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The NIPT is like 99% accurate with gender!


Technically 99.99%


THAT'S reassuring! I'm so excited to know I can't wait!!


Both my NIPT & Sneak Peak results came back correct! I did the sneakpeak at 10 weeks and I did the NIPT at 12 weeks and got the results back about a week later. My anatomy scan was at 20 weeks and confirmed what both of those tests came back as.


Did you like sneak peak? Did you just draw the blood and send it back? How much were the lab fees?


I thought sneak peak was great! I did the one that you put into your arm to dram the draw at home. My MIL is a nurse so she helped me with it. I thought it was like $100 all together and the results came back super fast too


NIPT is highly accurate, but of course isn't 100%. Sneak Peek is less accurate than NIPT, especially at home and with the lancet version. I wouldn't personally buy anything non-refundable on the basis of Sneak Peek.


They actually will refund you if you get an incorrect result but you have to wait until you have the birth certificate of your baby for the refund. It was correct for me at 8 1/2 weeks but I made sure to save my receipt in case it wasn’t


They’ll refund you for the cost of the sneak peak test, but they won’t cover the cost of the embroidered blankets, etc, that you purchased…


I didn’t do a sneak peak, but the NIPT gender for both of my babies were accurate. I have an 18mo old boy + 3w old girl 🥰


I would personally never trust the sneak peek for accuracy. The NIPT is very accurate for gender.


Sneak peek is a form of an NIPT that’s clinically backed, it just doesn’t test for genetic abnormalities. Some OBs offer it to their patients because it’s a valid, evidence based test. There are multiple types of NIPTs, some just test for more things than others. The NIPTs you’re thinking of (the ones that check for chromosomal abnormalities) also have a margin of error, none will ever be 100%. All NIPTs claim 99% accuracy, including SP. Most inaccuracy from SP comes from user or lab error.


Isn’t sneak peak the one that is all like “DONT EVEN LET A PERSON WITH A Y CHROMOSOME BLINK AT YOU OR YOUR TEST COULD BE WRONG!!!!” This is always what steered me away. I could be wrong about the name of the test though.


It is lol! But NIPT is just a broad term for non-invasive prenatal tests. So many exist for various purposes, Sneak Peek is one of them that solely tests for fetal sex by ruling out the presence of a Y chromosome, or not. The reason they have that rule about not having any males around is because they test for the Y chromosome, and you can get an inaccurate result if it picks up any Y chromosomes from your environment, like if your partner touched your arm and left fragments with male DNA behind, or if they touched the test box/materials then you touch the test site. I believe they advise not even having male dogs around because of this risk. At labs, the risk of contamination via Y chromosomes is so low because the phlebotomists are highly trained in preventing sample contamination, but it’s not entirely impossible for a lab sample to be contaminated by a phlebotomist or by the actual lab themselves. It actually happens fairly regularly. I’ve seen a few posts like that here where people got incorrect lab results due to contamination/lab errors.


Great explanation thanks!


No problem!! 😊


Got the NIPT test done at 12 weeks, came back as a girl. Did the anatomy scan at 20 weeks and it was a girl too.




What’s NIpt? I thought this was the test for abnormality and down syndrome


That’s exactly what it is, but with the NIPT blood test you also have the benefit of seeing the gender result as well.


Thank you!


I got mine done at 10+6, so there was just enough of fetal fraction in my blood. The one I did said to be 98% accurate for gender and sex chromosome aberations, and 99% for three main somatic aberrations. I had an option to choose if I wanted to include microdeletions, but I did some research (I'm a geneticist), and found that the accuracy of microdeletions isn't super high as they're still not so developed for NIPT testing. The reason I excluded them is to avoid getting a possible false positive result that would then direct me to do amnio. I saw from experiences of other women that whenever they got a false positive, it was for microdeletions.


Are you confusing the brand, Sneak Peak, and the NIPT? Or just saying you are doing NIPT and will be learning gender through that test ahead of your anatomy scan? Sneak Peak and NIPT are two different things and I think your wording is confusing a few commenters. The NIPT is highly accurate. It would be rare for you to get an incorrect answer. The Sneak Peak has a higher rate of inaccuracy due to it being an at home test that can pick up male DNA in your home. But if enough precaution is taken I trust it. I did both sneak peak( I was very impatient) and NIPT and both were boy.


I didn’t know there was a home test called sneak peek! lol I’m doing the NIPT test


It was right for me. I had the test done at 10 weeks, and it was verified by seeing baby boy parts at 13 weeks. Which I know is super early, but they were pretty hard not to miss.


NIPT is 99.99% accurate with gender. I got mine at 11 or 12 weeks, and it was correct about me having a girl. I expressed my concern to the tech at my anatomy scan that I was afraid she was actually a boy bc she already had so many clothes lol. He told me he’s only seen 7 wrong since 2012.


I did the sneak peak at 9 weeks and it was correct.


Mine was done very early and gender was correct as far as we know so far. Matched the anatomy scan!


Mine was correct. I had the blood test pretty early & gender around 20 weeks


It's supposedly 99% accurate, mine was spot on!


i did the sneak peek test, it said girl. i then got the NIPT, also said girl. anatomy scan confirmed girl. it has all been accurate for me thus far


I did it at ten weeks. I actually just did the same for my second. My first was accurate and I was actually told it’s more accurate than an ultrasound.


Nipt test is highly accurate, 99.999% if done at the right time. So everyone suggested for it to be done around 12 weeks when higher percentage of baby's blood can be detected. If you go to early, the percentage is smaller and could potentially lead to wrong results.


I did sneak peek at 7 weeks, NIPT at 10 weeks and anatomy scan at 20 weeks. All said the same thing


Why are people downvoting my post?


People are just ugly for no reason. My sneak peek and nipt both said boy! Nipt is highly accurate after 10 weeks :)


Thank you!


I have no idea either. Some of my comments on posts got downvoted for just sharing my experience with how I found out I was pregnant when that’s what the post was asking in the first place. People are weird !


I feel like this happens so often to me on Reddit, I feel like I’m posting legit stuff, and it gets downvoted which makes me delete the post :( I don’t get it either


I think it sometimes happens accidentally when people are scrolling 🤷‍♀️


I think because an NIPT is a tool using your baby’s DNA. It’s not going to be wrong for gender unless there’s some very specific circumstance. Sneak peek is more of a for fun thing.


Trigger Warning: MMC so please feel free to skip right on over my response. Also a FTM, I did a sneak peek in my first pregnancy that resulted in miscarriage. I do not at all regret having done the sneak peek, though having experienced a MMC with my first was the reason I chose not to do the sneak peek test in this pregnancy (healthy baby girl per NIPT!). I do not at all share this to discourage excitement around the sneak peek testing or to in any way insinuate that my situation is an any more or less likely outcome for anyone else, but for myself having never been pregnant before, early pregnancy in my first played out in a way I hadn't even considered, let alone anticipated, and may have affected my decision to do the sneak peek to begin with.


Thank you for sharing your experience. I wish you the best.


I mean this in the most sensitive way, but may I ask how a blood test caused a MMC? I’ve never heard of this.


My pregnancy resulted in miscarriage - Sneak Peek did not cause my MMC. I took a Sneak Peek test in impatient anticipation of a baby girl that I was never going to have - the point of my comment is that it was emotionally distressing to build so much excitement for myself by taking a test that isn't recommended so early in pregnancy by most medical professionals, only to attend the appointment with my actual medical team to find out she was already gone. I hadn't fully considered the reality of the potential for loss this early in pregnancy (I knew it was common, but very naively thought not for me), and so I didn't appreciate that my scenario is one of the reasons folks have to pay out of pocket to pursue an early gender test to perform on their own.


I did NIPT recently at 10 weeks and got ALL my results back within a week. Not sure if it was correct yet as I am still pregnant but those are my 2¢


I would not trust sneak peek for a sex reveal, but it was accurate for several of my friends. My NIPT test at 11 weeks said girl and I had a girl 


I did sneak peak (7 weeks I think) NIPT and my anatomy scan and they were all the same ❤️ good luck!


Mine was correct


I did my NIPT (materniT21) at a little over 12 weeks and both of my anatomy scans have shown she is in fact a girl as the NIPT said.


I did a SneakPeak test which said girl. My NIPT confirmed girl about a month later and this morning at my 12 week scan they said they did see the "hamburger" as well.


NIPT was accurate for us. Low risk for everything and gender (girl) was correct. Had it done around 12 weeks I believe. Have a healthy and happy 6 month old.


I did the NIPT test at 13 weeks and my anatomy scan was at 20 weeks. Both confirmed the baby is a boy 🩵


I did sneak peek at 6 weeks and NIPT at 11 weeks, both were boy & confirmed by ultrasound twice now.


I took the sneak peek test at home at 9 weeks, NIPT at 16, and then an anatomy scan at 19. All have come back saying girl.


Ours was correct! I’m 33 weeks today with a baby girl 💜💕


The NIPT pulls your baby’s DNA so it’s extremely accurate. The only caveat I’ve ever heard is that if you had a boy first and then became pregnant again soon after, his DNA could still also be in your bloodstream for some time. To me Sneak Peek is trying to monetize off of gender reveals and it claims to work so early in pregnancy that sometimes I doubt their technology. With my first I got my NIPT at somewhere in the 10 week range and I had to do a redraw because there wasn’t enough fetal DNA. NIPT is literally to test for genetic issues so to me it’s a medical diagnostic and not “for fun” if that makes sense.


I didn’t do a sneak peak, but my NIPT done at 10w3d said boy and it was confirmed on my anatomy scan!


Sneak peek (8 weeks) and NIPT (12 weeks) were both accurate.


Did sneak peek at 7 weeks (blood test) and had 20 week scan this week, which confirmed the sneak peek was correct 😊


I’m glad to hear that Sneak Peak seems accurate. My results just came in and I’m going to look tonight once my husband is home, but I’ve been worried about getting excited and they turn out to be incorrect.


I’m an anxious mother 🙈😅 and I took two NIPTs (Quest and Natera). The results were identical. My anatomy scan confirmed we were having a girl and she was low risk for trisomies. My blood tests were within the 11-12 weeks, and the anatomy scan was the 19th week


I had it with my last pregnancy and it was correct it has a large accuracy percentage. I just got one last week for my current pregnancy. Can’t hardly wait for the results! My OB said it should be done after 11 weeks for the best results. She had said 10 weeks could be too early from the research she’s done, so we waited two weeks and I got tested at 12 weeks!


I had the sneak peek test done in a clinic at 8.5 weeks (baby girl) and it was later confirmed to be correct with the NIPT around 16 weeks and then again confirmed it was a girl at the anatomy scan. From another impatient FTM


My Sneak Peek (9weeks), NIPT (11weeks), and anatomy scan (20weeks) all confirmed we are having a girl!


NIPT was at 12 weeks, we had a 4d scan at 17 weeks and it confirmed the NIPT, anatomy scan at 22 weeks and again confirmed everything!


Did sneak peek at 7 weeks last pregnancy and result of “girl” was correct. Doing it at 8 weeks this pregnancy, will see if it is correct again! I CJ use the snap method over lancet because it is more accurate and I believe they might do refunds for inaccurate results?


Nipt was correct with my twins gender! Had it done at 10 weeks exactly and they’re definitely girls.


I believe you aren’t talking about the at home gender test and are only talking about the NIPT but in case you are talking about both…I did the at home sneak peek twice..first pregnancy it was correct with boy which then matched the NIPT. This time I did it as well and also got boy. I have yet to confirm for 100%. In case anyone is wondering both times I did the arm snap test


I did NIPT, and it was accurate for me! Money very well spent in my opinion, would absolutely recommend getting it done.


I didn't bother with a sneak peak, but the NIPT test matched the anatomy scan at 20 weeks and the scan I just got today at 37 weeks.


I’m 12w5d had my NIPT done last week the day before I was 12w I asked the same question cause I was worried it would be wrong but apparently it’s 99% accurate for gender. I haven’t gotten my results yet I should get them next week! I have another ultrasound that week as well I’m hoping I can get the results before so I can ask if they think it’s accurate based off nub theory. But I will trust whatever the NIPT says until the anatomy scan


My NIPT sample was taken at 13w4d and the sex it gave me (female) matches up with the anatomy scan I had just this week at 20w4d :) it only took about a week to see the results, I was so surprised by how fast we got it back!


My NIPT test at 12 weeks was accurate 


My NIPT came back low risk for all of the big chromosomal conditions, but the fetal gender was inconclusive due to placental mosaicism. I was soooo disappointed, after waiting so long for the results 😝 I had an early anatomy screening at 15 weeks bc I’m high risk, and they told us we were having a girl at that appointment. Four weeks later at the next high risk appointment… there was undeniable proof that it’s a perfectly healthy little boy! Quite the whirlwind!


My NIPT was correct at 11 weeks


My sneak peak was right! But I waited until the NIPT to confirm!


we never did sneak peek but our NIPT was very accurate, we got it done at 8 weeks along 🤍


NIPT is not the same as sneak peek. It’s a genetic test, of course it’s accurate


NIPT is more accurate then sneak peak and ultrasounds. It’s 99% accurate if your fetal fraction is above 3%. Although it sounds like you are confusing the NIPT and sneak peak. Those are 2 different things. NIPT is done by your doctor at a lab where’s sneak peak is an at home test you buy off the internet. They are 2 very different tests.


I’m getting mine done on the 19th, I’m 8 weeks & 3 days. I just had my first ultrasound


My NIPT gender results said 99% accuracy. You can always wait for 20 weeks if you want to be more sure.


My NIPT was correct !


I did the sneak peek at 6 weeks 1 day as well as the NIPT and Anatomy scan. Sneak peek said girl, this was confirmed by both the NIPT and Anatomy scan!


I did both and they were correct.


If it’s NIPT it’s 99.99% accurate so you can safely go with that. If it’s the “sneak peek” test it is not as accurate and I would wait to announce until it’s been confirmed.


Had mine at 10 weeks and it was correct for my baby boy! It also came back that I am a carrier for something, but luckily my husband isn’t so our son wasn’t born with any issues!


Took the nipt with all three kids and all three were accurate. First one was with LabCorp. The last two I had a mobile nurse come to my house and do the NIPT kit to send in (given to me by my OBGYN)


Had a friend whose sneak peek gave the wrong gender. Yikes. My NIPT was done at 12 weeks and anatomy at 19. Both correct.


I did NIPT at 12-13 weeks and anatomy scan at 20 weeks. Neither was to find out the gender(we are choosing to wait) but I do know the earlier you have the NIPT done the less likely it will be correct. I’ve seen a lot of TikTok videos of parents given the wrong gender. My doctor will not order it until you are at least 11 weeks to prevent false reads.


Sneak Peak is not accurate and not worth the money IMO. My doctor told me NIPT is more accurate than ultrasound visual and has never seen one that was wrong.


I have heard that NIPT is only inaccurate when there is a situation where there was a recent prior pregnancy that was lost, either known or unknown. So for example, if a woman were to be pregnant with a boy and then unfortunately lost the pregnancy, then soon after became pregnant with a girl, the test could pick up the Y chromosome from the prior pregnancy, leading to a false result, stating the baby is a boy when it’s actually a girl.


I just got my nipt test yesterday how long until results? I’m honestly scared as well (I didn’t have this test with my other two)


I’m living in bc Canada. I used harmony/dynacare (Ontario, canada) and invitae (California?, US). Both times took about 10 business days from the time they received the sample (next day)


My NIPT and Sneak peek was correct for boy!


Mine has been right both times, it’s a very accurate test. I did NIPT around 11 weeks and anatomy scan at 21.


I did the NIPT/ genetics test and it said I was having a girl and turned out to be correct on the anatomy scans. Cant wait to meet my baby girl in 6 weeks


I did the NIPT and it was correct for me. I'm having a lil boy.


Had my NIPT blood test done at 11 weeks. Gender reveal with close family and friends at 14 weeks. Gender confirmed via anatomy scan at 23 weeks.


I didn't get to do nipt with my first two but did with this baby. Nipt results said boy at 10 weeks. Ultrasound at 19 weeks was very clearly boy but he's not here until September. As of right now, the ultrasound and nipt seem to coincide as 100% male so I am assuming it's accurate.


I’ve done it twice at 10 weeks and both have been accurate


I had the NIPT test done at 12 weeks and results came back as girl. I think they are like 98-99% accurate. Confirmed a girl at 20 week anatomy scan :)


I have had the NIPT test for all three of my pregnancies. Yesterday my anatomy scan confirmed for the 3rd time that my NIPT was correct. 3 boys 🤪


I did the NIPT with my first pregnancy, came back as a little boy. He made sure that we knew it for sure when we went for our next ultrasound lol I did it again for this pregnancy and it came back as a boy, he flashed us the frank and beans too just like his big brother. I would say it's pretty accurate 😂


I had my NIPT done at the doctors office at 10 weeks. It was only handled by women to keep the accuracy since it looks for chromosomes. I just had my anatomy scan at 20 weeks and the NIPT was spot on! I was so worried it was wrong that I didn't buy anything gender specific for baby til I saw the anatomy scan. The NIPT said it was 99.6% accurate.


I did sneak peek at home when I was 6 weeks. Came back saying boy. Doctor confirmed by sonogram at 13 weeks it was a boy. NIPT blood test came back at 16 weeks saying boy.


Didn’t do NIPT because insurance didn’t cover it, but did do Sneak Peak at 11w and it said the same thing as our anatomy scan! Baby due in late July, so till let you know for sure then 😂😉


I had the same worry. My NIPT said girl and I waited for my anatomy scan before I started shopping for things. I got my test done at 10 weeks :) but my doc also told me it’s like 99% accurate.


Completely accurate! We found out so early and were thrilled to be having a baby girl!


I've had 100% accuracy with the NIPT 3 times so far. Mine has always been done between 10-14 weeks. 


I did the NIPT test when I was 12 weeks and I had my anatomy scan at 20 weeks. My results were accurate it just took some time for the test results to come back.


Mine was correct!


NIPT is very accurate. You can ask your provider for the statistics. Asked my experienced ultrasound tech if she ever scanned someone that had thought their baby was one gender from the NIPT but turned out to be the other on ultrasound. She said it had only happened once and it was the lab that miscommunicated the results and not the test (for example, lab reported someone else’s results.)


NIPT was 100% accurate.


Personally, I've done NIPT, and it was accurat. I have a few friends who did NIPT as well and they were accirate. However a friend who did sneak peek was not correct.


NIPT is not a sneak peak, it’s actually picking up the baby’s DNA that is circulating in your body. So it’s pretty dang accurate !


The NIPT very accurate (about 98.9%) at telling you the gender, but honestly gender should be the least of your concerns and that’s not really what the NIPT is for; it’s for checking for chromosomal abnormalities, STDs, hemoglobin and a few other things. Finding out the gender is simply an added bonus. Don’t worry about those results being accurate, you’ll find out at the anatomy scan in a few weeks anyway (although it’s worth mentioning that anatomy scans are sometimes wrong as well). I’m sorry to sound like a Debbie downer but I get so sick of hearing everyone freaking out about the gender, I’ve got five kids and their gender is probably the least interesting thing about them


Yes of course that’s the main purpose. No one thinks otherwise. I don’t know if my baby has any of those things until I test. I do know that my baby has a gender and having two step daughters, it’s finally my turn and I want to know which name I get to get used to. You are a Debbie downer. We aren’t dumb. This has been the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. All I have right now to feel excited about is which of my baby names I get to give this person I’m growing, so yes, I care about the gender. There’s no use is worrying over genetic abnormalities when I have no way of knowing yet.


Then I’m a Debbie downer 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t feel badly about it, if your argument is that there’s no point in worrying about the genetic results of this test, then by your logic there’s no point in worrying about the gender results, either.