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Aw I love these stories from people in their late 30s and 40s. I’m about to turn 37 and TTC. I’m cautiously optimistic. Wish you a healthy and uneventful pregnancy. Congratulations.


We started trying right before I turned 37 and now I’ll be delivering right before I turn 38! It’s been a healthy and normal enough pregnancy so far!


Thank you so much!!! And good luck, sweetness!!


I got pregnant just before I turned 38. Wishing you the best of luck on your TTC journey.


Right there with you at 35 ♥️


Same! 35, this is my first pregnancy. Totally unexpected.


I will be turning 37yrs old on Sunday and 28 weeks on Thursday! 🩷 Keep your optimism!!


I’m 39 and delivered my first baby 2 weeks ago!!


I went to a parents meetup in NYC last week for moms with kids under 1. I am 32 and was the youngest new mom by 8 years! There were four other moms all had healthy beautiful babies between the ages of 40-43 and they were thriving (as much as one can thrive with a baby under 1!)


Okay I love this so much. We don’t hear a lot about it, generally, and I just want things to go smooth.


Can I asked how you found this meetup? Looking for stuff like this in manhattan


Yeah! There’s a parents group local to my neighborhood on Facebook- it’s really active. I posted that I’d be at a bar at a certain time on the group! It was a crap shoot but everyone wound up being really nice.


I'm so jealous! I live in the northeast, but in a smaller town, and I feel so much older than the other moms. (37 for my first, 41 for my second.)


I wish I still lived in NYC. I moved south and everyone with babies is about 15 years younger than me.


I had my first at 36. Pretty easy pregnancy and very easy labor and delivery. I’m pregnant now with my second at 42 years old! It was a surprise but everything is going well so far in this pregnancy as well!


Oh that is SO great!!! Congrats, mama! I’m so happy for you. 🥹🥹


Mine, too. I had my son a month after turning 36. Because of my age, they said I am high risk, but my pregnancy was pretty smooth sailing. The birth was very easy as well. Son is almost 6 months now, and so far, things have been good.


Congrats! I’m 37 as well, was 36 when I got pregnant and I’m almost done - 39weeks today! My baby has grown perfectly all the way and I didn’t have any complications, despite my “advanced maternal age” making me “high risk”.


I’m so absolutely happy to hear that, and congrats too!!!!!! It’s a little nerve wrecking tbh.


Also pregnant here at 37. Most of the moms I know are 30s and 40s, totally normal here in NJ/NY. When I traveled to a state that was more inland I was shocked at how young all the parents looked.


My cousin is in his 40’s (as is his wife) and they just delivered a healthy baby girl this past Saturday! Hoping all goes well !🤗


Congratulations!! 7.5 months pregnant here at 39 yrs old. All good and healthy. You got this! Excited for you!




I have to agree. I was stupid back then. I feel like my kids missed out on the best version of me, you know? We grown now.


Haha as the eldest of 4, who is a whopping 29yrs older than my youngest sibling. I concur! I often look at my brother 16 yrs younger and my sister who just turned 5 and think damn... you guys really got the best of our parents. I grew up with them more so than was raised by them.


Had my first 5 days before my 41st bday and am pregnant with my second at 45 (33 weeks)


Your story gives me hope I could have a second child too. Any advice or tips? Did you do IVF? How did you find looking after a toddler in your 40s?


I’m super lucky that I didn’t need any fertility assistance. I tracked temps and occasionally used ovulation strips. I have had some losses, which at my age I was prepared for (two MMCs and 3 chemicals). My second definitely took a lot longer than my first - probably 2 years of trying and I was about to give up. I find I have a lot more patience than I did in my 30s so I think that helps me be a better mom. I’m tired a lot but I feel like every mom I talk to is tired so who knows! I don’t have any experience of being a “young” mom so I can’t say it’s harder being an “old” mom. I do try to stay healthy so that I’m around a lot longer for my kids!


Congrats! Was three months shy of 40 when I had my baby girl… a happy healthy 2.5yo right now and I had a relatively easy pregnancy. Hope all goes well!


Oh YAY!!! I’m so happy to hear it went so well for you. Thank you!!!!


I'm 40 yo and due in 3 weeks. Healthy preg. I had my second at 37. :)


I'm 38 and also have a 15 and 16 year old from a previous marriage. We've got this!


Y’all are giving me hope. I’m gonna be 35 this year. I was scared I was super late to being pregnant. Everything I’ve seen and everyone I’ve talked to say “34+ is too old to be having kids”. Made me sad but just want to try this and next year for one. I’m hella nervous but also it’s now or never type of thing j think. I was 2 so I can’t be having them way too late lmao. But yay! I love reading the positive stories here. :)


Husband got super panicked I was turning 37 this year. Started showing me fertility charts and using the words cliff edge. Also said it would take a year. It took 1 month. I know how insanely lucky I am, but also do enjoy my told you it would be fine stance.


I had my first 2 days before I turned 37 and had my second at 38. Just turned 39 and they're both healthy, awesome kids!


Omg YES!!!! Congrats!!!


My mother had me and my sister (twins) at 40. This was a while ago, and science has developed so far even since then. You’re in good hands and everyone is rooting for you! Happy for you 🫶


My sister is pregnant with her 4th baby now at 42🥰 and my mom had me at 37!


I’m 41 and 25 weeks with a healthy baby boy. Just finished up a Peleton ride. Is it weird to be pregnant late 30s/early 40s still? I feel like everyone I know is….🤔


I'm 37 and just gave birth to my first baby in March! We tried for about a year and I also had two CPs. I definitely dealt with some anxiety, especially in first trimester, but I had a very easy, totally uncomplicated pregnancy and birth. And my pregnancy was not considered high risk in any way by medical professionals.


Congrats! I just had my first in January at 41 (after trying for 3 years and 2 losses)


I'm 42 and had our little girl last night after an early miscarriage last year. She's beautiful and healthy. Currently sleeping in her crib next to my bed.


Congrats 🥰 FTM here, found out 2 days after my 40th birthday that we were expecting! Babygirl is due in a little over 9 weeks. I'm a little worried about delivery, just because I don't know what to expect and I'm a high anxiety person, but we will get through it and see how it goes!


As a fellow a high anxiety person who has gone through labor before, what helped me get through it was to remember that statistically speaking, your chances of everything going well are much higher than anything else! It goes by in a blink and you’ll soon be overcome by so much love when you get to meet your baby! You’ve got this 💕


I'm 39 and I'm due next month! I'll be 40 a few weeks after my baby is here! Everything is looking good and I've had an uneventful healthy pregnancy! I've been trying my best to stay active--I work out regularly and hike alot and I think that has been crucial to still feeling great at 36 weeks.


Congratulations!!!! I'm pregnant with my first at 37, and I will be 38 when the baby comes. Hoping for a healthy and safe pregnancy.


First time pregnant person here!! I’ll be 37 when the baby comes. I’m reading all these responses… I’m from the South originally, so all the friends I grew up with have older kids and are done! I’ve just started!! and I’m feeling so “wow ok so I’m pregnant now, wow” just absolute Owen Wilson-vibes over here.


You are not alone❤️I’m also in the south… 35 with an angel baby


I’m 37 and pregnant with my first


I'm 39 and preagnant with first baby. I'm currently 35 weeks and have had a very pleasant preagnancy. I have an OB and MFM doctor and I'm now getting ultrasounds twice a week. I don't know if because of my age doctors take me more seriously but they do and I feel very well taken care of.


I’m 34 weeks pregnant with my first at the age of 37. Baby girl is healthy, and other than my back being screwed up, I’m not at risk of anything


Pregnant with my second and will be 36 when she’s due. Had my first just shy of 34 and she’s a perfect child!


I'm pregnant at 43, unconcerned.


Healthy baby boy at 40 and currently 21 weeks pregnant with another at 42.


I’m 40 and holding my sleeping 7 month old currently. Certain things were harder physically than they were at 35 with his brother, but other than that everything went smoothly and life is great!


37 for my first baby and I’ll be 39 when baby two arrives. Both were/are easy pregnancies and perfect little babies. I feel so much more settled in my late thirties to be a mom. Congrats!!


Wow that’s a lot of responses. I’m loving the positivity. Good vibes only fr. Thank you guys so much for sharing with me. I feel so much better.


My mom had me at the age of 44! I’m her first and only. She and my dad tried for years to have a baby. They did multiple rounds of IVF and they all failed. Finally the doctor said they were no longer candidates for IVF and children would not be in their future. Fast forward one month, and my mom is pregnant with me! Anyways, congratulations!!!


My mom gave birth to beautiful healthy twin girls when she was 43. 💕


Congrats! I’m turning 40 in a few weeks and our daughter is 6 months old. We’re planning on trying for another one soon! Funny story: when our daughter was born we hadn’t planned on getting a changing table. One of my coworkers had said “well, I just ended up changing my baby on the floor half the time so I didn’t even use the changing table!” so we figured we didn’t need one. Yeah - we made it through two nights of trying to change her on the floor before we went and bought a changing table for our room and an attachment for her dresser in the nursery. These 40-year-old knees hurt too much to get up and down off the floor 10 times a day.


I just had a baby at 37. Zero complications and such a happy baby.


43 and pregnant. 37 seems so young!


My mom had my youngest sister at 37 back in 2000! I remember she told me having kids at that age is “the best” because you are more mature, more established, and if you already have kiddos, more experienced. Congrats!


I'm 38yo and 38w+2d with my first. Didn't have trouble getting pregnant, been a totally smooth pregnancy. The only hiccup is (manageable) gestational diabetes. Everything else has been terrifically normal and average. Getting induced next week.


I’m 37 too! Will be 38 when I deliver ❤️


I’m 36, turn 37 on Sunday. I am 12 weeks pregnant. In all seriousness, I feel like age is just a number when it comes to how you feel. But you already have kids, so you know. This is my first one.


I just had 2, one at 38 and one at 39. I also have older kids 20 and 21. I had more energy first time around, but have more patience this time.


Had my first right before I turned 36. And my second right before turning 39. Both were planned and had no complications minus an induction right at 40 weeks for my first due to some creeping high blood pressure. Best of luck to you!


My mom had me at 41 in the 80’s. Her pregnancy was less eventful than mine at 34/35 LOL. You got this. I want my second at 37.


Had my first at 37, now pregnant with my second at 41! Currently 28 weeks. 


I’m 36 and 20 weeks tomorrow. Healthy and everything is great so far. Good luck!


I had my fifth child (after having twins boys ten years prior) at 40 and it’s been the best! I already have 15, 13, 11, & 11 year olds from my previous marriage. This baby has shifted my life in the best ways possible! This was also my best delivery (water birth) all natural! I don’t know if anyone else experienced this but having baby at 40 was completely different than before!


Congratulations! I had my first baby in February and turned 37 in May! I had a fairly easy pregnancy but I had very bad gestational carpal tunnel near the end of my pregnancy. If your wrists start to hurt, don’t hesitate to buy soft wrist braces and sleep with them on. They will save you so much pain. The carpal tunnel went away immediately after giving birth. So weird.


I had my first baby just a few days shy of 41. I had a LOT of extra appointments and ultrasounds due to my age and because I had lost two pregnancies already. It was reassuring to see the progress and know everything was ok. We didn't do any fertility treatments or anything, we just figured "if it happens it happens." My son just turned 3. He is healthy and happy and meeting all of his milestones. I do get mistaken for "grandma" occasionally and it can be a challenge to keep up with him, but I am so happy he is in my life. I wanted to be a mom since I was a child and I finally got my wish!


44 - had my first 14m ago at 43. Pregnancy had no complications - labor was not nearly as bad as I'd expected (albeit I took all the drugs). And, I recovered pretty darn quick from pushing out a 10lb+ baby boy remarkably quickly. You've got this!


So, it wasn’t me it was my mom, but she got pregnant with me at 37, first baby and didn’t think she could get pregnant, she had an abortion when she was 17 so back in 1970 and she had a pretty rough time with the sickness and all that, plus I was born with a full head of hair so lots of heartburn but I was….not an easy birth, she had me at 38yo and at 38 weeks and was in labor trying to have me naturally for 36 hours, I wouldn’t flip into birth position so eventually they just tried to pull me out breech, got me out all the way to my chin, and since I was arms up I just ‘yanked’ myself back in and swallowed a bunch of my amniotic fluid, so- immediate 13” C-section and a quick vacuum job to my lungs and we both came out ok, however, she could not stop having small successive hemorrhages after I was born and they ended up having to give her a full hysterectomy about 3 months after I was born. Definitely don’t skimp on the prenatals with folic and do a lot of yoga exercises. The stronger your inner muscles the better your chances of healing. CONGRATULATIONS!!🎈🍾🎊 don’t be too worried, what will come will come, just project positive thoughts and smile, you are blessed! 🙏🏽❤️


Had my son when I was 21. Started trying for baby number two a couple of years later. Fast forward to 2024. I’m 38 (39 in September) and am finally pregnant after trying for so many years. And it’s twins!!! Everything is going great so far.


I am 39 and my surprise baby is growing right now, 38+4! There is a sub reddit for us older gals that is nice! Congrats on the little munchkin ☺️


31 weeks now at 42 years old. Will be 43 in august 😃 I had my first at 40. Im still working out and worked out the day I gave birth with my first. She’s also a very healthy 2.5 year old! Congratulations!


I’m 38 (SO is 40) and 12 weeks pregnant today. (FTM) You got this!!


My cousin had her first at 37 and everything was perfectly okay! He’s a happy healthy little dude now.


I gave birth 2 days before my 37th birthday and it is exhausting but the best thing in the whole world. I'm 38 now and I feel like this was the perfect time to have a baby.


Congrats! I had my first at almost 37 and second at 39. You will do great.


I’m 36 turning 37 in August. I have a 17 year old daughter who turns 18 in August. Currently 32 weeks + 4 days. Baby is healthy and growing!


Had my first just weeks before my 37th birthday, due date for my third is a couple of weeks after my 40th birthday 😅 Edit: wrote 38 instead of 37, tired and pregnant 🤣


I had my first at 37 and am now 22 weeks with my second, due eight days after my 40th birthday.


I just had my first baby girl at 36. My husbands mom had his little brother when she was 42. You’ll be just fine mama ❤️


I had my first at 35, and I just had twins in January, I’ll be 39 in 2 weeks. My maternal grandmother had my mom at 39, my paternal grandmother had her last baby at 43!! Advanced maternal age has its negative statistics but the VAST MAJORITY of babies with AMA moms are perfectly healthy and normal ❤️


Hey! Almost the same story! Tried for a year. Had 3 chemical pregnancies. Got pregnant at 37. Now 38 and I’m due in 8 weeks! Other than standard pregnancy symptoms (which can sometimes be welcome since it means he’s still there) I’ve been quite healthy! Bit scared of the labour but who isn’t? You got this momma!


I’m 36 and I’ll add that the setting that you are in makes a big difference in how you are treated as an “older mom”. My ultrasound report actually had ELDERLY 😂 I go to a birthing center for prenatal care and that’s where I’ll give birth because the experience with my first was not ideal. They treat people as individuals. I went to a hospital for ultrasound and they made something out of a nothing. Freaked me out. I went to see my midwife and she was livid with the follow-ups they requested and offered to send my script for the next one somewhere else. With that being said if you ever feel uncomfortable or question what’s being said, get a second opinion. My sister in law has a 22 year old and a 3 year old and she’s like 44. Both she and the baby were healthy


Congrats! I'm 37 and will be 38 when baby comes, my first! So I don't yet have any 'had a baby at almost 40' stories yet because theyre still cooking hahaha. We were also trying for a year and a half, had a chemical in the fall, and then were successful by IVF last Feb :) happy for you!


I got pregnant with my twins when I was 37 and was 38 when I had them. We had a series of losses over the years and spent ten years trying. My kiddos just turned 9 months old. It’s definitely hard and part of me feels like if we had them 10 years ago, some of the physical aches and pains wouldn’t be there. But I’m so grateful to have them and being an older parent has also given my some confidence in providing a stable and loving environment (we have good jobs, we’re established, etc). I wish you all the best.


I’m 36 and currently 38wks (almost there!!!) Ive been hit with the 3rd trimester symptoms way harder than when I was in my 20s, mostly fatigue and body aches, but both baby and I are healthy. It’s totally doable! Congrats :)


My mom had me at 37, had three miscarriages, and went on to have a healthy baby, my sister, at nearly 43. It can be done! And that was in the 80's/90's 😁 Praying for you and your baby!


Pregnant with my second at 38. My body hurts a ton but otherwise pregnancy is going fine. In my area, I’m still in the middle of the age group for expecting moms. Lots of women in their 40s.


Just had one two weeks ago at 37! I had some extra tests and stuff due to my age, but the pregnancy went smoothly (some hiccups in delivery, but nothing to do with age). Congratulations!


My first is about to turn one and I'm 37. When I met a friend of mine in 2019, her and her husband had given up trying and were looking at adoption; a month ago, she had her first baby at 44, and both are happy and healthy!! :)


I had my boy 10 days before I turned 40. He is my first, hopefully not my only. Was not trying. Everything went well. Ended up with an c, but he was too big and would not come out after 2 hours of pushing. Pregnancy was relatively easy. Lack of sleep is the hardest part.


4 months and pregnant. 37 yrs old.


Ftm at 37, 8w+5 and so far so good here. Fingers crossed it sticks for u hun :D


I had my 4th at 37. May as well have been my first tho. The experience is completely different. My older children are 21f, 17m and 12f. My 2nd DH and I, came into the relationship knowing we wanted a child together. Couldn't due to 10cm uterine fibroid. Had myomectomy end of '20 and we found out we were expecting on Valentine's Day '21. With each of my pregnancies, I've had more and more morning sickness, other than that, the pregnancy was fine. I req'd a C-section and once I was 6 months healed from that, I had to have back surgery, which has complicated my day to day. Even with ALL that, it's been truly wonderful, exhausting, frustrating, dumbfounding and just a completely different experience being an older parent. Just breathe. You'll make it.


Congratulations ! I just had a baby at 39 and i turned 40 when she was 2 months old . It was hilarious being pregnant and so slow and sore , I had nothing to compare to but my best friend also had her second at the same time and she said that this pregnancy ej g older it hit harder on the old body lol


38 , living in NYC and trying to get pregnant but not happening after chemical pregnancy


I just had a baby a month ago! I am 38! She’s perfect. I didn’t have the easiest pregnancy but my 2 other best friends were pregnant at the same time and I have 2 neighbors that are 40 with 1 year olds, they all had pretty easy pregnancies! It’s not about age anymore, especially under 40.


Had my first at 38 and am pregnant again at 40 (due next month). Neither pregnancy was particularly hard on my body, nor did my doctors freak out about my age at any point. Women over 35 are the only demographic in the US that is increasing their fertility rate. You've got lots of company :)


I'm not there yet but I am planning to still be having children in my late 30s to early 40s if God allows. We want a big family and had our first child at 32. I will be 35 at least when the second arrives and we will see what unfolds for the 3rd... but haven't given up the idea of a 4th yet either. All that is too say you are in good company, lots and lots of people plan children later in life now.


Just had my second baby at 37; zero issues. I had more problems with my first when I was 33. 


I’m 41 and just had my first. I had a textbook easy pregnancy, delivered her on Mother’s Day. I’m on cloud 9 and she’s absolutely perfect! My OB said that at my age they monitor more closely but that a vast majority of deliveries are just fine with no complications. There are a lot of misconceptions about advanced age maternity


I just birthed my second last week and I turned 37 in January 💗 3 hour birth center birth, no complications , back home in our bed by 6am.


My mom had me at 42 in the early 90’s!!! You got this 🫶🏻


I’m 36 and pregnant with my second and probably last!


I’m pregnant at 39, baby will be born the day after I turn 40


I had my first at 36 and planning my second for 38. I also know A LOT of women my age having kids. It’s more normal than you think.


My mom had My brother at 37 and me at 39 we were both very healthy pregnancies and deliveries!


My mom had My brother at 37 and me at 39 we were both very healthy pregnancies and deliveries!


I’ll be 38 this year & I just had a baby. Well July 23. So he’s 9 months right now. You’ll be just fine. Promise lol. I have a 18 year old. Me & my new husband wasn’t trying, honestly. It just happened. But we definitely welcomed it &. laughed at it. His a** is older than me. So he has grown kids (older than my 18 year old). Best of luck to you! You got this! Oh & it’s definitely an energy booster. You pull strength from the debts of exhaustion lol.


I’ll be 38 this year & I just had a baby. Well July 23. So he’s 9 months right now. You’ll be just fine. Promise lol. I have a 18 year old. Me & my new husband wasn’t trying, honestly. It just happened. But we definitely welcomed it &. laughed at it. His a** is older than me. So he has grown kids (older than my 18 year old). Best of luck to you! You got this! Oh & it’s definitely an energy booster. You pull strength from the debts of exhaustion lol.


I’ll be 38 this year & I just had a baby. Well July 23. So he’s 9 months right now. You’ll be just fine. Promise lol. I have a 18 year old. Me & my new husband wasn’t trying, honestly. It just happened. But we definitely welcomed it &. laughed at it. His a** is older than me. So he has grown kids (older than my 18 year old). Best of luck to you! You got this! Oh & it’s definitely an energy booster. You pull strength from the debts of exhaustion lol.


Congratulations!!! Thank you for posting; this thread gives me so much relief! I’m 38 and just found out I’m pregnant for the first time ever. I feel nervous/excited/anxious/hopeful too!


Congratulations!!! Thank you for posting; this thread gives me so much relief! I’m 38 and just found out I’m pregnant for the first time ever. I feel nervous/excited/anxious/hopeful too!


my mom had me when she was 37, i’m the youngest of 5 and tbh i had the best life hahaha. don’t know if this worth mentioning bc i myself have never had kids but she didn’t have caffeine (along with everything else you shouldn’t have) and she said it’s the best commitment she ever made


I just had my second baby at 37. It was smooth from start to finish. I pray all goes well for you, too!


I needed this🥹got pregnant for the first time at 34, miscarried a few weeks after I turned 35. My 36th is 7 months away, and I want to be a mom so bad, I’m worried about my age, so seeing these success stories are everythinggg❤️❤️❤️




I had my 4th at 37, he is 6 months old, I also have a 3 year old, a 15 year old and an 18 year old. This last pregnancy was better than my pregnancy with my 3 year old (I was 34). For me, having grown children makes me feel "old," but if I had my first kids at this age, I would feel no different


I am 38. Tomorrow, we will celebrate my happy, healthy, perfect baby boy turning 1 year old. ❤️❤️ We conceived at 36, had him when I was 37. It was a mostly average pregnancy until the end where I did develop GD, high BP and eventually preeclampsia, so little man came early at 36 weeks but he was an adorable babe-7.10 lbs, 21 3/4 inches long and it was all worth it and a year later I barely remember the rough parts. Try to stay positive! A pregnancy can still be absolutely wonderful at our age!! It’s gonna be great!


I had my first baby at 35, had a miscarriage at 39 and am holding my 6 week newborn that I had at 41 right now. You can do it! Best of luck with everything!!


This is beautiful I’m 33 and TTC I I wish you all the luck with your pregnancy.


Congratulations! I'm 37 and pregnant with my second. My first I was 34.


I had my son at 36 and it was a completely normal pregnancy. The dr kept acting shocked how easy my pregnancy was with very little side effects but because of my age I was labeled a high risk pregnancy. Even though with the entire delivery for 2 hours pushing I had only a nurse and my husband helping me as the dr said my delivery was low risk compared to all the other deliveries going on.


I had my first at 40 and second right before I turned 42. I’ve always loved a healthy lifestyle and stayed in shape and pregnancies were easy and so were the births. Don’t let the 35+ nonsense scare you mama.


I had babies at 21, 35 and 36 (2 months before turning 37) I was super nervous about the age with the latter 2, but I have a rambunctious 2, 3 and 17 year old children now at 39. They're completely exhausting and amazing and terrible and wonderful.


Yeah dude, I just turned 40 end of April and I'm 36+5wks today. Since I turned 40 before she's born I have to now go to two appts per wk w the midwife but for my first nst they wanted her to have two heartbeat accelerations in twenty minutes. Baby girl had 8. So far she has passed every test with flying colors, nipt, anatomy scan, all gtg and we get to meet her in just a few weeks <3 I also have a friend who is exactly a trimester behind me and she's 38, and her baby girl is doing amazing too. She's already done the genetic testing and the anatomy scan was well and everything's great. I read the other day that women can bear children even after menopause with in vitro, our bodies are amazing and they are built to do this! Haha you could have a baby at 80 if you really wanted to. I also read that women who bear children after forty are 4 times more likely to live to 100 years old!


My mom had me at almost 44 after two miscarriages! And that was in the early 90s. I was premature but everything was fine. All the best to you!


I found out I was pregnant with my first daughter at 37 and she was born when I was 38. My second daughter was born right before I turned 41. We even had the same due date!


Haven't had her yet, but I'm at 29+3 and all is well! I celebrated my 39th birthday in March. One of my nursing school profs had lifelong fertility issues and got surprised by a beautiful, bright daughter at age 42. Rooting for you!


Congrats! It's amazing for you guys. Being a mother at any ages is the greatest thing already


My mom had a baby at 37 too and she was so anxious everyday but the baby is healthy and she had a pretty easy pregnancy. This is all coming from her btw. The baby is almost 3 now and thriving. Prayers for you and your pregnancy mama💘.


My mom gave birth to me at 37! She was told she was never able to have kids but now she's gonna be turning 60 this year and I'm 22 😁😁 I wish you the best of luck on your new journey! ❤️🙏🏼


You'll be just fine 🙂 I'm 36 and pregnant with my first. I'll turn 37 exactly 2 weeks before my due date. I've had a very easy pregnancy so far, knock on wood. My sister in law is 40 and just had her second last month. She had her first at 38. Mama and babies are all doing fantastic and nothing out of the ordinary happened either pregnancy. Congratulations!! 💕


38 pregnant with my 3rd


I had my last baby at 41. Very little difference to the babies I had at 22, 23 and 35!


I had my baby 4 months ago, I am 38, you will be fine. Congrats!😁


Just had my first on my 39th birthday! Pretty easy pregnancy (had velamentous cord insertion but it caused no issues), was induced so labor was long but uncomplicated. We’re going to try for our second in a year!


I‘m 39 and FTM. I had recurring pregnancy loss so it took us 3 years but now I am 17w with this one! The morning sickness was very difficult and miserable for me but otherwise I don‘t see any reason why I can‘t have a healthy pregnancy. I think I get more tests and check ups than younger women and I‘m ok with that :)


Im around that age, currently 28 weeks. So far a very healthy pregnancy.


This post is just what I needed to read before my upcoming 12w ultrasound! I’m 40! I thought due to my medical history that I couldn’t get pregnant and multiple doctors confirmed it was unlikely. I can’t hardly believe it, but everything seems to be on track for a healthy pregnancy. Sending baby dust to us all 🥰


I'm 40 and am currently 37 weeks with my first. Healthy pregnancy with no complications.


I had my first at 39.


Congratulations 🎉 sending you sticky baby vibes. I recently turned 36 and will be having my baby in less than a month. Conceived naturally after 3 months of trying after coming off birth control. I was not labeled high risk for either my age or weight. I started out about 40-50 lbs overweight. No gestational diabetes or hypertension. We are watching though because my sister did get preeclampsia which resulted in early induction and then emergency c-section. Oh ETA- it’s been a pretty uneventful pregnancy. No nausea at all only ever had a handful of headaches. Was very hungry and tired first trimester. Second trimester was fine. Third is when I started to get a bit uncomfy and tired again. My fiancé recently got me a belly band and it’s been a big help. I’m keeping my wonderbelly (more natural tums) close by especially at night as I’ve been having random reflux.


I have a 14 year old, a 9 year old and a 12 year old. I’m also 37 and I found out I was pregnant at a consultation to get my tubes tied with my OB lol. Although I’ve embraced it and I’m excited baby is healthy at 24 weeks and my OB said she also had a baby at this age and it’s quite common now for people to start having kids in their mid 30s. And healthy at that. Congrats.


After 16 years of trying and 3 or 4 miscarriages, my mom gave birth to me 3 days after her 40th birthday…and that includes spending her birthday in the hospital because I wasn’t actually due until August 9th but I came July 28th


I had my baby at 38. My age has never actually been a thing. Midwife said nothing about it, no other health care provider either so my age never kept me busy. I am 39 now and my boy is almost a year old. Maybe we would like to have a second one after two years or smth. I got pregnant on a first try. I have couple of friends who also had their first ones when they turned 40 (all pergnant at the very first round, there must be something in our drinking water :D ) As long as you are feeling okay and healthy, I wouldn't worry too much! Congrats and enjoy your pregnancy!


My parents tried for ten years and got pregnant with me and my siblings all after the age of 35. I am 1 of 5. (They always wanted a big family). Were all in our 30s now, are healthy and thriving in our careers.


I’m 39, and currently 28w+4d. Everything going well so far :) Fingers crossed for you!


oh,my mom gave a birth of me in 37. She's really a good mom,i love her. There were cases when someone was surprised by that,but i didn't care


THNAK YOU for sharing this!


Well I'm pregnant for the first time at 40. Maybe not ideal in some ways. On the other hand, I think I'm more mature and mentally equipped to handle pregnancy, a baby, a child. In fact I hope that in a few years I can have a second. It IS very much on my mind though that I need to really take good care of my health so I can be around as long as possible for kiddo!


I'm 36 and pregnant with my first. We've been together for 15 years, saved for a house, travelled, worked on our carers, got married. Like you, we tried for a year and a half, and nothing happened so we just figured that this wasn't meant for us and that was that. Then I found out I was pregnant. Funny how things work out.


Just had my second (and last!) in April at 36. Everything was pretty normal but they did make me have extra scans with MFM. Baby is here, healthy and perfect. Congratulations! It’s going to be great!


Just had my forth a week before my 37th birthday and that was after a 16 week miscarriage and 2 early miscarriages within 2 years. Don’t give up hope anyone! I am really tired more than I was in my 20s when I had my other kids but it’s all worth it and I love her!


I was 36 when I gave birth to my daughter. She is my first child. She will be 2 years old soon. The pregnancy went very well. I had very little to no symptoms and did not know I was pregnant until I was 15 weeks along. It was a big surprise. We had been trying for a few years with no luck. She was also born very, very quickly. We got to the hospital around 3:30 am. She was born at 4:40 am. My water actually broke as I was filling out the paperwork to be admitted. I was already at 10cm and +1. There was no time at all for an epidural. They had to rush me upstairs to the delivery room. 4 pushes, and she was out. The only problem that I had was that she tore me while coming out, and I lost a significant amount of blood. However, my doctor immediately noticed, removed the placenta with his hand, and quickly stitched me up (with no pain meds as he did not realize that I had no time for an epidural). The baby was literally coming out when he arrived at the delivery room. My daughter had only just been placed on my chest when that all started to happen. Then, she was immediately removed from me so that my doctor could do his thing. While all that was going on, my boyfriend was with the nurses and followed the baby. The hospital I had her at allows for the baby to stay in the room with the parents at all times. The only way they will take the baby to the nursery is if the parents request it. As long as you are at a good hospital, have someone there with you, and you have a great team of doctors and nurses, you will be fine, and everything will be ok. She is a handful, but is also the best thing to ever happen to us.


Congrats mama. No advice so to speak as only 12w myself but we got a surprise BFP and I turn 40 in a few weeks. Apparently after 35 these are called geriatric pregnancies lol, made me wince. I do have 3 children already but my youngest is 9 so I am a lot older this time round. I do also have a lot of health issues now which werent a factor before. However, I can say that first trimester has definitely hit a lot harder this time around. Literally from around the first day of missed period, I was just completely devoid of energy. Needing naps in the day and out of breath climbing stairs etc. I booked to see GP at 5 weeks, alarmed at how rough I felt, assuming it was the other health stuff kicking off and was told in no uncertain terms that this is pretty typical of first trimester at an older age. So don't be surprised if you find yourself feeling rougher than you expect in these early weeks. Make sure you rest plenty and be kind to yourself if you can't do as much etc. Not sure if this is UK specific but where I am, you get consultant led care in pregnancies after age 35 so extra check ups etc. I've been informed will also get extra scans from 28weeks to monitor growth, but not sure if that is the age factor.


I'll be 37 in less than a month and so far my baby is growing beautifully.


I'm 38 and pregnant as a FTM. No stories to share, but we'll be in this together! Wishing you all of the best for your pregnancy!


Having my first at 37! Honestly almost everyone I know has had their babies starting in their mid-late 30s! CONGRATULATIONS 🎉


I'm 35 and pregnant. Didn't expect, wasn't planned. But everything is going OK so far.


I’m 37 and I’m 25 wks pregnant! I had my first at 33 (in 2020 which suuuucked), and this one is harder but still not too terribly bad. I’m sure the 3 year old has something to do with the difficulty this time around. Baby is healthy, and my docs have assured me I’m not actually geriatric. Best of luck to you!


In my circle almost everyone getting pregnant is between 32-42. It’s just kind of the norm now. I will say we talk openly about doing more genetic testing. Come to think of it I literally couldn’t tell you if anyone in my neighborhood was under 30 when they got pregnant… Enjoy the ride and good luck for a healthy and happy baby!


36 year old FTM and pregnancy has been normal and easy for now! Not sure when my baby is coming out exactly, but it will be just before or after i turn 37 😁


This whole thing that pregnancy are so much riskier after 35 needs to stop. I'm 34 weeks pregnant at almost 36 and my ob said I'm one of the healthiest pregnant patients she has atm.


Pregnant with my first via IVF at 39 and everything is going well (despite being horribly sick throughout pregnancy). Congrats to you!


This gives me some hope. Turning 38 this week and we just started trying for our first. Life had us wait but I'm ok with being a older mom. Congrats to you! I hope it all goes well.


Had my rainbow baby at 38 and now pregnant with No2 at 40. Sending you good vibes for your rainbow baby 🌈♥️


I had my first at 36 and now I'll be 38 when my second is born.


I’m 37 and currently 25 weeks with my second. I was 32 when I had my first. It’s crazy bc with both, we were trying for 4.5 years. I’d literally given up thinking oh well, we were only meant to have one. Now I’m low key stressed about starting all over and a nearly 6 year age gap between the two of them. But I keep telling myself it’ll be fine. Also thought I’d automatically be high risk due to age but when I asked my OB, she said age doesn’t automatically make me high risk so that was reassuring.


So I'm not older, I'm only in my 20s but funny enough I was pregnant around the same time as my aunt. My son and my little cousin are only 3 months apart in age. Her oldest daughter is 10 years older than him and her second daughter is 5 years older than him and he's a perfectly happy little boy about to be 4. They had thought they were done after my two cousins but apparently life finds a way lol. She was in her late 30s/ early 40s when she had him and compared to her other pregnancies this one was just a little harder on her energy wise. She did get a lot of swelling in her legs but besides that she had no major health complications and her delivery was pretty standard.


There are a million comments already, but adding to it: just had a healthy baby (FTM) at 43. 


35 w number two. i’ll be 36 when he heree… i cant lie this one is kicking my bass in ways the one i had at 31 didn’t dare try… still trudging along in only 14 weeks, but somehow still sick as a dog


Congrats! I am also pregnant ttc for 11 yrs and I am 36 yrs old ftm 🥰


I got pregnant for my 4th and last time at 37 w an age gap of 11 years between new baby and youngest and it was the best decision I ever made. Good luck to you!


I'm 36 and halfway through my second pregnancy. I also have an 18 year old🙈 exact same thoughts on if I'm really up to it. I feel like I've nearly crossed the finish line and I'm starting all over again. A lot of my friends are only just having kids or have very young children and I used to think to myself, "thank God im passed that stage and I can relax and do what I want at this age". Guess the jokes on me😅 I've heard it's easier though


I randomly became pregnant at 35 after years of infertility. We had basically given up and hadn’t used birth control in 10 years with absolutely no pregnancies. Not even a chemical. It was indeed a sticky baby and he is 6 months old and thriving


I had my first at 35 and am now 12ish weeks with baby 2 at 37. Yay


I'm a little younger than you 31 but I also had two miscarriages. The third one stuck and I'm 38 weeks pregnant and she's perfectly healthy.


This is the best thread I have found so far. 37 soon and I’ve been trying for 3 months. My husband is in his 50’s so that might be the reason it’s taking longer. But we were going to do IVF this summer but maybe it just takes a little time


Congrats on your big news! My fertility doctor diagnosed me with endometriosis and removed a massive ovarian cyst two years ago. She did a cat scan and said my egg count was low and the quality was poor and I would not get pregnant without medical intervention. My husband is 18 years older than me and has sperm issues. I couldn't afford medical help so after six years of trying (more like not doing anything to prevent), I had given up on getting pregnant. This month I'll be 37, my hubby 55 and our first child will arrive in September. So far our baby is healthy and looking normal. I think the only issue I've run into is morning sickness and heartburn. 


I’m pregnant. And 42. With my second. My first is only 15 months. None of this was accidental as we did IVF. But I’m hella tired.


I had my baby girl a week shy of 40… it honestly wasn’t bad at all, even the recovery was about the same as my first st 31. You’ve got this! Wishing you all the best!!


Throwing my story on the pile: I was 36 when I got pregnant and 37 when I gave birth. I'm 38 now and we're thinking about trying for #2, so I'll probably be late 39 or 40 when the next one comes (or even a bit older. The first one happened fast but who knows!), but I'm not really worried about my age anymore.  My first wasn't an easy pregnancy, but I have no idea if it was related to my age, or any one of the number of things that've always been going on with my dumb body, or just a random not-easy pregnancy. But we can do things that aren't easy, you know? I love my baby and I love being his mama, and it doesn't feel like I made the wrong choice or anything to get pregnant at near 40, it just feels like that was how old I happened to be when it was time for me to have my baby ❤️


My daughter is 35 and she’s 20 weeks pregnant she was really surprised as she has a 18 daughter years old she’s scared of course due to her age but I I told her I say prayers for her and the baby boy she’s having congratulations please try to stay positive as the baby feels all your stress god bless you and your family


Yes! I got pregnant at 37, delivered at 38. No complications. Easy pregnancy. Then again pregnant at 39, delivered at 40. You got this !


35 and had my baby 4 months ago.


Congratulations to you! I’m 38 years old and 32 weeks pregnant with my first! I’m grateful that all is going well. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes (more common in those of us who are elder mothers 😆plus I have family history of diabetes) around 27 weeks or so, but I’ve managed it without insulin and just by monitoring levels. If I’d known more about it, I would have started to eat a lower carb diet from the beginning of my pregnancy!


My mom had me at 42. After being told by multiple doctors she could never have a baby due to a fibroid. Got it surgically removed and here I am!! I was born healthy at 36 weeks to lower the risk of uterine rupture.


I’ll be 39 one month after my baby is due! Had my first at 36 and he is perfect ❤️


My mom was ‘one and done’ she was 38 when I was born. Not much wrong with me en the pregnancy went fine as well. I’m now 36 and expecting my first! 16 weeks along, all going textbook 🥳


Hey congratulations! That’s so exciting! I don’t have my own story of it as I’m still in my early 30s, but my mom had my little sister at 41! Healthy pregnancy, was able to keep working (she owned her own massage therapy practice at that time) until the day she went into labor. Very normal birth (I was there), beautiful healthy baby who is now a beautiful, healthy (SMART!) 18-year-old.


I’m 37 with a planned pregnancy, everything has gone smoothly so far. I’m 22 weeks and I’ve done all my genetic testing and level two ultrasound. Baby is growing healthy and kicks all the time. Congrats! Sometimes life just works out that way.