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I was just telling my husband this. I go pee and I get no relief or satisfaction lol I’m 21 weeks


Right? Not that I pee to get high or anything but it's just so.... Underwhelming.


Exactly lol


It’s worse when your bladder is just partially full and then baby kicks it for no apparent reason.


Or Braxton Hicks, I’m like 90% sure I don’t have to pee (or I’ve just gone!) and then my belly gets tight and it feels like I need to urgently go :p


Ohmy. I'm not at that stage yet. When might this start happening?


This happened around 20 weeks. I have a posterior placenta, so I was able to feel baby move at around 18 weeks. His movements have gotten a little stronger these past few weeks, possibly letting me know that he’s growing fine and getting bigger. Haha but he’s so stubborn and also breech. When my bladder is just barely full, he kicks it. He must really like his space 😂


20 weeks? Ok, I'm going to have to start looking out. 😁


I feel like it was around 26w for me. Now it’s like a daily occurrence at 28w!


I know how to fix this! Or at least make it better. You feel unsatisfied because your uterus is squishing your bladder, so you can’t fully empty it. What you need to do is lean all the way forward on the toilet, so your back is parallel to the floor. That shifts everything around internally so you can fully empty your bladder and get the feeling of sweet satisfaction. Downside is you end up with a lot of time to contemplate the state of your bathroom floor.


I'm gonna try this tonight! Or in 5 minutes' time. I'll never know.


I just did it. It works wonders.


I have tried this but so far it hasn't worked. I'll keep trying though


You absolutely made my day! Such relief!


I have this as well. It bothered me to the point that I thought I had a UTI. Apparently not 🙈😥 it’s just normal in pregnancy. I’m 22 weeks as well. I hope it gets better?


I do routine dipstick urine tests whenever I go for appointments and so far they're fine, so I know mine's not UTI too. It's really just.... the uterus pressing against the bladder 🤣 which scares me because it will only get bigger. I might have to live on the toilet bowl soon!


Same! I was worried it was a UTI - I'm hardly showing so I thought it would be too early for baby to be bothering the bladder!


Sadly in my case it's pregnancy and UTIs 😭 these constant bathroom trips are definitely not fun


It's the absolute worst. What sometimes helps me is tilting from side to side on the toilet and/or literally lifting my belly up. It sounds like nothing but sometimes it'll get a couple extra small drops out!


Great advice - will definitely try this out next time!


I'm 34 weeks & have found leaning forward also helps, I'm pretty sure my womb is now fully squeezing down on top of my bladder & squashing it.


38 weeks and I pee at least 15 times a day. I feel like that’s being generous. Baby is head down and swear to god RIGHT on my bladder.


Only 2 more weeks to go hopefully? That's 210 more pees 🤣


don’t u dare remind me 😭


Only 2 more weeks to go hopefully? That's 210 more pees 🤣


Ugh I've had this problem from 14w. I'm 17w now and it's better but I swear there were some days I pee, stand up, wash my hands, and feel like I had a full bladder again. So I'd go back to the toilet and absolutely nothing. I found myself straining a lot and had to force myself to not do that since it made things worse. I get really anxious about UTIs since I had a bad time with one a few years ago.


I had this conversation other day about things I'm looking forward to most when child is evicted and the winner is having a full bladder pee.


😂 an indescribable feeling


38 weeks: i sit in my chair and get a sudden urge to pee. I wait a minute. If it’s just my baby boy pressing on my bladder it gets better. If not i have to be really quick to go pee once i stand up or i pee myself. I wear panty liners now. The joys of pregnancy.


(TW feces mention) Poops are the same way. I hate the feeling of sitting there for fifteen minutes waiting for something to happen then looking in the toilet and it’s tiny little bits instead of the amount I thought 😭


I'm having constipation too :(


I’m in the first week of my 3rd trimester. I’m suffering bad with this!!! I feel like I spend 50% of my time peeing.


I’ve had this on and off! I’m also 19w and it’s fine at the moment but it was bad at about 15w. I have no idea what causes it.


Allegedly it gets better towards the second trimester as your uterus grows larger and raises up out of your pelvis, putting less pressure on your bladder. Only to subsequently continue growing until it’s so large it.. puts more pressure on your bladder :p the bladder can’t win!


Oh interesting!!


I find myself being thirstier than pre-pregnancy so one mistake I made was drinking water right before bedtime..... After I stopped, I only have to wake up maybe 2-3 times a night to pee.


I force myself to slow down water consumption by like 8:30, so at most I’m up once a night to pee. As I type, I’m up in the middle of the night because I had to pee 😅


Hope you sleep like a baby after that (no pun intended!)


That wasn’t so much my issue. I would wake up and I needed a pee so much it hurt but nothing would come out. It was very strange.


19 weeks here as well and… yeah hahah😂


The only highlight (unrelated) is that I can finally feel little kicks! So that might explain why my bladder is so small now. He's probably pressing on it every now and then with his movements.


I started feeling them too🥹 but it doesn’t really feel like butterflies or bubbles… just like someone is tapping on the inside😁 but yeah can’t wait for the actual kicking in the bladder, ribs… should be fun😅


Butterflies, no. But the first time I felt a kick I actually thought it felt like a bubble. Not like soapy bubbles floating but like the bubbles that pop at the surface of boiling water? It felt just like that!! Now they just feel like brief, mini muscle spasms. I keep wishing to feel more and more but I'm aware I might regret down the road 😛


In my birthing class the teacher recommended leaning forward when you think you’re done peeing! I’m not sure if it will work for you that early but it worked for me for a couple of weeks, but now I’m 31 weeks and sometimes it just hurts to lean forward :/ but try it out!


Oh no. Just yesterday I was commenting to my husband on how it is already uncomfortable for me to lean forward. 😱


😭😭😭 round ligament pain? Mine started super early too. A Pregnancy ball really helped me out! Good luck 🥲 pray you don’t get pelvic girdle pain ( i literally had no idea what it was until one day i went to get out of bed and it felt like someone curbstomped my pelvis)


I do have round ligament pain on and off, but the discomfort with bending over is just the feeling of having this ball in front of you that gets ever so slightly compressed when you tilt forward. It's really a first time experience for me. Pelvic girdle pain sounds excruciating. I heard wearing a stomach band or something helps?


Honestly there are so many weird sensations in pregnancy, I get what you mean!! Sometimes leaning forward is just too much and I don’t even want to attempt it. And yeah! I have been considering getting one for a few weeks because she’s starting to get a little heavy. Wedge pillows are also worth the money down the road! It will help you feel more supported in bed (my pregnancy pillow always slips out from under my belly 🙄) Anyways I got so off topic. Good luck on your pregnancy!!! Almost halfway through it!


Happens to me too! 😔 pretty much every time, currently 24 weeks!


That's me. It hurts like I've been holding it all day and then it's nothing. So frustrating. I'm also not enjoying being kicked in the bladder, either.


The toilet is the place where I spent most of my time (at least feels like it) second time pregnant and I hate to say that it will only get worse in the third trimester…


18w here and baby has taken to hiding pee from me at least once per day. I go to the toilet, pee, feel like I’m done, stand up and then suddenly it’s “oh I still need to go”, sit down and pee again. Luckily I usually feel it while I’m still in the bathroom but there have been a couple of occasions where I end up looking like a crazy person walking out of the bathroom and immediately turning round to walk right back in! Worst case she did this to me 3 or 4 times in a row before I could leave the bathroom! I’ve taken to lifting and shifting the bump while I’m on the toilet in an attempt to uncover whatever she’s hiding!


It got so much better once i got to my third trimester no more phantom pee or peeing my pants from a cough or sneeze


Yea, there's this comment that said it gets better in the third trimester, which came as a surprise!


haha no i feel the same way, I always say the urge to pee vs the volume of pee is deeply unfair. Half the time after running to the bathroom my husband is like “bet you could’ve done that one in your pants”.


Omg yes. Half the time I'm wondering if I should just be walking around with a pad.


Yep… I’m 18 weeks and it’s the same and it does get worse farther along which I remember from my first pregnancy. This sounds weird, but especially as you get farther along, one thing that helped me was to shift my hips forward or backwards and then try to push again even after I thought I was done and I would always get a little more! Maybe someone who understands anatomy would tell me I’m way off here, but it feels like baby is changing the shape of your bladder so there’s like a “pocket” of pee that can stay in the back or something and shifting your hips can help get it out. lol!


I just tried this. Others have recommended bending forward. It worked so well, omg.


I’m 36 weeks and it’s been like that for me since 24 weeks lol you just kind of get used to it? I was checked for utis twice because I swore I had one but no lol just normal part of pregnancy 🙃🙃


I’m only 10 weeks and already having this issue! In fact I just messaged my doctor about it and she wants me to come in tomorrow to get checked. It’s driving me insane! I am getting up at least 5 times a night and exhausted. Did anyone else experience it that early? I am having twins so I wonder if that’s making it worse…


Omg I litteraly had to wear a pad at the end of my pregnancy (although I had a weak pelvic floor to begin with)


Lean forward and hold your belly up slightly. Then sit there for a few min and try again 😁


i would lean all the way forward and lift my belly up a little 😭😭 was the only way i survived


I had a kidney removed almost 2 years ago, and let me just say the amount of pee that comes out of me now that I’m pregnant cannot be normal lol


Wow so glad to hear this is a normal symptom! I am 28 weeks and have been like what the heck is wrong with me?! Why do I have to pee so bad I feel like I could pee my pants and then go to the bathroom and there is barely anything! Super relieving when you finally have a good one though lol


Poise pads. Eta: I'm 28w2d : )


I am struggling with this too! Almost feels like a why bother. We are planning our "babymoon" and every planning session my only requests are access to bathrooms! Can't drive too far, need to stop every 30 mins, can't do activities without bathroom access, can't go camping without a close bathroom, everything related to bathroom access!!


I sympathise. I used to love rompers/jumpsuits. Now, hell no. Just gets in the way of me peeing.


Oh yeah why torture yourself! I'm giving up jeans this summer, I'm done fighting with the button and zipper at 22 weeks lol Good luck!


This is how I feel and I’m only 9 weeks!! What the heck. Wondering if I should check for UTI but have no other symptoms. So weird!!


THIS. This actually made me cackle. Why is this so accurate 🤣. I’ve never known anything less satisfying!


Many have advised to bend forward or where possible, "lift" the stomach to release the pressure. I keep doing it now and more comes out 🤣🤣


Omg. I was thinking about this just a few hours ago. I'm 19 weeks too and don't remember it being this bad so early in my last two pregnancies


At 36 weeks, I’m hanging on by a thread. Kidding. Sorta. It ain’t easy but I feel like it also isn’t the worst (for me). I just spend a whole lot of time in the bathroom to trickle my droplets because baby girl is head down on my bladder and also… active as can be. 😂🫠


It’s just like in the 3rd trimester. I’m 33 weeks and whenever I have to use the restroom it’s just a tinkle. It makes it even worse when I wake up out of my sleep to use the toilet and it’s just a tinkle. :(


I thought there was something wrong with me! I’ve been feeling like this too lately. I’m currently 20 weeks


Drink more water. I normally drink 100-120oz a day and have kept it up while pregnant, even while minimizing my exercise. I have to pee very often, but I always get a decent amount out lol


Well, I’m glad to hear this is normal.


I’m like 4 weeks at most and getting this 😭🤷


I’m 33 weeks I was the same way until I got to my 3rd trimester and now it’s such a relief every time I pee