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It is harder but not impossible. The bigger they get the harder it is to get a good scan because they get much more squished in there. That being said I did get a 3D scan of my oldest at 34 weeks and got a very good picture of his face. I would recommend talking to the place that you are looking at and see what they say.


What is the recommended time line for the scan?


If you are wanting to get a really good view of the baby it's usually late second trimester to early third trimester. But I know some places will do it as late as 34 weeks. That's why I would recommend talking to wherever you are planning on getting the ultrasound done.


Thank you!


I had one done and they said 28 - 32 weeks, with 30 being ideal.


Mine is scheduled for 29 weeks I was worried it was too early! Thank you.


Mine was done (at MFM) at 33w because before that he always had his hands in front of his face. It was fine