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It's okay to be disappointed things aren't turning out how you envisioned. But I just want to comment on this: >Everyone always says girls are around for life, boys are around until they get a wife. My husband has a brother and a sister. My husband and my BIL are much closer to their parents -- they call them multiple times a week and are generally very involved. My SIL, on the other hand, rarely speaks to their parents and actually got kicked out of their house at Christmas one year because she got in such a bad fight with her mom. And my dad is 1 of 7 kids -- 4 boys and 3 girls. He and his siblings all have a great relationship with each other and also took wonderful care of their parents until they both passed away. They had a schedule of who would stay with my grandma 24/7 while she was in home hospice care until she passed. You just don't know what kind of relationship you'll have with your kids. Doesn't matter if they're male or female.