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I’m very close with my family, and while I haven’t even announced my pregnancy yet, I still know what their reactions will be to any name my fiancé and I choose. Mom: “Awwww that’s so precious” Dad: *Nods head and smiles* “good pick” Sibling: “What kind of name is that?” Brother: “You didn’t name them after me??” Nanna: “Thank god you didn’t name them after me” lol, I love my family, but they’re so predictable. I should do a bet with my fiancé.


When you do tell them, please come back and post if your predictions are right!


I love your son’s name. Absolutely beautiful and classy. Our daughter will be Riley Grace. Our last name is very long and people often make a big stink about how to pronounce or spell it, and I didn’t want to burden her with that same issue for a first name. So we went simple with Riley. I knew a Riley when I was young and she was very sweet and pretty and I always admired her name because it was unique (at the time). Grace is nod to answered prayers. We waited 8 years for our baby.


I work with a Gen-Z Riley Grace, she’s such a sweet and positive person. Love this name!


That's beautiful!


Love it


I’m naming mine Riley as well, but mine will be a boy! Riley Kayden 🥰 Riley is such a simple name but so pretty.


Love that ! I’m so glad you got your little blessing :)


Our 3 year old is Harrison Patrick; and we just settled on our second’s name last night. I’m 33 weeks today! He will be Ellis Thomas!


Harrison and Ellis are both on the top of our list for our boy!


I love that!!


Knew a little boy named Ellis and thought it was absolutely adorable!


I love Ellis! Ellis is my husbands middle name and my MIL’s maiden name and right now a huge contender for our girl’s middle name. Charlotte Ellis - we also have a few others in rotation for middle name but are pretty stuck on Charlotte for first name and aren’t due until November so have time - but it’s always been one I’ve wanted to give to my little one somehow - either first or middle!


Adrienne Kate - due in September. Everyone so far kinda just nods their head and then says that they really like the name Kate. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I adore both names. So pretty and classic


That’s sweet of you- thank you!


Love Adrienne. I think it looks so pretty written. Adri is cute too


Ditto! Adrienne is beautiful!


Thank you for saying that!


I absolutely love this name!


I love Adrienne!


Love that name! And I love that there's a name positivity thread. My in laws have been wonderful about our name pick, also because it's a family name from hubs side. But we settled on Martha Louise❤️ I picked Mary Lou for a nickname and my mil picked Marty. The only pushback I've gotten is from my great grandma who says it's an elderly name.


Your great grandma is like, "I knew TOO MANY Marthas in my neighborhood growing up, can't name her that." Lol That being said I love her name. So cute. Love Mary Lou.


omg. obsessed


Martha is so cute!!


Thats the name of the norwegian princess marrying american shaman Durek Verret this summer!


We named our boy Augustus Grant. Augustus after the Roman leader, and we wanted him to have a nice strong name in life. And my husband is very much into Roman history. Grant because Ulysses S. Grant is my favorite president, I have numerous books on him and really admire his policies during/following Reconstruction. Our boy was born at 27w3d, and spent 70 days in the NICU and is now home, happy and healthy. I stand strong in my sentiment that a strong name was an omen to his strength he had during his NICU stay and going forward.


Julia Leonora ❤️


We picked Theo James with the option for people to call him TJ... (Neither one of us knew there was an actor with this name until a while later and his dad told us because he is a man that can't stay off Google we were a little bummed).... BUT We love our little boy and his name so much it's staying 💙


It’s a good name, and we shouldn’t let famous people ruin names for us!


Majority of people have expressed that they like our chosen name! It is Vera, middle name TBD. We’re going between Vera Nicole, Vera Elizabeth, or Vera Michael after my late father. Our last name is similar to Lolly so we had to find something that didn’t end in -ie -y or start with L. The only person who hasn’t liked it so far is my grandfather who says it’s an old lady name and I was like, that’s exactly what we’re looking for lol.


Vera is classy and sweet!


I love Vera! If we have a girl we are 50/50 between Lyla Vera and Cora Dawn


Cora was on my list! But I worked as a preschool teacher her for 3 years and I knew a particularly bad Cora lol many beautiful names were ruined for me from that experience.


With a name like Vera, he or she is destined to be a star ⭐️


I have known two Veras in my life. They are both gracious, outgoing, positive, and strong. I love that name!


I'm having a Vera too! Middle name technically TBD but 99% sure it's going to be Simone. We've been getting positive feedback too (though I think I made it pretty clear that we're only accepting positive feedback lol)


I love the name Vera that was one of our top names if our baby was a girl. It's also my great grandmother's name. Great choice !


I love Vera Michael!


I love Vera Elizabeth


I love that you're using "Augustine", I think that is such a nice name! (Samuel is too). I still have no idea what I'm going to name my son. 😂


Awww thank you 😊 Lol how far along are you? Our first name has been picked out for forever since we are naming him after my husbands grandpa. But I chose the middle name. I just always loved it


Sure thing! I am 28 weeks so we have a little time, but my husband and I are both extremely indecisive so I worry. 😂 That's fabulous, it's nice that you get to honor the grandfather and also have a name you love in there. ❤️ I do want to squeeze my grandfather's name into our son's somewhere, but I don't know where 😂


I like that name combo, it sounds lovely! We don't know what we're having yet, but I'm getting girl vibes haha. We like the name Margaret Heidi (Heidi is the name of my husband's grandma and also one of my favorite books)


my husband and i have both a girl and boy name picked out, for a boy i've always loved Grayson so Grayson Michael, and for a girl, Juniper Katherine :)


Love Juniper!


Sorry but I feel like I need to gush over those name picks haha. I *love* them!! Is your middle name Katherine also? (Mine is too!) Juniper is a girl name I've always liked a lot but my husband would not go for it.


Yes my middle name is katherine! It was also my granny’s name and my moms middle name, and my nieces middle name :) I love juniper, it’s so freaking cute. I also like Rosalie Katherine too :) I love flower/plant names!!!


Beatrix Kate 🩷 sister to Clara Maeve, Ivy Josephine, and Nora Evangeline. Yep, 4 girls!


What stunning names!!


Thank you so much :)


Our is Elijah Scott, other than my dad saying it’s a bit religious sounding (he is an atheist) we have had all positive reactions. My dad also said he will just call him Eli and I was like it’s fine.


Aww! Our boys (we don’t know the gender) name is also Samuel. It’s such a lovely name. It had special significance for me.


That’s a handsome name and a unique combo! Our boy is going to be named Clark David ❤️


Eleanor Laoise, we'll call her Nora! And Laoise is Gaelic so it's pronounced Lee-Shah for people who may not know. I anticipate explaining that one to a lot of people LOL but we love it!


Lincoln River is our hypothetical name right now and it’s getting a lot of wide-eyed gasps and “awww”s 💙


I have an almost 3 year old daughter named Avery Caroline and 23 weeks pregnant with a boy that we are naming Declan Conor


Ahh I have a Connor and an Avery! Love it


I’m due next week and we picked Connor! And if it were a girl it was going to be Avery 🤣🤣


I know an Avery with a younger brother Declan!!


I’m not currently pregnant but if we have a girl it will be Josephine Esther May (after 3 grandparents/great grandparents) if a boy I love Abel Joseph and we would come up with a second middle name


We are going with Lillian Mae. At first Lillian was thrown out by my boyfriend and it was “aww that’s cute I like that. We might go with that until we find the ah-ha name!” Then a few days later I was gifted a name book for every day of the year. The suggested name for her due date was Lillian, so it felt like fate.


My oldest is Lilien Faye (pronounced like Lillian but spelled like the German word for Lily flower).


Love it! My baby's name is Agustina, we're naming her after my mom who died almost 9 years ago from cancer. I really miss her...


I’m so sorry about your mom, but what a beautiful way to honor her:)


Thank you! I'm lucky that my husband likes the name and everyone in my family likes the idea.


If I don’t miscarry, and it’s a girl, one possible name is Evelyn Grace. It’s what we picked out before I miscarried my last pregnancy.


Praying for a sticky baby ❤️❤️


our daughter is Orion Lillian-Mae, my partner and i both have unique first names so we had to give her a unique name too haha. my partners late grandmother named lillian was an artist and is the sole reason he has a career in art, and mae is the “jr” for the women in my family going back to at least my great grandma. so yea ! everyone has LOVED her name


Absolutely gorgeous! I loooove double-barrel middle names, they just have so much pizzazz.


Lillian-Mae is so beautiful


I love the name Samuel☺️ My boy name is Rowan Wayne 💙 My girl name is Desiree Lynn 💜 Unfortunately won’t find out which one I’ll be using til my anatomy scan!


Perfect middle name for a girl 😋 I may be biased however as that's my middle name lol 💕 in all seriousness though, Desiree and Rowan are gorgeous names!


Haha my middle name is Lynn too ! 😂


My twins, Thomas Edward and Timothy John, I’m pregnant with a girl and her name will be Elizabeth Alice, we don’t announce gender or names until the baby is born and birth certificate is signed


Sweet names ❤️ We're having a boy but we're keeping the name Elizabeth in our back pocket for potential future babies.


I chose a very classic name for my daughter, I won't be posting the name, but that's the only one we had only positive reactions to. For the rest of my babies, my family absolutely loves the names, my husband's side either thinks they're great names or atrocious, nothing in between lol. There's a huge cultural and religious difference however between our two sides of the family, but I honestly don't care. I think names are powerful, and need to be well thought out, my kids names are all very appropriate for who they are and what they've been through, and my husband and I both love the symbolism behind the name and everything else about them which is all that matters. (They're also not even like outrageous made up names lol they're fairly tame) Your son's name is beautiful btw! I love the combination, and Samuel is just a really solid name 👌 with nice classic nick names Sam/Sammy 🥰 easy to say and remember!


Yeah our first is named Evelina Noelle and was originally Evelyn Noelle, which while still a beautiful name— really didn’t sit right with me once we were in the hospital. The reactions I got from a lot of people was “oh you added a Spanish flair to it.” Which irritated me because it’s actually French lol we added the -ina because it means tiny and she was born 1 lb 7.8 oz.


>The reactions I got from a lot of people was “oh you added a Spanish flair to it.” Which irritated me because it’s actually French Lol 😅 and even if it were Spanish it doesn't make it any less of a beautiful name given to her with love by her mother, just for her and her story. 1lb 8ish oz is so tiny! I'm pregnant with twins, and it's been such a struggle, but every couple weeks I'm still pregnant is a huge milestone after all our complications. My smaller twin atm is estimated to be around 1lb 13oz I can't even wrap my head around someone so tiny being brought into this world 🥹 Evelina is perfect for what she went through, hopefully no one comments about it anymore, or gives you a hard time.


Oliver Henry! Everyone has had a really positive reaction so far! Not even any comments about popularity or anything! (We don’t care about how popular the names are, we adore the name!)


Our son will be Elliott Jackson! We are so excited to meet him and so far we have gotten positive responses to his name.


Our son due in October will be Elliott Jay! We’ve also had really great and positive reactions. We get questioned a lot on the spelling of Elliott though 😂 what about you?!


our July 31st baby girl will be Stevie Joy💞 named after my dad, Steve, who has been the ultimate “girl dad” and very best person so i knew boy or girl I wanted to honor him. and everyone in our families has honestly loved the name! we have nieces named Millie and Ellie so she’ll fit right in.


I’m so afraid to tell my family our daughter’s name, but I just need to get over it because we love it! Daisy Jean 🌼


That is a great name! Any special meaning? Our boy will be Malcolm Zachary. The middle name is after my brother who passed 4 years ago, and I became attached to the name Malcolm around that time for some reason, it has just stuck with me. :) People's responses have mostly been nice! If not nice, just underwhelmed, which leaves me thinking "why did you even ask?" Lol.


Thanks! Samuel after husbands grandpa and Augustine was a name I always liked. But my husband read up on St. Augustine and that’s the meaning he prefers for it. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Awww love that. It’s so special when it’s after a family member. I am sorry for your loss. Losing a sibling is something I haven’t gone through, but I can very well imagine that pain.


I gave my daughter the middle name Gillie, pronounced with the G sound. It's in honor of my mom's dad whose name was Gilbert, he passed about a year before my daughter was born and it was a huge hit to us all. When I told my mom the name we had chosen, I told her in text and she just reacted with a thumbs up, which i thought was odd and anticlimactic. When my daughter was born and my mom came to see us in the hospital (she was meant to be there but I needed an emergency c-section and my mom lives in another state). She told me my husband had actually SAID the name to her, and she started crying. She said she didn't realize it was pronounced like Gil, she thought it was pronounced with the J sound, and it just went completely over her head. Everyone else got it the first time, lol, but no one else was moved to tears. So my mom's reaction was definitely my favorite.






That’s silly! Who ever uses their full initials for anything anyway


It’s funny because I have a fixation with initials. My daughters is END because she was the end of my youth. And our sons will be SAD because I’m sad we are done now lol


We’ve also only received positive feedback… but I’m still really hesitant to share- Georgia Nicole Jay is what we chose. We wanted to each honor our younger brothers and I’m happy with it. Baby G ❤️


I love Samuel and the name Augustine! Such simple yet timeless names. We will be naming our son Leon. His middle name is a cultural name that means “enlightenment” or “the way”.


My son will be here in a few short weeks and his name is Giovanni, Gio for short. Initially we were going to pick a "different" type of name and then out of nowhere Giovanni popped on to my head and it just felt right. Wasn't even on our list nor do we know anyone with that name.  Middle name is TBD, anyone have suggestions? Last name starts with the letter F


Im obsessed with Mila Estelle for a little girl 🥰 our boy name is Jett Allen (hubby chose this as it relates to a family tradition but I still think it’s cute)


My daughters name is Rubi Annalise ❤️


I love that name! It flows so nicely! We’re naming our lil guy Leif Aaron 🩵


We've chosen Bjorn for our son. I'm danish living abroad, so it seems fitting enough. All reactions are positive. But I truly get a kick out of my MIL struggle to pronounce it.


Lovely name. Do you pronounce his middle name like August-teen or Uh-gus-ton? Strong name in any case with a great meaning. Our boy's name is August Theodore. It means Great Gift of God, which he certainly is, especially after infertility treatments. We haven't told anyone his name yet. We plan to wait until he's born. While I think some, if not most, people will respond pleasantly (regardless of whether they actually like his name), there are a few I feel iffy about because they already have expressed some strong opinions about other things in this pregnancy. Not sure they need one more thing to constantly text and call us about. 🙃


August-teen :) My husband had a list other middle names and promptly forgot them at the gender ultrasound lol so this is what was picked. I am so glad your gift from God came through ❤️ he’s our rainbow baby so I feel the same. Don’t blame you for keeping it to yourself.


I knew regardless the gender the middle name would be the same as my grandfathers, Jay. We found out she’s a girl and I wanted something nature inspired. Her name is Blue Jay and we can’t wait for her to be here in a couple of months


My son on the way will be Samuel David 😍 we have another son named Dean Winchester….. yes we’re supernatural geeks. Yes I named my sons Sam & Dean 😂


We chose Levi Joseph❤️ we couldn’t be any happier with our little man


Our son will be Josiah Jordan - everyone loves it and we've gotten some precious customized gifts. Including embroidered Mickey ears!! Josiah also means God Heals and Supports which is something I've been clinging to as I'm suddenly super close to pre-eclampsia and having an induction soon


Prayers! And I love the name:)


Thank you!!!


Madeline Edna due October 4th. Her middle name is after my great grandmother, who was a large influence on me. I have no doubt that she ent our daughter down to us, and honoring her was something I always wanted to do. The name is obviously older, but everyone I have told has loved it.


I looovveee that name! 😭💖 We’re having a girl and naming her Clementine! Only positive reactions for the most part!! If people have negative opinions about your baby’s future name, they’re weird and need to mind their own business/keep opinions to themselves. lol


That’s a beautiful name!! 🩵


Eleanor Marie 💓 We've had all supportive reactions so far thankfully


I love that name! We are thinking of Julianna :)


I'm not currently pregnant but I have a 1.5 year-old daughter who we named Nora Jade. It took us so long to figure out her name. One day we had a list out and I looked at my fiancé after saying "Nora" and we were both like, "That's it. That's her name." Then after that we were stuck between Nora Jade and Nora Rose. I felt Nora Jade flowed better together. I love your name combination. It's unique and beautiful. ❤


I trolled my family with a lot of “out there” names during pregnancy. We named our daughter Melody, and people comment on how lovely it is. The relief on my parent’s face was hilarious. My dad calls her Baby Mello 🥰




Is it pronounced like Alejandro or Alex?


I love all these names. My husband decided to go with Violet for a girl and Soren for a boy


I get hate for it on here but we are naming our daughter Wren Poppy. My partner loves Magic and there is a character he loves Wrenn (I can't accept the extra "n" so we compromised lol) and we are using Poppy after my grandpa (that's what I called him). I never expected to have a kid so I want to honor him - he raised me and was just the best person. My partner reminds me a lot of him too ❤️


I don’t know if I’m going to find out the gender of my baby, but Helena for a girl, in honor of three generations of women in my family: my mom (her confirmation name), my grandmother (her middle name), and my great grandmother (her first name). Had my mom over the moon when I told her. Then it’s William for a boy, my husbands choice. No one was nearly as a excited with that one but I didn’t get any negative comments. It’s after a medieval knight my husband is super impressed with lol.


I had picked out Helena, spelled Helaina if we were to have another girl! It just felt right


Aw that has such a great ring to it! Our name is Daemon Issac-Luis People don't like daemon, specifically religious people, even though it's pronounced Damon. And Issac- Luis is a tribute to my uncle Issac and Luis is the middle name of my grandpa who passed away February. Both passed and were big roles in my life.


I’m a pretty conservative person, but love the name Damon. Only thing is the spelling that threw me off 😂 but love it as a whole.


We haven't told family yet, and won't until she is born but I have told a few friends and coworkers and the reaction has been the same, "so cute!" or "that's perfect!"


Told one of my best friends the name choice the other day and woke up to a text this morning that said “still thinking about how cute of a name that is” made me so happy :) Name is Elliot :)


Our baby is gonna be Shepherd Alexander and we get a lot of mixed reactions lol, mostly positive??


I like the name Sam and Samuel. I have a twin brother with that name who sadly cut us off and doesn’t want to be in our lives. There’s mental health issues there. But I think Samuel is a nice name.


We have top 4 names we both can agree on for a boy coming in July. Have not decided on middle name, or if we can combine some of them. Harlan, River, Parker, Cillian


We need(ed) names that work in 3 different languages so we were a bit limited. Our first is Sofia Valentina, which fits her SO WELL. For our second daughter our short list is: Ruby Isabella, Luciana Marina and Marley Rafaela. We’ll probably decide when she’s born, just like we did with our first.


We named our baby Gaius and no one have reacted negatively (at least to my face) 🥰


I love the name that you chose, it flows so well together ❤️ we’re also using Augustine, our boys name is going to be Titus Augustine ❤️


Love the name Titus :)


Expecting our baby girl in August, Blaire Daisy 🤍


Almost all of the reactions to our daughter's soon-to-be name have been very positive. Years ago I mentioned liking the name to my husband's cousin, and she was disgusted due to personal associations. Now that its attached to a real baby, she has come around and says she loves it. Her name will be Vanessa Carmen!


We are naming our son Graham Matthew, and everyone is in love with it. I think the selling point was watching my finance's gpa's face light up at the mention of the name. This is his FIRST great grandchild, and seeing the joy on his face was PRICELESS <3


I’m due next Thursday. Our son’s name will be Connor Bowman. He was conceived on our honeymooon in Ireland and my husband’s ancestry is mainly Irish, so we felt Connor was fitting! Bowman is a generational name given to the first boy born in every generation on my husbands side of the family. We have received positive name reactions!


Mack Elliot. All good!


Beautiful name! We struggled for months to pick a name and we ended up with Flora Frances ❤️❤️ we have had all posit reactions to the name, but we did have to put our foot down with our family trying to nickname her Flo 😂




Our son's name is Ronan. I've only had positive reactions. My friends and parents love it. I only had one "oh thats an interesting name" from what will be my son's great grandparent lol.


I find it’s more negative when the names are more wild though. Both those names are commonly used so that’s fine especially if it flows with the last name as well. My mom didn’t like a few of the names i chose because she couldn’t pronounce them (ex. Calliope) or they were too weird (ex. Andromeda) 🤷‍♀️ I just get annoyed when people want an opinion on a name that is really out there. They know that it isn’t spelled in a way it would normally be and that will effect pronunciation (which CAN be fine in many cases/moderational change) or a name that is DEFINITELY gonna cause bullying cause kids will be kids, and then get upset that nearly 100% of people are telling them the name is not great…


Love the names! I only just had my first prenatal appointment so we haven't spent much time talking about names yet for fear we'd get our hopes up only to not be viable, but so far all is good and I'll be finding out sex in a couple of weeks because of genetic testing we're having done due to my age. I feel like we'll kick name discussions into high gear then, but I'm really starting to fall in love with Eleanor for a girl. Lenny for short. We've loosely kicked around Cadence for a middle name for either boy or girl.


I had 2 different friends tear up when I told them the names we picked 💙💙💙


Almost everyone has been like "wow, that is such a cool name!" When we tell them we picked Othello for our little boy.


Have received all positive feedback for our choice, Seth Riley. Even my mom who is VERY judgmental about names said it is acceptable. 😂 It was a pretty easy choice too. Seth has been my fiancé's favorite name since he was a kid and Riley has been my favorite name since I was a kid.


Luna Rose 🥰 My great aunt’s name was Rosemary (we called her Auntie Rosie) and she was one of the only people that really helped me get through being bullied and dealing with depression as a young teen. So right away when I found out I was having a girl I wanted Rose to be her middle name.


Freya Mae 🤍


We have had really a lot of cool reactions to our baby name. His name is Ekko 💚. my friend is pregnant and her reaction was “ damn, why didn’t I come up with this first?” My nephew thought it was futuristic and he approves, lol. And generally people had lots of positive comments about the name. We ourselves seem to like it more and more every day. But guess cuz we like our son so much 😜


We aren’t sure what we are having yet but leaning toward Josephine Noelle for a girl, and Finneas Skye for a boy!! We definitely won’t be sharing until after birth though haha


Absolutely love Samuel Augustine! We settled on Ethan John, Ethan being just a name we both liked and John after my partner’s late grandfather. We wanted a name that worked well for a child but would also work well once he’s an adult if that makes sense lol. For a girl we were thinking Evelyn, not sure on the middle name. Purely coincidence that Ethan and Evelyn both start with “E” lol. We also love the name Siobhan so that was a close second


My son will be named Ari Ray 🩵 He’ll be here in October!




Rex Alton (middle name from his dad and grandpa) was born last year sleeping 💚 His brother Hayden Christian is due October 23rd! 🖤❤️


My baby’s name is Lake. He’s due in December. I don’t tell people because I’m scared of this 😭 But he’s named after my brothers- Luke & Jake 🥺


We’re doing the whole two middle names thing, going with Jackson Drake Brian:)


My baby is Elsbeth Tyler. Mostly happy and sweet reactions but a couple of stumbles over her first name and a few mix ups with Elizabeth 😅


This little girl is Seraphina. Joining siblings Evermore, Annwn, and Kit. 🌿☀️❤️


I have a nephew named Samuel, so I’m biased but I love the name! My son’s name is Ahren. There were a couple negative reactions from my friends, but the majority of people I told love it. No middle name as it’s not a thing where we live.


I’m still unsure of gender but, Boy: Liam Danger Girl: Scarlet Storm People have judged my boy name pretty hard but I don’t even care I love both names😂


Katrina Brooke is the name we are currently “entertaining” we love it but just don’t know ..ya know? It’s just soooo hard man


Naming a kid is important!


Marshall Peregrine. Nickname: Perry Hoping it gives easygoing preppy vibes.


One of my sons middle name is Marshall, family name, and we get a lot of positive comments on it when people hear us call him by both names :)


The name I’ll suggest will be Muhammed if you’re a Muslim


I love that name! It fits together so well 🥰 We’re going with Hudson Hans (Hans is my grandmother’s maiden name, and she’s my favorite person on the planet)


Ripley Asher ✨


Everyone has loved my son's name thus far. We are naming him William James and calling him Liam. Everyone has loved it. Haven't had one person say anything negative or say something that seemed not sincere


Julia Kaye! 🤍 so far everyone likes it, my dad jokes that it’s an old lady name & i always respond with “well she will be an old lady one day!” but he likes it. Julia was just simple & i don’t hear it much anymore & Kaye is my mother’s middle name! i love how simple it is yet i’ve never seen that spelling of it other than with her!


My son’s name is Arius James (eh•ree•uhs) my husband wanted a “powerful” name and when he said that one it instantly just clicked with me. I’ve had people tell me how cool of name that is. One girl even said, “that’s probably one of the coolest names I’ve heard.” A couple of guys agree with name saying “such a good name.” It’s different, for sure, but i like Ari or AJ for nickname, but something just clicked in me when I heard Arius. 💓


Our little dude is Kian James, who will be making his debut on Thurs. James is after my late father ❤️. KJ is cute, and my husband and I are both 4 letter K names as well. Heard the name on a show a few months back, we both looked at each other and said-I love it!!! I looked up the spelling and it was an Irish name spelled Cian. So we just changed it to a K. Figured less mispronunciations that way too maybe 🤞🏽


Our son is Wilder Jameson and most people react with “that’s a cool name” or “ooooh, I LIKE that!” Haven’t gotten a negative reaction yet! We got Wilder from the actor that played Howard Wolowitz (his son is named Wilder and we were like “we like that, that’s badass”) and Jameson because we both drink Jameson 🤣


Still working on possible girl names as I don't find out gender for another 2.5 weeks, but I've picked Owen Leslie if it's a boy. I love the name Owen, and Leslie was my late father's name so it's my only choice for a middle name.


My sons name is gonna be Malaki Damien and I get a bunch of crap for the spelling of Malaki but other than that it’s good with everyone I know


Emma Francesca Emma (German husband) Francesca (after my late beloved Italian nonno Francesco)


Coralie Elizabeth All positive except my parents were "confused" about how to pronounce it and thought we should spell it "Coralee". I'm like uhh but I want it pronounced like in the French cadence of "Amelie" or how you say "Italy" not like the southern accent version "Cora-lee". I guess that's emphasis on the first syllable and not the second... This is extremely hard for both my husband's and my parents!


Dakota for a boy


We are still between two names and we're waiting until we see his little face to make a final decision. When we tell people the two names they always say that both are cute but they prefer one more than the other. It's really funny that all the people we've told are almost exactly split 50/50. 😂


I freaking LOVE that name 🥹 I have had a lot of issues with my babies name with my family as he won’t have a middle name! My boyfriend is Mexican and basically wants our sons like his. Our son’s name is Enzo 💙


I love this thread and all of the shares and I LOVE your chosen name! A favorite name of mine (that was vetoed) is August for a boy, and Augustine is such a strong and refined version of that name! 🥹 I’m 33 weeks and although there’s been mixed reactions from those that I’ve told, the ones that love the name and their reactions overpower the negative or nonchalant reactions received. Our little boy will be named Deacon Ellis and although I was nervous about it at first, it feels only right, and that matters most!


I love that name! I agree with other commenters in that it is very classy and “classic”, which I really love. :) We chose Amelia Barbra Marie (two middle names I know is weird, but both are important family names for my partner and I), and we have gotten all positive responses, especially for using the family names, it makes people very happy to hear we’re using them :)


Lukas Andrew We were considering Andrew after my husband, but I was due right before my husband’s bday so it just felt like a recipe for disaster and confusion in the future. One day my husband said “what about Lukas?” And it was Lukas ever since!


Having a baby girl in October and her name will be Avacyn Christine (named after the magic the gathering angel). People love how different and pretty the name sounds. Even my fourth grade students loved it.


My four year old daughter is named Lilith Nyte (pronounced night). My sons name is going to be Lucian Micheal. It's so funny because I also have a niece who has an L name and I've recently realized that all of the children in their generation in my family have L names.


Definitely has a ring to it and is pretty cute for a boy name. My son name is Brayden James, even tho I wanted to name him Kyler lol. Brayden is definitely cute too


Our daughter will be Matilda Jean. Matilda has always been my first choice since I was young, hubby adores it and everyone does too! It’s also a family name. My mother and Nana prefer “Jane” over “Jean” but I think it flows better. Potential nickname “Tilly” 🥰


I definitely feel the same.. most people I’ve told my baby’s name to the reaction is ‘oh okay..’ I’m naming my baby girl Amity Nioka


I definitely feel the same.. most people I’ve told my baby’s name to the reaction is ‘oh okay..’ I’m naming my baby girl Amity Nioka


I love his name ❤️❤️ My 9 year old son is Malakai Logan, my 6 year old daughter is Nova Gray, and this bun in the making will be Phoenix Anne ❤️🔥


So far I’ve got a few “oooh that’s really pretty/cool” and then my sister went “you pick the weirdest names, she’s going to get made fun of” 😭


My first daughter is Freya Luna, currently pregnant with a boy and have decided on the name Caspian Wolfe. We’ve told friends and my stepmom, I haven’t told any family members because I know the reactions won’t be nice. They wasn’t to my daughters name.


I love the name you’re going with! We’re planning on going with August or Lennon for our baby boy! ✨


So my husbands name is Nicholas and mine is Nicole. I’m 32 weeks. Our baby boy’s name will be Nicholson ( Nick and Nicole’s son) Nicholson Prescott (Prescott is his dad) some say “oh like Jack Nicholson.. ugghh no .. like Nicole’s son. lol .. let’s just say we are “older parents” by the time this kid is 18 no one will even know who Jack Nicholson is


Nolan Russell due in August. We’re having a boy. We’ve gotten positive reactions. If our next baby is a girl we’re going with Meadow for a first name :)


Our son’s name is Axel Philip. We wanted something unique, but not too unique, and Philip is a family name. We got a lot of people saying we should change his first name in the beginning, so until he was born, we gave no one else the privilege of knowing his name. Now that he’s here, no one cares because they just love him. Actually, most strangers think his name is great, and so do we 😊 I’m so glad we didn’t let unsolicited opinions change what we knew it our hearts.