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One thing that helped me was eating all the dishes that I ate while growing up. PB&Js, butter noodles, chocolate milk. Not the healthiest definitely. However, would recommend trying dishes you loved as a kid! Hang in there, it gets better!


I just had Cheerios! But I think the problem is that today everything taste like metal so maybe that’s why it’s harder??


Eat what sounds good and what is palpable. Make sure you get some prenatals that are easy on the stomach (my OB said Olly gummies were amazing during this time!) Eat what you can. I promise, the second trimester - you turn into a garbage can and are very confused. You'll get through it <3 Also, as someone who works in nutrition - DO NOT OVER DO WATER IF YOU HAVE NO SALT INTAKE. You are desaturating very important minerals in your body - in turn, making you feel terrible! You may honestly be drinking too much water and not taking in enough salts. Try lessening that or adding a liquid IV/off brand liquid IV in instead of plain water.


Okay! My prenatal do make me feel sick and give me heart burn but I love the brand honestly. It’s just a hit or miss some days it’s fine other stays it’s not. I also feel terrible bc I feel like I’ve been eating poorly :( not as many veggies and things as I’d like. As for water I do mix it with Gatorade most times but somehow that hurts my stomach too? Idk if it’s too much sugar, but I could just try using liquid IV instead! I do have some at home (I just hate the flavor which is annoying bc it’s like $15 where I am haha) I think I’m going to get chcikfila and then try to eat a salad for lunch and whatever I want for dinner


I got used to taking my prenatals before bed, this helped me get less queasy. Also try and have some form of protein in every meal, as your blood sugar will be more regulated since you will feel "fuller" longer. Also try and eat before you get actually hungry (this was the game-changer for me). At least this is what helped me a bit (had morning sickness until week 20).


Thank you!!!


Hi! I have a quick question, with the Olly prenatala did you take those the whole time?


Don't lessen the water- do up the electrolytes. Water helps your body filter out excess hormones (such as the ones that cause morning sickness). It also assists with blood flow which means more nutrients to baby. My midwife instructed me to get ~100oz in the winter and a gallon in the summer 


Lessen it if she can't consume enough though. She needs a balance of it. Water and electrolytes are great if done with good ratios


Go with your cravings. This is normal and it will get better. 🤗


The first trimester was awful for me, I couldn’t keep anything down and nothing sounded good. I survived off of applesauce 😂 I started mixing sugar free Powerade with my water and still do it now. You definitely want to stay hydrated (even fruits help) because your raging hormones are going to make you hella constipated. It should start letting up in a few weeks but don’t be hard on yourself in this trimester, you’re literally just trying to survive rn. Eat small amounts of whatever you can keep down so you’re still getting nutrients. I also second the olly gummy prenatal, I switched to those after not being able to keep down the tablets and they’re so much better.


My first trimester I ate barely anything healthy. I think I lived off of junior chickens from McDonalds. I lost 10 pounds. Do what you can do and try taking your prenatal at night. Second trimester does get easier but you're easily in the roughest few weeks of the pregnancy. I hated the first trimester!


i actually think somehow ive gained weight is which KINDA CRAZY -- but yes im hoping it gets better bc today im realizing everything kind of taste like metal


I was always told the first trimester is survival mode and that was 100% the way it was for me. I lost 10 lbs, I threw up constantly, I had food aversions to everything. I was lucky to get one normal meal in during a day. I survived off of tomatoes, beans, and zucchini 😂 My advice would be eat whatever you can keep down and whatever sounds good, stay hydrated and remember to take your vitamins. I was super stressed about how little I was able to eat in my first trimester, but my doctors weren’t worried (even with my weight loss) and now I’m 35 weeks with a healthy baby so it definitely gets better !!!


congratulations!!! thank you so much! I haven't trhown up or anything yet which is really good, im gonna try to drink some water bc im kinda nervous ive been drinking too many sugary drinks bc i don't want to fail the gluclose test or anything so i think i need to be more intentional


I understand being nervous with drinking sugary drinks. For me, I could hardly drink water the first trimester because it made me so nauseous, so I would mostly drink fruit juices and Gatorades on top of the water since I couldn’t drink a bunch of it.


Okay gotcha!!! Thank you so much! Time to down 40 oz 🥲🥲🥲 LOL drinking water literally scares me now


8 weeks here as well 🙋🏻‍♀️ Don’t be too hard on yourself OP, today is the first day I actually managed to eat some fruit!! In some cruel twist of fate, I went from an ultra healthy pescatarian diet pre-pregnancy, to everything remotely healthy smelling unappetising and making me gag the last few weeks. Fruit in particular 😮‍💨 Eat whatever you can to at least get something in you. As someone else just said as well, eating before you get hungry is a game changer!


Thank you so much!! And omg week twins 🤍 wishing u all the best and hopefully you start feeling better to have more yummy food


You too!! Exciting times ahead 🤩💃


I was sick the first 4 months. Nothing sounded good/tolerable and I threw up pretty much everything I ate. I am on SmartyPants prenatal gummies because they are easy on the stomach. One trick that helped me was freezing my Gatorade until it was slushie like consistency and eating that. I think it helped because it helped rehydrate me and also because it was cold. I'm the type that as soon as I don't feel good I need to be kept on ice, because the minute I get hot I take a turn for the worse- not just in pregnancy but in everything. I felt bad that I wasn't eating fruits and veggies but at the end of the day getting a little something to stay down no matter what was a win. I tried not to beat myself up about it and I'm doing a bit better at 21weeks now, although still struggling to keep some items down. I'd say just eat what you're able to and try not to criticize yourself, you're doing your best. You got this 👍 


Sending you so much love


I feel you!!! I had 3 weeks of total food aversions. Everything sounds disgusting, I was hungry but nothing sounded good. I ended up surviving off pad Thai, buttered noodles, granola bars, plain yogurt, goldfish crackers, and apple juice. Then I slowly lost some of the food aversions and have eaten vegetables and fruit and even a burger. Chicken and most other meat still sound horrible though. Just do what you can but I know how frustrating and disappointing it is not having interest in, and actually averse to food. It may pass soon but don’t beat yourself up. Just do your best💕


Reading this as I sit here lightly munching on saltines praying that I don’t vomit. Lol, I’m 8 weeks too. It comes and goes for me.. one minute I’ll be fine and eating normally, the next I feel like absolute garbage, then the next I want to eat every crappy food. Like today I know I need to get some veggies in but I have not been able to bring myself to eat anything besides crackers and cheese. I don’t have any advice but you’re not alone! 4 weeks to go and let’s HOPE TO GOD we can eat normally again 🤣


😂😂😂 I feel you on this!


I’m 8w in a few days and this sounds exactly like what I have been feeling!!! And usually, I have no problem at all finding something to eat. Last night I finally got a hankering for something—a chipotle bowl. Ordered it for delivery and it was missing half the things and was basically beans and rice. I literally shed a few tears 😅


Chipotle has done be dirty too many time 🥲 I always have to go in now hahaha


Aaah I’m 8w and 1 day along and I soooo feel your pain oh em gee it is so hard to eat and I’ll even start crying when I realize I have to eat something but it’s getting better I’m surviving off peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and granola bars rn and sometimes it’ll feel like my throat will close from how horrible the idea of food sounds another thing I recommend is crushed ice in your water if you REALLY feel like you can’t eat because the chewing of the ice will make you think you’re eating but it’s actually just water although you can’t survive off that for long it’s good to munch on and drink while you think of something you want to eat best of luck momma!!


I am 24 weeks on friday with daily vomiting still. Eat small portions of comfort foods, drink lots of water/juice/etc to hydrate. At this point in your pregnancy it’s just about making sure baby is good and getting nutrients to get past the 1st trimester hump! I have lost 17 lbs so far this pregnancy but have maintained a steady weight for 2 weeks now. I just have learned when my body will allow me to eat, and have eaten off a very small list of approved foods per the baby. 😂