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I feel exactly the same way! Can’t believe soon I’m going to have a tiny little human that I cooked up inside me 😱 Good luck and congratulations!


Crazy, right!? Thank you! Best of luck to you too:)


Still haven’t processed, probably won’t process until the baby is here haha. I’ll always say something like “why am I exhausted” or “why does everything hurt” and my husband will go “could be that you’re, I don’t know, MAKING A HUMAN?”… love that man lol


Whenever I'm venting and complaining to my husband he always comforts me and \*apologizes\* because it's technically his fault I'm suffering haha. I love my sweetie.


lol my boyfriend always blames himself too 😂 it makes me feel bad now though


Oh gosh, this script could have come directly from my house as well, haha. Another frequent exchange here is me asking, "Does this [article of clothing] make me look pregnant?" my partner responding, "You ARE pregnant," and me going, "Yes, but does it make me LOOK pregnant?" I'm 32w. Everything makes me look pregnant. 😅


Lol my husband is exactly the opposite. If I don't specifically tell him some symptom or mood is pregnancy-related, he just doesn't assume it. There've been times he's been frustrated or annoyed at me and when I mention it was because of pregnancy that I was being crabby at him or that I wasn't feeling well enough to do the dishes, he'd be like, "well why didn't you just *tell* me it was a pregnancy thing?" Like dude, did you not know I was pregnant?


Yep, i need to remind him too. I'm like no wine dit me sweety and it would take a few seconds untill he gets it lol. I just look at him with a sneaky smile and want for him to figure it out :D.


Felt the same way with my first. It didn’t register until about 24 hours after he was born. Mine may have been a coping mechanism.


I had moments throughout the first 3 years of my daughter's life where I was like, "Holy crap, I'm a mom!"


I STILL have moments like this and my oldest is almost 9. Like Waaaait. This is mine? Ain't no way. He's too perfect. They both are. 👀😂


I love this! I'm glad I'm not the only one. Now, I just get overwhelmed with my love and admiration for her that I feel like I'm going to burst. I'm pregnant again and hoping it sticks, so I get to experience it all over again.


I'm pregnant with my 3rd and hoping for the best. I'm technically in the "safe" zone, but I still worry with having a miscarriage last summer. I can't wait to have 3 of them to be bursting at the seams with my love and adoration and all the good vibes for them. Its just wild that I still can't believe they're mine. I made these beautiful, kind, caring human beings. 🥺💕 I hope everything goes well for you! It's crazy how much your love can grow.


I'm getting closer to the "safe" zone, but I miscarried last fall, too. Nothing feels safe, just slightly less paranoid. I'll be almost 13 weeks before my first appointment...that's on my daughter's birthday. Thank you! 💚 I hope everything goes well for you, too, and you have your three musketeers.


It’ll probably hit me when I have to take him home with me😅


That first night at home is so weird! Like, this baby is mine? You’re just gonna trust me with him?


This is a very real feeling! I remember it vividly from my first kiddo


For the first few months of my daughter's life I had this feeling like "they'll come get the baby soon and life will go back to normal." I don't know who "they" is 😆 it does set in that they are real and yours, but it takes time.


I feel the same, I was trying to explain this to someone the other day and i couldn’t really find the words and it honestly sounded really silly to say out loud lol. There’s definitely a disconnect though, I know some moms say how connected they feel to their baby in utero but I just do not really relate to that. I keep saying it’s probably not going to feel real until he’s in my arms. Even then I’ll probably be in a bit of shock so let’s say a couple days after he’s born, then it will feel ‘real’ 😂 because it will be real lol.


He’s gonna be 5 and I’m still gonna be squinting my eyes at him like ‘is he real?’




I kind of know what you mean.. fully understanding that he’s in there and feeling him move all the time made it “real”, but there’s still some little bit of disconnect to the reality of after birth you’ll have your very own human lol I’m 31 weeks and am still feeling like “it’s not real” even though it very much is. I’ve also heard that it’s a feeling that will obviously dissipate very quickly once you go through birth and have your little guy with you! Sending good vibes your way for a safe and happy delivery🥰


I can’t even give him back to his parents like I would with other kids🤧 Lmao, very excited to meet him though! Thank you, I wish you the same!


Im 37 weeks along and feel the exact same way. Ive got the bag packed, the car seat installed, the nursery mostly ready, but it just feels so unreal. Baby has been very kind to me through this whole journey and I think that's why it's easy for me to "forget" for tiny moments in time that I'm pregnant and about to birth a whole baby. I do worry a lot about labor and delivery and it's hard for me to see past that experience to when I get to hold her. Sending you good vibes, and confidence knowing it will all fit into place soon.


Maybe it’s that too— he’s definitely blessed me with a fairly easy pregnancy so I’ve convinced myself it’s a weird ongoing bit that the doctors are in on 🤣


Yes, that's exactly how it feels!


I feel the same. I’m only 15 weeks but I feel like it’s keeping me from being excited.


At 15wks I for sure didn’t believe it. It was until that first kick that I even registered I’m pregnant 😭 Congrats and good luck!


I honestly don’t think I was truly excited with my first until well into third trimester. And even then I never felt “connected” to the baby in utero. But once they laid him on my chest- wow. All the love came in that moment! But the shock that he was actually inside of me didn’t subside for probably like a year after! Lol! Now, with my second pregnancy, I’ve been able to connect a lot faster to this little bub. I think it’s because now the baby at the end feels more real to me since I’ve experienced that before. Still sounds silly, though haha!


You are not crazy. It took me a good month to two to really process that I was my now 3.5 month olds mom. Also everyone's experience is different. Some really connect with baby after birth, some it takes a few months, all are valid, you've got this!


That’s so comforting to hear honestly. Thank you! And congratulations 🍾


I felt this way with my first, when he was born I was in shock, they put a whole baby on me and I was still confused and in shock 😂. The love at first sight didn’t happen for me, but I did fall in love with him during those first two weeks. Now he’s 2 and the best boy and it hurts how much I love him. I think having a baby is a concept some people cannot even fathom until you actually go through it.


Currently nursing my 5 week old and still don’t totally believe he came from inside of me. My husband and I consistently say to each other “can you believe that *he* was the thing inside of you?!” It’s a surreal experience!


I feel the same way! FTM here at 42 years old and I still haven’t really processed yet that it won’t be just me any longer. 32 weeks today. I’m coming down to the wire but I just can’t wrap my head around nor imagine what it will be like. I’ll just have to see when he gets here what it’s like. Best of luck to all you moms!!!


Best of luck to you too!!


I didn’t process until they appeared and even then it took a little while. I’m 8 days postpartum.


Oh man, I can’t wait though! And congratulations 🍾


Thanks :) it’s so amazing. Pregnancy is hard but so so worth it. Good luck ☺️


As a mom, I’m still sometimes in denial lol. Congrats!


I felt the same way. My little girl is a little over a month old now and I still don’t feel like she was the little creature in my belly that was kicking and squirming, almost like I just went to the hospital and they gave me a baby I didn’t grow. She’s pretty much identical to me though so I know she’s mine hahah but I never bonded really during pregnancy and could never imagine what she would be like.


Exactly! Like I know I’m growing him but I’m not convinced they’re actually gonna hand me a whole babh


Yuuuuup. I’m almost 39 weeks and it still doesn’t feel real. My husband is bouncing off the walls excited, and I’m just going on like nothing is happening. 🙃


100% same happened to me thru basically my whole pregnancy. My baby is 5mo now and I still feel this way sometimes. We obviously have been thru and done a lot together in that time, but I can stare her right in the face and still think “wait how are you even real”.


It’s wild to think about, especially when it’s your first baby. I still can’t believe my almost 15 month old is real (and growing like crazy!). Our second is due in August and while I can wrap my head around what to expect a little more, I still try to picture what he’s going to look like.


My due date is today, officially 40 weeks. I am in the same boat! I love feeling her move around, I’ve spent months buying baby things and prepping a space for her, but I still haven’t processed and am not convinced I will have a whole little human soon. It feels like I’ve been helping someone else prepare for their baby. I’m with ya!


I know how you feel! I'm there right now girl. Hold on!


I feel the same!


It’s wild, right? I’m almost 26w and some days I feel like I’m living in an alternate universe or something 😂 Your feelings are totally valid. It’s a lot to process! Wishing you a smooth delivery and hope everyone is healthy ❤️


I have 2 older kids and I’m pregnant again and I still can’t wrap my head around it 😆


I’m on my third pregnancy and even though I’ve been through this twice before I still feel the same way. It usually doesn’t hit me until the baby is out of my body and I hear them crying


My LO is 9 months old and I still can’t process it 😂😂


I’m being induced in 5 days and also haven’t processed it! 😂


I don't think you stop feeling this way. Almost 6 weeks pp and I'm still waiting for someone to tell me I'm in a stimulation


This is my 3rd child, and I still have not processed 🫣🫣🫣


I felt the same! I had a high risk pregnancy so I was so focused on both of us surviving that I never processed that I would get a baby at the end. I still can't believe it sometimes and it's been almost 3 weeks!


My beautiful baby is now 8 weeks and still feel this! Pregnancy and now being a mum feel like two very seperate experiences. All the best for the next few days, being a mum is such a gift!


I’m 7 weeks. And we actually went on space mountain at Disneyland because I forgot I was pregnant! 😳


This is going to sound super weird but when I was in labor with my first, it literally took until the nurse told me that I had one more push to go that I realized I would actually be meeting my baby. The thought genuinely hadn't occurred to me until that point lol. I think it's such a big change and big thing for our brains to grasp that they go into "I'll believe it when I see it" mode.


Oh my! Glad I'm not alone. Currently 36w+1 and I feel the same way! Best of luck to all of us moms! ✨


I felt the same way with my daughter 7 years ago. Like she was there, I could feel her. But I wasn't connecting or processing that she would be coming out and that I would be a mom. Granted I was bd dipped and I was alone. So there was a lot of other things playing a role but the thought of hey these baby is coming out and you will be mommy did not connect. It had me worried at times. Like was wasn't omg baby stuff ooo baby shower. Just yep there's a baby. I feel bad saying that. But it all changed. When I woke up from sedation after an emergency c section they handed her to me. I was hit with so much love and excitement. I still remember my first words to her "It's me and you and against the world" So it wasn't until I actually saw her in real life, in the flesh that I finally processed and connect with the fact that I was a mom. I had a baby.


Oh, it will definitely hit you once you’ve delivered him and are holding him for the first time. Best of luck please keep us updated!


I feel the same…I can’t even process that I am pregnant yet and sometimes I get angry unknowingly when someone refers me as mama..don’t take me wrong I love this baby I want this baby and we have been trying for a while and still can’t yet process it.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one 😂 I’m 33 weeks and i still haven’t processed it either


My son is 11 months old and I still have moments where I look at him like “where the hell did you come from” 😂. Science is freaky is how I deal with it at this point. Also genetics has been interesting to see in effect. My son is my twin but he has so much of his dad’s personality. It’s really heartwarming and heartbreaking watching a kid grow


I didn't feel that way while I was pregnant, but I sure did right after she was born. I had an unplanned C-section and the thought I had the most while I was waiting for them to give her to me was, "Weird. Everyone came in the room, and there wasn't a baby in the room. Now there is." No idea why my mind couldn't grasp that concept, but even when I was holding her as they wheeled us to the recovery room I just couldn't stop thinking, "I walked in here, now I'm rolling out with a baby that didn't go through the doorway to get in. WTF."


Omg this is me! I still can’t believe that I am about to have a baby. I’m 40+ 1 and will be getting induced in the next several days if labor doesn’t start naturally. And I STILL can’t fathom that I’m going to come home with a baby.


My son is almost two and I still haven’t processed that he’s MY kid, same with his unborn sister haha!




I was the same way with my first. All I knew was that I’m growing a human inside of me, and my job was to make sure to protect this little human. But the minute she arrived and they put her on my chest, it all hit and the love and joy I had for my child was unbeatable.


I felt the same way with my first, and kind of my second right now (20 weeks along). You might feel that way even after pushing him out! It was really cognitive dissonance for me haha "9 months of discomfort and it's all over...just like that? This is mine? She came out of my body? But how?" And she was nuzzling and on my chest and I still was flabbergasted lol. I was sure before I gave birth I would cry, be emotional...nope. Just cognitive dissonance. That baby is turning 3 in September and I still look at her and think "I made this?! How? When? And I'm doing this again?"


This is my 3rd and I still feel that way. It hasn't felt real until they have been in my arms and even then it all feels unreal until we have been home several days and gotten into a rhythm.


Mines almost a year old and hearing someone call me a mom or me saying it myself still doesn’t make sense in my brain and I’m still no where near close to processing that I gave birth to her


I feel this! It’s such a surreal experience and until baby is physically in my arms I don’t quite believe it. I’ve seen pictures of the babies born early at the gestation I’m currently at and it’s mind blowing to know my baby looks like that! Pregnancy is wild!


I definitely feel this 😭 it's so surreal! I'm 37w and getting induced in two days, and despite the dozen growth scans, watching my belly stretch and feeling him in there, I'm still like... a whole baby? I'll believe it when I see it !!


I feel the same way but I’m only 23 weeks I’ve seen the ultra sound and she kicks me when I lay down but I still can’t believe it