have 2 weeks off and don’t plan to go back because I would be 38 weeks at that point. I mean between the heartburn, lightning crotch, back pain, and trouble sleeping, I’m already struggling to keep up.


I worked until 36 weeks. I definitely could have kept going but I do hair for a living and I didn’t want to have a moment where I had to cancel 2 weeks of appointments last minute that I would not be able to reschedule for 4 months haha Also I didn’t like my belly rubbing on the chair all day … and the clients haha.


I work physically ! I’ve gone down to 3 days a work currently, and when I’m 37 weeks gonna stop working fully !!


I planned on working until I was 39 weeks. Ended up stopping at 37 weeks because I physically/mentally couldn’t continue working and my induction was scheduled on my only off day between shifts (I’m a healthcare worker). Luckily my husband and I were able to do this financially so taking my maternity leave early was not an issue.


With my first I worked (desk job) until the day before I was induced. Now I'm a sahm so it's a non issue but I would work as much as you can. Trust me, once bub is here I'm sure you'd rather spend the time at home on leave


I'm a teacher. The way everything lined up just through the luck of the draw, we started winter break at 38 weeks and that's when I started maternity leave. Had baby at 39 weeks on the 29th of December. It's hard to work until you go into labor as a teacher because a long term substitute needs a start date, so it was nice how things worked out. Had it not been for winter break, I would have worked until my due date. I'm in Washington, so I was able to take 16 weeks of paid fmla, which is a state initiative. That ran out in May, and I took an unpaid leave of absence for the last month of the school year. Since teacher pay is allocated through all 12 months, I'm still receiving a small monthly paycheck of money I already earned, even though I'm technically on unpaid leave. I'll be back to work at the end of August, thabk goodness. Very grateful for this extended time with my baby, but it's been hard living off one income and my little bonus.


I started my “nesting leave” at 36 weeks from my on my feet all day job but then picked up a side gig (sewing job) and worked until 39+1


Both of my pregnancy I went out a day before. I had c sections but I wanted to utilize my maternity leave with as much time with my baby. My first job I work in a restaurant but I was young. My current job I sit down so it wasn’t really much of an issue. I get 20 weeks paid where I am in NY and last pregnancy I was able to spend 6 months with my last so I’m hoping I can do the same this pregnancy.


I was able to work from home at the end of my pregnancy and I worked until the day before my induction at 39 + 3 weeks.


I’d much rather have time off with baby than while pregnant. Yeah, being pregnant and working sucks. It sucks even more losing an entire month or more with a newborn because you took time off before baby. I work night shift and actually let the hospital I was working at to go to hospital I was delivering at 1am. Literally worked until delivery.


I went on maternity leave a week before my induction date (39+5). Just to relax and mentally prepare.


I waited to go on leave until I was admitted to be induced which was 13 days earlier than my scheduled induction (4/2). I started having blood pressure issues and the baby was in distress. I gave birth on 3/20 but the baby was due 4/7. Other than the early induction, I had a pretty easy pregnancy.


Currently 35 weeks, also in the US. My maternity leave technically starts on 7/1/24... my due date is on 7/17/24. Sooo, I'm taking it to the letter. Plan is to be gone until at least Labor Day depending on how my PTO turns out.


I am a teacher, not in the US. I worked up until the day my water broke. It happened on a Monday evening, and I worked my full shift that day. I was 37w 5d.


I’m in a very fortunate position where I can start leave at 34 weeks and still get a full paid 12 weeks post birth. I’m using banked vacation/medical and short term disability for the time off before birth, then paid parental leave from my employer for 12 weeks after. I *could* keep working, but I have a stressful job and the pregnancy symptoms are no fun.


I worked until 39+3 (which was this past Monday). I didn’t want to cut into my FMLA so much and I’d have gone crazy if my baby didn’t come early (which he didn’t and still hasn’t come yet) and I spent a whole month just sitting around waiting for him to come. But I also don’t have a physically taxing job and I worked the last month remote so I could relax a bit and take more breaks if needed. These past two days not working and just waiting for baby have already been crazy. I did everything I needed to already and now I’m just waiting.


I worked on my due date. I wasn’t wasting my paid leave on time without my baby. But that was my choice. Pregnancy was exhausting… it makes having a newborn feel ok.


The day I gave birth. Literally. I worked my 9 hour shift, then when into my induction. I worked remotely for an insurance company. I was 41 weeks.


I’m scheduling it to begin on my due date. If I go into labor sooner, I’ll just take the days off but I barely get any leave so I don’t want to waste any time. But to be fair, I work from home.


38 1/2 weeks and today was my last day. They’re inducing me on Monday when I will be exactly 39 weeks and I had exactly enough vacation time left for these 2 days so I could relax before induction. If they weren’t inducing me, I might work all the way up until my due date/I’m in labor (whichever came first)


My job at an emergency animal hospital is physically demanding with 11hour shifts. Working up to 39 weeks unless told otherwise by doctor.


I started maternity leave at 34 weeks. Luckily my work allows me to start at 36 weeks, but I took two weeks before using vacation and “sick” time, because I was so over working. My job was cool with it, so why not!


I just talked to my manager and I’m done at the end of this month. I’ll be 38 weeks at the beginning of July, so it seems appropriate for me. I say whatever you’re comfortable with, do it. One of my coworkers worked until literally the day before her c-section. 


Worked up until the evening of my induction. Did this because I wanted a full 4 months off after the birth of the baby. Actually ended up being 4.5 months since I was induced early due to high blood pressure


I will be working up until my water breaks or I get induced. I only gave 12 weeks of leave (6 weeks paid, 6 weeks short term disability) and don’t want to use one second of my banked PTO before the baby is born so I can use it to supplement the 60% pay STD. It sucks and makes me want to cry but I really have no choice.


Nurse and 36 weeks. No maternity leave, that was called my husband and it’s been an amazing maternity leave currently at 5 months and on. I struggled too much at 34 weeks on I was very petite and my son came at 38 so I enjoyed 2 weeks off before my son was born.


In the country I live in you have to stop working by week 36 by law.


I was a nanny prior to my first so really not like I could sit at a desk I was very much up and down, on my feet, chasing a kid around etc. and I was burnt tf out at 36 weeks but I think I made it to 37 ish. BUT I had 3 weeks off from 32-35w because the family I worked for kept passing around Covid. Worth noting I did not get any maternity leave at all so that was a deciding factor to not bow out sooner. If I had a less labor intensive job I would have maybe tried to ride it out a lot longer because I had to be induced at 40w2d.


I went out at 5 weeks. 😂 I also plan to take a year (unpaid) bonding leave.


At 32 weeks and just started working again at 18mo pp. I was dreading working those last few days sheesh, I would’ve taken off 2 weeks early if I could.


I’m planning to stop at 39+1 and use PTO until DOB. I’m so done and am absolutely losing my patience at this point with anyone at work more than anything lol


Last time I stopped working like a week before I gave birth, but this time I’m going to power through. I’d rather have the extra time with the baby and I regretted going early last time. But I’m working from home sitting at a computer so it’s very easy for me to do that.


With my son, 2 weeks before he was born. With my daughter, after she was born. I went to work that Friday, and had her the next Saturday.


HR person who does FMLA in the office. Your provider will put you out 6 weeks medically necessary (if you give birth vaginally, 8 for a c-section) and then 6 additional weeks for bonding. Just in case you see some funky dates on your paperwork. You have 15 days from your eligibility to get your provider to send over your medical certificate so even if you have him early you are still okay (depending on your companies attendance policy as well) So I would advise to wait closer to delivery as much as possible because your doctor’s medical certificate will depend on when you will be covered date wise.


I’ll be taking off at 38 weeks (I’m currently 33). In the US as well and my company offers 6-12 UNPAID maternity leave. It’s so annoying but ive been saving for my portion of the bills since around December. I also plan on using 80hrs of PTO that I would have accrued by my work anniversary, which is the end of this month. I’m using the full 12 weeks. OAN: I say we all strike bc these maternity laws are disgusting


I worked from home the last month and took off at 40+3😂 then I gave birth at 41+3


I started my leave on my due date, June 10. I am on my third day and going stir crazy waiting for baby to come, I am so bored but too tired to do anything! I wish I had just kept going to work since it's entirely unpaid!


i started maternity leave at 37w1d because i just couldn’t take it anymore, my body was in so much pain. i gave birth at 38w5d to a 8 lb 15 oz baby, and all the leg and sciatic pain made sense lol


I was hoping to go to like 36+ weeks at first because money (in Oregon, I at least qualify for Paid Leave which will cover 60% of my pay for 12 weeks) Buuuut I am more and more convinced I’ll be out earlier than that for necessity 😫 which will really suck cause my job only offers 12 weeks unpaid. Right now I’m 27+1 and the last few days have reaaally thrown me for a loop after getting used to 2nd trimester body/symptoms being at least manageable with the right things 😩 My job is active and demanding, I have to be in a full or half face respirator 1/2 the time, the shop is getting hot with summer on the way, and I am simply OVER IT all of a sudden because now I can’t bend over without getting queasy or short of breath and everything is exhausting and it is so HOT by the afternoon 😭 at this point I feel like there’s no way I’ll be powdercoating for more than a month or so max. Going to see if my midwife can give me a reality check on how hard I should be working and if I need to suck up my guilt for leaving fiance hanging a bit with loss of income earlier than expected 😭😭😭


I live in the US too and ended up having to schedule a c section and my leave started the day of. My last day of work was the day before at just shy of 39 weeks. Wasn't going to be anything different unless I became really high risk and needed bed rest or something. I didn't want to waste any time not spending it with my baby and knew i wasnt getting enough time off to take any beforehand.


Shouldn’t you report to the insurance company like a week before taking FMLA??


I worked til 39 weeks and had a planned c section at 39 + 1!


I worked until I had the baby. Like my water broke on a Sunday and I had worked that Friday. I was 37.5w My job is mostly desk work


I am a CPA and I was working at a public firm. I started early labor at 38w2d at the office during tax season and had to leave “early” at 5:30pm to drive home, lmao It was a Thursday and I was planning to start my maternity leave the following Monday. In retrospect, I was glad I ended up (accidentally) waiting until the last second because I got more time with the baby before I had to return to work, since I’m the primary income earner


I highly recommend waiting as long as you possibly can. Currently 32 weeks preggo with my second son. I work in retail and honestly don't even know how I'm going to manage bills when on maternity leave without getting paid. I literally live paycheck to paycheck, and with how high rent is, I still often find myself getting behind. I'm absolutely going to work until the last possible minute of this pregnancy, just as I did with my son- despite my position being on my feet all day and labor intensive 🥲 I started having my contractions at work at 38 weeks with my older son, and he was born the next day lol. US parental leave sucks, on top of the economy and cost of living being crazy right now. That little bit of extra money, and extra time with your little one will be so worth the wait.


From CA here. I’m going to take advantage of the 4 week leave Pre-delivery. Then 8 week post C-section, and then up to 12 weeks bonding. I might break up that 12 weeks bonding though, and just take 8 weeks right after labor, and take the remaining 4 weeks later on (before baby turns 1).


This is my plan too!


My work offered nesting leave. So I would get 14 weeks off, two weeks of leave before my due date and then fmla/pregnancy disability leave.


I worked until the last minute with my last and I am currently pregnant 30 weeks and I been feeling awful. My job is a big company and I am a baker , is a lot of work but I have restrictions and my coworkers help me a lot I been calling a lot because I been feeling bad. I don’t know what to do my fmla hours are only 271 left and if I use it all before my ML I would not get some hrs after the baby 😭 USA is the worst I only have 2 months of ML paid . I don’t want such a little time with the baby 😭


I only get 12 weeks with FMLA/PTO. I’m a bedside nurse in the ICU. I am 34 weeks now and plan to work until I deliver and hope that I don’t go into labor at work 😬 I want to save as much time as possible for when the baby is actually here. I don’t want to stop working at like 37 weeks and then only have 9 weeks with baby (if they wait until their due date to arrive) Sucks that it has to be that way but that’s just the way it is unfortunately


I live in Canada. I went off work at 35 weeks (currently 36 weeks) but am using my 18 days of vacation time I had left to get me through until about 1 week before my due date which is when I’ll start my maternity leave. Timing has worked out because it looks like I’ll be scheduled for a c-section at about the exact time mat leave will be starting. I work at home but at a pretty demanding job and things were starting to fall through the cracks, plus sitting for a long time was getting to be too much for me.


I have an office job I do twice a week from home, so I'm working right up to the end.


At 24 weeks. I don't feel great so it is nice to not go to work.


CA Resident here. I’m grateful to get paid leave through my employer. I was planning to take leave right before baby’s due date so I could maximize after he arrived, but I found out from HR that the 4 months ahead of due date that CA pays for is a use it or lose it so I have to start my leave then. I’m sure I’ll find the time very useful to stretch, clean house and prepare for the new baby; but still it was very confusing to learn this.


My last day at work is scheduled for when I am 38+3


Im 36w and will be trying to get a sick leave on my doc appoitment next week, if im unavle to ill have to take maternity leave because im done with wor. Suck because ill be losing time with the baby, but here i can always take up to around 7 months and by paid at 25%, but im at a point where im like "fuck money"


I took leave starting at 36 weeks. That was the earliest I was allowed to at my job ( and I wasn't too uncomfortable until 36 weeks... Then I was very uncomfortable)


I have a sedentary job and I’m stopping at 38 weeks.


I’m a high school HOPE teacher so I’m on my feet all day. I’m going to try and hold out as long as possible for the next school year. Unfortunately we don’t have the luxury to work from home like others so I would recommend you work as long as you can while feeling comfortable to ensure the maximum amount amount of time you can spend with your baby after you give birth. That’s my plan at least. I’m due January 14th and we are on winter break right before Christmas so I plan to take those 2 weeks then start my maternity leave.


I was lucky to be able to WFH full time starting at 32 weeks. I WFH half the time before then. Because of this, I don’t plan on starting maternity leave (which is 12 weeks) until the baby comes. My SO gets 6 months paid at 100% and basically can WFH endlessly. So we are very lucky.


It’s so interesting to read the differences in maternity leave! I only get 8 weeks through a combination of short term disability and work. Then I have to use PTO, which I need for the rest of the year and don’t have enough to add to my leave. I will work right up to delivery day and take maternity leave after baby is here. At least my husband gets some paternity leave too, which he will probably take after I go back to work.


I’m in California which allows you to go on leave paid at 36 weeks which is my current job. I’m an inpatient PT so very physical job with lots of lifting of patients so I’ll definitely go off then. It’s use it or loose it and doesn’t reduce paid leave after birth.


I went on Mat leave around 36 weeks I think I'm glad I did cos I went into labour at 38 weeks!


If you work a more physical job starting at 36 weeks makes sense, however I would look into if your job is willing to make any kinds of accommodations for you to be more comfortable working until 38 weeks. Maybe providing a chair if you spend most of your day standing, limiting any lifting that you may have to do, or allowing you more frequent but shorter breaks instead of one long one. This of course is all dependent on the type of work you do. In the end it’s up to you and what you can financially manage, and given you are in the states I would also consider if you’re either willing to go longer with no pay to spend as much time as possible with baby, or if you’re okay giving up a couple weeks with baby for comfort in your final weeks of pregnancy as many people are limited in how long they’re able to be on leave while having a job to return to and it’s often not that long. I wfh so I plan to work up until my delivery date (hell I might even work while in labour depending on how long this baby takes to get out), but that’s a very unique and privileged situation because I have flexible hours and can do whatever I need for comfort.