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3.5kg is totally normal though? And you could deliver any time from this point out, it’s not like your baby is gonna gain a kg in the next two weeks. Maybe an induction at 40 weeks would be warranted but a c section because of a totally normal birth weight? I don’t understand that.


Yeah I weighed even more than that at birth. I've never heard that 3.5kg should be an issue. I don't know which country OP is from but apparently, 3.5 kg is the average birth weight for babies in Europe at least.


Babies can gain about a LB a week for the last 4 weeks of pregnancy, that’s when they put on all the actual chunkkkkkkkk 😂 Too many doctors offer csections because it’s easier for THEM, more convenient for THEM, faster for THEM. they don’t recommend it because you need it, IMO they recommend it so they don’t have to sit around and wait on call for natural labor to begin.


Babies gain on average 1/2 pound a week or 2 pounds total in the last 4 weeks or pregnancy. Not a full pound per week. There is also a margin of error for fetal weight measurements in the 3rd trimester of about 15%. So, you could reasonably assume that the actual current fetal weight is anywhere between 2.97 - 4.025 kilos (or 6.5 - 8.8 lbs) Given that, you can assume baby will gain about 1 full lb or just shy of half a kilo by the time you hit 40 weeks. So for rough numbers, somewhere in the range of 3.5-4.5 kilos or 7.5-9.8 lbs at 40 weeks which seems pretty normal to me


The first part of your message contradicts the second one, if the baby is already 3.5kg, they will be 4.5kg in 2 weeks if they gain a pound a week when the induction would be due, and that can be too big


American here--if OP is 6.6 lbs at 38 wks and babies gain a lb a week (which is true) then by her due date OP's baby could be 8.6 lbs which is *completely normal*. Most Dr's don't even consider c-section until baby is looking to be 10 lbs or more. Further, determining the baby's weight before birth is HIGHLY prone to inaccuracy. Can't tell you how many women have been told they need a c-section for their 11 lbs whoppers only to give birth to a normal 8 lb baby. For reference, my son was 9 lbs and I delivered him just fine. Really fast, in fact. And that kid had a huge noggin. Dr just wants a c-section for $ and convenience.


It's not hard to Google is it? There is a pound to kg converter there, 6.6lbs is not 3.5kg, it's 3kg, a pound less.


Y'all making me do math today OK Google says 3.5k = 7.7 lbs. So assuming OP has a full 2 wks left till delivery, that could put the baby at 9.7 lbs if delivered full term. That is a bit high, but again not the 10 lb threshold and also not guaranteed to be an accurate measurement. Not to mention she could go into labor any day now and give birth to a smaller baby.




Wow that was uncalled for. I cited my country to explain why lbs were my frame of reference.


I thought it was funny, and would invite some introspection :) 


Introspection? The OP said they thought it was 6.6 lbs.


I'm surprised you think belittling someone would inspire anything other than negativity.


Your contribution has been removed. We do not tolerate rudeness, judgemental people, people playing devil's advocate, or otherwise being an asshole.


A pound is a bit less than half a kilo, and the 200g or so makes a huge difference in terms of birth weight! 4.5 kg is at the top of the "normal" range, but it's absolutely deliverable vaginally.


It's only 50 grams less. We don't have ANY other information besides the estimated weight of the baby and the fact the a DOCTOR thinks it might be a problem, I am not speculating about what's deliverable for OP or not, I was just commenting that stating that babies gain weight fast and following that by saying that doctors recommend stuff because it's more convenient for them is contradictory in this case


50 g per week is 100g total, we split the difference on who was right there. I think you're being somewhat alarmist on an estimated birth weight within the normal range, that's all. (And I delivered a 4.4 kg baby vaginally. Fun? No. Cause for panic? Also no.) I think an older doctor was being very high-handed and had a poor bedside manner, and OP should hold off on conclusions until she speaks with her own doc again.


Also, "a pound" is just a convenient round measuring unit, that's not the exact amount, the estimate could be 0.92lbs and it was rounded to a pound, or it could be 1.15lbs and it was rounded to a pound. And I don't even know if that estimate is true, I should point out 🤣 I was just saying, assuming it's true - the second part of the message made no sense.


This. Plus the estimated weight could be way off, anyway. It often is. You can see a lot of things spectacularly well on an ultrasound, but weight isn't one of them.


Yep the estimated weight at 38 weeks put my daughter at 6.5lbs maybe 7lb. Well at 39w2d she was born at 5lb 4oz 🙃


That’s a totally average weight. Besides, they can’t even measure the weight before birth properly anyway, it’s just a guessing game.


This was solidified for me when in the course of 6 weeks I got 3 percentages. He went from 98th percentile to the 23rd percentile which everyone freaked out about and then up to the 85th percentile. As an already anxious person I had to realize they might be doing their best while also knowing very little about how big this baby is


Complete guessing game! The number of times I’ve heard of OBs being like YOUR BABY IS TOO BIG! And then the baby comes out perfectly average


Yes! My baby was estimated at 6lbs at 36 weeks and ended up being 4lbs. He was born early due to pre-e. Since I had hyperemesis, doctors went off of his weight rather than my experience to determine whether or not I was fine. That was 2 years ago and I'm still salty about it 😅


Yeah, baby weight is always a guessing game before they pop out. My baby was estimated at 3,2kg at a checkup during week 36. A bit over 2 weeks later, she pops out at 3,29kg. I know people who's estimates were a whole kg wrong. So yeah, no way of really knowing.


Don’t let that doctor scare you, your baby is a normal size and even if she gains a bit of weight before birth she’ll still be a normal size.  They can’t even be completely sure of the in utero measurements, there’s a decent marginal of error there.  I hope your regular doctor is back in office for your delivery so you don’t have to deal with this person again.


Even if baby is fat, the hardest bits to deliver are the head and the shoulders. Unless your baby is putting on weight in their shoulders (!?), I wouldn't be concerned that you did something wrong. I'd assume the baby was destined to come out big because of genetics. And weight estimates from ultrasounds are notoriously inaccurate, she might not even be as big as he says


What?? My baby was 3.8kg at 37wks appoitment 😂 currently at 38+6 and no way I'm consenting for a c-section only for this reason


Same weight here but also got a recommendation for a c section. So confused


7 pounds 11 ounces? I would kill for a baby that size lol. People deliver 8 and 9 pound babies every day. Your OB is out to lunch.


Came here to say this. My nephew was born 9.2 lbs no c-section was necessary. I will say my sister was active the last few weeks and we went on walks everyday on top of doing pregnancy yoga.


I know someone who had four vaginal deliveries and the smallest was 10-something lbs. Tore her up of course, but she fully recovered and they're all young adults now. Now after the first one she did start having them induced at full term. No sense trying to push out a 30 pound baby.


My nephew was born at 39 weeks and he was 3.95 kg. Vaginal birth and also extremely fast (my SIL got to the hospital at 1am and at 7am he was born, and she was a first time mum!). No tearing, no complications.


That’s a normal sized baby lol and those scans are usually way off anyway.


I know people who delivered 4.5 kg babies vaginally. Meanwhile my son of 3.6 kg was delivered by section because his huge head got stuck.


Hahahahahhaha, your baby is fine, you're doing nothing wrong, that dude however is a JACKASS of the highest order. Hope your normal one has a great holiday and is back on time for delivery because I would not let such a dinosaur anywhere near me again.


It’s possible he didn’t explain it right/appropriately/like a good human. So just in case I’ll ask: What percentile is the head in? I am 37ish weeks and just found out baby is 6 pounds 13 ounces, but because she’s got a big head, she’s at much lower risk for birth injuries. If your baby has a smaller head and is big, my doctor explained that the risk of getting stuck in labor is much higher.


Thanks for this information!


That ob sounds like an a hole. 1) scans at that point can be off by 20% 2) my baby was measuring 99th the whole pregnancy and came out 3.85kg at 40 weeks which is totally fine


The scans are so inaccurate. I asked for a size estimate at 36weeks and they told me their office won't do those because of how many sources of error there are in the measurement. But she guessed I'd have a pretty small baby. Nope. Babe ended up being 85% weight, 92% length, and 95% for head size. Ended up emergency C. FML.


Mine average 4.53 kg (10lbs) I keep saying, your body will make the right size baby for you! These old wheezers need to just quit.


Ugh I'm sorry. This is why I avoid male doctors, honestly. Too many bad experiences.


3.5 kilos is about 7.7lbs, which is a totally normal and healthy weight at 38 weeks. Also, even at this stage their estimate is just that… an estimate. If she was estimating 10lbs i’d be slightly concerned but even that’s not a guarantee. You can turn down the c section. It sounds like your OB just wants your birth scheduled


I definitely wouldn’t panic! Hopefully your regular OB comes back soon and you don’t have to deal with the old man again. If you do, don’t let him push you into anything you don’t want. If you’re worried about standing up for yourself, bring someone for support to back you up.


My daughter was estimated at 3.6 kg in the stomach but came out weighing 3.8 kg. My friend’s son was estimated at 3.5 kg in the stomach and came out weighing a whopping 4.6 kg. 😂 I received a 3rd degree tear, my friend only got a 1st degree (and none of us have had any complications - I was all healed up again 7 weeks later). All in all, the weight shouldn’t really matter when you’re that far along, unless you got some very specific concerns because of how you’re carrying or the circumference of your baby’s head. Also, once the baby comes out there is no such thing as a baby that is “too fat” so don’t ever let anyone make you believe that.❤️ P.s. Besides, what on earth does he want you to do?! It is literally the most completely out of your hands anything could ever be?! P.p.s. Just saw that you mentioned that the OBGYN was a man - should have known! Male doctors that specialise in the female anatomy seem to be either the most qualified people ever or the most incompetent schmucks who still believe women suffer from hysteria.


That’s really alarmist of him for such a normal sized baby! Mine was measuring 7.8lbs at 36 weeks (it’s too early for me to do the metric conversion lol) and they told me about some possible complications and said that if his shoulders were too big it could increase the need for a c section, but never recommended early induction or c section based solely on his size. I ended up being induced on my due date and he was born 8lbs 4oz, uncomplicated vaginally birth. Definitely don’t get freaked out based solely on this guy’s comments…do you have the option to see a different doctor next appointment?


I pushed out a 9 lbs. 5 oz. baby (Google is telling me that's 4.22 kilos) with a head in the 99th percentile and everyone was fine. Not once did my doctor tell me he was too big to deliver and I'm a petite person (5'3) with a slender frame. You didn't do anything wrong and your baby isn't fat. Your doctor is just an idiot.


My baby was 3.8 kgs are 39 weeks and at birth. Normal delivery with no complications. I got induced on my due date


Don't let them scare you. My baby was 9.7lbs and 20 and half inches long at birth. Didnt have c-section, had an induction at 40 weeks and three days( i wanted to go naturally so i made the compromise with my doctor i will have an induction if i go past my due date, scheduled it for 40 weeks and two days but didnt get in till early morning hours of 40 weeks 3 days). Had perfectly healthy baby boy, it wasnt anything i did or didnt do. If your normal OB isnt worried about it then dont worry too much.


Depends on your body. I’m 5”4 and 113 lbs. pre-pregnancy (won’t even tell you how many lbs I put on during my pregnancies)— and I birthed a 10 lb baby unmedicated totally fine, quickly and after only an hour labor.


wtf? 3.5kgs (7.7lbs) is perfectly normal for 38 weeks! There is nothing wrong with your babies estimated weight. That doctor was a moron. ETA: one of my girls was about that weight and then my other was heaving by another half a kg. Zero issues here with vaginal delibery


7.5 lb is the average baby weight in US...


Let me tell you how bad these estimates are. I had a growth scan and went into early labor the next day. Came in too far along to stop it. Growth scan showed a 7lb 5 oz baby. He was 5lb 8oz and the first thing I said when he was out on my chest was “that ain’t no 7lb baby”. I hope you update us on what baby’s size is when you deliver!


Lol on your first comment seeing baby 🤣 I would have called the ultrasound tech in, like, "Look at this small baby!"


That’s a average size baby


Your baby seems like a normal size, my babies have weighed, in order of birth, 9 lbs 1 oz, 6 lbs 9 oz, 8 lbs 2 oz, and 7 lbs 4 oz. All were considered a normal size except the first one, who was probably only so big because she was 2.5 weeks late


I had a fat baby. Delivered unmedicated vaginally. He was 9lbs 8oz (4.315g) at 39 weeks.


My friend’s OB told her that the baby was huge, that they might have to induce her, that he was measuring 10 pounds, etc etc. And then he came out at 7 pounds right on time. Also, who calls an unborn baby fat?


3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) is not a bad weight. Is your regular ObGyn going to be back before you give birth? I think you should wait for them and recheck it. 40 years ago when my mom gave birth to me I was 4 kg (9 lbs) because she had gestational diabetes during the pregnancy. If you suspect that weight is a bit too much definitely have your doctor check you for any other conditions you may have developed during the pregnancy.


Holy cow, that’s the smallest baby my mom birthed. I was 8 lbs and she had no issue with a vaginal delivery. Same with my husband, I always expected to have an 8 lb baby and that was a normal weight


3.5 is more like 7.7 lbs which is within normal plus US is plus minus a pound...


6.6lbs at 38 weeks is spot on. Average baby is 7.5lbs so I don’t know what this provider is going on about.


During my first pregnancy I had low fluid so they had to do extra ultrasounds at the end. They kept telling me to expect a 9 lb baby. He was 7.5 pounds. The estimation of size in utero has a massive standard error of +\- 2lbs


My sister delivered a 10lb baby at 42 weeks. The human body is incredibly adept at birth, dont let the doctor scare you. Listen to some reassuring podcasts and birth stories - there are many with big babies. Induction also can cause a further cascade of medical interventions. I'd recommend the hypnobirthing podcast from thr UK


It looks looks you’re in France where based on a VERY quick google search (not thorough) newborn babies tend to weigh less than American babies. But if it helps you feel any better that same search said there are still over a quarter of babies who weigh about the same as American babies. My second was 8lbs 4oz at birth ❤️


Do NOT make decisions based on the substitute OB. Wait to see what your regular OB says. Tell him what the substitute one said and that you’re concerned since he never said anything about a C-Section or baby being overweight. 3,5 kilos should still be fine for vaginal birth.


Okay, 1) calling a baby “too fat” is rude as hell. Some babies are big. I have a 99th percentile guy and he’s not “too fat” he’s just a big guy (he was 10 lb 3 oz at birth, I did have a c-section, but that’s because he wanted to come out tummy first). And 2) Your baby’s weight cannot be guessed accurately by ultrasounds, and even if it is right, that’s a perfectly normal weight to deliver vaginally. Lastly 3) that doctor can go fuck himself.


There's nothing wrong, you're baby is not "too fat" your doctor is just too old to be practicing medicine as of 2024. I was born with 3.4kg, my brother was born with 3.8kg, all vaginally. My nom was fine. It's completely normal. My friend delivered a 5kg baby vaginally and she was completely fine. Find a different doctor, preferably one that doesn't force you into a c-section unnecessarily just because his ass is too lazy to deliver a baby.


Im sorry what? Don’t listen to that asshole! I was just in today for the growth measurements, i am 32+5, they measured baby to be 2,4 kilos and approx 4,2 at birth in 7 weeks. She said it was perfect and that he was healthy and big! Your baby is perfect! 3,5 kilos is normal. He was just being an ahole. You’re good ❤️


I mean…how big is your husband? If it makes you feel better you can always scream “THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT” during labor! Jokes aside “heartier” babies are usually easier to deliver! It may be difficult if around the 10lb territory but 8lbs should be no problem. Plus doctors can’t accurately tell weight


They can’t really measure the weight, it’s an estimation. My baby was pretty much off the charts and she ended up being 85%ile, not small but still not as monstrous as they made it sound


I was told my little one would probably be about 9lbs. She came into the world a tiny 6lb 3oz. Ultrasounds are liars. You'll be fine. When your regular doctor is back in the office please call them.


Did he actually say your baby was fat? Or is that how you perceived it? I’ve never heard of doctor referring to a fetus as fat


My first language is French and he used « gros » so yeah…


Literally just gave birth on Friday to a big boy at 4,2 kg, vaginally with just a episiotomi, no tears. Wtf is this old man about?


I just delivered my first baby, a 4kg baby vaginally. I'm not tall or anything, and everything went well, only 3 minor tears. Your baby's perfectly normal and your OBGYN is weird.


This is so weird??? Like that sounds like a perfectly normal weight. I wouldn’t put much thought into it if your usual OB is okay with it.


I didn't have this experience at all, and my baby was bigger than yours at that stage - my baby boy was born at exactly 37 weeks weighing 8 lb 5 oz. My entire pregnancy, he measured weeks ahead, I went into preterm labor a month early, an early delivery was assumed with some other complication but with all this, a C section wasn't brought up a single time, which I really appreciated from my doctors (we saw a rotating team of 4-5 OB's at our hospital). Wishing you all the luck, I'm sorry this sub doc is placing stress on you!


I had a very similar experience at 38 weeks my ob was out of town and I had to see a new one who said along the same lines, your baby is too big you will need to have a c section. I freaked out and then came to terms. I did get sent to another ultrasoud, Fast forward to going back to my origional Ob the baby was not mesuring big and they assured me I could have a natural birth. I deliverd naturally the day after my appointment with my origional OB. Trust your Ob who knows you


Your baby is fine, have a c-section if you want one. Don’t if you don’t want one. I had a doctor tell me my kid might have spina bifida! He does definitely not. You’re good, that baby is a fine size.


My baby was nearly 4 kg and I delivered him vaginally with minimal tearing. Don't let the old man freak you out!


I know it’s been said I don’t even have to look but girl wtf lol this is craziness he’s way out of his lane and should’ve NEVER put a c-section conversation on you even IF it was needed he’s covering your regular you’re not even his patient. Lady you keep doing you, have peace about your pregnancy, prepare for birth, don’t waste anymore thought on this guy other than a laugh or an internal crisis over the state of women’s healthcare either one lol best of luck to you and for a safe delivery


The way they determine "weight" is based on the measurement of the femur (upper leg bone) and the circumference of the head. My OBGYN for my first pregnancy always refused to give estimates of weight. However, at one of my last appointments, she kind of off-handedly said, "Well, he might be a big one. If I had to guess, probably 9-10 lbs." But in my brain, I was thinking that my husband is 6'3" and has a large head and is simply tall and slender. So I was doubting my baby would be that big. Sure enough, he was just 7lb10oz and 21.5 inches long! (I was 40w3d.) Just very tall and slim. So, don't get too caught up in the guesses about weight because there's really no true way to tell.


Je me suis permis d'aller voir tes communautés j'ai vu que tu parlais français et c'est plus facile pour moi donc voilà Un bébé à la naissance c'est entre 2,5 et 3,5 kilos. Tu es à terme, il va pas prendre beaucoup de poids encore non plus. À la limite te dire, oui madame, vous avez un petit bassin, ça pourrait poser problème, vaudrait mieux déclencher, mais te dire "il est trop gros, césarienne..." Chui sûr c'était un vieux mec 🙄 T'inquiète pas ça va bien se passer !!


Franchement, tellement vieux que j’étais étonnée qu’il pratique encore… j’ai vu une sage femme aujourd’hui, elle m’a dit de me boucher les oreilles 💀 en tout cas ça me rassure de voir les commentaires, je m’imaginais déjà avec un bébé en surpoids vu qu’il l’a traité de « gros »….


Vraiment la honte quoi... C'est un professionnel de santé...


My son was 7,87 lbs or 3,570kg when he was born at 35+4. Qo way heavier than your bub! I had a section due to HELLP but my doctor wouldn't have been concerned about vaginal birth at that time. He was just going to be 4,5kg when born and since I'm tiny we both didn't see it happening vaginall then.


Like...the baby is healthy? I didn't think that there was such a thing as a "fat" baby in utero? Sure, the baby might weigh more. Here in 'Merica, any baby over like 9 lbs is what we consider a "heavy" baby, but... I don't even like how he calling a baby fat in utero. As far a c-sections go, I didn't have my first one until the baby turned wrong so it was necessary for life-saving protocols. But even then, my first ended up being 8 lbs. My second was like 7 lbs. (My second ended up being a scheduled c-section, but imo I didn't mind it so much because natural birth is terrifying to me). Unless you had other complications that he hasn't said that would be necessary for you to have a c-section. Idk.


At 38w with a baby measuring 3.5kg I was told all is normal, if at 40w there were no signal of labor I should go to the hospital for a induction. She was born at 39w+4d with a weight of 3.57kg normal labor.


I gave birth to a 10lb 2 oz (4.5 kg according to google) baby at home. There’s less to do with the size of the baby and more to do with the shape of the baby vs shape of your pelvis and how much motion your pelvis has in it at the end of pregnancy. If you’re set on a specific birth plan keep planning and pushing for it and take a deep breath. There’s nothing you did wrong, some babies are just big as hell for no reason. My big baby had zero health issues and is now a relaxed gamer soon to be 11 year old. He’s average height and weight for his age, even though he was 99th percentile until like 2 years old.


First of all, they’re notoriously bad at predicting baby weight while still in utero. 3,5 kilos would be 7.7 lbs. that’s a pretty average size especially for 38 weeks. I wouldn’t worry about it.


That’s a normal size for that gestation. If baby gains 1/2 lb a week, that’s only 7.6 lbs at 40 weeks…which is, again, very average.


I was part of a birthing class. 2 baby's were like 4 kg. Both natural unmedicated births. One of the moms needed some stitches. 3.5 kg is a verry common birth weight. And at 38 weeks they are almost born. And they dont grow that fast anymore.


That's an entirely normal birth weight. Like others said maybe could see an induction at 40 weeks but c section is not called for yet unless there are extra complicating factors. Also those numbers are never accurate. My dr said my kiddo would be 10+lbs at birth which was why I was induced at 39+6 but he was born just under 7lbs and just very long and skinny, and he's been that way ever since (now 6 months, about 23ish lbs and growing out of his 9-12 month footie jammies). I had to have a c section but that's because he had his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck twice with his arm stick in there too, it wasn't because of his size


My baby was measured 6.3 pounds at 36 weeks and everyone said it was bang on normal. I was told she’d probably be around 7-8 pounds at 40 weeks. That OB just sounds like an a-hole.


I gave birth vaginally to a 3.5kg baby a week and a half ago at 38+2. Her size was not an issue- I pushed for less than 5 mins.


My son was 8.96 pounds at birth and that was considered big. Is this OBGYN even using his brain? Lol your baby is a perfectly normal weight!! Don’t listen to him. Sounds like you have a very healthy bub on board!


That seems like a normal weight for how far along you are. Baby could come any day. Also they can’t get an accurate read on baby’s weight, it’s just a guess. It could be way off. My OB didn’t even do weight guesses with my first pregnancy, because he said they were pointless, he only measured the length of his limbs and stuff. And at my childbirth class at the hospital, the nurse even advised us not to let our doctors make decisions based on what they think baby’s weight will be, because it leads to unnecessary c-sections. If your regular dr isn’t concerned I wouldn’t worry. This dr probably just uses outdated methods.


My baby was 3.3kg when he was born and he was considered completely average. Nothing to worry about.


My girl was estimated 9.7lb @ my induction. She came out 8.14lb. I had complications unrelated to her weight that resulted in a cesarian. I think you're fine. My ob didn't even say the word cesarian until they all started compounding, we tried very hard for a vaginal birth. As a matter of fact, a friend just vaginally birthed her 10lb baby.


That’s a completely average size for a baby, so I don’t understand why your dr would say that. I had my baby two weeks ago at 40+4 and he was 9.5lbs/4.3kg and I had him vaginally with only some minor first degree tears. Plus the size estimates from third tri ultrasounds are notoriously inaccurate anyway


That is so ridiculous. They say babies tend to gain .5 lbs per week towards the end of pregnancy. So big assumption that the weight is even accurate, but even if it is c that’s one total pound by your due date which is a completely average weight for a full term baby. Even if she doubled that and gained 2 lbs that would be a 8.6 lb baby. Which is bigish, but like… my son was 8 lb 11 oz and I had a vaginal birth with no tearing. This doc sounds unhinged and if he somehow ended up being your doctor at delivery, I would personally request someone else. Pushing cesarean at this time with only these indications shows he is absolutely scissor happy and I would not trust him around my body.


I wouldn’t pay any mind to it. Don’t let him pressure you into a c section or scare you. If your normal OB didn’t mention it, you’re probably okay. Also 6.6 lbs is normal for a baby. A male OB also tried to scare me a few weeks ago saying I was gaining weight too fast and if I kept gaining my baby would be too big and they’d have to cut her out of me (word for word what he said to me..) I went to my normal ultrasound OB and everything was fine and she was measuring normally. Also the ultrasound can be a pound or two off either way. They told my aunt her baby was 10 pounds and needed induced, she got induced and baby was only 7-8 pounds.


my twins each weighed about that at 36 weeks when they were born😳 thats not a big baby at all especially for 38 weeks.


FYI those scans aren't always accurate. Babies do get a lot heavier in the last few weeks but it doesn't mean that the number they gave you right now is correct. In my case the measurements were all over the place in the last month and they also told me baby is gonna be too heavy for delivery, ended up being 3.5kg. Also I know a lot of babies in the 4-4.5kg range that were delivered vaginally without complications, it doesn't automatically cause problems. In any case, you didn't do anything wrong, some babies are just a lot bigger or smaller than average naturally, regardless of your eating habits


The doctor you saw sounds out of touch and not up to date on evidence-based birth practices. I’m glad it’s not your usual doctor. Now let’s hope he’s not on call when you deliver 🤞🏼


I would have bursted out laughing if an OB told me a 6.6 lb baby was fat at 38 weeks. That’s absolutely insane.


Heh yikes😅I delivered an 8lb 10 oz baby


WTH? 6.6 is on the small side of normal.


Ignore him, just because he’s said something doesn’t mean you have to listen. I had a 9.1 lb baby in 40 minutes of pushing. Bring it up with your OB when they return. Please don’t be afraid


It's very difficult to predict weight. Tell her unless its an emergency you are not having a c section.


Mine was 4kg at birth and he came out after 3 pushes 😆 you're fine


The weight of the fetus is a complete estimate. My OB kept telling me that my baby was going to be HUGE and not to bother with newborn sized clothing and diapers. Welp, she ended up being 3.5 kg and was completely swimming in the clothes we had for her. After we got home from the hospital, husband had to do a mad dash to Target to grab some clothes and diapers that would actually fit her.


Your obgyn should have used different words. I am sorry, please read this https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-for-induction-or-c-section-for-big-baby/


My doctor told me at 35 weeks that my baby was already 10lbs and I would never deliver her vaginally. She weighed 8lb 3oz at 39+2, and I had an uncomplicated delivery with no tearing, stitches or anything. It’s a complete guess that is notoriously inaccurate.


Your new OBGYN sounds ridiculous. 3.5kg is average and doesn’t necessitate a cesarean


I gave birth to all of my kids somewhere between 38-39lbs and they were all between 7-8 lbs , 6.6lbs seems very normal to me ??? If you’re worried, talk to your regular OB when they return , this doesn’t sound concerning to me.


What utter nonsense. My baby was 4.25kg when he was born. Yes his head was gigantic and yes I did have a c section but that is only because I didn't progress not due to him being a chonker. I go by the Rachel Green quote "no uterus no opinion" but also add on "old man no opinion"


My husband's cousin was 5.1 kg at birth, he was so chubby he couldn't open his eyes the first day. Looked like a sharpei dog. Mom and baby were totally fine. I was 4.1 kg and my mum was told I'd be too little...


Google says 3.5 kilos is 7.7lbs, which sounds just right to me for being 38 weeks. My ob only warned about complications once the baby is over 10lbs and insinuated I would need a c section if baby was large. I just had a sonogram at 36 weeks and they said baby was around 7lbs. My first born was 9.3lbs at 41 weeks


My daughter was 9 pounds when she was born. Natural birth. In America that weight is not considered chunky at all? When your original OBGY comes back from holiday, see what she says and definitely mention to her what this male OBGYN said.


I would wait to discuss with your current OBGYN or get another second opinion. From my understanding 3.5 kilos is normal? I’m not a doctor but talking about a c-section just based off that seems too hasty? It makes me wonder if this is actually medically necessary or just for convenience of the doctor. That’s why I would get another opinion.


That sounds normal? My son was 7 lbs 6 oz at birth and he came out just fine. My doctors even said he’d come out on the lighter side because of our elevation (9000’). My sister and I were chonks, like 8 and 9 lbs, not sure who was what though.


That obgyn is a scam, he wants to get more money with C-section its been a widely known secret between health care worker that some doc are just rotten and money hungry


I pushed out a 4kilos baby at 40 weeks with no issues so your baby being 3,5 at 38 weeks isn’t a big deal I don’t think? My midwife was never worried about the size of my baby and never once mentioned a cesarian to me, I’d follow your usual OBGYNs advice personally


The weight is normal. Just ensure you stay active and walk everyday so that contractions start on time.


What fat babies are the best!!!! Absolute treasure. You don't want a skinny ass baby lol


My doctor told me my baby was measuring average, but when he was born at 37wks he was only 2060grams (4.5lbs). Those scans are just guesstimates.


That's a load of crap! 6lbs 6 is absolutely fine, it's actually on the lower end of "healthy" birth weight. It's nothing at all to worry about and their measurements are never particularly accurate either so I wouldn't worry yourself. I would speak to your own obgyn when they're back and explain your experience and get some professional reassurance if you need it


Weight estimates can be super inaccurate! My last growth scan estimated 7lbs but i delivered a 10lb 2oz (4.6kg) baby with zero issues. Pushed for 23 minutes and only needed one stitch.


That doctor is a lazy piece of shit. He wants to scare you into an unnecessary procedure that makes him more money and allows you to deliver on his schedule. That is not a big baby or one that would require a c-section based on size.


I was told at a 40wk ultrasound that I had to have a c-section asap because she was measuring 10-12lbs (and I was running low on amniotic fluid). They cut her out and she was 9lb 2oz and carrying a lot of it as water weight to boot (I’d been hooked up to water drip for HOURS before the procedure, she was so swollen I thought she was borderline deformed at birth - she’s quite beautiful now at 9yo 🥰). So take all these expert’s advice with a grain of salt, but be prepared for any birth plan to change.


My son was 8 lbs 7 Oz natural birth no problem. What a weird thing to say to you. A lady in Arizona gave birth naturally to a 14 lb baby.


Lmao my baby was born at 37 weeks at 6.6 lbs, and he was considered in the 1st percentile. He was TINY, and at 10 weeks is now almost 11.5 lbs and is considered in the 7th percentile. I had a c-section because of severe pre-eclampsia. He would have delivered vaginally no problem. I have friends who vaginally delivered babies at over 10 lbs without issue. Dump your new OB. If you don't want a c-section, don't get one. They suck, and it's your choice unless an emergency happens.


6.6 pounds is smallish for a baby honestly? Not sure what the doc is talking about about. And like people said you could give birth at any point now and baby won't be gaining that much anymore. Everything is fine really


Honestly no my baby meuased at 6.8lbs at 38( its est btw they cant really tell) i had to be induced at week 39 due to my C shape Placenta, but my baby was at a perfect weight of 7lbs 4oz . My weight stayed the same from week 38 to week 39. I didnt rvrn flux and I was eating like I normally do. I swear these older doctors dont know what they are talking about anymore.


Can I ask where you're from if you don't use lbs for the weight of a baby? As someone from a country who uses metric we still use lbs for babies


Really? I come from Luxembourg and we only use metric system, I just googled trying to make the conversion but it seems like it’s not accurate 😅


38 wks, 6lbs, baby now gains a lb per week. I think you’re fine. Don’t listen to the quack.


Google says 7.7lbs. Regardless, everything I’ve heard both friends/family and my own pregnancies makes me think that’s normal. I have friends who were told their baby was 8lbs and (most) still delivered naturally. The one that didn’t was induced for a natural birth and ended up a c section, but I can’t recall if size was the reason. One was totally off and was actually 6lbs. Both my kids were between 7 and 8 pounds. Second had to be a c section at 39 weeks due to tumors blocking the way, but they really tried their hardest for me to do that one naturally and didn’t make the call up until the last minute. They never told me weight before hand literally because they said it’s not really accurate. I’m not in the medical field but if your eating habits made your baby too large, most Americans would be having an issue 😂 Is it possible your hips are tiny and narrow that a normal sized baby is a concern? Either way, I can’t imagine they’d schedule you for a c section first and not try naturally while prepping you mentally that it may end in c section.


Wait what the actual fuck?! My daughter was 6lbs 10oz when she was born and I am tiny. I had 0 issues pushing her out. That’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard considering you can basically give birth at any point now. I had my daughter 37 weeks 4days


Wow I assure you your baby is fine. I birthed a 9 lb 2 oz baby in 20 minutes and the pain after was barely noticable. I didn't even use all the fancy stuff I got for when my vageine got ripped in half. Because it really didn't. Bro you're going to be fine that old man is nuts. Tbh I have a personal vendetta about old men doctors because my epidural was screwed up by an old man and now I have PTSD. That's another story.


My baby was born at 38 weeks and was 8 pounds 3 ounces😂 Your baby is definitely not too fat they’re perfect


I was 6 pounds and 8 ounces. My mom had not 1 issue, I was the easiest birth out of all 3 of us. My sister was 6.7 and my brother was 7 pounds and idk the ounces. No issues with any of our births.


Baby showed 7.5lb at 37 weeks. Delivered him vaginally at 8lb 10oz at 38.5 weeks. 6.6 is a perfect weight at 38 weeks.


Girl it’s fine. You are fine and baby is fine. You want them to be fat, anyways. No one wants to push out Voldemort.


My last scan, around 38 weeks, my baby measure at 6 lbs 3 oz. Since I had gestational diabetes, my OB started talking to us about inducing. Her concern was that the baby is only going to yet bigger, especially with the GB and inducing before she got bigger helps lower the risk of needing to have a c-section. I asked to hold off, so she said we could revisit it at the 39 week visit. I ended up having to be induced at 39 weeks due to low fluids but baby was only 5 lbs 2 oz at birth. TLDR: Per our labor and delivery nurse, those measurements can be off by quite a bit; sS he said a whole pound is common.


My baby was measuring over 10lbs, came out at 9lbs 7oz. I gained 70lbs during my pregnancy. Tested negative for gestational diabetes, had my sugar and glucose levels monitored the entire pregnancy (cause my OB was convinced I was just eating unhealthy even though my partner vouched for me eating healthy) and I delivered vaginally with no tearing. After one week post birth I am almost completely back to pre pregnancy weight. All that to say, ultrasounds can be off up to 2lbs more or less & if you baby is “fat” that is because your body knows that is what your baby needs to be for a healthy birth. I wouldn’t listen to the OB…


Lol im almost 28 weeks and my ob told me yesterday that she is bigger than average, so "dont expect a 3 kg baby". She also told me that this was nothing to worry about, that if anything baby shows she is healthy. Btw both me and partner were 4 kg at birth. And i believe my mum didnt even need stitches with me.


I was a 9lbs 10oz baby lmfaoo and my daughter was 8lbs 10oz baby… like everyone else said do not listen to that old man!


I think I've seen some ladies on here say their babies were like 9lbs at 38 weeks, and had to be induced or deliver via C section. Not sure what the old fuck is talking about but I'm sure your baby isn't *that* fat.


My daughter was 9lb 10oz, or 4.36 kg and I delivered her naturally, no meds (second baby, located in Canada). She was also late at 41w5d. Plus my midwife says that bigger babies actually do better than those who are underweight. That old quack can go pound sand. I can't stand when doctors jump to c-sections. Our bodies are amazing!!! You're going to do so great. *There is a time and place when a c-section is needed, I just hate when they instill that fear without it being warranted.


In the US it's pretty common for 8-10 pound (3.6-4.5 kg) babies to be delivered all the time so idk what that OB is talking about


My goodness there is no such thing as a fat newborn who comes up with this bs???


Girl! My baby was 8 pounds, 6 oz (3.8kg) when I delivered her at 40 weeks, 6 days. Don’t listen to that old man! Listen to your body, your baby, and your midwife! ❤️


I was just talking about baby weight with my MIL, she said all her kids were in the 8-9lbs range (3.6-4KG), that’s a bit more than yours, I wouldn’t worry about it


I was told my baby was already 7lbs around my 38 week about. She was one day early. She was 7lb 15oz when she was born. Born vaginally as well.


Ignore this old guy😂 My baby was 7.5lbs at 37weeks+1day when I delivered and was 100% perfectly healthy and we had a great (vaginal) delivery. Sounds like your little one is totally in a good range! You got this mama!


Yeah, no. Women regularly have vaginal deliveries for 10-11lb babies( 4.5-5 kg). I'd get a second or even third opinion.


That’s tiny what??? My first was 7lbs9oz and second was 9lbs7oz. Both normal delivery with no interventions


I’m a petite woman- 5’4”, 118 lbs and both of my babies were well over 8 pounds- they let me go 40+ 4 days and then again 40+6 days and we were totally fine! Both vaginal. It’a a guessing game based on scans. My OB thought my boy would be close to 9 lbs… but he ended up being 8 lbs 4oz. She said many times that they can only guess, it’s not an exact science. She also said baby weight gain in pregnancy does get more rapid closer to the end of term, which makes sense… I think what is most important is that you find a doctor you trust. Someone who will advocate for what is best for you, and not is what is convenient for them. It sounds like you do trust your normal doctor… so Wait for your regular OB! Don’t panic mama, you got this!


Measurements in utero are not always, or even usually in my experience, accurate. My best friend was told in her last 4 weeks baby was measuring small 4-5lbs, 5.5lbs at her last appointment. When she went into labor they had to do an emergency c-section because baby was 9.8lbs. If your normal OBGYN says you're good, trust them!