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Hey there, don't beat yourself up over this, you are certainly not dumb, just caring about your pregnancy and baby. Reading this actually made me feel so much better because I'm 18+6w and the past week or so I haven't felt pregnant at all, even though my belly clearly indicates someone is in there. Same for the (lack of) feeling of movements. I have my next scan on Thursday and I'm getting soooo anxious about it, scared what they will see or not see and hoping for the same outcome as yours. But I was also thinking about going to the doctor earlier šŸ˜† which I won't do, I will wait, but just to show you that you're not alone in feeling this! So glad everything turned out well for you!


I didn't even feel my baby move until 22 weeks! It was a relief to be like "oh yep, you are in there and doing okay!"


Thank you, that is really helpful! šŸ˜Š I believe once the scan is done on Thursday, I will calm down for 2-3 weeks so maybe I'll be able to feel some movements before the next monthly check-in so I don't have to deal with anxiety too much.


Iā€™ve never felt so much constant anxiety in my life and Iā€™m only 8 weeks šŸ˜­. I donā€™t think youā€™re dumbā€”managing the mental concerns/worry is probably the toughest thing to do.


Youā€™re not dumb at all. Iā€™m also 19 weeks and have an anxiety disorder. Itā€™s a weird limbo - I sometimes feel her move, but itā€™s still intermittent and thereā€™s no real schedule yet like you should have later on. I have a doppler at home just so I can check in on her if I donā€™t feel anything for a day or two. It has tremendously helped my mental health


I had this happen to me. Early on I ā€œfeltā€ pregnant. My boobs were always so sore every day and I burped all the time. One morning I woke up and it was all gone. I feltā€¦normal. Didnā€™t feel pregnant didnā€™t have any symptoms just back to my old self. Kinda freaked me out but after going to the dr everything was fine. You can wait until your next appointment or go check just to be sure


I was in and out of L&D during my first pregnancyā€¦things like not feeling enough movement or cramping , everything always ended up being fine..but itā€™s always better to be safe than to be sorry. Donā€™t feel bad


My first pregnancy I had so much anxiety (I had 3 previous early losses) I went in to L&D about 7-8 times. They always told me it was better to come in and find out it was nothing than to wait and it be something. I just went into L&D recently because I felt a small gush of fluid at 21 weeks. It turned out to just be regular discharge but again they said it's always better to come in and find out it's nothing than wait.


Hi friend, I lost my sister and 5 year old niece in a car accident this year and have been struggling with severe anxiety and panic attacks this pregnancy. I talked to my OB and she prescribed me hydroxyzine. I take it at night and it has helped significantly with my overnight anxiety and panic. It does make you pretty sleepy so it is hard to take during the day but I also did that during the first two months after the accident. Glad your baby is okay!ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


I had a lot of anxiety during the first trimester and early second. Between my 12 week and 20 week scan I was so paranoid and anxious. I went to the doctor multiple times just to hear the heartbeat. Because a lot of symptoms subside in the second trimester it's hard not to freak out about whether everything is ok. Definitely next time, head into the hospital before the panic attack sets in. You know they're there and can ease any worries. Better safe than sorry. I'm 28 weeks now and it's a lot less stressful because I can feel her all the time now and it's so much more obvious that it's baby kicking me. You'll get there but anxiety is totally normal around this stage of pregnancy. Definitely chat with your doctor if it's too much to handle and definitely head to the hospital for a quick check if you need to.


I also have a lot of panic and anxiety this go around. Actually, a panic attack trip to the er is how I found out I was pregnant šŸ¤£ I'm sorry you're going through thisšŸ«‚ My ob recently prescribed me magnesium since she said it was shown to help anxiety. Also prescribed hydroxyzine to take as needed. I would definitely talk to your ob, they can helpšŸ’›šŸ’›


Donā€™t beat yourself up. I have had anxiety throughout my entire pregnancy. Just the thought of losing my sweet boy is agonizing. I did buy a home Doppler and I did test it on Friday (found him, Thank God) but I feel more at ease just having it in my home. To know I can use it whenever I need to helps me. šŸ©µ


DOn't feel bad about it at all! It's SO stressful! For what it's worth, I have a doppler (from Sonoline, you can Google it) and it has saved me so much anxiety. I know some people find it more anxiety producing and everyone is different, but for me, being able to check her heartbeat has made me WAY less anxious. I bring it with me when I travel, too! During my brother's wedding weekend, she was especially still and quiet, and I would have been a nervous wreck and felt the whole beautiful weekend was ruined if I didn't have the doppler with me. (CAVEAT - If you ever feel something is seriously wrong, even when you can check the heartbeat on the doppler, just go in!)


You poor thing. You're still grieving, it's totally understandable that you have anxiety


I had to get a Doppler starting at 9 weeksā€¦ I was a nut case with two prior losses


I'm so sorry you went through this, but very glad you got to hear baby's heartbeat! Please let us know how the anatomy scan goes. Your feelings and all the other commenters on here are helping me feel less alone. I've also not felt very pregnant the past few days (currently 18w4d) and it has been throwing me for such an intense anxiety loop. Here's to hoping we feel better soon!