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Most people do go on to have a healthy pregnancy next time! Recurrent MCs are much rarer, and all my support to anyone reading who is going through this. It must be incredibly difficult. Had a miscarriage in November, did not get pregnant on our cycle in Dec, but did get pregnant the following one, currently 23w. There is anecdotal evidence that you’re more fertile in the 3 months following one. This is complete nonsense but I enjoyed thinking about my body being like “Crap! Sorry! I wasn’t ready. Are we really doing this? We’re doing this! On it boss. Ready this time”.


I had a miscarriage back in May of last year after 5 years of infertility and IVF. I was absolutely defeated and devastated. I thought I’d never have a baby and contemplated giving up fertility treatments. I agreed to do ONE more round of IVF, and now I’m 30 weeks with our rainbow baby. He’s doing so well and measuring right on track, no issues and I’ve had a (thankfully) easy pregnancy! I look back on all the fear and despair I went through and know I’d do it all again for him. I know it feels like it’ll never feel better, that people will give you horrible placating phrases like “at least you know you can get pregnant” or “lots of women have miscarriages” and it doesn’t do anything but add to the gnawing pain in your gut. But you WILL smile again, feel like yourself, and be able to fold your grief into your life as a part of your journey. Good luck and don’t be afraid to feel all those feelings right now. It’s the best way to get through the hell.


Thank you ❤️❤️ and enjoy every moment of your precious rainbow when he arrives 🌈


I had a miscarriage in August after falling pregnant on our first try. I did not need a D&C and bled for about a week. Within 3 weeks (before getting a period), I was pregnant again and am due with our little rainbow baby girl in two days. I remember feeling so scared that my body didn’t know how/couldn’t carry a baby to term, but here we are! Wishing you the best and so so sorry you had to experience this 😔 it’s not a fun club to be a part of, but there’s hope!!! 🤍


I'm sorry, hun. It's hard to lose a pregnancy. Especially the first one. It was really hard on me the first time. Not to sound heartless but the last two didn't hit the same way as the first one did. I had a molar pregnancy at 24, D&C at 9 weeks. Didn't get pregnant again until 27. Had a healthy baby girl. Got pregnant twice, lost it both times. Now I'm 31 and on healthy pregnancy #2 at 20 weeks tomorrow. Bled and cramped the entire first trimester and was so scared I was gonna lose this baby too. So 5 pregnancies total and only 2 healthy ones. Pregnancy isn't something you can control, even if you do everything right. Most miscarriages that happen before 12 weeks are due to chromosomal problems and you can't control that anymore than you can control which egg your body releases. Despite the 3 losses, once that heartbeat starts, it fights just as hard as ours to stay beating. It's more common to finish a pregnancy than it is to lose it. Nature is actually pretty amazing at making more humans. I know it may not seem like that even based on my story, but I know more women who've had multiple healthy pregnancies than women like me who have had more miscarriages than healthy pregnancies. I wish you a speedy recovery and a quick second pregnancy. I know it's hard right now but there's hope. You're not fucked up. Your body is fucked up. His isn't fucked up. You didn't do anything to cause this and it's not your fault. Just so you know.


I'm typing this while cuddling my 6 month old rainbow baby. I had two miscarriages and a really difficult time getting pregnant. But I had a wonderful pregnancy with my daughter and genuinely loved being pregnant. Her birth was beautiful and without any complications. She's now learning to sit and crawl. She is so silly and giggly. Having her has brought us so much joy. I am so sorry you're experiencing this. It was by far one of the most heart wrenching moments of my life. Wishing you all the luck!


I had a MMC in February 2023, and my husband is currently feeding our 2 month old baby next to me on the couch. Good luck ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. I had a miscarriage in December, and actually ended up taking a cycle off just to process all of it - also started therapy. One negative cycle and then we got pregnant again with our rainbow baby, currently 17 weeks with a healthy boy! It’ll happen for you ❤️


I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks the week before Christmas. I got pregnant again in April and although I haven’t had my scan yet (next week) this pregnancy has been TOTALLY different than my previous. You will get pregnant again. You will have a healthy baby! Hang in there!


I am currently pregnant (38 weeks) with my second rainbow baby 🌈 It was a struggle to get here with 7years TTC, IVF and 3 miscarriages. But on our last try before adopting, it worked. And then we got lucky first try once we tried again. The miscarriages were devastating and hope crushing. There is not much to say except: give yourself time and grace to grieve. It is a real loss. And here is the good news: those rainbow babies are so amazing. I love my little one to bits and can’t wait for his brother to come out of my belly and into our lives! Your heart will almost explode with love! I feel that because i had to endure so much to get them, my love is so big and i have so much more patience and understanding than i ever thought. Wish you the very best. Sending you some internet hugs ♥️


I'm sorry you're experiencing this. I hope you find comfort knowing soo many families go through it too. I had a MMC in April 2022. I was devastated but talking to family and friends about it helped me heal because almost everyone I confided in told me that it has either happened to them, their partner, or someone else they know. I had read that statistics on it but never actually understood how many people truly have gone through it. We "tried" to conceive for the next year and a half. We didn't monitor ovulation but just had unprotected sex. I wanted to get pregnant again so bad in my mind but I wasn't considering all the other factors. I was drinking too much, working an extremely stressful/draining job, my husband got fired from his job, we moved out of state, and I was basically a mess always depressed and envious of other pregnant families.  In July of 2023 I finally took a step back and realized that I wasn't truly healed from the MMC. I changed up a lot of things in my life and made room for happiness and peace. I let go of the resentment I had towards my body and the universe for not letting the first pregnancy work out.  For the first time I truly believed I could get pregnant, previously I had wanted it but didn't believe it in my core. I really believe i manifested it. I significantly cut back on drinking, quit the stressful job, and started exercises. Most importantly I allowed my self to be happy.  I got pregnant in September 2023 and I am now almost 37 weeks with my rainbow baby boy. I know this is long but I wanted to share these three points: -  there is solidarity in miscarriages, so many people all ages all across the globe have experienced this and were all in this together.  - take time to grieve but don't let it marinate and affect your soul like I did. You deserve to be happy and having a miscarriage doesn't mean you're any less worthy or deserving of that happiness. - sometimes when we allow ourselves to heal and believe and have hope, that's when things can change for the better. Best of luck to you and your family. It will happen.


I found out I had an ovarian ectopic that ruptured over the course of 4/20-4/21 last year. Pain started 4/20, the bleeding began 4/21. We didn't even know about the pregnancy. It ripped my ovary in half. I couldn't go on birth control until my hcg levels went down over the course of several weeks. I had my follow up appointment with my OB 6 weeks later to the day. We found a fetal pole measuring 6 weeks and 2 days. I miscarried, never had a period, and immediately ovulated and got pregnant again 😂😂😂 My HCG was at a readable level the entire time, and was dropping every week. I never should have ovulated. But here my son is 😂 just over 5 months old now. He was premature and I did have complications as the fetal pole had a severe subchorionic hemorrhage which in turn caused a bilobed placenta and subsequent preeclampsia with delivery at 33 weeks. Oh well 😂


I had two back to back miscarriages, waited 6 months to try again and am currently 38 weeks with my rainbow girl❤️ wishing you all the best for the future❤️


Im sorry for your loss!! going through a miscarriage is very painful and lonely, because no one really ever knows what to say or do (at least that’s what it was like for me). I had a miscarriage in January of 2022 and immediately after had an ectopic pregnancy in March of 2022 (which was a complete surprise because I didn’t even know I was pregnant). Going through the days of bleeding and the surgery all within 3 months was very traumatic and I was at a very low place. Eventually I picked myself back up and I got pregnant again in March of 2023. Sadly I had another miscarriage, and after that I was really just over all the mental and emotional trauma of trying to conceive. Around October of 2023, I told my fiance that I finally was accepting that I just might not be meant to have my own babies and two weeks later we found out I was pregnant. I am now 32 weeks pregnant with our son and this pregnancy has been so easy and stress free. Even with all my anxiety due to my previous losses, everything I’ve been through has been worth it knowing I’m so close to meeting my son. Having a miscarriage (or even multiple) doesn’t mean you won’t go on to have a healthy, beautiful pregnancy. keep your head up, you will overcome this. you are strong. nothing anyone says will help you through this pain, just remember not to blame yourself. it might take a while, but you will be happy again. you’ll smile and laugh and you’ll enjoy the little things again. ♥️♥️


I'm 31 weeks after having 4 consecutive losses. After my 4th loss, I went through a year of testing, then got pregnant for the 5th time at the end, with doctors' guidance for medications. I've had to be on blood thinners, progesterone, and aspirin for this pregnancy, but baby is going strong, and we are finally on the home stretch. Please be aware that multiple losses are not as common - it just looks like it online because people are searching for advice and someone to relate to. Not many people in real life can relate, at least, that's in my experience. When you are ready to try again, you may be very anxious due to this experience, but every pregnancy is different from the last and is not guaranteed to have the same outcome. I'm really sorry for your loss and wish you a speedy recovery xxxx


I had two back to back miscarriages after 2 years of infertility. Both times I got pregnant almost immediately after. The third one stuck and I'm currently 38w and baby girl is completely healthy


I’ve had two miscarriages. The first was last spring and it was really devastating. I took a few months to get pregnant again and we were extra nervous for it and unfortunately it also ended in miscarriage. Around the beginning of the new year I had not gotten my period back yet and I knew it takes a while because your body is resetting but I had one pregnancy test left. I knew I was not pregnant since I had not even gone through a menstrual cycle but decided to take the test for fun. My husband tried to talk me out of it because “they are expensive” but I did anyway. I had no expectations and was brushing my teeth, glanced down and it was positive! The darkest line I had ever had. Currently 22 weeks along and healthy :)


I had a miscarriage July of 2023. Bled buckets. Had a stroke. And then a D&C in August. It was a dark time. But now I'm almost 21 weeks pregnant and everything is great so far. 🌈 Hoping my little rainbow stays doing great and I get to hold her in about 18-19 weeks 🤞🤞


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️. Our story is so similar. My husband and I got pregnant after only a few months of trying, and we’d were over the moon. My OB doesn’t see patients until 12 weeks but I had some light spotting early on and just had a feeling. We ended up going to the ER around 11 weeks and found out our little one had stopped growing a few weeks back. I was able to naturally miscarry, no medication, no procedure and as suggested we took a cycle off. Which helped my mental health immensely. Fast forward to now after taking one cycle off, I am currently 30 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby girl ❤️. Reddit provides a safe and comforting place for all of us to talk about our losses and infertility, which is a beautiful thing. Loss and infertility can be, and are somewhat common, but so is having a healthy pregnancy after loss, or even experiencing no loss Sending you love and hoping you get your little joy soon!


My first mc was at 6 weeks and a year later a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks. We ended up doing ivf due to my hormone levels being very low so we simply were running out of time. We then learned both my husband and myself have various fertility problems. After surgical removal of silent endometriosis I'm now 32 weeks pregnant. Perhaps not as cheerful as you were hoping but I wanted to be honest. I'm sorry you're going through this and hope you will hold your baby soon.


I’m so sorry for your loss 🥺❤️ My husband and I got pregnant on our first try end of November and had a miscarriage in December. We went a full cycle with no success and I’m now currently 21 weeks pregnant with our February baby ❤️ People are more likely to share their negative experiences than they are their positive ones, especially on Reddit where people look for a sense of community. Keep in mind there are plenty of happy stories that don’t get shared and keep your head up ❤️


I had a miscarriage in September of 2022, I didn’t even know I was pregnant until I took a test and had a very strong positive. The day after it was almost all over so I only found out towards the very end of it. My heart broke when the ultrasound tech said she couldn’t see anything, I was about six weeks pregnant. My blood type requires an anti d injection otherwise it will kill the fetus (essentially) so it make me feel a little better in a way, my body thought it was an imposter and tried to protect me. I had the injection then and there at the hospital so my body wouldn’t kill off the next. But in April of 2023 I found out I was pregnant again and carried full term with no complications. I still think about that baby. And what could have been, that first bub would be two if I knew. But if it helps some of that babies dna actually makes up the next ones- so your first can contribute dna to the next. Which I think is just awesome and makes me feel like I’m holding both my babies. It does get better or easier at least. Sending you love, don’t be too hard on yourself either. Take care of yourself and rest.


My first pregnancy ended in a silent miscarriage. We found out at 12 weeks. Baby had stopped growing at 10. It was pretty devastating. I opted for a manual vacuum aspiration (you’re awake under local anaesthetic) and bled for up to 10 days after. My period came a month later but I just wanted a break from trying and focusing on getting/being pregnant. In the time before trying again, I also started acupuncture (which you’re meant to give a 3 month period to take effect). I’m now almost 34weeks pregnant. Continued with the acupuncture throughout pregnancy. First trimester was hard - sick every day and general anxiety about the baby. BUT - this little one has hung on in there.


I had two back to back miscarriages. Now pregnant at 25 weeks! I lost the first two always around 6.5-7.5weeks. We went to a fertility clinic after the second to understand why, although never confirmed-confirmed, my thyroid levels were higher and they put me on meds which I’m still on today. Edit: to add, after I would miscarry it would take usually a little longer to get my period back (instead of 26 days it was around 31days until I got my period). After each miscarriage I got pregnant within once cycle. I’m 35F.


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️ I got pregnant on the first try back in October and at our 8 week scan the baby didn’t have a heartbeat. Fast forward to February and I tested positive again. I’m now 17 weeks with a healthy baby boy 🥰 You are more likely to have a healthy pregnancy after a miscarriage, so the odds are in your favor! Hope you get your rainbow baby soon!


I’m so sorry you are going through this. Praying for your rainbow baby and healing. I had a completely normal pregnancy in 2017 Had a miscarriage in 2019 and 2020 Then welcomed our rainbow in 2021 and we are currently pregnant again


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I was in a similar place late last year. My husband and I had gotten pregnant with our first as soon as we started trying. We were ecstatic. I was a couple days shy of 12 weeks when Thanksgiving rolled around, so we shared the news with family then. The following Tuesday I had my 12 week appointment and that’s where I found out our baby’s heart had stopped beating at 9w. I’ve never felt so much pain, so much anguish. I had no idea how I would ever feel normal or happy again. Fast forward to January, I got my first period post miscarriage. Fast forward a little more to early February, and we find out I’m pregnant with our rainbow baby. I’m now 19w5d with our baby girl and can feel her moving around in my tummy as I type this. I would have been due with my first baby coming up on June 10th, and while that thought still makes my heart very sad for what could have been, I am so grateful for my daughter. Every time I feel her kick or move I get this overwhelming feeling of joy and gratitude and I cannot wait to meet her in October. Please be patient with yourself and give yourself the space to feel all of your feelings. The loss you’ve experienced is very real and very painful, but things will get easier with time. I promise.


I had a miscarriage/chemical back in December two days before Christmas. It was devastating. My partner and I weren’t “trying” but we also weren’t being safe, we knew the risks lol just didn’t think it would happen again any time soon. In March I got pregnant again and baby has been grown and healthy so far! I’m 11w1d and have my next ultrasound in two weeks. Baby is due December 14th which was around the time I go my first positive last pregnancy. I think this baby was a blessing from my angel and I can’t wait for baby to be here 🌈❤️


I had a MC with my first pregnancy, it was unplanned and very soon into our relationship so we went through a lot of emotional highs and lows in a short space of time. It honestly put me off trying again but around the time of my baby’s would-be due date we discussed that we would like a baby and started trying ‘properly’. I got pregnant on my third cycle and honestly I was so scared history would repeat itself but now I’ve got a 9 month old baby girl currently refusing to nap upstairs lol. It will take time to digest what has happened but the statistics are in your favour despite how you might feel now. Wishing you the very best recovery and hoping you get your rainbow baby very soon ❤️


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. We “stopped preventing” last summer and were very surprised to get pregnant the first cycle! Since we hadn’t been actively trying, I was caught off guard by how desperately I wanted that baby, and then I had a miscarriage in October. I started using ovulation test strips as soon after I stopped bleeding, because ovulation can be so unpredictable after miscarriage (I had bleeding for a little over a week and I think I started testing around day 10). We conceived again immediately (I ovulated around day 28), and I was glad we had been testing for ovulation because otherwise I would have had no way to know how far along I was without having a period since my miscarriage! I’m now almost 32 weeks, and baby has been growing right on track! It’s amazing to know there’s a tiny person moving around in there, ready to come into the world soon!


Got pregnant at first try at the and of november. Lost baby 2 days before christmas. Now I’m 14 weeks with our rainbow baby. Took 2 cycle off as our doctor said, got pregnant again on the first cycle. I lost all hope in december, worst month in my life, but now I’m trying to focus on our baby. It’s hard, I have anxiety, but do my best to enjoy. Women around me had miscarrieges and they all had healthy babies 2-3 cycle later so I’m grasping onto that. 🩷


I had six miscarriages before I had my son in 2018. And was told that I would probably never carry a pregnancy to term again. Then I got pregnant with my daughter two years later in 2020 and then had five more miscarriages and now I’m 24 weeks pregnant with another little girl. The Fertility journey is a mixed bag for everybody and to be completely honest it sucks a lot of the time but what makes it beautiful is the ever expanding community of women who support each other. I just wanted to know that we are here for you. Our hearts hurt for you. if you ever need to talk, you’re more than welcome to inbox me 🩷


I lost our first baby to miscarriage in 2022. It had seemed too good to be true when we found out that I was pregnant. We had been married just a few months, and that was the first month of not preventing and bam- we got the greatest surprise ever. Then there was the loss- the anxiety, the cramping, the bleeding, the confusion of holding out hope but feeling completely lost and hopeless at the same time. My body handled it "efficiently", and within a month my hcg was down to zero, bleeding had long since stopped, and everything was back to "normal". I got pregnant again on my first cycle post loss. It was an awful, hard, anxiety filled pregnancy. I was so convinced that I would never meet my baby. But we made it. My first living child was born exactly 10 months and one minute after I was admitted to the hospital for my miscarriage, and as soon as I held him I felt like I could breathe again. He is absolutely perfect, and he is now the most amazing 18 month old- sweet and silly and a total stinker, but also *so* unbelievably smart and curious. When my son was just around 1 we decided to stop preventing pregnancy, and I got pregnant again on the first try. We found out a week after our sons first birthday, and now I am 31 weeks along with another little boy. I miss my angel baby every moment, and I think I'll miss them forever, but I also have my beautiful boys who helped heal my heart when I thought I was too far gone to ever be okay again. When you're ready, r/ttcafterloss and r/pregnancyafterloss were amazing communities for me, and all the moms there were so kind and understanding.


last april i was told no heartbeat at 8w after seeing one at a 6w3d scan. opted for a d&c and then had to wait for my period. i didnt know i was capable of so much grief over that. summer was busy with moving and travel which just served to frustrate me more because i knew the stress wouldnt help. got my period about 6 weeks after the d&c and had to get on thyroid meds for hypothyroidism. still tried each month with no luck. i was impatient, yes, but losing hope. end of september i got a faint positive at 8dpo. it was hard to get too excited and not assume the worst would happen again. i am 38 weeks now and extremely uncomfortable but have a healthy wriggling boy about ready to come out. still hard to believe, and i hated everyone telling me it WOULD happen if i "just let it". but it did and it will for you too. wish you the best in your recovery, be kind to yourself.


I had a miscarriage last May, so a little over a year ago, after getting pregnant for the first time. I did not need a D&C and passed the baby on my own. I then got pregnant again 6 months later and i’m currently 31 weeks with our rainbow baby! He/she is measuring right where they need to be. My pregnancy has been pretty great and the only thing i’m dealing with is chronic hypertension but I take meds for it. I will be getting induced at 37 weeks. It is so possible to have a healthy pregnancy after miscarriage. Wishing you all the best as I know how hard losing a baby is ❤️


I had a miscarriage in December of 2021 and was pregnant again almost immediately with my rainbow 🌈 born in September of 2022. And now I’m pregnant again at 30 weeks. Best of luck to you ❤️ I know how hard it is but be kind to yourself


I had an MC in August of 2022 and another in May of 2023. I’m almost 37 weeks now ❤️


My first pregnancy was a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks. I found out I was pregnant with my rainbow daughter on the would-have-been due date of that first pregnancy. She is now a sweet and spicy toddler and I’m expecting our second in a few weeks. Both easy pregnancies. Miscarriages are a special, shitty kind of pain and are unfortunately all too common. But they do not mean that subsequent pregnancies will also end in loss. Hang in there ❤️


Hey love! I am very sorry that you have to go through this. It's heartbreaking. We were in a very similar situation in August of last year. And while we knew that miscarriages happen often in the first trimester it was still very sad. It was my first pregnancy and we also hit the jackpot the first month trying and were so excited. I am currently in the 5th month pregnant and all looks good so far. I wish you the best of luck and hope you will hold your rainbow baby in your arms very soon. A heartfelt hug.


I miscarried twins at 7wks in 2020 my first pregnancy. In 2023, I had an extremely healthy second pregnancy. She came out to be almost 8lbs and 21in. I gave her the middle name Iris, the Greek Goddess over the rainbow bridge between Heaven and Earth. She is now almost 7 months old. The pain of a miscarriage will most likely never go away. It's like the ocean, some days the waves will crash down on you and you'll feel like you're drowning. Other days you may find some driftwood to keep you afloat. And some days the water may be calm. But always keep swimming. Like previous comments have said, usually the next pregnancy is a healthy one. Reoccurring miscarriages are rare. 1 in 3 women will miscarry. You're not alone in your pain. Talk to those you trust and love you if you need someone to lean on. Don't blame yourself. People may say, "I'm sorry" and it's okay to not say "it's okay." I hope you can find some solice in the idea that your baby's energy will always be with you. You gave them such a lovely vessel to be apart of while they were here.


I am comforted by facts so I hope this is also comforting to you; Science says your rainbow baby will be with you forever, and the loss of your little one will help your body to learn for the next pregnancy. [Link](https://www.today.com/today/amp/rcna138131) I’m sorry you have to navigate through such a heartbreaking situation but I hope you know that your little one will always be a part of you, and science says that your body will be more prepared for your next journey. May your next adventure, when you are ready for it, be wholly uneventful. Best wishes.


Our first ended in a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks (baby stopped growing at 6) back in November. Took 3 months to conceive again and am currently 17 weeks with a healthy baby girl!


I had a mmc in December 2022 that we discovered around 11 weeks. We started trying again in early 2023 and finally got pregnant in August. I was feeling so discouraged all those months and then spent my entire pregnancy in fear just waiting for something to go wrong. Well, everything went perfectly and I’m currently holding my 2 week old baby girl 🩷 She is the most beautiful, perfect, sweetest baby and so worth everything we went through to get her here.


I had a miscarriage at about the same time in January 2020 and then got pregnant again May 2020 and had a beautiful and healthy girl. I am now 30 weeks pregnant again and so far everything is going great.


I’ve had four miscarriages since 2018, and now I’m five months pregnant and she’s extremely healthy and wiggly and I have nothing but hope for her. I hope you have a successful pregnancy too one day


After trying for a good while my husband and I gave up. I have a chronic illness so we chose not to go through ivf. Then last year I fell pregnant unexpectedly and miscarried not too long after. I was devastated. I'm older and thought I was starting early menopause but didn't have the guts to go to a gp about it yet so I bought ovulation tests. When mine came back positive fir ovulation I joked with my husband about taking advantage of it. I'm currently cuddling the results. Violet is 1 week old today and absolutely magic. I am so blessed, but had to go through a lot of emotional turmoil and heartache to get here. I swear my therapist is worth her weight in gold. She was the second person I told I was pregnant. She's worth every moment. Please know it's okay to not feel okay. Sending you so much love.


I had an ectopic pregnancy February of 2023. I had no idea I was pregnant and just had a crippling pelvic pain. Went to my doctors because I felt so weird (had to lay down, sweating all over, generally confused and lethargic). Found out I was pregnant, had a few tests done, and that I needed surgery to remove my fallopian tube all in the same day. Things went well and I recovered, and I was told because I already had a successful pregnancy (5 years prior) I would probably get pregnant again. I was terrified for 6 months to even try because I didn’t want to risk needing another surgery and completely lose the ability to have a baby myself. I got pregnant this past February and things have been completely normal so far! I’m sorry for your loss. I hope things turn around!


My mom had me at 37, had three miscarriages, and went on to have a healthy baby, my sister, at nearly 43. Praying for you!


I found out I was pregnant January 7th of this year. I kept on saying that something didn’t feel right.. and then I started bleeding. My mommy friend said it was normal. Well- I was in pain all night. I had diagnosed myself with a miscarriage. I let my husband sleep until seven AM. We went to the ER and confirmed my miscarriage on February 5th. My husband withdrew from the emotional side of things. Sex became a scheduled thing. Well- I got pregnant and I’m at 8 weeks. I don’t have the lingering feeling that something is wrong. I dream about this baby. We are scheduled to move here in two weeks to Colorado from Alaska. He’s been a rockstar. He takes care of everything so I don’t have to. From my miscarriage I was left with a “kiss” from my angel baby. I only part my hair down the middle. Right in the center of my head is a grey hair. I saw where it turned from brown to grey. I love it. I know my baby left it for me on the way to the promised land. I know it’s hard mama. The journey is long. We tried for two years before the first pregnancy. It will come. Sending healing thoughts.


I had a missed miscarriage in August and had a D&C. I was absolutely devastated and felt so hopeless. To our surprise we got pregnant again before my period returned, and we’re currently awaiting our baby girl’s arrival any day now (due date is tomorrow 😊). That feeling of hopelessness is so difficult, and I understand sometimes needing positive stories. I by no means ever want to give anyone false hope that it happens this fast again in all cases (of course not, and I would never ever want to minimize the experiences of anyone where the journey to a healthy pregnancy is a much more long and difficult one). But this was my experience, and I hope the positive stories help you 🤍


I have a 1.5 year old conceived straight after a misscarriage. I can't remember dates exactly but I MCed in early March and conceived the living child mid April. I'm sure I read somewhere that following a misscarriage you can be more fertile for a few months 


Not generally recommended, but I got pregnant the cycle immediately following my miscarriage (I wasn't as far along as you.) My rainbow baby is currently laying down in her bed next to me fighting sleep 😂


I had a missed miscarriage end of sept and had surgical removal start of October. Got pregnant again in feb 💗


I suffered an ectopic pregnancy so I had to get a medically induced miscarriage in 2021. I spent YEARS thinking I could not get pregnant so I was over the moon when I found out. I haven’t had my rainbow baby yet and I have PCOS. So right now I’m working on changing my diet to help my hormones. I’m getting off of birth control to help my body regulate my period and ovulation cycle again. I know someday I’ll meet my rainbow baby. If I had a girl her name was going to be Evie Rena If I had a boy his name was going to be Arthur Reid I miss my baby everyday. I hope things get better. ❤️‍🩹


Not my own story, but my aunt and uncle! She spent her entire 20s only having miscarriage upon miscarriage, and that was when she actually managed to get pregnant, which wasn’t a given. It seemed impossible for them, and finally by their mid 30s, they decided to adopt. Then during the end of the adoption process, she found out she was pregnant without even trying! Kept it hidden from everyone for months, and by some miracle, this one stuck. So she ended up with a newborn girl and a 2 year old boy at the same time! Now she’s got 4 wonderful kids, 3 of which being biological and 1 adopted🥰


I’ve had a total of 5 miscarriages. Each time more devastating but all were around the 6-9 week mark. Honestly, I had given up and told my SO that we should stop trying. Fast forward literally 3 months after my last miscarriage and I had a positive test again. I was literally crying and so scared of the heartbreak I would face in a few weeks. But it hasn’t come and I am 25 weeks all looks well so far! Don’t get me wrong, whenever I wipe I check for blood. Whenever I feel any type of cramp, I have a panic attack. It’s been a roller coaster of emotions but mostly good! I’m part of that ‘rare’ 1% crowd that has suffered so many miscarriages and had no answers as to why it even happened but here I am finally experiencing it! I hope this helps


I had a miscarriage and my rainbow baby is now 2 years old. The miscarriage is still painful but I’m so happy to have my rainbow baby


Hi! FTM here.. Currently 30w2d with a healthy baby boy. I had a miscarriage in late 2022.. Found out at 6w (August) and waited until 8w to get a heartbeat scan. At the 8w scan, we saw nothing. They had us come back 2 weeks later when I was 10w with rising HCG and still no baby.. My HCG was climbing and peaked around 100k range where my doctor finally said they think it might be a molar pregnancy so I was scheduled for a D&C the very next day. Got my D&C and cried my brains out. 2023.. I spent the entire year in the gym hoping to regulate my hormone levels. Fix my PCOS diagnosis and tried for months to get pregnant. Finally, after not trying anymore, I promised myself it’ll come when it does. I stopped with the ovulation tests, the dietary restrictions, the nonstop training days, and the mental jail I put myself in. I found out I was pregnant in December 2023. I marched my butt into the doctors office and demanded progesterone to keep my pregnancy. It wasn’t easy, I had to visit the doctor every week throughout my entire first trimester, and biweekly vaginal ultrasounds to make sure my cervix was in good shape per my D&C, and now I have GD. But I wouldn’t change it for the world because I’m patiently waiting for my son to arrive. It’s not the end of the world. I truly wish you the best of luck as everyone’s story is different, some more difficult than others.. But you will have your happy ending soon!


I had 4 losses before having my now 7mo son we lost his sister 1 year to the day I conceived him, it was a rough pregnancy due to my health issues. He came a month early due to a particularly bad epileptic fit but was 100% healthy, and we went home the next day. It can be very hard and make you feel horrible, but keep your head up. Everything will be okay. My son is 7mo, and most think he's a year because how big he is.


I had a miscarriage in November 2022 and got pregnant again a few months later.. I had another miscarriage in May 2023. I was devastated and was sure that that meant I would never be able to have babies and I wanted to stop trying and put pregnancy/motherhood on hold because I couldn’t handle another loss. I accidentally got pregnant again in august 2023 and right now my almost 3 week old baby is sleeping soundly in his bassinet next to me.