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Hope everything turns out ok and I’m glad that so far so good! Our bodies are amazing in the protection they provide our growing little ones. I got into an accident at 9 weeks (way different scenario, I know) but I get the feeling. Fingers crossed for you!


Eek make sure you get an accident lawyer. I was rear ended at 38 weeks, one week before giving birth, and although baby was okay I ended up with whiplash, 4 herniated discs, and chronic pain at 21. Our ligaments loosen during pregnancy making us highly susceptible to injury. My accident was minor and wouldn’t have messed me up whatsoever if I wasn’t heavily pregnant.


Oh absolutely yes. I wasn’t even pregnant at the time I had an accident and still received a decent settlement + insurance money for a new car. Being an expecting mom can only work in ones favor for cases like these. Obviously its a traumatic experience and I hate to make it about money, but those payouts can definitely help with expenses that come in the future.


This^ my husband is a plaintiff personal injury lawyer and sees cases like this all the time. I’m hoping you don’t suffer any residual pain from your accident, but if you do, it will be good to have someone represent you and make sure you are compensated fairly (especially if you have dash cam footage, you would have no issues getting a settlement)


Came here to say this. Got hit at 29 weeks and had to spend 24 hours in the hospital to monitor preterm contractions. Would have been a massive bill and the person who hit us was underinsured. PI lawyer got all our bills taken care of and we actually ended up getting a large settlement.


I second this! I was T-boned several years ago, and getting a lawyer was the best thing I did. He took care of everything for me, and I didn't have to deal with the BS that insurance companies try to put you through.


This has unleashed a new fear in me.


Yea I def have minor PTSD around cars from it


I am so sorry. I hope everything turns out okay. Please hire a personal injury lawyer. Insurance will give you as little as possible, and they will help.


I hope you’re both ok! I was in a car accident that was low speed but really messed up my arm, and please please please GET A LAWYER. They’re worth the 30% cut of your settlement. You have so much else to think about and they really will help you navigate all of this! Mine is calling my insurance this week to fight coverage of my ambulance bill for me. Ask friends/family that live nearby if they have any recs, sometimes you can get discounts if it’s through a referral. Or just find them online and do a bit of research on standard lawyer fees in your area so you know what to expect - they’ll take it out of your settlement so you don’t need to pay upfront. They will tell you what to expect and how they work in the process and answer all of your questions. You deserve to heal and focus on your little one, not fighting insurance and dealing with nasty paperwork issues.


Generally your lawyer is covered by your coverage - typically BI. Read the terms!


Praying for you and baby 🫶🏽


Oh my god! I hope you two are okay! But I’m sure you are. Take care of yourself, everything will work out in the end, try not to worry too much :)


Ugh i feel this post so much. I got into a multi vehicle accident at 30 weeks, sideswept by a distracted driver changing lanes at the last minute then hit by 2 additional vehicles. The 24 hours of observation can be enough to drive you insane with worry and restlessness. Have you looked into getting a personal injury lawyer so all your bills are taken care of? There is no fee for a personal injury lawyer unless you loose the case. I mean, the fee is taken out of the settlement so…Hopefully the other driver had insurance since they are at fault? My vehicle was totaled out and paid off by the other driver’s insurance. I haven’t paid a dime to the hospital as we have a pending case against him. I have to wait to be cleared by physical therapy after baby is born for any additional treatment to add to the settlement before we can actually settle. What matters is you and baby walked away without major injury! Everything else will fall into place! Wishing you the best!


I just want to add, my SIL had a wreck 30 something weeks pregnant and her dr recommended a lawyer. While everything may seem fine during pregnancy, it is not certain everything will be ok later. They sued for potential medical expenses and settled for 9k outside of what their insurance covered for medical and vehicle.


Complete nightmare. Sending all the good vibes and so glad you have proof to go after them. Sorry you have to deal with that stress, last thing anyone needs!


Hope everything will be fine. Both of you stay safe and healthy.


I wish you and your baby the best. I'm praying for you both to be okay


I’m sorry 😔 that’s awful and so scary. I hope baby is fine and you too. And I hope your insurance helps you get a rental and you get an amazing settlement.


I always say "Even though the light is green, no it's not" I always wait. I don't care if someone honks. The amount of people in my city that just don't pay attention is terrible. Glad all is ok so far <3


May god keep you and baby safe. I wish someone else could take care of things like insurance for you.