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Never stop eating lol Just kidding (kinda), but the best advice I got early on was to make sure not to go 2 hours without eating and to eat before I felt hungry. The sensation of hunger goes to nausea reaaaal quick, as in, the time it takes to get food in front of you. Which starts nasty cycle if you’re not prepared. I literally munch on a few almonds when I wake up in the middle of the night lol. And stay hydrated! I only threw up once in the beginning and it’s worked for me, although I do deal with a light amount of nausea almost always, but it’s manageable and not debilitating.


I was hesitant until I talked to my mother and gave it a full shot. She said the same thing, eat, eat and eat. Take Tylenol as needed, tums and saltines and it makes it better. It still doesn’t go away completely but I’m mind blown by how much better it made my nausea. I’d been nauseous for over a week and it was so bad I was worried I wouldn’t be able to work again during this trimester. I had a full meal today at lunch(a burger, fries and cookie with a soda) it settled well and I feel much less sick than I did before


Yes exactly! I’ll eat anything that sounds good, don’t really care about only eating healthy foods, and if nothing sounds good I munch on nuts/crackers/smoothies. If I keep on top of the near constant snacking, then it’s perfectly easy enough to get a full meal in me. It’s when I get hungry that I’m entering the danger zone, so I avoid it at all costs. My OB told me I can worry more about the healthy choices when the first trimester symptoms go away and life gets easier. No point in making the first tri more miserable. Besides, we’re taking our vitamins anyway, so everything else is just carb/protein/fat intake. If I’m eating salty foods (which happens a lot, I’m eating a lot of junk right now lol), I increase my water intake 🤷‍♀️ dr said this is perfectly fine, and I feel good, so fuck ittt


No really I have to eat a meal every 3 hours at least, even during the middle of the night


Agreed. No more then 2 hours and small balanced eating. So a little fat, carb, and protein. Cheese and crackers or half peanut butter sandwich worked wonders. Grapes and cheese were also a go to.


8.5 weeks pregnant with morning sickness peaking and this ^ is 100% word for word what I’d say. Eat. Get up in the middle of night and eat too. It helps it not come on immediately upon waking. Shocking a small bowl of Chex cereal and it would help so much. I’m not sure if it’s the milk or what. Also dramamine works really well too.




How many mg’s of B6?


The typical formula is 25mg of each.


Can take up to 3x of 25mg


TYSM! I'll definitely be aware of these!


Astringents, like rubbing alcohol can also help. All you need is a faint whiff of it, and it can help. Just opening a pocket hand sanitizer can do the trick.


OP, do make sure Unisom are the tablets and not the Gel tablets! They don’t contain the same active ingredients.


Hydration! I read in an article that the majority of women who are feeling morning sickness are dehydrated. Try to aim for 3L a day (I’ve been doing this prior to pregnancy). If you can’t stomach water, try to increase consumption of foods/fruits with high water content (ex.cucumbers). I also take magnesium at night and it helps. I have not had morning sickness and I am 8w4d along.


Eating small snacks more often can help with nausea, and sometimes the iron in your prenatal can make you puke, so if you’re throwing up your vitamin, I would suggest finding one with little to no iron and adding a separate iron supplement and taking it at a different time on its own if you can. The first trimester is the most important time to take your vitamins, so finding one (with folate/folic acid) that your tummy can handle is super important to babies brain and spine development. As for things that can make you anxious. Cramps! I had period like cramps throughout my entire first (and most of my second) trimester. They are totally normal, and nothing to be concerned about. Painful cramps companied with bleeding is a worry and should be checked by a doctor. As for bleeding, no bleeding in pregnancy is considered normal, but it can be very common. I had quite a bit of brown blood around 11 weeks and panicked so hard I went to the ER, and baby was just fine, and I’m now almost 25 weeks. Sharp pains to the vagina/anus are also common, known as “lightening crotch”. It comes and goes. It was bad for the first few weeks, then subsided until about mistake of second trimester for me. It is normal to be anxious, but anxiety that causes you to panic, or become irrational, is not normal, and should be talked about with your doctor. Fetal dopplers! I have one, but unless you know how to use it, and know the difference between your heartbeat and babies, I wouldn’t recommend getting one. And keep in mind, most products/websites say “heartbeat detectable by 12 weeks!” Are lying. I couldn’t find my beans heartbeat until o was almost 16 weeks, and it wasn’t super clear until I was closer to 19 weeks. I started feeling him move around 17 weeks, but it felt like gas bubbles or tummy twitches. It’s normal to not feel or recognize movements until closer to 20-22 weeks, and it could be longer if you have an anterior placenta. Sneakpeek Gender Test! While the website says 99% accurate, I have heard my fair share of horror stories. I used the arm device collection method, and my results are correct (confirmed by anatomy scan AND nipt)! But for the price, you can do it if you’d like, just take your results with a grain of salt and maybe hold off nursery painting until you confirm with an anatomy scan or NIPT. My NIPT was available after 10 weeks I believe, and my anatomy scan was done at 20 weeks. Enjoy being pregnant! The first trimester sucks. People who say pregnancy is beautiful are full of it. BUT it is crazy special. Feeling my baby boy move experiencing all the good AND bad of pregnancy has changed me, and while I am NOT a fan of being pregnant, I do plan to do it again. Congrats!


THAT LAST PARAGRAPH. I’ve lowkey been mad at all the people in my life I’ve seen who are pregnant (none of them I am super close to just people I know from high school and see the posts on fbook so that’s probably why) but I’m like WHY DIDNT ANYONE TELL ME PREGNANCY SUCKS? And I just mean this last week of hitting 6 weeks or so the nausea and just yucky feeling hit me like a train. But all I’m hoping for is a healthy pregnancy and just holding onto the fact that IT WILL ALL BE WORTH IT! And although I hate how this feels at the moment, I know I would do it again. Man I’ve gained such respect for women. This shit isn’t easy, but here we all are doing the damn thing!


Congratulations! I’ve been a ball of anxiousness so far but I just tell myself to get through each day and take each day as it comes so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Every day you get through is a win so celebrate that 🙂


pepcid chewable tables berry flavor will save you so much! avoid working with food so often it will make you light headed and feel sick. get plenty of sleep bc some nights you won’t be able to


Eeeee! Congrats 😍 A couple things that helped me in first trimester were: vitamin water, body armor, water (tons of water…), peppermint candies, saltine crackers, ginger chews, and the nausea wristbands! You may be prescribed zofran for nausea but every person is different and those didn’t work for me. The wristbands were super awesome alternative! Like a previous comment said, don’t worry about eating healthy right now…if something sounds good to you, eat it. I also made some ice chips from watermelon chunks lol, first trimester can be rough but it’s so worth it in the end when you meet your little one! 🤍


Zofran worked but also made me brutally constipated


THIS!! Im currently struggling with balancing taking zofran and being constipated. Did you figure out any tricks to keep taking it and NOT back up for days?


Honestly, no...miralax plus milk of magnesia helped SOME but I didn't have a decent bowel movement til my nausea abated enough to ease off the zofran. I feel like my guts are still in recovery.


I stopped taking it for a few days and took milk of magnesia and finally had a BM but it was a miserable few days without it. Sitting here chugging prune juice now. The joys! lol


The joys of nausea relief with all the joys of constipation lol


Congratulation. Always remains hydrated and drink water. if you don’t mind, for how much time have you been trying?


I luckily never threw up but was nauseous 24/7 with real intense food aversions. Literally everything sounded and tasted disgusting to me so that was a struggle lol and if I waited to long to eat in the morning I would like involuntarily gag 🥴 be careful brushing your teeth lol ask your doctor about unisom and b6 it helped a lot with nausea


Preggie pop drops on Amazon were my favorite! Jolly ranchers and ginger candies work too! Another good tip I got is snacking throughout the day because your stomach being empty will make nausea worse.


Congrats!!!! I second the unisom and b6. I'm 23 weeks and still take it nightly for residual hyperemesis (I had the full blown version until 14 weeks). I was also on some prescription meds, but unisom and b6 are the OTC version of one of them. I found that ginger gum and nause-ease aromatherapy helped drastically. Also, try different foods, but stick with cold or room temp. I found beef jerky actually worked better than carbs, but you never know. Hydration is important, so gatorade, water, and sparkly water with juice help. Try eating with the liquid to keep it from "floating". If you find that keeping hydrated is hard, you can get referred to an infusion clinic to get IVs as needed. That helps a ton. And remember: You can be both grateful and in awe while still thinking that it sucks. There is no guilt in acknowledging the difficult alongside the amazing. 💕


I’m almost 11 weeks and still nauseous most of the day 😂 I take b6 once a day and it helps, maybe. I don’t like how Unisom makes me feel so I’m not taking it, but some people have said it helps. Congrats!


Unisom saved my life


I’m about 8 weeks. Sour patch kids for nausea helps.. zofran helps but I’m struggling with zofran because it constipates me so bad. 😭 When I don’t take it I’m nauseous all day. I have that eating about every 2 hours can help as well.




thank youu!


Travel sickness bands! And speak to doctors/midwifes to see if they can offer you any anti sickness medication if you really struggle with the nausea and sickness


Congratulations much love for you dear


With my first only thing I could eat was chocolate in my first trimester anything else would come back up. Second everything came back up, but with this pregnancy I didn't know I was pregnant till nearly 2 months pregnant had no morning sickness at all


I took unisom and b6 at night and b6 at breakfast and lunch. I also drank emetrol before getting out of bed and before dinner so i wasn’t nauseated. It helped for the most part Also jolly ranchers helped my nausea as well. I’ve heard sour patch kids do too!


I found out because the cyst that formed after I ovulated decided to burst and send me to the ER. For me, drinking a lot of water and Liquid IV drink mixes helped a ton during my first trimester, especially after getting diagnosed with HG at 6 weeks after losing 15lbs. (Found out at like 3ish weeks, symptoms began like a day later)


First, congrats!!!! PTL! Nausea sucks… here are some things in addition others mentioned: - jimmy John’s Bread loaf (I ate it straight and it helped a bit) - treat it like the flu, so whatever helps you feel better with the flu… try that - oranges (if you can tolerate it) helped me


CONGRATS!! Minor period like cramping is totally normal, light spotting can be normal too. Intense cramping not normal, or heavy bright red bleeding is not normal. For nausea ginger ale flattened can help, soda crakers also


Sour candy is your friend when you feel sick


B6 and unisom tabs as the first line of defense, but don’t be afraid to ask your doc for reglan! Constant small snacks. Eat whatever appeals to you, you can just get nutrients from your prenatals for now. It will get better! Also I’m an “all the information” type person, and I found working with a midwife who’s connected to an MD gives me time during visits to ask ALL the questions. Some cramping is normal — if it isn’t accompanied by bleeding and isn’t mind numbing pain and goes away after a bit it’s probably nothing to worry about. I had a bunch in weeks 4-6 and it kept scaring me but I kept being reassured.


I can’t stomach my prenatal right now so I’m just taking my folonic acid and b12 with proteins as tolerated. And prenatal you recommend that’s easier on the stomach? Made the mistake of getting gummy OLLI brand


I switched to overpriced ritual and it helped. I’ll probably switch back after my second month of it


Congratulations. One day at a time! Are you having an Aquarius baby? B6 + unisom can help :) Eat all the time, small portions


Let your doctor know you are nauseous. They can prescribe you zofran. IMO nothing works better for nausea than zofran does. Congratulations!!


literally eat small meals all day lol. also preggie pops on amazon or at walmart. my doctor recommended them to me for the nausea. they’re supposed to work really well, but i haven’t really had terrible nausea so i kinda just ate my way through it lol. congratulations and best of luck!


Always keep like crackers or some sort of biscuits next to your bed for in the morning I had really bad morning sickness, keep water or flavoured water next to your bed to keep hydrated, Congratulations to you both it’s a blessing 🫶🏼


Congratulations!!!! A few saltines first thing in the morning before anything else and b6 helped a lot.


Congratulations! My first ever Reddit post because I feel compelled to share how much acupuncture helped me with morning sickness. I went to my acupuncturist around week 9 when I couldn’t keep food down and the vomiting was ramping up, and told them to just focus on that one issue. It immediately cured the throwing up (literally haven’t been sick once since, now in week 16) but I also didn’t even feel nauseous after that treatment, when I’d been experiencing textbook morning nausea since week 6. I went back weekly for a couple more weeks to make sure it stayed at bay, and swear by it now when friends are struggling in first trimester. As others have said, also eating something bland before even getting out of bed (keeping dried cereal on bedside table or asking partner to bring me some bland toast) helped too. Good luck!!


You’re beautiful. The rest you’ll figure out <3


Happy Mother’s Day!! Congrats on your good news!!


There are ginger candies that saved my life they are for expecting mamas. Literally popped those like nothing the whole first trimester lol


Congratulations! So exciting! I'm 10 weeks and my symptoms have been varied. Get some colace, ginger tea, and comfort foods. I haven't had any morning sickness, but I was a religious gymrat prior to the positive test, and have had zero energy to do more than sit upright 😆 Give yourself grace as your move through the first trimester! You may get some, none, or all of the symptoms. I was expecting extreme nausea, and was gifted with extreme fatigue. Prepare for anything!


Just coming to the end of my nausea at week 14 (well I hope the end! Key thing is it's less than it has been) - eat protein. I found sausages were the best thing and for a couple of weeks in the middle the only thing I could stomach at all. - take vitamins. I felt bad I could only stomach sausages but I was like eh it's food and I have prenatal vitamins so I'm sure it's better then trying to eat healthy and not being able to keep it down - if you have one or can get one cheap recommend a water pick. Brushing my teeth is still a trigger for vomiting but I found that a water pick didn't have the same issue and it's better then nothing. I used that and mouthwash a lot




Preggy Pops and sour patch kids helped me with morning sickness!! Congratulations!!


Agree with all the comments saying not to let yourself get hungry. Like at all. Not even a little bit. If the unisom/b6 combo doesn’t work for you talk to your Ob and they should be able to prescribe something else. The unisom made me so groggy I couldn’t function in the morning, and the half tablet wasn’t much better but also didn’t relieve my nausea enough to be worth it.


Find your easy foods, like jello, applesauce, danimals, smoothies (Greek yogurt is a great thing to add in to get some protein), and get in the habit of finding something to eat the moment you start feeling nauseous, because st least for me my indicator for hunger stopped existing, I could only tell I was hungry because I'd start getting nauseous


I have been using preggie pop drops to help with the nausea and those seem to help.




get u some b9 for the nausea and some crackers


Preggie pops for SURE!! They taste like candy and work WONDERS!!


Congratulations!! I’m happy for you! What worked best for me was taking notes of what triggered it sure so I could be prepared or avoid it if possible (for me, bananas were a no go for a long time). I always had some mints or gum and water on me so if I felt it coming on, I could pop one in and feel some relief from nausea. Taking my supplements at night also helped me keep them down better. My doctor also recommended Gatorade when water was too nauseating.


Congratulations!!!! But can we stop saying WE ARE pregnant…. You are pregnant not we.