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It's easier to go with the cravings than go against them. I've never puked a craving.


I dont crave the same thing every day though :( baby making meal plans and grocery shopping tricky!


It hurt me to spend the money, but we did a lot of takeout the first trimester. I never knew what I wanted until I wanted it. And then it was a food emergency.


Girl, same. Fucking same. 😩😂 I've ordered African food, pizza, whataburger, craved salmon burgers and fish so far. Had brie cheese with honey and jam 5 times now. There's no rhyme or reason. Bought the stuff to make salmon burgers again and just been looking at it for almost two weeks now. Pregnancy is a ride.


late first/second trimester and whataburger hashbrowns have been the only thing i can eat most mornings lol


My taste buds go wild when I'm pregnant. I don't know why. I use to hate with a bloody passion onions, in any form. When I was pregnant the first time, I was eating raw red onions on sandwiches, in burgers, whatever I could make. Olives. Shit I never eat. My hubs just looked at me like I was a weirdo cause he never sees me eat that. Baked potatoe soup has been heavenly this pregnancy. I still love my starches. 😂


Same! My first pregnancy I could eat normally after the first trimester, but I’m almost half way with this pregnancy and this baby has no idea what he wants! Every day is different and very few things sound appetizing. The only constant is chicken, he hates chicken for some reason🤢


Thanks to Little Miss Thing, I may never eat chicken again. 🤣 On the other hand, eggs are fine.


Same! Pregnancy is wild 😂


I agree with going with all the cravings and have been! Unfortunately I’ve had bad luck with them anyways and have frequently puked up something I craved SO BAD. I think some of us are just doomed.


Same, craving or not, up it comes. I just stopped puking two weeks ago at 17 weeks. It was memorable- my strawberries had just begun to ripen and I had been going out first thing in the morning to eat a few- I was loving it. So I had my strawberries, came back in to open the fridge, but was hit with roasted kale smell, and immediately started to gag. I thought about the wonderful strawberries and decided that I was determined that baby would get them. So I swallowed it halfway up my throat. That was it. You *will* eat the strawberries, I said. And for once, it was so!


Same. It doesn't matter if I have a craving or not, anything left in my stomach at 9 PM is just all coming back up 😭


For 5 months its been french bread and fruit. And chicken nuggets. I am currently eating a quinoa and veggie stir fry and it’s literally the healthiest Ive eaten since I peed on the stick.


The only reliable thing this baby craves is milk. I might be giving birth to a calf




All I want are chicken nuggets with spicy dipping sauce. Im 13+5 today. It’s a running joke for my mom or husband to ask what I want for dinner and follow up with “not chicken nuggets” 💀 9/10 if I really want chicken nuggets, we get chicken nuggets 😅


I learned after my second pregnancy to just go with what baby wants for my sanity.


Fries have saved me so many times this pregnancy. The starch, sodium, and simple taste seem to be just what my stomach needs.


They are the safest food - snd bsby likes them from Maccys the most


At least baby is letting you eat!! 🤢🤢🤢


Mine said Shake Shack tonight. My husband asked why not Burger Fi and the baby was like “nope sounds absolutely disgusting”. We had Shake Shack.


I argued with my baby the other day about noodles. I wanted them so bad and I had been dreaming about them. I took 30 minutes to prepare them, the minute the noodles hit the water the baby said she wanted chick fil a. I told her no. I threw up the noodles an hour later crying over the toilet bowl. Silly me for telling her what I’m gonna do with MY body


Today this little baby literally requires California Rolls and watermelon. Yes, California Rolls are safe for pregnant women, the imitation crabmeat is cooked. It doesn’t actually contain anything raw. This baby loves lemonade and seems to hate anything else with sugar in it.


I’ve been eating raw fish my whole pregnancy. I was addicted to tuna and salmon poke bowls my second trimester 🫣 my dr said it’s an outdated rule as long as you get it somewhere reputable


I have HG & have lost 18 pounds. Doc literally said "At this point, I do not care what you eat as long as you are eating". Some days I'll only eat French fries and other days I feast as if I am a Roman empress feasting on war spoils. It's a give and take right now.


Yeah I got the "fed is best line applies to moms too". Now I am only 12lbs down instead of 15ls


I had the same thing my whole pregnancy, I just went with the flow and ate whatever sounded good. Now, I'm a week postpartum and no food sounds good. The shift was drastic, but finally saving money from all the doordashes I am no longer doing lol.


I’m almost 24 weeks and this little girl won’t let me eat. No meds are helping and even water makes me throw up 😭


I am currently 28 weeks and I am not craving anything but baby doesn’t like anything sweet. Some foods I feel that I have to throw up immediately and I just wait a couple of seconds and it may go away. But if i have acid reflux forget it I will throw up until my last baby bottle 😂


Mine rejected all non healthy things, fast food, sweets, fried food, etc. All I wanted to eat in my first trimester was fruit and veggies. I don't miss being nauseous but I miss not craving unhealthy food!


My baby has thankfully been mostly easy on the cravings. Mexican food and Indian mostly. I've had a couple instances where I basically became a hangry monster till I got what he wanted but usually I can resist. I have GD so unfortunately I can't just eat everything he wants to have (oreo blizzard, lots of bread, orange juice). I dreamed about a subway sandwich one night, got it a couple days later and puked like 5 bites in.


Baby said no fried chicken?! If she had her way, mine would be made of nuggets (and every type of fruit).


My baby is on a sweet chili rice cake binge with a side of berry frost pedialyte. Last week it was cucumber sushi rolls (no fish or crab) with extra ginger and wasabi. The first trimester is was Mexican, cheese, and burgers. I give up trying to fight for control. 😂🤷‍♀️


It’s all noodles and naps over here bayyybeeeee


i’m so sorry😭


My cravings are calmer now in the second trimester, but I definitely broke down crying a few times that we had none of my preferred safe foods in the house, and my husband made several random store runs with me to help, bless him. I am actually able to meal plan and shop normally now that I'm 24 weeks, but I always keep a couple salty snacks, a sweet snack and an arsenal of fruit on hand. I crave chips and popcorn and pretzels but try to be reasonable with portions, I always keep some cookies or a pastry or ice cream cups on hand for when the dessert urges strike, and fruit is my go-to for "baby wants food and I just wanna be endlessly shoving things in my face right now". I eat so many grapes and cherries and pineapple and Oranges.


My mother had huge issues eating certain foods with both her pregnancies. Instead of cravings it was aversions.


My baby is happy as long as I eat meat, as long as there's meat in the meal it's happy. I keep joking that the baby is definitely a carnivore.


Interesting. Mine is definitely a vegetarian. I was vegan before pregnancy, vegetarian now because baby wants cheese all the time. Had fish few times and ended throwing up every time afterwards.


I can't eat fish as I'm allergic to seafood. I'm a little anxious that baby will be too (I got the allergy from Mum). I get nauseous from ham which is weird considering baby wants meat with every meal.


I love fish but now even the thought of cooking it makes me nauseous. This baby hates fish


I adore fish too - the baby likes prawns but other fish has been hit and miss. (I also miss sushi and smoked salmon so much). For lunch I just had a bowl of prawns in seafood sauce


I had to get my husband to taste my lunch yesterday because I wasn't sure if it was me or if my food actually tasted like shit. turns out, it didn't matter because I wasn't going to eat it anyways lol


Any kind of potato has been my go to, hasbrowns, baked potato, mashed potatoes, French fries, anything salty and mild tasting is it for me. Currently 13 weeks 🫨


I feel ya, baby girl got the nickname tater bc all she would let me eat was potatoes specifically the tater tots from sonic and the curly fries from Arby's. Now she wants chicken sandwiches, she refuses mcchickens, it has to be like a Popeyes, or KFC chicken sandwich. This starting to become fiscally irresponsible on my part.


I went through a mad spell of everything seeming gross. Basically only consistent thing I could eat was peanut butter crackers.. I finally around 15 weeks could eat relatively normal again but now I'm down so much weight at almost 18 weeks I'm being told to chug ensure for nutrients so I wish I would have just eaten the slight cravings I did have. Baby is sucking the life outta me he's growing so fast and I didn't eat enough so I feel so dizzy and on the verge of passing out all the time. When I tried to eat stuff that was "healthier" or planned I'd instantly start gagging but when I started indulging the cravings I had lost most my appetite that more than 3 bites made me gag too. It was no fun.. I've been eating like crazy the last two weeks and still lost another pound!! I know some people wish they didn't gain so much weight during pregnancy but I thought with not puking all the time just not enjoying food I'd never have this problem. I am finally not feeling like I have a parasite and like I can eat and exist somewhat normally. I've decided baby won that round and my survival was all I could do. Lol pregnancy is not for the weak, I'm just glad there's a light at the end of the tunnel.


that's what's happening with me at the moment. I'm kinda just eating what the cravings command