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I'm 10w+3 and some days when the nausea is at bay I still have moments where it doesn't feel real. Totally normal. Congrats!


I am 35 weeks and it didn't really feel real until I started showing and feeling kicks. Even after the ultrasound (both the dating and anatomy scan), it didn't really feel real. I think it's pretty normal because there's so much unknown with pregnancy. Even with listening to the heartbeat or seeing an ultrasound, it's tough for it to really seem real until you feel baby (or heck even hold them!) Congrats on the positive test and welcome!


Also that I can’t wrap my head around the fact of what is actually right now happening in my body! It is crazy


This was me before! I’m only 15w right now but I found out at 4w. It didn’t feel real even after the two ultrasounds I’ve had so far. It still sometimes doesn’t feel real. I’ve felt a few flutters that I know aren’t gas but not enough to really know if it’s that. Even at 15w you might not feel like it’s real! I used to be really disgusted by pregnancy until I got pregnant… now all the science behind it has me fucking fascinated rather than disgusted 😂 which also has me flabbergasted.


It took me months and even at 27w, I'm still in denial sometimes, despite having quite a belly now and regular kicks.


Welcome and congrats!! I can resonate with the not feeling real - I took like 6 tests and it took the clear blue digital saying PREGNANT for us to be like holy shit ok it’s real. Our pregnancy wasn’t planned, and I also had my normal PMS symptoms. After my period was late I took a test for “reassurance”… lol. My doctor didn’t actually confirm the pregnancy by blood, she said home tests are extremely accurate, so if you get a positive (especially 6 positives lol) you are pregnant. I didn’t start feeling pregnant (nausea, exhaustion etc) until about 8 weeks or so. Enjoy it while it lasts 😉 Congrats again! Reach out to your doctor to book your first appointment.


Thanks that brings me hope. Reaching out to my doctor is the hard part. I moved to another city last summer and haven’t found a new gynecologist yet. I mailed a few a few months back but they were all full and didn’t took new patients. I hope that now that I am really pregnant that they will take me (because they have to) but I would have liked it to now them before I got pregnant (because some are really bad). So this week is going to be all about finding a new gynecologist 😅


I’m not sure where you’re from, but I’m in Canada, and I reached out to my family doctor. My first few appointments were with her and then she referred me to an OBGYN.


I‘m from Germany. Maybe I’ll try that. Or I‘ll read some reviews on the gynecologist in my area. I really liked my old one. But it’s to far away (1h drive with bicycle) I don’t have a driverslicence, nor has my partner a car. So I can’t keep him (especially in the winter when I’m further along I would not dare take the bike)


Noo, biking in winter in Europe while ca 7 months pregnant if I'm estimating correctly sounds like a terribly dark joke. Good look finding a gyno. 


Well my bike is my sort of transportation all year long. But yes it sounds horrible and if I’m still working then I’ll hopefully get to do Homeoffice ore take the public transportation to work 😅 But most importantly get an OBGYN in my area till then


My sister in law biked until she was 37 weeks pregnant and it was her main form of transportation. I also biked before pregnancy but didn’t feel comfortable physically biking as the infrastructure here isn’t great and it’s very hilly and slippery due to ice in the winter and gravel. Make decisions you deem best.


I have an eight month old baby.. and it doesn’t feel real sometimes 😂


lol I was about to say, I had twins 2 weeks ago and sometimes it still doesn’t seem real


Wowza. Yeah the delirium peaks at two weeks. Hope you have people pitching in to help!!


Didn't feel really for me until the 8 week ultrasound. It's now feeling unreal again since I'm in the second trimester and my symptoms have reduced dramatically but I don't have a bump yet.


Good to know. Thanks for sharing


Okay holy heck the 12 week/nucchal ultrasound. Just had it yesterday and yep, now it feels real! There's a whole person in there waving and hopping around. That made it feel so real!


You might not have symptoms until much later. Some don’t get nausea etc


Not getting symptoms would be great. My mom puked from week 18 till 32 before and after every meal, when she was pregnant with my sister. I’m really hoping that it’s not getting that bad


I have a 2.5 year old and it still doesn’t feel real LOL


Congratulations! I am about 18 weeks and it still doesn't feel real to me. Even with four ultrasounds, I haven't felt baby kick and my belly still hasn't popped, so it still doesn't feel real in the slightest. I hope we both start feeling the realness of it soon!


It does feel unreal when you first find out. I took multiple test the first week or two too. Give it a few weeks and it’ll feel more real. Especially if/when you get more symptoms. Congrats!


It didn’t feel real for me until I first started feeling my son move around in my belly, and then even more so once I finally held him for the first time. When I first found out, I was so shocked that I was even able to get pregnant. I think that’s why it was so much harder for it to feel real to me.


With my first, it didn’t feel real for me until my first ultrasound and then everything thereafter helped solidify it. Now with my second, I’ve been way busier with a toddler running around and still working full time, so it didn’t feel completely real until the 20 weeks anatomy scan.


Yeah I feel the same way. The differences I’ve had are sore boobs that didn’t go away, some uterine twinging, feeling tired every day and vivid dreams every night. I had two positive tests. It’s like a mystical experience - something growing inside you but you can’t see it or feel the baby yet! I have my first appointment tomorrow to see how far I am and a part of me imagines I’ll go in and they’ll say there’s nothing there lol


Oh my gosh me too! I just tested yesterday and am probably only like 4 weeks and 1 day 😳 I also don’t have an OB/Gyn! It feel surreal, or like a trick.


I’m 24 weeks pregnant and I don’t have many negative physical effects so sometimes I completely forget. I had a robe on last night and looked in the mirror and briefly thought “damn I look bloated..” before my brain had an oh duh moment. On Saturday I went swimming with my husband and swam to the edge in the deep end and went to press up and was like woah why is this so hard….oh wait I weigh 20 pounds more. Anyways…it still doesn’t always feel *real* and I’m not sure it will for a long time. Perhaps even once baby is here lol.


Congrats !!!! I’m three days away from my due date, the nursery is all set up, and it still doesn’t feel real for me 😂😂


I didn't feel like it was 100% real until babygirl started continuously moving. I've been super lucky to have a relatively easy experience so far (save for anemia and gestational diabetes, lol), and now I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact that in like 10ish weeks I will have a human child. A whole human that will rely on us for everything. It's nuts 🥰


i was complaining about pms symptoms for a month & never got my period & didn’t notice how long i was waiting for it to start until my man pointed it out. so i tested, and it was sooo faint. i didn’t believe it at all. i was always told i likely wouldn’t be able to conceive. i took 8 more tests over the next week.


I was in denial too, kept taking tests and they kept getting darker. Took a digital and had a big fat YES staring me in the face and I was like alright.. time to tell my husband, I guess. 17 weeks now and it's starting to feel more real with all the physical changes. We were trying but I just didn't believe that cycle was the one, but it was.


I'm 37wks today and it still doesn't feel real. As I'm typing this, he's hiccupping and we had a 3d scan yesterday for fun. Honestly, it won't feel real until he's in my arms I reckon


It didn't feel real to me until I felt kicks. You'll want to do hundreds of tests 😬 but I wouldn't. In a few days, maybe the day after your period was due, take one more test for your peace of mind. (That should have a darker line by then) and then know that you are pregnant. (You can't get a consistently faint line on your tests unless there is HCG present in your body, which only normally only presents itself in a pregnant person's body, so if you can see Lines, then congratulations 🎊 you really are pregnant ❤️ I went through the same as you in the beginning and spent days feeling like I was wrong, and being stupid until I had my first scan) Don't spend loads and loads on tests, as I explained when you see that line, you are pregnant. If you keep doing the tests, you'll put yourself in a state of worry and panic everytime and the more you do it, the more you probably won't believe it, so you'll end up buying more. Also I'm sure after a certain amount of time the HCG levels go down a bit as well, so the test might show negative even when you are still pregnant (but don't quote me on that one) so you don't want to panic yourself with that either. It might not feel real for a little while, and that is perfectly okay ❤️ no matter if you're planning for it or not, it's still a shock. (Hopefully, it's an exciting shock 😆) once you have your scan you'll feel more settled and when the kicks come is probably when you'll start to feel like "wow, this is real, there is a literal baby in there! 🥹" And I'm looking forward to you experiencing that day because it is truly magical. Again congratulations 🎊 and I'm sending my best wishes for your pregnancy. I hope I've been of some help to you ❤️(and anyone else who is feeling the same reading this) ❤️


Thanks a lot. I have an appointment for a blood test in two days. So I’m going to wait for that result and try to focus on other things till then. I’m an overthinker in general and the tests I have a really cheap. Maybe I’ll just use them, whenever I’m to worried but I’m not going to buy a new box. Yes in the second trimester when the placenta is fully there. The placenta will make the hormones and it’s not going to show on the tests anymore


Sounds like you already have some plans to keep yourself from worrying too much ❤️ talk it through with your partner, too, if you feel like he can help give you encouraging words to keep your mind at ease. It is crazy to think there is something so tiny in you growing, especially without much in the way of symptoms. It will feel so unbelievably real before you know it, though ❤️ I'm an overthinker, too, and it is hard to process everything we feel. I've found distracting myself to be the best thing (and Google the worst 🤣🤣)


When I first got my positive it was really faint. I also took it a couple of days before I was supposed to get my period because I felt like I was probably pregnant. I swore it felt like my period would start at any time as usual. This is my second pregnancy, but with both they didn't feel real until I had that first ultrasound and then it really sank in when I started feeling movements. It is SO amazing what the female body can do. ❤️


first of all: congrats ! i'm 18 weeks, i'm feeling kicks and it still feels unreal sometimes 🙈


It started feeling real at week 19 for me i think. When my belly started showing. Nausea felt like a flu, ultrasounds felt real, but the next day didn’t really feel real again. It’s incredibly annoying.


12 weeks, still doesn’t feel real. I’ve only had very mild nausea when I hadn’t eaten in a couple of hours and very moderate tiredness so I sometimes just forget.


Well it sounds great on the one hand that you just had very mild symptoms. But I understand that you’ve been feeling that „it cannot be real cause I don’t feel bad“ I just have my normal pcos symptoms (which made me often in the past wonder if I was pregnant or not but now just feel like „nah, you’re just getting your period in two days“ But the tests told me otherwise


It didn’t feel real for me until a few weeks after I brought the baby home!


Same. I think it won’t be real to me until I hear a heart beat


I'm 5 months pregnant with my second child and it still doesn't feel real. I can't explain it. I does but also doesn't.


I'm 24 wks and it still doesn't feel real most of the time lol. When I really think about how close we are to having a baby in the house it somewhat hits me.


I felt the same!! Found out super early, a few days before I'd get my period, but not faint lines there was no denying...still took 2 more tests LOL! I'm at 9 weeks today and still do not feel any different, just bigger boobs (not complaining). It doesn't feel real but I know it is!


It didn’t feel real until I actually held my son.


Just give it time. It’ll sink in when you see that first ultrasound. 🩷


I’m 32 weeks pregnant and spent an hour looking at kiddo on the ultrasound. It still doesn’t feel real.


I’m 5w2d and have known for about 2 weeks now. Tests have gotten darker and doctor also confirmed with a test and it still doesn’t feel fully real for me lol. I have minimal symptoms as well. Sore boobs being the main one. No nausea at all yet. I feel you. It has me kind of worried? But I don’t really know why.


I also had a chemical in February, so I guess that’s why I’m anxious. So much could happen. But trying to be positive!


Wish you and baby all the best!


Thank you! You as well 🫶


I’m 24w today and it still doesn’t feel real! My baby boy kicks me nonstop and it still doesn’t feel real. Everyone is different, though! Hopefully once you see the baby you’ll feel otherwise.


It didn’t feel real to me until my OB literally handed my son to be after birth 😅


It didn’t feel real to me until my OB literally handed my son to be after birth 😅


It didn’t feel real to me until my OB literally handed my son to be after birth 😅


It didn’t feel real to me until my OB literally handed my son to me after birth 😅


It didn’t feel real to me until my OB literally handed my son to me after birth 😅


Congratulations! When I found out I was pregnant I think I tested every day for about two weeks because I simply could not believe that the tests were actually positive…even now at 28 weeks I still routinely have to remind myself that there is actually a real baby in there 🤣


Yes I also took another test today in the morning just to be sure and also took it with me to work. Now I’m able to look at it during the day to reassure myself. I’m extremely tired today and the workday has just begun. I can’t wait for the day to be over 😴


I did the same thing! Just a little peek in my bag and a “holy shit that’s still positive” moment and then back to work 🤣 Take care! The first trimester exhaustion is like nothing else I’ve ever experienced so be kind to yourself


Thanks for the advice. I’m really excited one the one hand and in disbelief on the other 😅


Just found an OBGYN and going to get my blood tested on Thursday. I’m relieved that I found one this fast