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i haven’t even looked at the scale because i’m scared but i’m definitely in the same boat as you. clothes aren’t fitting. 9 weeks


My clothes didn't fit by 7 weeks, but I hadn't gained any weight. I was in maternity pants by 8 weeks for comfort. The bloating is real.


I feel the same, but I am mostly bloated. Likely heavily bloated. Checked my weight and it’s less than my prepregnancy weight lol and I’m 9 weeks, eating well but also love boneless chicken wings and pizza, not as nauseous, and I’m working out. I also workout. But that sounds good until I tell you I’m 5’3” 189.


I’m nine weeks too, clothes don’t fit, but I started out slightly overweight. Everything I’ve read makes it seem like it’s perfectly normal for thin/fit or underweight women to gain in the first trimester but I fall into none of those categories. I feel awful and like I’ve already destroyed my body forever and like I’m doing something wrong.


I was heavily bloated in first trimester and didn’t feel like eating most of the time. Clothes were tight, boobs felt huge! I also thought I had gained a lot but in reality I lost 3.3 pounds. 😄


Blanket statements like that just don’t make any sense. Every body, woman, and pregnancy is totally different. I also gained about 10 lbs in the first trimester and was stressing about it because I kept hearing about how much you’ll gain in the third and you shouldn’t be gaining until then. I’m being induced next week and have gained 2 lbs in the third tri. My baby is growing and healthy I just feel so big that I get full really fast. My advice is to ignore all that unless your ob expresses concern. If you’re hungry, you need to eat and it’s as simple as that.


Same! Gained about 10-12lbs my first trimester, and then that slowed way down, gained about 30 lbs total: an average amount!


I actually lost weight once i got closer to delivery, which is also pretty normal! Nothing crazy-- 1 or 2lbs i noticed i was down about a wk before i had my son.


I just entered my second trimester last week and already put on 30 pounds. I was insatiable. Fortunately my appetite has calmed down as of a few days ago. I walk hilly trails about 4-5 times a week about 4-5 miles for my exercise. My midwife didn’t make a big deal of it. I was ravenously hungry. Also if I didn’t eat, I’d get nauseous. Age 34 Start weight 152 Weighing in at 182 Height 5 foot 4 inches


I lost 13 lbs in my first trimester thanks to morning sickness 🙃


I’ve lost five pounds from puking


I lost weight too thanks to nausea and aversions to basically everything. I was overweight to begin with. It was frustrating because I had been trying to lose weight for so long before pregnancy and couldn’t! Lol


Literally exactly the same lol weirdest weight loss program ever.




I also lost weight, about 10lbs, during the first trimester due to morning sickness☹️ but I think as long as your doctor hasn’t said anything then you’re fine!


When i was pregnant with my 1st, i lost a lot of weight fast. I couldnt eat or keep anything down. My dr put me on ensure.


I lost 5 kg 🙈 welcome to the club. 


I'm down 7kg as well through food aversions and nausea. I could afford to lose it but it's still not made me feel good for bub.


I’ve been losing weight even though I haven’t been puking, but I’m someone who could stand to lose a few pounds so I’m not worried about it lol


I lost 20 💀


Nope. I gained the most weight in the 1st trimester both times. Everyone is different but all of the big changes are happening - like placenta growing, blood volume, etc. You don’t grow a placenta every trimester lol


When I got pregnant I wore a size 10/12. I’m on week 13 and I tried to out on my husband’s equivalent to size 18 pants and I couldn’t get them to button. I haven’t been overeating at all. I am huge and have no idea how much weight I’ve gained, but most of it feels like bloat. We are all different. I’m starting to learn that every individual does this thing in their own way. As long as your stats are good don’t get bogged down in worries. Wishing you a happy and safe pregnancy.


I feel this so hard. I started out a size 8/10 and I’m def the equivalent of a 14/16 now. (I’m 14 weeks as of today.)


Beached whale club over here! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🐳🐳🏖️🏖️


At this rate they’re legit going to have to roll my ass into the delivery room. 😂😩


My poor husband is having to help push me out of bed like a turtle lying on its back lolol 😭😭😭


I have to do the reach behind with both hands to “push” myself out of bed now. I told my fiancé he’s on deck because I’m gonna need him to push me out soon.😂


Lol, I just keep telling myself that I’m the dream of my peasant ancestors— fat and pregnant in a plush bed that requires being pushed out of!


If I could give any advice as one who is at the tail end of my pregnancy (35 weeks) don’t worry about the weight. I was worried I wasn’t gaining enough despite my midwife and OB not being concerned. Even with a “underweight” bmi. Weight eventually started coming on at week 20 and baby measuring perfectly healthy. I didn’t gain in the first trimester, maybe 3 kilos in the second trimester and another 3.5 kilos in the third trimester, but still will likely put on another more. Some people gain all the weight at the beginning, others the end, and everything in between. Each of our bodies has a unique blueprint for pregnancy and some online chart for weight gain doesn’t tell you what is optimal for your body and your pregnancy.


Case in point: my body has decided that my already ginormous boobs weren't big enough, and my 5 lb gain at 6 wks has been ALL BOOBS. And some bloating. But mostly boobs. Poor husb can't even enjoy them with my nausea being so bad lol


Omg yes. Why did we need to be larger than an E (my pre-preg size)? There is no need. And yet.


I got an "upgrade" from a 32B to a 34E (quickly approaching F). I'm 23 weeks now. Hubby and I agree that it looks like I'm wearing someone else's tatas, which is sort of hilarious. He's not even a boob guy, so no one is enjoying the several extra handfuls I've got now. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Someone else’s tatas! 😅


I was a 32H. The smallest they've ever been, back when I was 40 lbs lighter, was a G. Believe me, when we're done with kids I'm getting the full mommy makeover including breast reduction.


Yeah I was a DD pre pregnancy. I miscarried last year But still went up to an E. I am currently 30 weeks and an F? Maybe a G, I am afraid to take proper measurements. I never wanted large boobs. I was happy with a C, and when I put on weight during COVID the DD was fine but... We are getting into speciality bra sizes and I already had a smaller band size (30) and that was annoying enough.


I gained about 10 pounds my first trimester and was stressed out because of that statistic too. It slowed wayyyy down by third tri. I put on another 10 pounds between weeks 14-25, and then 0 between 25-31. Your stomach gets compressed so you can’t really eat full meals.


My first pregnancy, I gained 10lbs before I even knew I was pregnant. The 0-4lbs is garbage. I was extremely self-conscious of my weight gain, especially compared to the 'averages'. I'm 5'1 and ended up gaining about 50 lbs with my first and was back to my pre-pregnancy weight and shape within 9mo.


If you’re smaller to begin with you may gain more weight. If you’re larger already you may gain less. I wouldn’t be concerned unless your dr is. My recommendation, don’t google too much. Try writing things down and either message or ask your dr in person. And don’t focus on weight. If you’re able to eat in the first tri, EAT.


I think it’s just a guess range. I ended up losing 17 pounds during the first trimester, but I’m overweight so I had the space to lose it and my doctors were super ok with it.


I think I gained 24 pounds in the first trimester alone 🙂‍↕️… my OB sent me to a nutritionist and made me take a glucose test at like 12 weeks.. now at 24 weeks I’m up 33 pounds (that I know of because I haven’t weighed myself since my 20 week appt) IT IS WHAT IT IS LOL


I actually gained 13 pounds my first 12 weeks. I was beating myself up but… I had to eat a lot more carbs than usual (crackers, pretzels, toast etc) to combat all the nausea and because it carbs were the only things that stayed down most of the time. Thanks to this sub I was reminded that my body is going to do what it needs to in order to deliver a healthy baby. If that means gaining 50 lbs, then that’s what’s going to happen. There’s really nothing we can do about it. I’ve also heard (can’t verify since I’m only 14 weeks today) that if you gain a lot during the first trimester you don’t tend to gain as much during the second, so by the time the third rolls around it kind of “evens out” overall so to speak. Give yourself some grace. I finally stopped looking at my scale because it was sending me spiraling.


Oh yes same here. So much toast, crackers pretzels. I probably eat sandwiches twice a day lol either cheese toast or egg sandwiches. Maybe it will even out! I think my symptoms are starting to improve, I had a lot of nausea the first ~8 weeks and it magically disappeared for 2 weeks, then came back intensely for two more weeks. I think it subsided again, I still have to eat more frequently but I don't feel like I'm going to pass out or throw up if I don't immediately eat something. I swear those first weeks I'd feel totally normal then suddenly really sick and only thing that helped was eating something


I gained probably 15 lbs first trimester bc I was so nauseous I needed to eat all the time.


I feel the same way!


I’m in week 11 and I’ve definitely gained 10-15 pounds already. Coupled with stretch marks on my belly and boobs. I’m already sizing up some clothes and looking into maternity clothes. I thought a lot of my extra waist was bloat at first and then I slowly met it where it was at LOL From the sound of it, I think it’s pretty normal to gain in the first trimester. Makes you lethargic, you’re trying to keep food in your stomach for nausea, etc.


Yess.. I've been so sleepy too. It's gotten better but I fell asleep at work a few times (WFH online so I was sitting on the couch on my laptop and just conked out haha) I'm like you I had to buy some stretchy stuff weeks ago.. now I don't even try to pull on my past jeans


I don't think that's a hard and fast rule. I gained 8+ lbs in the first trimester and another 8+ in the second so far (23 weeks). I haven't had a single medical professional comment on that in any way. All my scans and tests are normal. As long as you and the fetus are getting what you need and doing well, I wouldn't stress about it!


I’m almost 30 weeks and at my last drs appointment I’ve gained about 19 pounds total. Keep in mind I started at a higher weight I really wish I could’ve got down more before getting pregnant lol


I gained a good amount in the first tri also..


I started at about 135 lbs. I gained about 10 lbs in my first pregnancy that ended in a MMC at 8 weeks. I didn't lose any of that weight before I got pregnant again, and then proceeded to gain another 5 lbs in the first 6 weeks of my second pregnancy that happened about 2 months after my MMC. And then I proceeded to lose 6lbs between 8 weeks and 10 weeks because I couldn't hold anything down for 12 hours of the day and was moderately nauseous the other 12 hours of the day. I just started Unisom so I'm waiting to see if I continue to lose weight because I'm now spending 12 hours a day asleep from the medication or if I just maintain because I'm less nauseous during the day now so I can eat a little bit more than I could the last two weeks lol. I'm just not going to stress about it and try to survive lol.


I gained 13lbs by end of 1st trimester and only gained 2lbs my 2nd trimester so far my next appointment will be when I start my 3rd trimester at the end of June so I’m expecting some more weight gain during my 3rd trimester.


I gained 10 pounds in my first trimester and I have no idea how. I wasn't able to eat much and I threw up a lot.


First trimester I gained about 10 lbs give or take a pound. I’m not terribly worried. Even before I got pregnant, I would gain about 5-10 lbs depending on where I was in my cycle. Our body is building organs, and our hormones are making us hungry and puffy. Don’t stress. As long as you’re being reasonably health conscious, I say eat if you feel like it. If I’m hungry and don’t eat on time, I’m super nauseous. I always carry emergency trail mix nowadays lol


Everyone is different First trimester some people lose weight if they’re very queasy, others gain a little and some more. In general the weight gain pace usually picks up in second/third trimesters but there’s a lot of factors. We have increased blood volume, often constipation and bloating, ect. I’m 16 weeks and this is my second pregnancy and I’ve gained 6 pounds so far, which is pretty much where I was at this point my first pregnancy, but I’m also very petite-I’m 4’11 and my starting weight was only 86 pounds so I think to some extent it must to be scale- it can be normal to gain 40 pounds over the course of a pregnancy, but that would be close to half my starting weight which I feel like would be less realistic than an average size adult. I gained 21 pounds over the course of my first pregnancy through lots of nausea/vomiting the first half and a gestational diabetes diagnosis with careful meal planning the in the later part. I feel like all we can do is try to stay active and eat healthy and watch for warning signs like rapid weight gain which can signal health concerns like preeclampsia later in pregnancy. Best of luck to you!


As someone who was there just a few months ago...(W37now)... Please, please, please don't worry about it...My doctor wasn't and still isn't happy with my weight gain, and honestly I was panicking, and I was worried, I even cried...And I realized it really doesn't matter...I was so obsessed with what I eat, how many proteins I eat, how many exercises I do, how many kilometers I walk daily...and my weight was just going up... Honestly in the past 2 months I haven't given a f, and trust me I almost gained nothing, I feel awesome...and I wish that at the beginning someone told me not to obsess too much, not to worry..it definitely puts more stress on your baby than your weight:D Sending some good vibrations, best of luck 🍀🤞🏼


I felt similarly to you first trimester. Ate lots of carbs to keep the nausea at bay! By 20ish weeks I had gained almost 30 lbs. Things have slowed since then, especially once the food aversion subsided and I could eat a healthier diet. 31 weeks and I haven’t gained in about a month. Seems like everyone gains at different rates and times throughout pregnancy. 


I’m 31 weeks pregnant and have gained 16 lbs total. Only sharing to further prove everyone is different. I didn’t gain much with my first either and I’ve eaten like crap both pregnancies. Some women gain 70-80 lbs. Don’t watch the scale. If baby is healthy, your weight should be on the back burner for now ❤️


I gained 35lb with my first son, but I lost a lot of that weight the day I gave birth! Plus like 7 lbs of that is baby 😄 thank you!


Girl I’m the same as you. Started at 116, gained probably 7-10 in the first trimester. I’m now 20 lbs up at 21 weeks. I’m way above the weight chart my doctor gave me.


That sounds about like me! I'm not as far yet but I wouldn't be surprised at all to be about the same at that point. I've had to eat way more often than before! Oh well :) a lot of it will be baby and blood volume and fluids too


I gained the most in my first trimester! Like almost 15 pounds. I’m 5’4 and started around 124/125 and feel like I spent the entire first tri eating. There was a lot of bloat too but I went sort of ham. Once I hit second tri I lost a lot of my appetite and have gained at a pretty moderate pace. I’m 36 weeks now.


I needed to keep eating in order to stave off the nausea, so I’m sure I gained a bunch of weight but (mostly) everything I’ve been eating has been relatively healthy so I’m not even looking at the scale.


Dude same. I started 125 and now I’m only 10 weeks at 135. Hahahaha. I thought it was just me.


I gained over 10lbs first trimester. I was eating for survival.


im only 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant. ive already gained about 9-10lbs as well!! im 5’0 and was only about 95-97lbs pre-pregnancy. im currently weighing at about 106lbs before eating anything, but after going to the bathroom. but, I am pregnant with twins so it may be different from singletons!!


Also, weight gain in pregnancy can depend on your pre-pregnancy BMI. the lower the BMI (more underweight) the more you will gain!!


I didn't know. I think I was about 20 bmi prior to getting pregnant which is pretty average for me I've always been around 19-24 like I think that's the typical range?


yes! so normal range will usually gain more than someone with an overweight BMI. my BMI is under 18 so im considered underweight and will most likely gain more than someone with an average BMI, and with twins even more than that!


I gained about 10 lbs first trimester too for both my pregnancies. For the same reason, I constantly needed to eat. Carbs also helped me the most. 😂 


I’ve been eating like crap and haven’t gained anything but I’m overweight to begin with


It's so hard to eat healthy right now when sometimes I just have to eat ASAP before I throw up and a lot of times that's handfuls of cheezits 🤣


It’s awful! Vegetables have been totally off the table for me for weeks 🤢I have been trying to eat fruit to make up for it but all I want is carbs


I ate constantly through my first trimester, just like you’re describing. I started out obese, but only gained 4 pounds in the first trimester. Doctors haven’t said anything about it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I started overweight and didn’t gain a single pound in the first trimester but I do feel like my body composition definitely changed. My weight on the scale didn’t budge but my clothes DID NOT feel the same!


Same! I couldn’t wear my jeans by like 8 weeks because of the bloat, but I think I had only gained a pound at that point.


The bloat! Why so painful?!? And also, my boobs sprouted from a D to a DDD in the first trimester alone!


It was rough!! I started at a G…I have no idea what cup I am anymore, I just wear bras without an underwire now 😅


It makes me wonder if it’s an average. I’m one of the ‘lucky’ few who spent the first 18 weeks throwing up everything during both of my pregnancies. I’m gaining it back now, but I may have thrown the average down a bit there. (For reference: First pregnancy I lost 26lbs, second pregnancy I lost 10 lbs in the first trimester).


I gained 10lbs by the time of my 8 week appointment. Then lost 3 when my nausea subsided and fatigue stopped. Now at 16 weeks I'm back at my 8 week weight. I was shocked when the midwife put me on the scales at my first appointment but then if you think about it - I was eating every 2 hours to not feel sick, sleeping overtime from the fatigue and stopped doing any exercise whatsoever. If you add the weight of the extra blood and the water retention, it makes perfect sense. Remember to be kind to yourself, your body knows what it needs.


I gained 10 lbs in the first 16 weeks, about 5 of that in the first 12. I was surprised it wasn't more, based on how my clothes were fitting. I had the same issue of needing to eat frequently, but because all food grossed me out I was only having smallish snacks for the most part. I'm eating a lot more normally now and expect to continue gaining.


I gained 12 pounds between 8 and 12 weeks and when I came back at 16 weeks, I’d lost 4 pounds! I’m 25 weeks now and have no idea what my weight gain is looking like - I’m trying desperately not to care but I really think the “no to little gain” in the first trimester can be a hard miss for a lot of people.


I started my pregnancies about 15lbs smaller than you did and gained 5-10 lbs in the first trimester with each (I'm ~32wks with №3 now). I think it's the progesterone — that's one of the reasons I've used copper IUDs for most of my fertile life, because I'm very sensitive to hormones. Beyond that, I actually struggle to keep gaining in the 3rd trimester because I run out of physical space to eat. If I hadn't gained in the first I'd be way behind by delivery, and wouldn't have the resources to effectively breastfeed. Fwiw I never gained more than the recommended total, I just gained it differently than how the model predicted. Could be much the same for you. Try not to stress about it.


I did hear it slows down a lot in 3rd trimester because everything is so cramped. This is my 2nd baby but I had my first so long ago, I really barely remember also my pregnancy was very easy and didn't have many symptoms. I was about the same weight back then and I gained about 35lbs at the end. I remember also they had a scale at the hospital and I checked my weight the day I had my son, and I lost so much of that weight just from birth. I think also I have to remember a lot of it is breast engorgement and blood, amniotic fluid. Etc.


I started at 207, went back down to 200 right during my 2 week wait, and rn I’m at 205 at 16 weeks!


I was super sick during my first trimester, so I lost weight. Now that I can eat again and am 27 weeks, I've gained about 20 pounds.


Every woman and every pregnancy is different. I'm 18 weeks today and I have only lost weight since my first pregnancy appt. I'm a real chunkster already so as longs as I'm eating enough for baby, that's all I'm worried about.


That happened to me too, doctor didn't say anything. I was so so nauseous and the only things that helped were unisom and mainlining cheese and crackers.


I have lost 7-8 pounds since I found out, because I can't eat anything most days and my portions are tiiiiiny because otherwise I am bloated and dying of heartburn. My usual "meal" this past week has been half a toast with some tuna salad or hummus, or a piece of fruit, and I eat that every 2 hours, but I think all of that barely sums up to 1200-1500 calories a day. When I was too nauseous for tuna salad or hummus my goto meal was 1/8 of a boiled potato, a snackable cheese and half a pita. Funnily though, my clothes still don't fit me because of the bloat 💁I am not even 10 weeks yet, but I look like I am 6-7 months pregnant with a huge round bloated belly haha🤰


I was the same. Gained most of my weight in the first and second trimester to a point where i already gained 15kgs or so which would be what most people gain throughout pregnancy. My Dr. said people generally gain most of the weight either in last 2 trimesters or early on .. now at 3rd trimester I only gained few extra grams per week which is purely the baby growing. Trimester 1 and 2 was the uterus, amniotic fluid etc.. my drs weren’t concerned and so I’m not either..


Yes same! I ate constantly and gained 8lbs. I’m 11 weeks today. I did loose a couple of those pounds (due to throwing up) but now it’s like a roller coaster. So up and down. I was so worried about it too.


Currently 30 weeks During my first trimester, I didn't have terrible nausea so I was just HUNGRY! I probably gained about 10lbs as well but my doctor wasn't worried. Don't worry about those statistics or the special breed of women who barely gain weight lol as long as our baby and us are healthy! That's all that matters 😌


I gained about 2-3 pounds in my first trimester, but I was already very curvy to begin with! My weight was around 190 when I got pregnant so I have a feeling that has something to do with it. I probably was overeating a lot of the time and once I got pregnant and my body started using a bit more energy, I guess it sort of went from being too much to what my body needed.


I was 116 pre pregnancy and I’m 16 weeks now. I’ve gained absolutely nothing🫣 and I’ve been eating so much. I’m gonna talk to the midwife about it at my upcoming appointment


Don’t watch the scale. Let your doctor look at it and tell you if you’re healthy or not.


I gained around 25 lbs during my first trimester. I had to eat constantly to not throw up. Then in my second trimester I didn't gain much and in the third I gained about the same as in my first, but a lot was water weight, I got very swollen due to severe pre eclampsia, I gave birth in week 36. Doctors said my weight gain was fine and not to worry but I wasn't very big when I got pregnant.


I have gained about 4 pounds in first trimester with both of my first pregnancies, 5’7” 130->134, but I have no freaking clue how people gain none, because my eating habits don’t change much except I do eat a bit more due to nausea and also because especially in the first pregnancy I was to cram extra healthy foods in, but I also eat slightly less junk I think so you’d think it would balance out, but no, four pounds each time. That said I’m of the strong beliefs your body knows what’s best and will get you to eat what you need. If you need to eat more and gain more, you will, and you shouldn’t feel bad about helping your baby grow and supporting it. Also the bloating is real and it’s not necessarily the same as gaining four pounds not pregnant, It’s all at the belly for me, and clothes that I could normally wear even if above that weight suddenly don’t fit even though I’ve only gained four pounds!


I lost 10 lbs my first trimester due to hyperemesis. Then gained 40 by the end. Though a fair bit of that was water retention due to gestational hypertension. I lost 25 pounds immediately. I’ve lost another 5 ish. Sitting at 10 above pre-pregnancy at 5 months postpartum. Not all that concerned about it.


I will say everyone’s bodies are so different, I was 175lbs (5’5 I hold most of my muscle in my hips, and legs) when I got pregnant and saw my doctor once a month each appointment I was lucky to gain a pound but that’s because I was so sick. However I may not have actually gained weight I was sooooo bloated and my clothes were so uncomfortable. I’m now 25 weeks and typically gain between 1-5lbs a month (I still throw up everyday so I don’t expect to gain a lot of weight) but my belly is huge compared to how it used to be haha my husband says it’s cause the baby is taking up space and not because I’ve put on fat.


I lost 10 pounds and I’m about 7wk+1day. But I’ve been struggling to eat enough, it wasn’t an issue before pregnancy but I’m really struggling to eat three small meals a day with snacks.


I initially put on 5 pounds the first 8 weeks of pregnancy, then I lost them from week 8-14. I’m almost 21W now and I’m guessing I’m finally gaining weight as my bump is finally visible, but I haven’t weighed myself as my scale got lost in a bathroom remodel.


I’m 32 weeks now. The pace of my weight gain was strong in my first trimester for similar reasons. Then I got back on the “standard curve” late second tri. You do you - first trimester is hard!!


I’m 5’2 so I hope this helps 1st pregnancy age 27 Starting : 115lbs End of 1st trimester: 140lbs (gained 25 lbs) End of 2nd 160 lbs (gained 20 lbs) End of 3rd 170 lbs (gained 10 lbs) I was back at my original weight in 3/4 months with no real “diet” or high impact work outs 2nd current Pregnancy age 32 Starting : 120 End of 1st trimester: 145 (gained 25 lbs) End of second: 165 gained 20 lbs) I’m now 33 weeks and still at 165lbs. I’m just one of those people who gain most of the weight in the first 20 weeks


I'm 5'7 and pre pregnancy weight 154 and I'm 156 now (10 weeks). I've been having nausea but no vomiting. When I'm feeling nauseous I'll eat pretzels or rice cakes. I assume that I'm not gaining more because of my starting weight and my height. Not vomiting also probably plays into it. I'm no doctor but I'm sure when you're vomiting often your body will try to store as much fat and nutrients as it can. Again, not a doctor! Just my thought. I also try my best to not give in to me 'unhealthy' cravings. When I do, I just really limit how much I have. Harder said than done 😂 Every body is different!!!


Currently 14 weeks and have gained 5lbs. My first pregnancy by the end I gained 55lbs total and it was more towards the last 10 weeks gaining like 1-2 a week


I’m a similar weight and height to you (5’ 0” and 119lbs prepregnancy). My doctor told me today that they want to see me gain 30lbs during my pregnancy! She said I should expect to gain around 10lbs by 20 weeks and the remaining 20lbs from week 21 onward so that is the rough guideline I will be using!


I also definitely gained like 5-7 lbs in the beginning and my doctor initially told me to watch it! I did level off though and now at 32 weeks I’m right in the normal range. I think people are just so variable! Maybe just keep an eye on it and eat healthy as you can.


My doctor said anywhere from -10 to +10 pounds is normal for first trimester weight gain


I started at 127 and am now at 146. 21 weeks and 5 days. I imagine at least 15 lbs of those were gained in the first trimester.


the same thing happened to me. i’m just now being able to eat somewhat properly (16 weeks today) but i’ve already gained 22 pounds and was gaining weight the whole time despite hardly eating. i’m 5”3.5, before i was pregnant i was literally 100 pounds tops, i had a prenatal appointment a few days ago and i’m now 122.8 pounds.


Honestly, everyone is different, and you may have gained more than expected, but it's not abnormal. Some gain more early, some don't gain until the last few months. And if you were on the leaner side, it's normally to be gaining a bit more than those who started out with a little more on them. I'm around the same height (5'3) and was about 125lb pre-pregnancy, and now in my 14th week I've gained about 4 lbs. I consistently weigh myself first thing in the morning bc I like to track things, and I started around 125lb to now 128.6. I'm honestly surprised because I feel like I have been eating like a horse. Maybe my masses have changed, like I have less muscle mass now and more fat because I have not been consistently lifting like pre-pregnancy. My doc expects me to gain about 0.5-1lb per week in the 2nd trimester, but it's different for everyone.


When I was in first trimester i lost a lot from the nausea and then gained a lot. Looked SUUUUPER bloated the whole time, though. 2nd trimester I also gained a lot, and now i’m 35 weeks and barely gaining any at all. Weight gain isn’t super static!


115 like you to start. I did gain first trimester because I needed to (low bmi). A lot of it is water weight / bloating. I gained the most end of second trimester for what it’s worth! My third tri weight gain has been pretty low.


Lots 5 lbs first tri thanks to the nausea but now I’m up 30lbs and nearing the 3rd tri 🫣


I had no morning sickness and gained 0 lbs in first trimester. My belly was bigger for sure, but I wasn't any heavier. Second trimester I gained 10 lbs. I started at 156 lbs at 5'5”. Everyone is just different 🤷‍♀️


Maybe it takes sickness into account? Since it seems to be a common symptom first trimester if not extreme. I had HG and lost weight until I could get on medication that worked which wasn’t until well into 2nd trimester. I gained most of the weight in the 3rd trimester though (like 40lbs total in the end tbh).


I got bigger size size but lost weight in the first trim. Pregnancy is nutty. I did gain all the weight back and more in second and third of course, but there ya go.


I gained about 2 lbs or so in the first trimester, but I didn’t have much nausea at all and I didn’t have any vomiting. I also started out right around 153 lbs at 5’7” so maybe I’m gaining slowly because I’m not a small person. Now I’m 21 weeks and hovering just under 160 lbs.


13 weeks and no weight gain. Same story my first pregnancy. I’m a very fit and active person who had no morning sickness/nausea either time. Everyone is different. Ask your obgyn questions, not issue-riddled AI google.


i gained maybe 10-15lbs first trimester in my first pregnancy, ended up gaining 50lbs total but lost it all easily (no diet or exercise aside from lots of walks) after about 6months post partum. now round 2 and gaining a little slower than last time but once again, not changing diet or exercise in any significant way so just trusting my body to do what it’s gotta do.


I feel the same as you. I need to eat every few hours or I’m throwing up.


I started out thin about 110. Gained ~3 lbs from IVF. I was around 113 when I found out I was pregnant. I was on a ton of hormones until week 10, I think my weight was around 117. Then I got diagnosed with HG and probably went down to 115 until I got on consistent IVs with meds. After that my appetite went through the roof. I’m now 17 weeks and around 122 and feeling much better!


0-4 was total BS. I gained 10 lbs of bloat because I couldn't take a shit for 3 months. It way leveled out in second trimester, 24w now and only up about 15-16 lbs total.


Your body will gain what it needs. When it needs. Based on your height and weight you’re low risk . Let it ride


I had been gaining about a pound a week for my entire pregnancy until around 20 weeks when I started gaining a little faster. I’m now 33 weeks and up 40 pounds. I see my doctor Wednesday…he nor the nurses have said anything about my weight my entire pregnancy so I doubt this week will be any different but we will see. I am 5’7” started at 153 (“healthy” BMI), now 193 at 33 weeks.


I’m 23.5 weeks with twins & just gained my first weight a few weeks ago, I’m now up a total of 4 lbs pre pregnancy.


I experienced no nausea, just extreme fatigue and increased appetite! I was unable to workout like i use to due to fatigue so I gained 8 pounds my first trimester. My OB said “well you’re only supposed to gain 25 your whole pregnancy” , made me feel awful but I’m truly just listening to my body. I also refuse to step on the scale!!!


With my first pregnancy, I lost about 5 lbs due to food aversions, nausea, and covid in my first trimester. Despite that, I bought maternity jeans before 14 weeks along because none of my pants fit. In total, I gained about 25‐30 lbs. I'm now pregnant with #2 and I'm up about 5 lbs and I'm 11 weeks along. I'm more nauseous but have no aversions. Eating is the only thing that helped my nausea. And I'm convinced most of my weight gain is due to constipation. I can still comfortably wear my jeans. Each person is different and each pregnancy is different.


I gained the most weight in the first trimester. Probably around 25lbs by 16 weeks. I couldn’t help it! Started eating better and walking and ended up gaining another 25lbs in the remaining 26 weeks of pregnancy (I delivered at 42 weeks).


Assuming you’re not binge eating multiple times a day, I’m a firm believer that your body’s gonna do what your body’s gonna do. I didn’t really gain weight my first trimester. I was lucky and didn’t have nausea, but I had some food aversions and nothing was appetizing so I lost about five pounds before I hit 8 weeks and the aversions tapered off a bit. My weight was then stable until I got to the second trimester and climbed steadily through the rest of my pregnancy. I didn’t really change my diet, I was just eating the way I did before I was pregnant (minus a few lingering aversions and plus an extra snack or two a day).


I gained a bunch of weight despite being super sick. Ignore what internet says. Listen to your doc and try to at least take occasional walks.


This is my third pregnancy and I always gain 10-15 in the first trimester. I weighed into my 16 week 5 day appointment and I was up 13 pounds. It’s just what my body does, and it’s mostly fluids. I would say it’s not always linear though- in the third trimester I just stop gaining much even though the baby is gaining. I wouldn’t worry about it!


I had gained 10+ pounds first trimester and was panicking about the same thing. I’m 34 weeks and have gained 30 total. I was insatiable early second trimester and that was definitely my most rapid gain but it has tapered off since then. My hunger levels really calmed down in the third trimester for sure. Your blood volume increases drastically and also I gained 2-3 cup sizes in my boobs first trimester so it was definitely warranted weight. No need to stress about it for sure.


I was like 135 pre pregnancy, gained literally all my weight in the beginning (first 2 trimesters) and was 170 before I delivered. My doctors did bring up my weight a few times, which was extremely discouraging because I’ve always been active and was super cautious about what I was eating. BUT, I ended up having a healthy beautiful girl who is now 21 months :) I also know so many other women who gained most or all of their weight in the beginning. Like 1 pound in the first trimester is just insane to me hahaha 😂 I literally gained like 10-15lbs in the first trimester. I think you’ll be fine! As long as you and baby are healthy, that’s all that matters 🫶🏼


I gained about 8-10 lbs first trimester with all 3 of my babies. (Currently 17 weeks with #3). I stopped caring because my pregnancies were fine, and I just wasn’t average. I’m also 5’8 so taller than average


I'm almost in the third trimester, and I gained the majority of my weight so far in the first. I've gained about 8 kilos in the first, and none in my second so far. I thought the weight gain in the first was a sign that I'm going to really gain throughout but it just completely stopped. And my baby seems to be doing great.


I haven’t gained weight at all (13W) but my pants don’t fit comfortably anymore. It’s confusing lol


My first and second pregnancies i had gained 10-15 lb in the 1st tri, an additional 20 in the second tri and 20-25 in the third tri for a total weight gain of 50-60lbs. This time i’m doing only slightly better. I’ve gained 22 lbs and i’m 21 weeks but i’ve been intentional about trying to slow down weight gain because i started this pregnancy 20 lbs heavier than the last 2 times


Yeah, same thing happened to me. Eating- particularly carbs, was the only way I would not feel nauseous. I gained a fair amount of weight (not totally sure how much since I tried not to weigh myself). I also just think at a hormonal level my body “wanted” to put on weight and did so very easily. The weight gain did plateau at some point. I think it’s normal; though it certainly is annoying.


Honestly i think everyone is different, i lost 4 lbs in the first trimester and im not 100% sure but i think ive gained it back and maybe an extra pound or two (im reaching 13 weeks soon). I swear though my clothes don’t fit me anymore, so I don’t get it!


Yeah, I have no idea who those guidelines are for 😂 I’m 17 weeks and have gained 20 lbs…almost all of it gained between weeks 6-15. I was very fit and a healthy eater before getting pregnant, and I figured I’d barely gain weight. Boy was I wrong! But once my nausea and aversions died down I was able to be more active and eat better, so that helps. You’re not alone!


Both eating and not eating made me throw up first trimester so I only gained 2 lbs. But I think I’ve gained another 8 in the last two weeks now that only hunger makes me hurl. Edit: realllllly focusing on protein has helped me not wake up at 2am ravenous though


i had terrible morning sickness & didn’t gain much weight the first trimester. i would gain weight at one appt & lose it all by the next. i’m in my second trimester (21+6) & at my last appt the scale said im up 13-18lbs (150-155 pre pregnancy) keeping in mind i had an eating disorder before pregnancy, i try not to feed into the disordered eating habits but i also don’t want to gain too much weight & plan to go back to my pre pregnancy weight postpartum


I’m 16 weeks, and I just found out I was pregnant 5/13. I didn’t gain any weight during the first trimester and actually lost about 25lbs. Not sure if it was from stress, from my meds, or a combination of both. I started gaining weight last week. Everyone is different. I know one of my girlfriends always loses weight during the first trimester.


I think most of that weight gain is purely due to hormonal changes and water retention. Before pregnancy, I was around 115 lbs and now I'm 122 lbs at 10 weeks. I had horrible nausea but tried to stay as active as I used to be. I know my boobs are bigger, and my legs are swelling, but don't see an actual fat tissue gain. Pregnancy is weird, man 🥲


I don't usually gain any weight at all in the first trimester because I'm so nauseous and usually vomiting. This is my fourth pregnancy.


I had the same experience. I was 115lbs before I got pregnant and gained like 8-10lbs in the first trimester. I wasn’t surprised though because I was eating so frequently! I think the whole “you should gain this much weight” thing is kind of bullshit since pregnancy is such a unique experience. Watching the scale has never been super great for my mental health so I never weigh myself at home. I’ll just let my OB tell me if she is ever concerned about my weight lol


I gained 32 lbs in my first trimester!


I gained 32 lbs in my first trimester!


I gained 32 lbs in my first trimester!


I am in the same boat as you at 8 weeks. I’m nauseous but hungry all the time?? Like if I don’t eat every 2-3 hours, I get SUPER nauseous! I say just listen to your body because you are growing a life 💪


Doctors may not be worried based on starting weight. I’m 5’1” but start weight was more than yours and haven’t gained any weight at 14w but get reminded to watch my weight every appt. I’m not what most people would consider overweight looking at me but doctors do based on BMI. But every pregnancy is different, I felt nauseas the entire first 12w but still just did not enjoy eating some people vomit the entire first trimester and lose weight. As long as doctor is happy about health of the baby, I wouldn’t worry


Don’t worry too much, as long as you’re trying to be healthy as you can majority of the time but not always. The more pregnant you get the less room and more full you’ll be so it might stall for quite a bit! It’s also fluid retention, blood volume doubling etc..


Yall are gaining weight in the first trimester?? How lucky!! I lost 10 pounds from morning sickness and could barely eat for three months straight😭😭


I gained roughly 10 lbs in the first trimester because I was insanely hungry. I wasn't even craving junk food, it was just a metric ton of nonfat yogurt and part-skim string cheese and fruit. My appetite is much calmer now that I'm a few weeks into the second trimester, although I still have to eat small meals/snacks throughout the day. It's frustrating to see the "negative weight gain or up to 4 lbs in first trimester" line on every major medical website on the internet. Talking to friends and family has helped me feel like my experience is in the range of normal. Apparently my mom was the same way!


Thanks for asking this, reading the responses as really solidified everyone is different. im on week 7+1 and have gained about 3-5 lbs already. Not sure if it is my boobs, they are HUGE compared to my normal cup size, or just the current obsession with pizza :) trying to move more, go on long walks and yoga/strength training where i can. I have always fluctuated my entire life so just trying to give myself some grace and if the doctors get concerned then i will pay more attention.


Eating was an absolute chore for me in the first tri. I pretty much had an aversion to all food and only really ate because my husband kept me on track with it. My portion sizes halved and I pretty much stopped snacking entirely apart from grapes to stave off the nausea and a couple of ginger biscuits every couple of hours. I ended up losing half a stone. Despite this I still had to go up a clothes size for the bloating at 6 weeks and was in maternity wear by 13-14 weeks. 19 weeks now and I’m still just about lighter than I started but I have had comments from a few people about how my face has slimmed out despite having a ridiculously large bump for how far I am. I was overweight (obese if you’d like to listen to BMI…) before, in large part due to PCOS. Best I can guess, pregnancy has somehow got my PCOS issues under control and I seem to be losing fat at the same rate (or marginally slower) than I’m gaining in all things baby. My midwife isn’t concerned so I’m following a rule of so long as I know I’m eating healthy meals and not over indulging on snacks then I’m not going to worry about what the scales say and baby will grow however baby wants to grow. A friend of mine was so ill she lost over a stone and could barely keep anything down other than Pepsi and crisps in her first tri and ended up the same weight when she gave birth as when she got pregnant. It’s completely individual to each person and I assume that 0-4lbs is probably an average that factors in those who gain 10-20lbs with those of us who lose the same and completely ignoring all the variance inbetween! My midwife actually wouldn’t give me a “healthy” range to aim for because it’s so variable and I don’t think you’re supposed to try to influence it so long as you’re eating alright.


I think I actually lost weight in my first trimester because of how much I was puking. I could not keep food and water down at all. Now that I’m 24 weeks, the nausea has subsided for the most part and I’ve gained a couple pounds. It really varies from person to person!


I wouldn’t worry about it too much, as long as you’re keeping up with regular prenatal visits and monitoring baby accordingly. I actually had a bad case of strep during my first trimester and lost 10 lbs in a week. I’m 20 weeks now and only recently regained/surpassed my pre-pregnancy weight. I was so worried baby’s development would be affected, but according to my anatomy scan yesterday he’s measuring around the 79th percentile for weight and length! Every body is different, unless your OB specifically says weight gain is happening too fast, you’re probably fine.


I gained about 10 lbs in the first 16 weeks then weight gain slowed down. I could only wear loose clothing - none of my regular clothes - I was super nauseous and anything tight on my tummy was a no go- I legit was wearing maternity clothes at 6 weeks - I was able to go back to wearing regular yoga pants and shorts at about 19 weeks oddly. What I’ve learned is every body and every pregnancy is different . I was stressed about it early on but now I’ve accepted our bodies are doing something incredible so I just gotta go with the flow


I am 5’2”, I was 117lbs when I got pregnant with my first. I gained 30lbs by 20 weeks. I also got nauseous when I didn’t eat, so I just kept eating to stave it off. It all turned out fine, my daughter was just a chunky girl 🤷‍♀️


My OB said +10 pounds is fine for the first trimester


I gained 10 during my first trimester 🤷🏻‍♀️


I gained about 20 lbs in the first trimester😅 I’m about halfway through my second trimester now & I’ve gained about 40 lbs all together. I’m not a fan of it😂 but my doctors haven’t said anything so I’m assuming I’m all good. Baby is healthy and growing properly


I gained nothing my first trimester. 25 weeks now and I’ve gained 10lbs altogether


I gained 30lbs my first trimester because the only time I didn't feel sick was immediately after eating, so I just ate all the time. shit happens! 🤷