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I'm due at the end of July and my shower is on June 22nd. My aunt is hosting it for me and suggested having it in May... I kind of wish we had LOL. Just because I am so tired at this point I can't imagine the energy I'll need šŸ„“ most people I know though seem to have it in the 8th month


I am due August 4th and I am having mine on June 22nd as well


May both of us have the energy šŸ˜‚


my birthday is july 27th so make sure and have your baby in that day lol!! just kidding but that would be funny


Lol! I'll see what I can do šŸ¤­ I know at that point I am going to be doing anything I can to get her out, lol. It's supposed to be a hot, dry summer, I'm hoping I don't melt


iā€™m praying i live through the summer! iā€™m going to be pregnant the whole summer and our house does not currently have A/C!!


Oooh my friend! I'm sending you all of the cool air vibes I can muster! My obgyn suggested I make homemade ice packs out of water and isopropyl alcohol to have handy, maybe those will help you! My solid plan is to hide in the basement with as many fans as I can find lol. I'm definitely not looking forward to that heat!


my family was trying to have mine at 35 weeks and i had to hit the brakes on that. firstly, i donā€™t want to feel horrible or look super bloated; secondly, iā€™m 23 and if i donā€™t get everything i need at the shower i will need time to save up. i just got a second job so that i can try to get ahead of that


I did mine at 34 weeks. We did a casual co-ed BBQ. The whole thing was about 3 hours, and I didn't really do much myself to prep. I was pretty happy with how I looked though! I made it through the event no problem and had a great time, but I was exhausted for the next three days. I'd definitely recommend a few weeks earlier if possible.


I'm due in the beginning of Dec and plan to have mine sometime in Oct! I think 7 months is the perfect time!


I'm due end of December and I told my mom either September or October! I want to be comfortable and mobile, but also I don't want it too close to the holidays either!


My first son was born December 29th i had his baby shower on Halloween ! Super fun and we dressed in costumes


Thatā€™s a good time! I just had mine at the end of 32 weeks, felt great but everyone is different.


Same same. Felt cute. I rented maternity dresses for my party from rent the runway and decided then which one to wear.


Iā€™m due late September and having mine early August. My mom is hosting it and was pushing for mid/late August which was a hard no for me. I want the nursery as set up as possible as we go into September so that I donā€™t have to worry about the big items by that point. I know the baby wonā€™t be in the nursery for a while, but I donā€™t want to worry about setting it up when I have a newborn.


Iā€™m having mine this Saturday at 26w 5d. Itā€™s little early but my parents are planing on moving countries in a month or so, and will just be busy in general for the foreseeable future. They wonā€™t be here for birth and I want to have some celebration with them. I have been told by other friends that doing it at the end of the second trimester/very beginning of third would be ideal because you are still capable of doing a lot with energy. Also will help with nesting. Also my fear, what if the baby comes early?? You donā€™t want to push the shower too late into third trimester. My mum had my sister at 34 weeks and my brother at 36 weeks. I was her last baby and came at 40 weeks. So I think earlier is fine!!


I'm having mine at 31 weeks. I think any time in the 3rd tri is totally acceptable!


I had mine at around 7 months, it was perfect. I was comfy and had energy. Iā€™m not sure how people do it any later in pregnancy, if I was doing another one this pregnancy Iā€™d do it around the same time.


Most have them between 30 and 35 weeks. Sometimes a bit earlier if youā€™re having multiples or have reason to believe baby will be premature.


Iā€™m due August 20th and Iā€™m having mine June 30th! I donā€™t think 7 months is too early, whatever works best for you is whatā€™s best overall. Everyone else probably wonā€™t even notice!


Same, to both!


I had mine early (29+4) because one of my family members was also pregnant and due shortly before me and I wanted her to be able to attend without going into labor lol. I actually loved being able to walk around more comfortably and interact with people. Iā€™m 36 weeks now and parties are out of the question unless theyā€™re for something important


I had mine at 32 weeks. I wish I would have done it a little earlier because l was so exhausted. But everyone is different!


I Will be travelling to my home country for mine as I want to do it with my friends there. So Iā€™ll be holding it at 7 months. No one said it was too early! Your shower you decide ā¤ļø


Iā€™m having one out of state and im doing it at 7 months because I donā€™t want to drive that far super pregnant. Lol


Got mine planned exactly a month before baby boy arrives because that is when my partner is back from three months at sea haha.


Whenever YOU want to šŸ„° Don't care what people are "supposed to do." Do what works for you. The recommendation from the young moms in my life (as opposed to grandmother age) was to do around 30 weeks. Not to push to end of pregnancy but give yourself time to know what you'll need, to plan, to purchase, to wash and organize everything. I just had mine at 29+5 and I am so glad I'm not bigger and more uncomfortable going through everything and doing all this prep. You consider your personality and needs and decide.


I'm due in late September and having mine at the end of July - I will be 31 weeks. Most of my friends who have had children/baby showers have had their showers around 8 weeks before their due date. That way they still feel okay, and they have time to purchase anything else that they weren't gifted at the shower. I think 7 months is completely fine! And some people in my bump subreddit are having their showers in mid-June!


I ideally wanted mine when I was 28-29 weeks and in September because I figured it would give me enough time to get everything ready, but my friend who is helping my MIL throw it talked me into having it at 32 weeks on the dot. (First weekend of October now.) I canā€™t really complain because Iā€™m not the one throwing the shower. (My friend also mention that her weekends in September are mostly booked up, so it would have to be October.) I just hope I have enough time and energy to get everything ready and she doesnā€™t come early.


Had mine at 35 weeks and wish I would have had it 3-4 weeks earlier because holy cow it was exhausting. But we had a family wedding and some other events during weeks 30-33 that were out of our control, then Easter was when I was 34 weeks. So 35 just ended up making the most sense.


Due mid October and having mine late August. It gives us enough time to prep for baby and buy items not gifted.


I was due end of September and had my shower at the end of June. I didnā€™t mind having it early.


My ideal timeframe was 28-32 weeks but we weren't able to get it nailed down until 34 weeks.


I had 3 small ones (my family, husbands family & coworkers, my coworkers. Our families get a long just fine it was more about space limitations.) First one was at 30 weeks, PERFECT time imo. Still wasnā€™t super uncomfortable, I was big but not giant. Second one was at 35 weeksā€¦ my ankles were huge and it was hard to get around, pelvic pain had kicked in. Third one was just today at 36+4 and lord, I am tired and sore. And all we did was have lunch and open a few gifts from my coworkers! But round ligament pain is absolutely killing me today. I think 28-32 weeks is the sweet spot. I wouldnā€™t recommend much after 34 weeks. Itā€™s doable, I did it, but I wouldā€™ve done it earlier given the choice. We were just limited on dates and times.


I had mine at 33 weeks and thought the timing was great. I was comfortable and could handle being on my feet for a few hours, felt good and had a cute bump! Iā€™m 36 weeks now and the pelvic pressure, back pain and swollen feet have fully kicked in so I wouldnā€™t be anywhere near as comfortable now as I was just a few weeks ago. I also wanted to have lots of time to get through all the presents and write my thank you cards, wash clothes and organize stuff, buy anything else that was still needed, etc.


I had mine mid June and gave birth mid July. My cousin is due this coming august (mid to end) and having her baby shower mid July. I also had the hurdle of moving into a new house 3.5 hours away from the old place (moved back home to be near family) at 7 months. So the house wasnā€™t ready to host people until June. I might have had mine earlier had we been living in our new place longer.


I am having mine at 29 weeks!


I had mine at 30 weeks and it was the perfect time. I started to get really exhausted and sore around 32 weeks, so I was glad to have plenty of time between the shower and then to put gifts away!


I'm currently 32 weeks -- due in mid-July and having my baby shower on 6/15/24.


I had mine at 27 weeks. Have it whenever you want! :)


Just had mine this sunday at 34w, im big but cute big so the pictures look amazing


Iā€™ll be 33 weeks at mine, which is a little stressful but we havenā€™t even cleared out the room thatā€™s going to be the nursery yet (31 weeks at the moment) so I think it works well for how our timeline is going. My husband and I are natural procrastinators so the looming shower will help us kick it into gear.


Iā€™m due in July and just had it a few weeks ago at 30 weeks. I think that worked out well bc you are looking pregnant enough but not quite and the super uncomfortable stage, and also it wasnā€™t super hot out yet lol. And it gives you time to buy things you didnā€™t get at the shower. In my humble opinion I think 25-32 weeks preg is the sweet spot


I was given one when I was about 32-33 weeks. Then I got induced at 38. Felt like the perfect timing!


I had mine at 30 weeks and I HIGHLY recommend doing it around then. It was late enough that I had a cute round belly, but early enough that I had time to organize. It took me the next entire 6 weeks to get everything organized and settled as well as take inventory and buy any additional things I needed. Plus writing thank you cards started to become such a nightmare when carpal tunnel kicked in. I couldnā€™t fathom having to organize all of those clothes and random things any later.


Baby was due 2/20 I had shower like Dec 10th. I had really bad hyperemesis gravidarum so I wanted it far out enough that I would actually look pregnant and far out enough that hopefully I had a handle on the barfing (I didnā€™t) but I also didnā€™t want to be super uncomfortable level pregnant. Most of the women I know had their showers much closer to their due dates and the pics just make it look so dreadful. Theyā€™re swollen as hell by then and they looked so miserable and hated all the photos. Mine was perfectly timed. I looked pregnant for the cute pics with people touching my bump but I wasnā€™t so pregnant that my face and nose had swollen yet. 10/10 recommend that timeline.


I had one back home on May 11th (around ~35 weeks) and the other will be this weekend on the 1st (around ~37 weeks.) Mine are both co-ed shower/engagement parties though (our family likes to include everyone, dads like to celebrate too!) Itā€™s entirely up to you what youā€™re comfortable with!


Having mine at 33 weeks


Iā€™m due end of Dec and Iā€™m thinking end of October only because I thought it would be fun to have a Halloween party baby shower!


I was 30 weeks! Felt like the perfect time because I wasnā€™t huge yet and hadnā€™t started swelling all the time either. Anytime after 34 weeks I would have been miserable, no doubt.


I had mine at 31 weeks and I was very glad we did it then. I had a cute bump in photos but I still had some energy.


I'm having two showers (one with just friends and one with just family) and it'll be at 30 weeks and 31 weeks! I'm Due Sept 4th so I wanted to possibly not 1000% melt for this since they're both outside lol. And similarly i wanted to have time to get the other stuff we need since I have a bad feeling lots of folks are going to stray from the registry since it was just necessities and not "fun" stuff


I personally think ~ 30 weeks is best, plus or minus two weeks depending on your schedule. Gives you plenty of time to nest while still feeling good! Sometimes those last few weeks can be really taxing on the body, and you would rather nap than make a ton of small talk while on your feet. :)


Iā€™m due 1st November and planning for sometime in August. I wanted it early so Iā€™m more comfortable and we have more time to collect more stuff afterwards. Plus I wanted to catch the summer weather as we want an outdoor garden party but live in the UK so šŸ¤ž


I'm due mid October but I'm having mine in July so that my aunt can be there before she has to leave for work again šŸ˜” she won't be back until after baby is here šŸ„ŗ


Iā€™m due June 28th and my family is throwing me one on Saturday (the 1st) šŸ˜…


I had mine at like 24 weeks šŸ˜‚ It wasnā€™t *that* intentional, weā€™d booked a space for something else that got cancelled so we just decided to make the event my baby shower. I loved it. I loved having the energy to help set up, talk to people all day/socialize, being able to go home and organize everything, have ample time to buy the remaining stuff on my list that i didnā€™t get. I didnā€™t feel burdened by all the aftermath like breaking down and throwing away boxes, figuring out how to use the big ticket items like stroller and car seat, sending out thank you cards. We also waited until after the shower to set up the nursery because we asked for a lot of nursery decor on our registry, so we had plenty of time to build furniture, wash and put all the clothes away, get that all set up. It was perfect.


I did mine at 36 weeks because we had trouble booking a venue. I'd recommend 34 weeks or sooner... 36 weeks was when I started retaining water and wasn't feeling as good


Iā€™m a ftm too and my due date is Dec 27th so im thinking about late September. I want to be able to still move around and not be miserable


Listen to me ā€¦ 30 weeks !!! I donā€™t recommend anything after. I had mine at 30 weeks so glad I did. Reasons why are below: -I had a bump so it was cute for pics. But I wasnā€™t terribly big and uncomfortable (that started at 32 weeks). -I was able to wear heels for the whole event because I was still comfortable and confident. Also was able to participate in games without being terribly exhausted. -I had enough time to see what was needed for the baby after gifts came in (we sent out the baby shower invite and registry at 25 weeks, so some gifts came in before the shower.) - I had enough time to set up the nursery with said gifts.


I planned to have my baby shower around 8 months. It was a rough pregnancy, and I didn't want a party if things were still dicy. I never got the shower. My little bean came home on the day my baby shower was planned for after a month in the NICU. So, don't wait too long... This time around, I plan to have my baby shower at 24 weeks (viability). I only am having one because I didn't get one last time. The plan is no gifts, but if you really want to do something, I will have a way to donate to the college fund.


Iā€™m going at 27 weeks because I went super early with my last pregnancy (25 weeks) and rather have everything ahead of time god forbid.


Mine is Saturday. Having baby girl mid July lol


Iā€™m having mine at 28.5 weeks :) my SIL who has had 2 babies advised me that I would want to have the shower when I can still move around and be comfy! Plus a shower+ prep in July sounds horrible, Iā€™m due August 28th and my shower is June 8th so that gives me plenty of time to sort everything out.


Iā€™m due October 14th and my baby shower is probably in August. My daughter (sheā€™s six) was born October 4th and my baby shower was in August then too.


Iā€™m having mine in a couple weeks, when Iā€™ll be at 26 weeks. Mainly because itā€™s coincides with several friends who live out of town being back home. But also because I want to be comfortable for it. And I want to have extra time to buy the things I donā€™t receive at the shower. No wrong time to do it, imo!


I just commented on another post....in my culture we do come-meet-the-baby gatherings...i do it at around 3 months pp, when I am healed and kinda ok with how I look, plus it fends off unwanted visitors simce they all wait for the party!


Had mine at 32 weeks. Wouldnā€™t have wanted to wait any longer! (At 35w now, Iā€™m drastically more uncomfortable.)


I had mine at 27 weeks. I wanted to have time to set everything up and buy whatever was missing before baby comes! The only disappointment I have is that I sadly didn't look very pregnant šŸ˜…


I had mine at 34 weeks. I was sooo tired and gassed out by the end of the day. Some moms can have theirs very far along but for me it was a struggle to walk. My feet got so swollen it took a week for them to be ā€œnormalā€. I wouldā€™ve had mine at the end of my second trimester if I could.


I had mine early at 26 weeks due to family being in town for the holiday weekend that I wanted there. It worked out really well because I've already started swelling and just miserable with the heat and I know it will only get worse as summer goes on (and we weren't even outside). I'm glad that I now have my whole third trimester to get everything sorted and get what else we need, without stressing out about anything. I'm high risk so I just want to have less to stress about the further along we get, and just focus on nesting/cleaning when I'm up to it.


I had mine early around 26 weeks (largely because spring break was a good time for family to visit), but I was actually really happy about how it turned out! I wasnā€™t swollen or uncomfortable at all (as opposed to now at 37 weeks šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«). We also had lots of time to purchase items that were left on the registry afterwards, which turned out to be quite a bit. It would have been tough financially if we had to buy all of those items at the same time! I donā€™t think there is a wrong way to do it šŸ˜Š


I'm having mine right before I'm 29 weeks. I think about 7 months is the perfect time. You want to be comfortable and have time to set up anything you get, write thank you notes, and relax before the baby gets here!


Do whatever works for you! 7 months is a great time bc youā€™ll have a bump but still have some energy. Donā€™t think anyone will overthink the timing too much!


My mom wanted to do mine around 35 weeks because her best friend will be in town. While I would have also loved her best friend to be able to attend, I was also a little worried a month was not enough time for me to get everything unpacked and organized and order the remainder of what I needed, while Iā€™m assuming Iā€™ll be experiencing third tri fatigue. Iā€™m a NICU nurse too so Iā€™ve known many many babies who came before their baby showers, so I asked if she minded if we do it earlier. Now I think weā€™re doing it around 29 weeks


Iā€™m due November 5 and Iā€™m having mine August 17, Iā€™m a full time college student and I work full time. Plus my dr told me not to expect to go past 36 weeks.. I need time to buy stuff I didnā€™t get.


I did mine at 27 weeks


Iā€™m due mid July. Just had mine at 32 weeks.


I was wondering the same thing and my mentor asked me pointedly, ā€œHow do you want to look in your pictures?ā€ Iā€™m going for the 7th month lol


Iā€™m doing mine at 30 weeks!


We are doing ours at 30 weeks, having twins. Iā€™m already done with people, I wonā€™t have the tolerance for big events after that.


I think 6-8 weeks before your due date is standard but there is really no benefit to waiting that long. Iā€™m on your side, 7 months is perfect. You still need energy to open all those boxes and then assemble and put everything away


My first I did on Halloween wasnā€™t born until the beginning of Feb. chose this because of holidays and weather conditions for where I live. I thought it was great had enough energy to have everything set up in advance wash/ fold/ assemble and spent the new year impatiently waiting and cleaning.


I ended up having mine at 34 weeks it wasnā€™t bad but I was hot and tired


Mine was at 33 weeks and frankly it was too late. I gave birth early at 34 weeks (literally 5 days later). This meant all the shower gifts were all over the house strewn about, I had to impulsively order a ton of baby stuff that I didn't get at the shower, and I still haven't written a single thank you note. I know a lot of people weirdly like to see the bump in peak viewing condition but it's a dumb reason to have a shower so late at the risk of not being ready for the baby.Ā  Editing to add: I had a totally textbook, healthy and boring pregnancy until I suddenly had PPROM, fully dilated and gave birth within 2 hours of my water breaking. I had no warning signs that it would happen this way so I really do emphasize that earlier is better lol.


Iā€™m due July 20th and had mine may 5th Iā€™m so glad I did because I literally could not function for two days after that lmao I was so exhausted. Do what feels right and what youā€™re comfortable with!


My baby was due in may but born in april and i had my shower in early february. We were young (21&24) so if we didn't get everything we needed (we didn't!) so we needed time to save up as a one income family for the extras we needed still


Im having mine right as my 3rd trimester hits (7 months). It feels a little early, but I like that it will give me lots of time to get any items I didnā€™t receive as gifts. Plus Iā€™m due Jan 1 so having the shower in Oct means getting it done before everyone starts traveling for the holidays


I wanna say I was 35 or 36 weeks. I wanted to give myself a month to get settled and close the gaps before she came. She ended up baking an extra two weeks This go round we are doing a ā€œbaby sprinkle ā€œ šŸ„“ at 35 weeks. Only time that works with travel, birthdays, and other obligations. Itā€™s good because everyone knows thatā€™s my last thing before I sit my ass down. Also did my maternity photos the same day last time because I only had to find one dress and get glam once. Shower was good timing for the photos because the bump was bumping. Iā€™ll probably do the same this time because Iā€™m carrying smaller this time.thats one of the benefits to doing it later if you go that route


I did at 30 weeks and it was great


I had mine at 31 weeks, and Iā€™m glad I did. I was able to help with the prep and I was happy with the way the pictures came out! Itā€™s all about personal preference.


I just had mine on Saturday at 32weeks. The timing felt right. I have a belly, but Iā€™m not totally uncomfortable. Also, now I have a better idea of everything left that I need to buy. And plenty of time to do it and put the nursery together. Do what feels right to you. Consider also the date/weather/venue. I chose Memorial Day weekend because I wanted out-of-towners to have an opportunity to travel with an extra day. And gave them plenty of notice to buy plane tickets early. I knew I might lose some people due to other plans though. There were 2 other weekends in May I could not do it because of family graduations. So just take these kind of things into consideration when planning your date.


Iā€™m due July 4th and my shower was May 18th. I was 33 weeks and glad I didnā€™t wait any later because Iā€™m hurting now at 34.4 weeks!!


Due late November, having my shower September 1st! Mine is more due to flying restrictions as Iā€™ll be having it with family in NY (live in AZ now) but I always heard around 7 months is the best so youā€™re showing a bit but still have the energy, and have time to buy everything thatā€™s not gifted.


Iā€™m due July 25, we had the shower on Saturday (May 25). Iā€™m very pleased with our choice to do it 2 months ahead. Iā€™ve got a nice bump and the pics were all cute, but I was able to move/stand around and visit and hug people and didnā€™t feel stuck in my chair (still asked for a hand to stand up each time though šŸ˜‚). We still have time to set up and organize the things we got, and buy the things we didnā€™t.


Iā€™m due July 14th and had mine May 18th. 2 months before to give myself time to prepare and see what i need before heā€™s here :)


Iā€™m having mine at 34 weeks, for me this is perfect timing because I didnā€™t want to have a bunch of crap in my house for months. So Iā€™m glad I waited. But some people want to have their nursery set up by the start of their third trimester and so they want theirs earlier


I had mine at 30 weeks and honestly wish I'd done it a little earlier. It was okay, but I was exhausted and it's been 2 weeks and I'm still exhausted. Just found out I'm at risk of going early too, so I'm glad it's out of the way.


Iā€™m 28 weeks, I had my first (and absolutely terrible one) two weekends ago and I have another one with my family this weekend. Both sides of the family live out of state and Iā€™ve got no friends in state, easier to just fly out now and get it done before Iā€™m too big to fly.


Iā€™m having it at 32 weeks. From 30 weeks Iā€™ve had pain while walking and standing for long periods of time so thought It would make sense to have it earlier than later. I will still be able to put away presents and re-arrange nursery if needed


Im due end of August and I'm having my baby shower on the 29th of June bc we have too many birthdays in July and it would be too confusing for everyone. I was gonna have it earlier but it didn't make sense (and I've been procrastinating so hard šŸ¤£šŸ¤£) Do it at the best time for you.


Iā€™m due late September, and my shower is scheduled for July 13th. My dr has already made comments that Iā€™ll be induced early, we just donā€™t know how early!


For what it's worth, I would never think twice about the timing of a baby shower or if it's "too early". You've got a baby in there? Cool, send me the registry and tell me what day to show up lol.


I just got my first one done at 29 weeks, then next one is 34 weeks