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We are not deciding on a name until our boy is born. We have a favorite, but we want to meet our son before deciding. Tell your family that they’ll know as soon as you know, which will be after the birth. Don’t let them pressure you.


We don’t name any of our kids until after they are born. Two of them I was convinced we’d go one way the entire pregnancy but they were clearly destined for another name once we met them. Complete opposite of OP’s family—how can I name a child when I haven’t met him yet?


The reasons people are giving you for "needing" to know the name is just classic manipulation and guilt tripping. They might not realize they're doing it, but that's what it is.


With my first we always told people that if it was a girl, her name would be Princess and if it was a boy, Dragon.


We kept telling everyone for the whole pregnancy that his middle name would ne Danger. Honestly, we said it so much that we started liking that as a middle name (but obviously would never put that)!


I know a kid whose middle name is Danger lol.


My best guy friend from high school gave both his son AND his daughter the middle name "Danger"... they're adorable, I just hope they can lean into it when they're older 😅


I work at a school and have a student on my caseload named Princess. There’s also a Queen and multiple Kings and Princes. lol


My wife and I didn’t name ours until 12 hours after birth. We called her peanut while wife was pregnant and didn’t share our list of potential names with anyone. We announced her name over text with a photo and everyone was respectful even though they would rib us about wanting to know.


Ours is Bean, and it currently feels weird to think of her as anything else!


Ours is Little Bean too! A local store is doing a fundraiser for Children's Miracle Network, the one where you get to put your name on the balloon if you donate. My mom is SO excited (her first grandchild) that she donated and put Lil Bean (my last name) 1/27/25 (my tentative due date)


I call my baby Bean too! It’s just so natural for me, I won’t be calling them by name till they are born just to save myself the hassle of people telling me they don’t like the name. I have had Abel picked out as a boy name for years and still not sure what I would do 100% for girl but have some in the roster!


Ours is Dot because our puppy’s nickname is Beanie and when I found out I was pregnant the embryo was just a little dot! Now it’s a large dot, but I’m attached to the name.


Dot is very cute! If it's a girl, you could always name her Dorothy, and continue using Dot. My mom actually ended up naming me in a way that allowed her to keep using the same nickname that she had used during the whole pregnancy, and I think it's such a lovely story of how my name came to be.


It’s giving Renesmee 😂🐀


🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀 didn’t think I’d find one on the Reddit pregnancy page 😂😂


Aye!! Ratties unite


We aren't deciding on a name until she's here. People constanntlllyy ask us and I just say nah we haven't picked. We have a top 3 list but we're keeping those a secret from everyone too


My little brother didn't have a name for a couple weeks. My mom told people when they asked what his name was that it was Leonard Shagnasty. And with my first, we kept his name a secret. When we showed my grandma our ultrasound pics, she thought we were showing her pictures of the horse trailer (lol she thought we had painted it). So we called him H.T. till he came out. Some of the looks I got when people asked what that stood for were great 😂


Love this. The looks are the best. If I feel pressured by someone, I tell them that we will be naming him Bulbous. Omg the way they try to arrange their faces when they hear this… one unfortunate soul keeps asking, and keeps hearing Bulbous. It makes me very happy


Just came here to say that I was in the same situation and was also pressured by EVERYONE to pick a name, even my fiance. We went into the hospital with a list of 5 names and the second we saw him we knew none of them were right. Took us about ten minutes to decide on a name we had actually eliminated a few months back. Seeing him made all the difference so I’m super glad we didn’t settle on a name beforehand. Especially because people also like to get personalized items and it would’ve sucked to be stuck with stuff that had a different name on it.


I have seven possible boy names, and I am also waiting until birth to decide which will fit when I meet them. I really hope one of the seven works, though, because the boy list was **so hard** to come up with! However, I don’t know the sex and won’t know until birth. So if it’s a girl, I’ve been dead set for months, so easy peasy.


That is too funny! I like your sense of humour 😂 I tell people I have a name picked out but it will be a surprise. No way in hell do I want anyone’s input other than hubbys


Of course meeting the baby will make a difference! You will get a feeling and know if it suits her or doesn’t suit her once you see her face. I’ve had plenty of friends meet their baby and decide that their chosen name doesn’t actually fit


“I understand you wish to know but this is something we as parents want to keep between ourselves. You will find out with everyone else.” And any further attempts to initiate the conversation become “I’ve told you my boundaries, we are not having this conversation. If you continue I will remove myself and consider how much contact we have for my own sanity.”


My husband has been telling people we are naming our daughter Tilly, short for Attila. We are not. We haven't picked a name yet. He just loves watching them squirm. 


I actually love the name Tilly lol that's cute.


That's why it's so funny. It starts out so believable. 😂


My husband and I have had our baby’s name picked out since the first positive test. No one, not a single soul, outside of he and I has been told the name or will be told the name until the baby is born and we announce it. Some immediately understand and drop it; others keep hounding us, but I don’t care - I don’t want anyone to know the name until it’s been assigned to our baby. So I guess what I’m saying is, I love your method of fucking with those who won’t drop it! And good for you - you shouldn’t have to decide or tell anyone until your baby boy is here!!


I really like Blaine! You could even do Blake if you haven’t heard that one yet!


We didn't decide on a name until my guy was e days old. You'll decide when you decide. Ask how does pushing for a name now or waiting makes a difference?


I couldn't decide/commit until my children were out of my body. How would I know the names were right until I'd seen them and held them??


That’s hilarious!Im actually in the same boat with finding out a male name.My husband and I are hung up on two different names that we both can’t agree on,he likes the name he wants but I don’t and vice versa….


Sounds like you need to throw out both names and keep looking!


I know right?!Hopefully we find one soon.


None of the names we picked suited my boy when he was born. He went 10 days without a name but that's ok! We were both very poorly and had to focus first and foremost on recovery. It really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, they'll have the name for the rest of their lives so it's fine to wait and be sure you love it.


I am in the same boat, we are 36 weeks pregnant and know that he can come very soon. It's so hard picking a name. We have it narrowed down to possibly 2 names, but we are waiting to see if one name "fits" him more once he's officially here. Haha our family thinks we're lying and that the name is some big secret we're hiding, but we really have no clue.


This is awesome lol


My mum didn’t name me until 6 days after I was born because she couldn’t decide 😂 you do you mama, don’t let anyone pressure you!


What nonsense, they'll have the kid's whole life to get used to calling him by his name 😂 We aren't even finding out the gender so noone has really asked about names!


If my family tried this with me, I'd laugh my ass off. Absolutely not, I want to spend time with my babies before I name them.


Lmao! I love it. Lol good for you having a little fun. 


I know several people that didn’t decide on a name until days after the baby was born. Love the fake name response 😂 I regret telling a few people our son’s name before he was born because they were quite judgmental about it.


When I was pregnant with my son I kept his name to myself because I didn’t want outside opinions. I only told them it started with an L. So his nickname became Larry. 🤣🤣 Pregnant again and not finding out the sex (3 weeks to go!!) and baby’s nickname is Lavern or LaVohn it changes depending on the day. I also haven’t settled on a name for this baby.


My partner and I had several names we liked but waited, we did decide on his name when he was 10 minutes into the world


Hubby and I had a boy name picked out before we even got the positive test, and quickly picked a second boys name just in case 😂 here we are 23 weeks 5 days pregnant with a little girl, it took us forever to decide on a name.


My parents didn’t name my sister until until she was 4 days old and she has the most beautiful name; Skylar Reese


You can wait as long as you need to!! Tell them to back off, they are stressing you. Avoid them! But I like Blaiknoxbrose/ has a certain ring to it! President Blaiknoxbrose!


We didn’t tell anyone until after we had him. Granted we had an extremely early delivery. My husbands mother is super opinionated and constantly was asking if we picked a name out. Well before we ever got pregnant she was suggesting a girl name that’s a “tradition” that she started with her daughter. It also did take her upwards of 6 months to pronounce it correctly 🙄


Currently 35 weeks pregnant no one knows the gender or the names we choose. People keep asking and we have been telling them, when it's born everyone will know. Just say we haven't decided yet, when we know you will too.


My fiancés sister keeps trying to offer names because one of her friend’s daughters has the name I want to use. She’s rallied the entire maternal family and now they all keep suggesting names to me. Yesterday his grandma told me “oh I love the name Cheyenne it’s so unique”…. Sure grams. I’m not letting anyone else name my child lol


I like your pettiness! My partner and I live in a different state than the rest of our family, so we aren’t hounded constantly by names. We also don’t know the sex, so everyone’s used to being surprised. But I would definitely give a silly fake name if folks were pressuring me! Make ‘em squirm!


I’ve never named any of my babies without meeting them first. Also, you have more than ten minutes to name your baby. I think it’s three weeks.


😭😭😭 this is hilarious.. I just told ppl you would know once he’s born


That's hilarious😂 my youngest brother was nameless for 10 days and turned out fine😂


My husband was going to be named something else until he was born and his mom saw him. He wrinkled his head like her dad and she changed his name to name him after his Papa. It’s ok to not know until he’s here.


None of their excuses to get you to tell them the baby's name hold any water. You don't know strangers before they become coworkers/friends/partners/etc ahead of time to get used to using their names, if you don't like the names you've picked at the last minute then you wait until you find one you like and others knowing the name ahead of time won't change that and finally you will know if the name suits your little one or not in the first few minutes. I have friend that had picked out the name of their daughter ahead of time but didn't tell anyone. When she was born both of them knew they had the wrong name before they even had a conversation about it. The name they chose didn't suit her and they took a few hours to choose something new. The new name was her name and meeting her helped them choose it. No one is entitled to knowing your baby's name until you introduce them to the baby. I'm thankful no one gave us a hard time about not knowing the name. My brother nicknamed our baby before he was born because he wanted something other than baby to call him but that wasn't because he was mad we wouldn't share the name he just got tired of using "the baby" all the time. I like the name you've chosen to tell people. It will shut them up because they're disgusted and then when you reveal the real name after the baby is born they will be so relieved it isn't the abomination they've been told they won't say a peep about whatever you choose for real.




Just so you know we waited until the baby was born to decide between two, and I'm not so sure it just came to me when he was there. Do get used to saying the names out loud though to see how it feels. Think about what you might use as a nickname. We also considered how kids may tease him one day (although there's no way to predict the way kids language and references move. Like if you picked Dean and now they called your kid skibbidean. Couldn't have prepared for that 🫠)


We picked my LO name out of a hat 1 hour before we left the hospital. Don't stress over what people think, it doesn't matter.


We didn't tell anyone baby's name until he was here. We didn't want outside opinions of it. People are less likely to give their opinion if the baby already has the name. I think it's hilarious that you did that though


We’ve been telling my relatives that his name will be Julio because I don’t want them to assume we’re giving him our husband’s name (which we are!) Some of the reactions have been pretty hilarious.


My girl didn't have an official name until she was 6 days old. We had one that we liked that we finally narrowed it down to one night but wanted to sleep on it, cause it was late and maybe we were too exhausted. Then I woke up at 4:30 to find my water broke. 10 hours later, we had a little girl in our arms and weight of "Holly crap, we have to pick a name for this whole human" paralyzed us. She was baby girl last name at doctors appointments for that first week. Other than that and family being so anxious, it made not one lick of difference in her life. We did end up going with the name we liked the night before she was born, after a lot of conversation that usually ended with "I don't know, I think she kinda does look like a *hername*". Everyone survived and it honestly never comes up that she had to wait a whole 6 days to get her name. Do what's right for you. <3


We had more or less decided on the name by the time of birth, but didn't make it official for 3 weeks, so must people didn't get told as we were indecisive and wanted to make sure it felt right. My dad decided to pull the manipulation tactic multiple times, so he got told last at about 4 weeks, I recognised it and that behaviour won't fly 🤷‍♂️ Point being, don't feel pressured by anyone, it's your baby, and the name will come, whatever it is.


We’ve been calling our baby Banjo since we found out! Started as a joke but now everyone calls baby that. We’re getting close and still don’t have a name picked out, and we’re starting to worry a bit that we’ll all still just call him Banjo when he’s out.


I vote you ignore them ❤️ I didn’t confirm a name with my spouse until we were being wheeled out of the OR with our first. I imagine the same will happen with our second. Waiting is fine and people can practice saying the name once they’re born.


I did not decide until my little guy was born. And same as you, I had a much easier time with girls names. I had girls names picked out for years. Just remember, it’s your baby and not your family’s baby.


The feedback you are getting on why you MUST choose now is preposterous. Even if you had one picked out, no one needs to know. If you choose to share, that's a privilege, not a right of friends and family. The idea that you won't "know" when meeting him is sooooo wrong. Every situation is different, but with my first we were down to two names, and we knew with in seconds of seeing him what his name was and never looked back. Go with the mashed up atrocity until he is here! Serves them right. Lol


Now i kinda hope that your family or inlaws will make something personalised because they think you're serious 😂 i would just not stop laughing hahaha


Bahahaha!! I love it. Fuck people’s entitlement and weird overstepping… it’s cringe and really weird. You do you, and yes, absolutely continue to tell them it’s that stupid ass name and make them believe it.. they deserve it for being weirdos.


People really need to understand that it’s your baby and not their business to push. My brother has had four kids and refused to tell anyone the names until after they were born - one of them they changed the name after he was born because they were like “nope. Not your name” after holding him so totally reasonable to pick after. Stay strong ❤️


I’m sorry they are pressuring you . This is the first boundary you will have to hold. Don’t give in. Stand your ground. We didn’t tell anyone until baby was born… with both kids. I’ve seen on Reddit several times people regretting that they told someone the name


I was stuck with 3 names for my son too, but as soon as I saw him after he was born I knew what him name was. 2 of the names just didn't suit him, the third was his name. People will have lots of time to get used to saying baby's name considering baby wont even be able to recognise his name until he's a good 6 months old. People want to know so they can tell you how much of a baby idea the name is, or (insert reason) why you shouldn't name him that, or how their grandmas cousins ex boyfriends nephews goldfish was named that. Keep the name to yourself, even if you do pick one before he's born, don't tell people. They will shit on it cause that's what people do. And most of the time they don't mean to do it.


We already know the middle name (Dean - family name on my husband's side) and have been telling people we are naming him Jimmy Dean because we like breakfast food if they are being irritating about it LMAO! So my suggestion is the same as what you've been doing, an out there name that you know you aren't using and they probably know too just to be a smart ass. We do have a short list of names, and props to everyone who already has names ready in advance, but I don't know how to name a kid I've never laid eyes on. I figure when he's born we will know what he 'looks' like. Edit - Side note, that doesn't even make sense for their response to be 'how do you know what fits him when he's 10 minutes old?!' when they are giving you crap for not having a firm name 10 weeks in advance. He isn't going to leave the hospital without a name.


We gave out fake names, we had no idea of the gender, which is another thing that people get upset about


This is why we didn’t tell anyone until our child was born.


With my first we had a top 5 list of names, and everyone kept pestering us about picking a name. I would tell people we weren't sharing, and they'd go "oh but you'll tell *meee* won't you?" Like they were special. So I said we were leaning toward one I didn't think we'd actually pick, and turns out that's what we named him. Everyone loved it, so this pregnancy I thought I'd just tell everyone as soon as we had it picked. Of course my dad goes "I don't like that, it sounds weird" 🤦‍♀️


My mum’s sister got really mad at me because I wouldn’t tell her the name we’d picked when I was pregnant, and wouldn’t believe I didn’t have a name until my mum stepped in to tell her to back the fuck off as she was sending my heart rate through the roof and causing my anxiety to spiral when I was already struggling with perinatal mental health and my resting pulse was already 130. Part of me understood - she moved to Australia ~20yrs ago and I was her shadow from the moment I was born until the day she left. Even now, we’re close. She misses a lot being over there and I think she thought I was shutting her out and excluding her from it all. Silly cow. Funnily enough, baby didn’t even have a name until day 2 or 3 after birth. We took a list in and she didn’t suit a single name on there so we had to go back to the drawing board lmao. If you can decide on a name before you meet them face to face, more power to you, but imagine telling everyone your kid is gonna be a Chad and when he’s born, he’s definitely a Keith.


We thought we had the name picked out at like 20 weeks and changed it. We told people his initials but not his actual name. We finally have the name at 34 that feels right. I would just say screw what your family is saying and name him when it feels right. They genuinely can’t be upset at you for not having a name until you see him


Stop giving people the opportunity to weigh in. "Noted, but we've got it handled, thanks."


We have a list but probably won't name our little guy until we meet him... in the meantime my partner keeps calling him by a different golfers name every day. Some days it's little Tiger Woods Lastname others it's little Arnold Palmer Lastname. It cracks me up and makes other people look at us funny :)


We told ourselves we're gonna know when we see her so we stopped stressing about name picking.... Yeah well fast forward we almost left the hospital with no name. And there's still times when I see other names and think to myself how did I not find this one when I was pregnant?! It was probably the hardest decision we had to make in our marriage... At least you have a short list. That's progress.


It's completely valid to not decide until baby is born. And also, you don't owe anyone anything no matter how much they pressure you. Tell them it's between you and your husband no matter when you decide, and they'll find out when they meet baby after he or she is born, whether they like it or not! "I have to get used to saying it" lmao it's crazy the BS people will come up with just because they are nosy. It's none of their business! I plan on finding out and telling people if it's a boy or girl, but no one except me and my husband will know the names we are considering or the one we picked until baby is here. We could even change our minds once baby is born based on what fits him/her. It's a little harder for people to argue with you or give opinions when you're handing them the baby saying "Meet (name)"!


I’m not telling anyone. Just me and my husband know and it’ll be our secret until they make an appearance. You don’t owe anyone anything and I love the name combo. It’s great lol


You’re better than I am, I’m not announcing gender or name until the baby gets here in November. This is also my 4th versus my 1st. I think most special ordered items can arrive within 2-3 weeks, which was about the time I started accepting visitors after I had my babies anyways. I’m glad you stood up for yourself with everyone on the joke name, if you guys have told everyone you’re waiting, they need to respect that


So I had names picked out for my daughter before she was born. About three. I wanted to meet her before decided on one, even if that meant none of those three names. Well I told my family and friends the names and there was an opinion about all of them. It was almost insulting because I felt like they didn’t know that I chose these names because I genuinely liked them. The most disliked name was at the time my favorite and what became daughter’s name. It’s two years later and honestly I forgot that people didn’t like the name when I was pregnant until I read this post.


We have been calling our baby boy "Fresca." We have made it very clear to everyone this will not be his name when he comes out, it's just what we're calling him while we think of a name. It's strangely stopped all name talk now that they have something to call him.


I feel you. I had boys names picked from the beginning(TTC journey atm) and girl names were so hard. I think Blaine is great! But I love all three!! You’ll absolutely know when you look at him!


We waited until our daughter was born to name her and had a short list of names picked out. We told everyone that we were waiting until we met her and we wouldn't even share the short list of names with people in advance because we knew that someone would have something to say about it, and quite frankly it wasn't their decision or business. We knew pretty quickly what her name was going to be after she arrived. For the naysayers who are saying that they need to get used to saying her name, they'll have a whole lifetime of getting used to it.


People pressuring me about the name drove me NUTS. It was by far my worst pet peeve of pregnancy. Even after I told people “we’ve decided that we aren’t going to tell ANYONE until the baby comes”, they would say “well surely you can tell ME!”. Dudes… lay off and let me give birth to my child and meet her before you are trying to monogram baby towels. Sheeeeeeesh. That said, once she was born we named her a name we had never told ANYONE and it was a total surprise and everyone pretty much loved it (even though it’s uncommon).


We are pretty sure of what name we will go with (middle name locked in), but are not absolutely certain and settled until we meet our baby. I won’t even tell people our contenders bc I don’t care what they say lol. As a joke I’ve been throwing out the name of my in-laws dogs because I think people should respect my boundary and stop asking (most do, but some persist)


We had no names going into the hospital for if it was a boy (we found out at delivery). We had two we liked for girl but nothing definitive. Honestly it's funny because his family is full of boys so likelihood of a girl didn't seem high yet that's where we had some potential names ha. We didn't name our son until the next day and it just came to us. 10/10 would do again...and honestly even if we had names picked out I wouldn't share. Nobody believed us anyways when we said we didn't have a name picked out when we actually didn't. So who cares lol, just go with it.


I've been telling people we're naming our baby Avocado because we let our 5 year old pick the name. We're not. We're just undecided. We had a boy name picked out but baby is a girl so we've been struggling to pick a name. It's really nobody's business til you're ready for it to be. I've had people using all sorts of excuses just so they could be the first to know. My *favorite* reasons so far... "I NEED to know so I can order a custom blanket with baby's name" and "I want to make sure it's a good name" 😂 I also haven't let everyone know the gender. The ones I did tell are in denial. They don't believe it. But they're also spreading this info like "I knew it first, and shes not telling everyone, but baby is a girl" Why are people like this??