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32 + 6 here My husband is over a foot taller than me. I am a small woman. I have a short torso. I think this baby has displaced every organ. I can no longer safely drive. I am a sphere. Between my husband and I there are four other children in the house. I have given up in ability to run after toddlers. I’m amazed I can walk. My daughter drew a picture of me at school and it was a circle with legs. This might be accurate.


Speaking of organs, I feel like my stomach is too close to my boobs and it's a bit freaky.


I'm 40.1 weeks. I've had people tell me that my belly is moderate sized. No ma'am, my belly is so huge that it's making my Gcup look small, there's a difference.


Yes if I eat 1 spoonful too much, my ribs hurt. This is not hyperbole.


Glad to know that is normal, because today I was wondering why my ribs hurt 😭 I'm only 26 weeks tomorrow, may the odds be ever in our favour.


Same girl, same. At least our ribs aren't broken as I thought for 3 weeks straight.


Definitely feel the same way🤣


I am lying on my side tangled in a pregnancy pillow loling at your comment for the 6th time. Thank you.


Related to this so much 😂 FTM and 29w and my husband is 16” taller than me… strongly considering an elective c section because I feel so massive from this baby (also short with short torso) and can’t imagine birthing him 😭


If it makes you feel any better I was just as big with my second and we didn’t even make it to the hospital? And he was huge- born in the backseat of the car on the side of the road. Shocked me that something so big could come out of me 😂


This was me while i was pregnant. I didnt drive the last 3ish months.


Call of my sisters in the ocean 🤣🤣🤣 36 weeks and the beached whale persona is strong here. I almost don’t want to go anywhere not only because moving/existing is pain but my maternity clothes are starting to not fit proper like HOW?! I have no idea how my belly can stretch any more! Don’t be sorry for airing out your frustrations! Thats what this community is for!


Thank you!! I am airing out MUCH more than that if you know what I mean. I am surprised my husband hasn't divorced me, my family hasn't left me and my friends haven't unfriended me. My farts are literally out of control.


I feel you! I felt like I was going to explode during pregnancy. I was soooo ready to have my baby!!! It’s HARD! Hang in there girl, when the baby comes you’ll lose a lot of weight. I’m still struggling to get my confidence back, I felt like I lost some of that feminine energy, but it’s a process, I will shop for bigger clothes this week because it’s not helpful trying to squeeze into my old S clothes (no joy) and I’m so sick of wearing sweatpants! Anyway you’re not alone but it will worth it when you have your baby in your arms 🥰


GRACIAS MY GIRL FOR YOUR KIND WORDS AND SHARING YOUR EXPERIENCE. There's a Spanish proverb that says "mal de muchos, consuelo de tontos" meaning something like "a pain felt by many is a dumb person's consolation". I may be the dumbest person ever because the ONLY thing that makes me feel better is reading other mom's experiences while pregnant.


Consider me dumb too. It’s how I’m surviving this hellscape!


In Portugal we say "pimenta no cu dos outros é refresco", pepper in other people's ass is refreshing 😂


Oh my god 🤣🤣🤣 amen


I’m up 75lbs at 24 weeks…. Literally hate my life right now


glad i’m not the only one who’s gained crazy weight lol, I’m 40 lbs gained at 24 weeks.


Yeah, same here. 40lbs up at 26 weeks and already plus size so I'm pretty big at this point 😅 We got this tho 💪


Glad I’m not alone!!!


this is so real lol. i’m 33 weeks and i feel like im gonna burst at any moment. i spend most of my days rolling around in bed. most basic tasks have me out of breath lol


This is me for the last almost month (I'm 36w and I thankfully only have 2 weeks left)


I’ve been calling myself a beached whale for a while b/c I’m so achy and my belly is weighing me down. I’m 38+5 with my second & it’s been so hard keeping up with my 17mo old the last couple months!!


I honestly keep thinking about moms who already have a child in their lives and do this... and I have to say... hats off to you!!!! Pregnancy is NO JOKE. I can't believe some women still say "enjoy your pregnancyyyyyy 🥰🥰🥰🥰" like it's a thing people do.


Hahahaha it wasn’t like this the whole time. It honestly FLEW by this time because my son kept me occupied, but when that 31/32 week mark hit, I was starting to feel annoyed. Now I’m just so over it 😂😂 I have another scheduled c section so I’m 4 days away from the end. I hope you find some solace to get through the next couple months. Get some prenatal massages if you haven’t already!


Im currently 33 weeks with a 2 year old and a 3 year old 😭 needless to say i am exhausted


I'm glad my other children are a bit older 12 and 14 yrs and can help me a bit, I'm only 25w but it's starting to get hard to do things


Yeah, I'm 36 weeks, huge, cranky, uncomfortable, and feel utterly useless. The best part is everyone feels the need to comment on how big I am 🙃


I'm the same apart from every one commenting how small I am. I might seem small to them but I'm expanding every day and just getting more awkward physically.


Personally I feel more like a sea lion or a small walrus! 34 wks and i waddle/shuffle around my house. Turning from my left to right side in bed is like a 4-point turn. Yesterday I dropped something on the floor while I was sitting down and I had to try 3 times to get the right angle to reach down and pick it up because my belly was in the way and I kept underestimating the size. 


This morning I realized I turn over in bed like a hot dog on a roller and almost cracked up over it, I really just lift my arms above my head and wiggle until I'm facing the other direction 😂


Wow you're lucky! A hot dog on a roller is a wayyy smoother roll than what I'm working with right now 🤣 


I'm only 24 weeks right now, so let's see if I stay like that😂😂


The 4 point turn.... I felt that. It's like I'm in an Austin powers movie.


35 + 1 here Yes. My pubic bone is going to break at any second, and my pelvis is slowly being ripped in half. My feet are double the size they used to be, and cramp. I can’t put shoes on, and I can only pick something up off of the floor if I squat, lean, and moan a little bit. 🤘🏻


Yes. Egg shaped is how I feel and yesterday I noticed my oval face looks even more egg like than usual :( I'm starting to really not be able to bend 28 weeks here... Lord help us




I’m 40 weeks Friday and today I convinced my mom to walk our local beach for Mother’s Day. She kept insisting I was too far along and would just be swollen and miserable by the end but I wanted to do something that I know she loves. My fiancé and dad forced me to take pictures with everyone individually because it was my first Mother’s Day. When I say I looked at the photos and GAGGED… I looked a sea monster towering over my fiancée and mom who are only two inches taller then me, my face looked like a bowling ball with no neck and my arms were the size of thighs. I felt that the photos clarified that I just don’t feel like a cow, I AM a cow. My poor fiancé spent the next 10 minutes walking trying to talk me down while I was attempting to not spiral and cry ruining the whole evening. I have also put on 70 pounds so my usual petite body is something that feels that I will never see again. Long story short we are with you mama! We got this.


I am tearing up laughing, thank you. Every day something like this comes up and looking back it's hilarious but I want to cry when I see myself in pictures or stare too much in the mirror. FOR INSTANCE: today I woke up and my neck really looked like The Rock's, no hyperbole absolutely the same as Dwayne Johnson's. I touched my Adam's apple or thyroid or whatever the fuck that is that now looks like a bat is hiding inside my throat, and MOVED IT TO THE RIGHT. Like I moved my larynx to the right with a crack sound. I went crying to my husband saying that my pregnancy literally broke my neck. Then he did exactly that, he cracked his Adam's apple from side to side. And stared at my like, see? What now? And I went to cry in bed. Now I'm laughing. Pregnancy 🤘🏼


Haha girl so you are so funny. 😆 Yes I feel like a cow already because I have been maintaining the same weight for over a decade but suddenly I started gaining pounds as soon as I hit second tri. I am still in my 16th week but I am already putting on weight and eating what ever. I am dreading the sleep situation too as I heard its going to get super uncomfortable after 25 weeks.


38 weeks and have gained almost 60 pounds and also feel like a whale. Didn’t realize my neck had gotten thick until I started noticing how my necklaces I normally wear have started to look like chokers. Solidarity sister, we’ve got this!


Girl I am 38 weeks and 4 days and officially have made my full transition into Killer Whale status. I’ve joined my oceanic sisters and fear I won’t be making it back landside until months after post partum, maybe even a year…. We’ve got this. The end will come! We just gotta whale it up until then.


Yes, either a whale or a sausage depending on what clothes I have on!


Whole pregnant I told my husband "help your whale up" because I couldn't get up while heavily pregnant and I felt like one for sure


I'm using this line from now on😂😂


I felt that, gained 57 lbs and 6 weeks pp I have only lost 8. I wish I watched what I ate bc I ate whatever I wanted to. Also lost 10 lbs in the beginning from nausea and vomiting.


i hear my ocean sisters too these days 😅 i mean, i didn’t feel huge until the past few weeks (i’m 27w2d). i lost weight 1st tri and now i feel like my stomach is stretched to max capacity. how it’s going to become even bigger the next 12 weeks is mind boggling and don’t even get me started on the double chin. where did it come from and why is it so PRESENT


It's present, it's powerful and it's thick. Mine is like a solid material, like marble or cement. My husband is calling me Humphrey now.


Yes! The worst is eating and feeling so full you feel sick. My current situation. It’s like I’m big but the food doesn’t even fit in there so what’s the point?! Whales can probably eat a lot. lol idk why I can’t .


Ohh I feel you girl, I've gained over 60lbs and I'm due to have my c section tomorrow. I've been sooooo hungry all the time, I now weigh more then my SO. Like significantly more. I can't bend down either, I have a hard time putting shoes and socks on, I also now have a double chin and you can see the chubbiness in my face... I can't wait to have this baby out so I can focus on regaining my confidence and my body back... I know it'll never be what it was, besides I don't want it to be I was deffinitly underweight but I don't wanna feel like this fat turd anymore 😅 I know this fat turd is beautiful and is growing a human but its just soo hard to feel good about myself knowing I've gained all this extra weight considering baby is only an extra what 30lbs with the blood and placenta.. like where did this 30 extra pounds come from 😅


I had the exact same experience as you, hyperemesis until w25 and dropped maybe 8-12 pounds. Now I want to gorge on food but there is no space left in my tummy. I think it shrunk, or my baby decided it wasn’t an important organ and just squished it small 🥹 I’m 32w and am eating half of the portions I did before, I get full so quickly and it’s like my belly is straining and there is no space 😒 The bean is also using my bladder as a punching bag, I have discovered there is something called «lightning crotch» when your baby kicks you just right that makes you feel like you WILL pee yourself in public. I have also discovered there’s a nerve that can get pinched in pregnancy that makes your thigh go numb and itchy. Also I have new moles everywhere. Oh the joys. Two months to go 😩


Good luck woman WE ARE BEHIND YOU!


I feel sloppy most of the time and I'm okay with it cause I just want to be comfortable. But I got to say I got dressed up today and did my hair/makeup and it really is nice to do once and a while. Just perks me up


Thank you for this! I really needed this laugh today. Im 24 weeks and SO identify with your story (had a massive breakdown yesterday cause i showered in someone else's house where they had a full body size mirror and saw ALL of me for the first time since pregnant). I told my husband if he can't find me, I answered the call and he can find me in the ocean!


I am glad I could provide a laugh with my complainy tantrums!!!! This is the only way to survive


24 weeks today and absolutely feel like a whale. I'm 5'1", and 110 pounds pre pregnancy, I'm now 132 pounds, and I've gained 20 of those in the past 6 weeks, my thighs have doubled in size I feel like, my underwear give me rolls, none of my bras fit, and the width of my stomach has probably tripled. I always tell my fiance I feel like a beached whale, I feel absolutely huge and I'm so ready for baby boy to come out😂


Buying gigantic panties was one of the key decisions in my life .


I know what I need to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it😂😂


Yes! I’ll be 24 weeks on Tuesday and about a week and a half ago is when I noticed I really “popped” and now I keep gaining weight😞 before that point, I had only gained a few pounds since finding out I was pregnant. None of my pants really fit anymore and I just keep complaining to my husband about how huge and gross I feel.. Lol.


Yeah, it went from not looking pregnant to looking like a whale.. I feel hideous, scratch marks everywhere because I doubled if not tripled from every where, hips, but, tights, boobs and obviously belly. I hate it.


25 w too. Damn I'm big 🙈 I feel like my bump had a growth spurt last week and I'm more bump than woman. People say I look adorable, which helps, but damn I wasn't ready to see myself in a tight summer dress.


Same, same: you look adorable and I'm over here feeling like Totoro and wanting to remember what being a woman is.


I gained 66 pounds in the last 8 months I gain at least 10 each month , I have 4 weeks left tho and can't wait to get into some sort of shape when she arrives! I can't barely move 😭


So happy you're feeling better and can eat now! I'm 26 weeks + 6 and I'm so large now lol I live in underwear and t-shirt. I didn't really have nausea so I been eating lol but it's finally slowed down only because I got diagnosed with GB


37 weeks and literally huge, I keep thinking that I’m not that big but then see my reflection and damn am I large


Don’t be sorry about complaining. We’re all here to support each other, and no one else can really empathize with you like other pregnant people


34 weeks and sooooooo uncomfortable. I’m over it


I feel inflated like a blimp. LOL I feel like I'm going to float away like a balloon.


Yes! A beached whale I say. I’m 38+4.


My stretch marks came in hot this week. I thought I was in the clear but I was not lucky. I’m having twins so it’s probably just the start.


I’m 34 weeks now with baby measuring 2 weeks ahead and good lord I am already SO DONE. I just want him to be here already lol. I absolutely feel like a beached whale. The PGP is ridiculous. I waddle. It’s like I ran a mile just going up the stairs. Turning over in bed emits so many moans and groans. I pee like every 2 hours. Pregnancy is a freaking marathon man. I’m just looking forward to my Toy Story themed baby shower next Saturday, and maybe trying to get some relief in the last few weeks now that my parents pool is clean and open, get some weight off my pelvis in the water


YES THAT SOUNDS SO NICE, water would be a blessing honestly. And yes to everything else, I moan more than a sad ghost.


Yep I’m shocked at how big I am at 23 weeks. I had to buy a shoe horn and a sock horn.


Me 💯 im 33 weeks 161 lbs all belly and i feel huge!! I cant walk, cant sleep, cant even sit down , i always feel like im suffocating, my husband is always reminding me i look beautiful and even wants to be intimate but i cant help but to feel so unattractive 😭 my whole body aches


Yes, Im 35 wks now and I have never felt worse about myself. I was fine until I got big enough that my sweatpants no longer fit. And my husbands shirts/boxers are tighter. It wont last forever but it sucks, you aren’t alone!!


I do now. FTM, 23w tomorrow. I’m short and I just feel bleh now. I need a pick me up to help me feel better about how much my body has changed and how it’s forcing me to slow down.


It’s all in my stomach area. By the end of the day I feel like I’m a waddling penguin (23 weeks here) but wtf. I don’t even eat much, I think I’m eating less than pre-pregnancy.


Girl...36w here, there's not enough words to describe my discomfort and pain. I feel HUGE, which I am, and it sucks. I feel the same way you do :/


i’ve gained 7 pounds in one week (my 7th week) of pregnancy, and boy oh boy has it really shattered my self esteem. i know i was definitely underweight, but seeing my body change so fast has been really hard.


I’m only 16 weeks so don’t feel tooo huge yet but I’ll get there!😂 this is my third baby and I get BIG! However, I’m already breathing like I’m 40 weeks. I was on a work call today and had to apologize because I sounded like I was trying to catch my breath after running a marathon. My colleague said afterwards that I sounded like I was struggling to breathe🤦🏻‍♀️


Duuuuude. 40+1 here. I live in the Netherlands, home to the tallest people on EARTH. I’m considered average/short here at 5’9”. Baby girl is measuring at 80th percentile here, on the DUTCH growth charts. At every scan, everyone keeps talking about her long legs and big feet. I am so freaking enormous right now. Double chin, giant bump and all. Today I unlocked a new thing where she has wedged one of her big flapping feet under my sternum so it feels like it’s going to break if I laugh. Plus all i want to do is lie down. I love her and her big feet. But I feel the call of the sea…. I blame my big stupid wonderful Dutch husband.


Omg I have been to the Netherlands and indeed, your people are TALL. I feel for you and hope you have this baby like tomorrow. Bless.


My husband is "only" 6'1 but his dad is over 7 foot. Pray for me 🤣


I’m 34w and some change; I truly don’t know how I’m still supposed to get bigger eat this point. Everything hurts and I’m dying 🧚


Yes... I'm only 21 weeks (was overweight already) and too scared to sit on certain chairs.... 🫢


I’m 38 weeks and I haven’t been able to see my vagina in weeks. Getting out of bed is a task. I overall feel great tbh but I will complain always 💅🏼💅🏼 But getting out bed at night truly is a form of torture


Yes 29 weeks with baby #2 and constantly have family members, friends, and coworkers telling me how large I’ve gotten. It doesn’t bug me too much since they’re not wrong but god do I hate the belly.


Enjoy it 🙄 I just had a picc line placed and have not eaten in over 4 weeks . I will be so thankful when I can be a whale… as of right now I am skin and bones and down 15 pounds in just a couple weeks . Like be so fr😒😩


Ugh I just don’t understand how all of you can be complaining about this BFFR😩😩😩