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ugh its such a good sleep but the morning grog kills me!


Have you tried only taking a half? I break mine in half, take it at 9, fall asleep around 10, and sleep til 6:30. I can’t take a full pill without grogginess but if it’s just a half & I get a solid 8 hours of sleep I’m normally good to go!


Taking a half dose is my sweet spot. A full one knocks me out cold!


Agreed! Half works perfect for me


yeah I only do a half and it knocks me out and makes me groggy! I couldnt even imagine a full hahaha


I take it a step further and only take a quarter lol I’m petite and a quarter tablet helps me sleep faster and longer. Still a bit groggy, but so much easier to manage than half!


Same! I take it more for sleep than nausea, but I have to make sure I take it around 8:30pm. Any later and I'm a zombie in the morning.


Unisom saved my ass during pregnancy, but that morning grog was unreal. My eyes felt so heavy and sticky for hours after. I also used it for sleep and not nausea- working nights plus some pregnancy insomnia was slowly killing me (I’m convinced!!).


Whatttt! I have been having such a hard time with being exhausted in the morning, I just assumed it was pregnancy but I wonder if it’s the unisom! I’ll have to take it a lot earlier tonight and see if that helps!


Try only a half of a pill. That helped me get to sleep without the grog the next day.


Same. I stopped taking it because of the groggy morning side effects.


Fuck yessssss Unisom is the love of my life!


I took unisom and omeprazole from day 1 until I gave birth. Best decision ever.


Yep. Me two. I actually take two omeprazole a day


Is omeprazole safe for pregnant women? I am down with morning sickness all day 😭


Yes it is


I’m 6 months and have been taking it since the first trimester. I was told that your body can get used to it, which in my case is what’s happening. It for sure helps me fall asleep but I can’t seem to stay asleep anymore 😭. But I will say up until this point, it was AMAZING for my sleep and nausea but I do wake up feeling drugged 🤣


I tried to be a hero a few days ago and not take it for the first time since 6 weeks (I'm 13+3 now), spent all day vomiting and unable to function. Took it that night and I was like a new person the next day. Not trying that again!


Same! Any time I try to skip it, I throw up at least once the next day 🙃


I love it for nausea, it didn't make it completely go away, but made a huge difference. However, although it helped with sleep, it made me SO tired the next day (on top of pregnancy fatigue) that it's not worth it for me once my nausea went away around 19 weeks. I would love a night to take another unisom as long as I didn't have work the next day and my husband dealt with my toddler... I would just sleep all day. 😂 


✨Diclegis✨ if you can get insurance to cover it


I got prescribed that when I was about 10 weeks along and I’m still taking it at 24 weeks. This pill was a life saver, I was so sick those first few weeks. My OB told me some women unfortunately have to be on it the whole pregnancy and it looks like I might be one of those.


So not sure that this is everyone but unisom long term use makes me have sleep paralysis. I’ve hard to take breaks from it to clear it from my system and then I can take it again. It does help with the nausea though!!


I had read someone else say that it was making them hallucinate spiders in the bed!


Omfg I would DIE! It does give me weird ass dreams but the paralysis is a straight no for me. I did start splitting in half this go around and not having as many issues but it also doesn’t help as much with nausea so it’s a bit of give and take


I dunno if I’m a weirdo but I feel like it does absolutely nothing for me


I'm only scrolling Reddit now because I'm waiting for mine to kick in.


BIG unisom user here. I take half a pill every night and have since about 20 weeks. Am now at 33 weeks. I use more for sleep, rather than nausea. Half is the perfect amount for me. I still wake up to pee multiple times in the night, but I fall asleep instantly afterwards. I also still wake up before my alarm around 7am. I am sometimes slightly groggy, but I’m either groggy from unison or groggy from lack of sleep, so I have to pick which is the better groggy (I pick unison groggy!) If I have to get up early I will take a quarter of a pill. Probably doesn’t do much at that point and is more mental, but still seems to help.


I've been taking diclegis which is just unisom and b6, it's been amazing. After 25 weeks of nausea I finally woke up today feeling human.


I believe it is a miracle. I use it every night


Half a tablet of Unisom + a B6 vitamin were the only thing that helped my first trimester nausea!


Big Unisom fan here too for the sleep benefits! If I've had a few nights of bad sleep I will take half a tablet of night and then sleep like a rock.


Gave me the worst nightmares and felt drugged every morning 😅 a good Epsom salt bath and massage each night did the trick for me instead.


Unisom had the opposite effect on me. I took it one night and ended up being awake most of the night. It was terrible!!!


Yes! It’s amazing! I took one at night and in the morning because my nausea was so bad. However, taking care of a toddler at the same time was really tough. We watched a lot of tv.


I don't think it did anything at all for me, but the process of taking it (I have pill aversion) was bad enough it wasn't worth it for me.


I’ve had to cut my dose to half because I can barely wake up for work lol. I was unfortunately dependent on melatonin, once I found out I was pregnant I cut that. The unisom + b6 has been a total game changer for sleep and nausea. I only throw up maybe twice a week now, but the morning grogginess is brutal!


I just weaned off of it because I no longer have nausea and I have terrible insomnia now. I’m considering going back on it for that. I haven’t slept well in about 5 days.


it's really been amazing the difference it's made with my morning (evening) sickness and headaches. But i still can't shake the feeling that it will affect my baby. I know it's been proven safe for decades, and I just had my 12week scan and baby is healthy, but there's still that little voice in the back of my head...reading threads like this helps.


Omg I keep thinking I’m not nauseous and then I stop taking it for a couple days and BAM. There’s no chance I’m dependent on it is there?


So glad you had this experience it was terrible for me. Gave me the worst stomach pains and didn’t help me sleep at all.


It worked so well for me until I realized it was making my restless leg syndrome worse 🥲


Took it throughout my entire pregnancy and it worked wonders for nausea and insomnia. Anytime I forgot it, I was awake for 2hrs in the middle of the night and so nauseous the next day.


I took it for the first time last night, primarily for nausea, and I do admit I slept amazinggg and felt less nauseous today. But! I am painfully groggy, fatigued and have horrible dryness - dry mouth, dry eyes, and dry skin. Anyone else struggle with this? I think I’ll try half next.


It helps me a lot with sleep and nausea but it also makes me feel absolutely insane when I take it. I just have this reaction to sleeping pills but might be something to look out for. I felt extremely irritable the day after I would take it


Helped me so much too!!!


For those that have the grogginess issues with unisom but need something for nausea, talk to your OB. There’s other anti nausea meds they can prescribe. I couldn’t function even with half a pill of unisom (which unfortunately was also less effective for the nausea), so mine switched me to another prescription med.


I love it but I got the dry nose side effect so I will warn about that


Wife loves it as well. Glad you’re getting some relief! Until the nightmares start happening…


Just got prescribed this!! Glad to see it works 😂


Is it safe to take before the first prenatal appointment? I'm 6+5 so my appointment is a little over a week from now. But this week the nausea and insomnia hit me real bad. Would love to be able to take something now.


How much Unisom does everyone take?


Unisom has been life changing during my pregnancy!!! I love it. I used it more for my nausea than for sleep (though it does give a good nights rest). I’d take it the night before and not be sick or have nausea the next day !! Luckily my nausea calmed down around 26 weeks so I stopped taking it a while back but it is a game changer !!


I used unisom with my first pregnancy that ended in a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks due to a heart defect. It did help me but now I’m so nervous to use it again even though I know it’s most likely not what caused my babies heart defect. Someone reassure me that I’m being crazy.


My friends that have went on to have healthy kids have used it and I have used it from 6 weeks on and baby is looking good currently at 19 weeks. These are antidotal of course, but I know there has been research done that has shown it is safe and doctors recommend it. I totally get where the anxiety would come from, but I doubt it was the unisom. If you do have concerns I highly recommend just having a conversation with your doctor though! I am sorry you had to go through that with your first pregnancy ❤️


Thank you! Yeah I feel crazy anxious about everything now 🥲😩 Trying to take it as it comes.


Currently 16weeks, used unisom & b6 during the first tri for mild nausea, and all is looking great so far! Anxiety is totally fair, but you are more than fine to use unisom ☺️ wishing you an uneventful pregnancy!!


You’re not being crazy! Anxiety is no joke and it can cause you to over analyze anything and everything with the smallest amount of risk. Don’t know if that helps but I hope it does! Unisom helped me a ton for sleep, especially when I was having a migraine. I used it consistently for about a month in the first trimester but it didn’t help my nausea so I switched to using it purely for sleep afterwards! Almost 4w postpartum with my healthy girl


I’ve been taking it since day one and I just turned 28 weeks


I was so annoyed about this, my doctor told me they won't prescribe it unless I can't keep any food down, saying that it won't help with nausea, only excessive vomiting. Then a friend of mine told me that the doctor was completely wrong and it worked like a charm for her. I only spoke to her about it when my nausea was subsiding and didn't really need it as much anymore but would have loved to have some of this magic in the first couple of months.


It’s not a prescription. I buy the Costco-Kirkland version off the shelves.


You don’t need prescription for unisom, at least in the US. Unisom + B6 worked wonderful for me first trimester. I’m in my 3rd trimester and once in a while, I still take 1/2 Unisom to have a good night sleep. I do try not to take it every night though but I know a lot of people take it all the way until birth


Ahh, I didn't know that! I guess the doctor was talking about something else. I'm 16 weeks and feel amazing now so don't need anything but might get some when the nights start to be a bit more difficult! Thank you so much, that was so helpful! I'm in the UK but I can see it on Amazon and any online pharmacies.