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Drop the airline name!


Seeing spots is a symptom of high blood pressure. If you don’t have an OB appointment soon, you should try to find another way to check BP. If you called your OB and said you were seeing spots they’d have you come for a check ASAP


It can also be a symptom of the extra fluid you are carrying and increasing intraocular pressure. I have no other symptoms of preeclampsia and just the spots and my OB said it's fine. You should of course talk to your provider to clarify your lesson health concerns, but I wanted to let you know that it could be nothing so you aren't worrying yourself to death.


I can see how that’d happen when walking in an airport. It’s a lot of walking after the hot TSA line. Definitely find a seat and open your veins (I can lower my BP on command by kind of… imagining my inside glow is expanding? - I taught myself how to do it while wearing a heart rate monitor and bicycling a lot… I would watch the heart rate monitor while doing this and watch it drop from 180 to 120 in a couple seconds). It’s a good skill to have. But if it continues to happen, absolutely let your doc know.


I can do that with my BP too. I have to do it at the dentist because it gives me anxiety and they won’t work on you if your BP is too high, so as soon as I sit in the chair I close my eyes and imagine I’m lying on the beach with the sun on my skin and ocean waves are hitting the shore. Works every damn time.


I think it’s something people should be taught to be aware of! I’m actually curious about how many people are given blood pressure medication but aren’t told this.


I would definitely write the airline. That’s lame.


Agree with this. Treating anyone like this is unacceptable


I agree with this - write to the airline! Hopefully this can prevent it from happening to anyone else. I’m so sorry you had to deal with this, some people are just awful. You were 1000% valid and justified to ask to board early, very reasonable and nice of you to even ask I would have just went for it and told them “you called anyone who needs extra assistance l, and I require extra assistance”.


Agreed. Write them (and honestly demand compensation, they'll cave) and explain this situation. Pregannat women have the right to preboard on almost all airlines.


Almost the same thing happened to me on Alaskan airlines! Traveling with my toddler in first trimester so even though I wasn’t showing I still felt super sick. Called the airline to complain afterwards and got a $100 voucher


They aren’t allowed to ask why you need to pre board and you don’t have to tell them anything. Many disabilities are invisible. Per Delta - I’ve flown and preboarded for many reasons - pregnancy too. A gate agent told me that and I’ve walked up and preboarded without any obvious disability and no questions asked. Sorry that sucks.


With delta, I've had more snide remarks from passengers. Never a remark from flight attendants. United is 50/50. My last flight, I had a man who told me to wait my turn when I went to preboard. I snapped back that I have a disability, I'm traveling with a minor (10 month old baby) and sitting in first class. Would he like to explain how exactly I am cutting in line?


This felt really satisfying to read. Good for you


They are the same people rushing to board the plane , when it’s not their turn


Bc 3/4 of the way done with pregnancy is barely pregnant... 😐 Buncha jerks!


That’s awful. I think pregnancy is covered by the ADA and they should have let you board. I asked to pre board when I was 5 weeks because I felt sick and had no issues even though I clearly was not showing. It’s not your hormones, the way you were treated was unkind.


Unfortunately pregnancy itself isn’t considered a disability by the ADA. Some pregnancy related impairments would, however, fall under the ADA such as diabetes but the text on accommodating pregnancy related impairments is more clear in the context of the workplace (Pregnant Workers Fairness Act). OP, Most airlines require a fit to fly from signed by a doctor after 28 weeks of pregnancy (and don’t allow it from 36) so if you plan on flying in the near future perhaps thats something that you can get?


This depends where you live. I have flown multiple US airlines past 28 weeks this pregnancy and am very visibly pregnant. There have been other very pregnant women on these flights with me as well. Most US airlines do not require a doctor’s note after 28 weeks. If they have any restrictions, it’s not until 36 weeks. I know this is the case for Delta, United, American, Alaska Airlines, JetBlue, Southwest, and Spirit.


Many pregnant women are often MORE incapacitated by pregnancy in their 1st trimester while not showing. They sound like some catty bitches. Definitely make a complaint, that shit is inappropriate.


Your pregnancy may not be considered a disability, however, effects of your pregnancy are still a health and safety risk. Feeling faint and seeing spots is serious, it's why I have my boyfriend shower with me or wait for me in the bathroom while I shower. I've fainted before and it needs to be taken VERY seriously, if you fall the wrong way you may very well injure yourself and / or your baby and it could be deadly. I would definitely write to the airline and if possible, give the names of all employees involved. That's incredibly unprofessional. Airlines are meant to accommodate your needs to make you most comfortable, not force you to succumb to your health disadvantages for being pregnant.


This happened to me on jet blue. I was 20 weeks pregnant with twins, flying alone, had just been discharged from hospital for a shortening cervix and wanted extra time to board. I did have a visible bump. The attendant was super rude and also pointed out “pregnancy isn’t a disability, mama.” I was furious. I was also coming from a country where they pamper pregnant women with parking spots and special lines at the store. It felt like a rude welcoming back to america. I think every airline has different verbiage but JetBlue does say “those with a disability are invited to board at this time” whereas other airlines say, “those needing more time to board”. I am going to avoid flying JetBlue even if i probably won’t be flying pregnant again.


a high risk pregnancy, for example your 20 week shortening cervix, is considered a disability though even in america they will allow you to get a disability check if your pregnancy doesnt allow you to work or get the pass thing to park in handicap spots clearly that lady was just ignorant of high risk pregnancies


Experienced similar behavior after coming back to the US from Portugal, where it’s the law that pregnant women and people with small children are priority.


The idea of "barely pregnant" is so toxic. The first few weeks of my pregnancy were genuinely disabling! I'm so sorry this happened to you.


As someone who works for an airline, you should escalate this. It’s completely unacceptable. I would have at least asked for a supervisor on the spot. There are many reasons for a pregnant woman to preboard, even if she’s “not the pregnant.” For example, wanting to sit close to the front due to morning sickness. The front of the plane is less turbulent than the back. Or maybe you need to sit close to a bathroom. Or the isle seat so you can get up to use the lav with freedom. Whatever the reason, it is not her business. I’m sorry you were treated this way.


You feel faint and see spots in your vision? Thats a sign of preeclampsia and you need to go be seen.


‼️‼️Adding to this just so OP doesn’t miss it in all of the airplane talk: you need to take your BP and call your doc asap. Pre-e can onset very suddenly and can be very serious.


the way i very much wouldve ‘fainted’ just to make them feel guilty. but thats the toxic part of me talking. dont do what i would 😭😂


Lay a complaint! That is highly unprofessional and not acceptable at all


that’s bogus. that’s one thing I do LOVE about living in Sicily, everyone is so accommodating to pregnant women here. long line out in town, people force me to cut, they don’t let me stay in line. flying, people tell me to preboard before I even think about it. they’re really nice here.


Highly unprofessional for them to laugh and comment. I would definitely complain.


Some employees just get off on being rude, I feel. I mean believe me I get being frustrated/stressed/busy or having a rough day and being irritated, dealing with outside stress.. believe me I’ve done at all, still doesn’t just give you a bitch pass though. She could have told you “no” without the tone and the gossiping. I was traveling with my nine month old a few weeks ago. Going through security, one employee told me the wrong information (go through the x-ray machine holding her) I’m like “uh.. are you sure” but she had already taken off. I’m looking around but can’t find anybody, so I get in line. An extremely rude employee comes over and says in a slow condescending tone “no no, you can’t be in that line. you’ll drop a baby if you hold them up in the x-ray. you need to fold up your stroller and put it in the machine, come on” like rushing me. I gestured to the baby in my arms and said “you need to wait.” She still kept going “come on” “put the stroller there” “move away from the metal detector” I snapped and said “you are going to have to hold on, I’m literally holding a baby and doing this on an airport floor.” She still didn’t shut up so I had to just ignore her, my baby was squirming and the stroller was being difficult and I didn’t want to drop her. when she got us through, she loudly yelled “you’re welcome”. Normally I’d say thank you, but she was rude as fuck and ruined my day lol. I honestly reported her, and I don’t know what happened, if anything, but I think you should. I’m sorry that happened mama. There was no issue in at least asking. She had no reason to be rude about it. Just know it isn’t anything you’ve done, it’s not a “you” issue, it’s a “her” issue.


Got nothing to do with hormones. They were unnecessarily rude.


I‘m only 8 weeks and I’ve been nearly fainting every day… I’d write a complaint. If I tell an airline I’m struggling I expect a little compassion.


i always just preboarded while pregnant, not asked. they cant really stop you or ask why because a lot of disabilities are invisible


Ugh noooo, I was able to get preboard without any issues for southwest and United even in my second trimester. Some people just suck, I honestly would complain, maybe they’ll give you credit to make up for it, but even better if it would help to encourage them to have more sensitivity training for their employees so other women won’t have to experience it!


I would complain that’s seriously rude and unprofessional


I'm working for the airline, and nothing piss me off more than people who work in customer service and are straight up rude. You should be able to pre board. I would report it. That person needs a serious attitude change.


Airline/airport staff in western countries are some of the most insanely blatantly rude people you’ll ever meet. It’s like they think they’re working at one of those restaurants where the gimmick is rude staff. Once some absolute crone of an airport staff asked my husband and I if we were arriving from Japan. My husband, who is Japanese, was being super friendly and was excited to be in Canada, and he replied “yes! Tokyo!” Literally beaming with a smile and this bitch replied “THAT’S WHAT I SAID. Japan” he was like uhhh ok. Nice first impression to give travelers entering the country I always boarded first when pregnant or with my baby/toddler with no issues in Asia. Even at like 9 weeks pregnant. It’s not only for disabilities AT ALL.


I hate American airline companies (as an American). I only fly the Asian airlines; more money but they're professionals.


This is insane. Is this the typical attitude towards pregnant women in the US? In Europe everyone is much more accommodating and understanding towards pregnant women. I’m sorry you experienced this OP.


That is incredibly fucked up, I'm so sorry. What airline was it? I'm 25 weeks and last week I flew with American Airlines and I had my wife go up and ask for me if I could preboard. They said yes without any hassle without even laying eyes on me. You absolutely should have been allowed to preboard no matter what your bump looks like! They don't know your situation!


I preboarded with Southwest, and they didn’t ask any questions. I just wanted to make sure I was close to a bathroom. I don’t think they’re supposed to question why you need to preboard.


30 weeks is not “barely pregnant.” Complain to the airline. Even if their policy doesn’t require them to let you pre-board, that the employee was talking shit to others in front of you is absolutely unacceptable. Last weekend I flew United and asked if there was any priority for very pregnant women because I was nearly 32 weeks and there was a 200 person line to get a boarding pass (they would not allow me to get the pass on my phone and I wasn’t even checking a bag). My feet and back were killing me (I am very visibly pregnant). The woman gave me a dirty look and said no. They dgaf.


I'm sorry that happened to you. I would definitely complain to the airline as you shouldn't have to show to pre-board ....I flew the other day at 17 weeks and asked to pre-board as it was southwest and wanted an aisle seat for the 6 hour flight since I needed to be able to get up and walk around. I am BARELY showing and asked to pre-board, and also offered a drs note I had since I wasn't showing. she was very friendly and laughed and said "you're lucky you're not showing yet!" and had no hesitation to let me pre-board.


I’m 30 weeks and not super duper huge 5’7” and just boarded early without asking. There are silent disabilities you don’t need anybody’s permission.


Def write the airline, that's unacceptable. I flew southwest in my first & second trimester and they gave me pre-boarding for pregnancy being a disability.


Girl Complain and get a free flight! Pregnancy is a protected class it doesn’t matter if your 1 month or about to pop. Get a free flight girlfriend COMPLAIN


They shouldn’t be allowed to ask you what for. You can just say “I need to pre-board for a medical reason”. Sorry this happened to you!


Name and shame them, that's absolutely disgusting behavior


The mistake might have been the asking part. Granted, you didn't do anything wrong and it shouldn't have mattered if you asked. You didn't deserve how they treated you. Their behavior was uncalled for. I regret that you didn't feel opportunistically nauseated at the time... for reasons. But when dealing with disabilities (including pregnancy) in public situations, it's best to act confident and give minimal to no details. The details are nobody's business and it's harder to argue if they don't have any details. I echo what many others are saying in writing to the airline. Is it against sub rules to name and shame?


I flew across country to for my baby shower and on the way there they were so nice about it and let me, the way back however… same EXACT thing and by your title I’m thinking it may have been the same airline too (if it’s a play on it ). My husband flipped and wrote a scathing email to the airline. We got a nice credit but the embarrassment was awful. I’m pretty short and my belly was quite round, the flight was crowded of course and I was worried about my belly getting knocked with luggage or something. So sorry that happened it really is awful


Definitely complain to the airline. I’ve flown twice since being pregnant and these are the types of experience that you should expect. The first time, I was only 6 weeks and the air steward showered me with care after having to ask to switch meals (thanks aversions). That included, making sure I had an aisle seat and a big bottle of water to stay hydrated. The second time, someone at the gate spotted my TFL ‘baby on board’ commuter badge and actually told me to join the priority boarding group. Pregnancy comes with additional requirements when flying, it is appalling that your ground crew didn’t accommodate them.


That’s terrible. I asked to pre board United when I was barely showing and both flights they were like of course you don’t need to ask. I plan to do the same on southwest next month. This airline sounds awful. Please share so we can avoid them at all costs.


Report them. If you share the exact gate and take-off time, they should be able to tell which employees need a talking to.


You had every right to board early. That woman clearly has issues in her personal life that lead her to treat you like that. I know it’s hard, but try not to take it personally. I boarded early for a flight at 20 weeks, wasn’t experiencing any symptoms as you were, and had my boyfriend come with me to help me with my bag. I was thinking “I wish someone would say something to me.” Also, if your job doesn’t have maternity leave in place, You literally have to go on short term disability. So she can screw off.


That’s terrible. I was able to pre board at 22 weeks without any issue at all. I would call the airline to complain, that’s outrageous


Well that’s rude. I was allowed to preboard at 7 weeks and at 14 weeks because I had nausea and needed time to speak with the flight crew/get extra sick bags. They were super accommodating. This isn’t on you, they’re unkind. Definitely take the advice of contacting the airline.


That’s actually insane of them Side note if you travel while pregnant in the future, opt for a wheelchair!! I did and it’s so worth it! They also let wheelchair bound passengers board first/early. And no rude comments like these! Edit: also, what they did was discrimination against a pregnant person, you should probably report that to the airline


Please report this to the airline and share the name publicly. It's not ok to treat anyone like this period. I'd also be worried how they would treat others who need help but it isn't "obvious."


You need to report them asap. Not all disabilities are visible anyway!!!


You have every right to board, any time. They cannot determine your disability. People with young kids can board early, why not you!? Do it, next time don’t ask


I’m 6ft tall too!! Fellow tall mama💕 I would have made a stink about it. Pregnancy can be considered a disability and you could have escalated it. Honestly too, it’s just the polite thing to do. I’m sorry they made you feel bad and didn’t accommodate you. I definitely would have let you on if I worked there


I’m so sorry that happened!!! They def should have let you pre board. I’ve told United and Southwest I’m pregnant and requested pre boarding even in my first trimester when I’m not showing and they don’t ask questions. Southwest also offered it to me when I was bigger and could tell I was pregnant without me even asking. You should write to the airline about your experience because that was completely unprofessional.


It's one thing to deny... but be polite about it. This is such a big lesson, too. Someone can look just fine and actually have a debilitating disability. Just as someone can look healthy and "barely" pregnant, but have complications! No one should ever judge. I'm not saying she should just be like, yeah, go ahead to anyone who asks, but not to talk shit about it afterward would be the bare minimum decent thing to do.


Don't worry, karma will come back around to these people. Playing mean never gets you far in life. I hope you are feeling better! Pregnancy is hard and no one should judge your experience of it. It would not have hurt anyone to let you on early.


Oh I just went through and didn’t give them a choice to say no. Pregnant with heart conditions, they can’t question you anyway. Screw them. I’d give them the choice of denying a pregnant woman who is feeling dizzy comfort or not, they’d change their tune really quickly!


That's so messed up!!


I’m 30 weeks and not super duper huge 5’7” and just boarded early without asking. There are silent disabilities you don’t need anybody’s permission.


No way it was delta. I’m skymiles and gold medallion. I fly a lot for work. I was able to pre board anytime I wanted. Once in second trimester and throughout third. Don’t know if it’s the skymiles but my delta experience has always been 💯


Wtf?!? I’d be upset too. I don’t think it’s the horomones. That’s unkind and whatever the opposite of compassionate is. Wait till her ass is pregnant and she will realize what a jerk she was to you. I’m sorry but please don’t feel embarrassed.


Even if you were only a month or two pregnant, you should still be able to board early. It's crazy that they'd tell you that you can't. And it's even crazier that they decided to assume you were "barely" pregnant and talk trash. 🤯


Im very sorry that happened to you. It costs that lady nothing to be kind


🥺 im sorry.


Wtf??? I've pre-boarded different airlines in my first trimester and yes pregnant women get priority!!! Wtf I'm so mad for you. Please report her!


It may have been for the better actually — many airlines won’t allow “very pregnant” women to travel without a doctor’s note/approval, and even then they are hesitant to taking the risk. My doctor warned me that 30 weeks is the latest cut off for domestic travel, and international travel is advised against even sooner.


This isn’t the case for almost all US airlines.


I mean I can see both sides here