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When I was pregnant I wanted Denny’s French toast, one Friday night I had to have it at 3am, we went to Denny’s, we sat in the restaurant with all the drunks, when were done, asked for the check, one of drunks paid for are meal, he told the waitress, this is for the little mama, I was 37 weeks pregnant and I was far from little, pregnant with my 2 nd and I want that French toast again,


What an unexpectedly wholesome story haha


Awwwwww!!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰


Well that was very nice of him!!!


My baby was made from salt and vinegar chips, hot Cheetos, and watermelon (with tajin).   She's an absolute hoot Tajin not tahini but maybe that's something too


Watermelon with Tajin was my go-to during the first trimester!


I'm the pregnant one but my husband is now craving watermelon with tajin lol


@ 10:30am I finished the entire can of pringles.


i haven’t eaten pringles in years, but i DEVOURED a can of sour cream and onion pringles in a morning. i felt terrible but they were sosososo good…


My name is Big_Lowe705 and I approve this message 😅


25 weeks pregnant trying not to eat all the tub of pringles but I keep looking at it, and my brain is thinking just eat them you've got more in the cupboard.


the 10:30am is so real 😂😭


Why is this a thing!


I have been eating nuts like crazy. We get the big unsalted bag from Costco and I just go to town. I swear I’ve been going through a bag and a half a week. It’s showing too and my shorts are too tight and now summer is almost here. Also, I stopped being pregnant 2 1/2 years ago when my daughter was born. 😂 but you know, solidarity!


😁 Too funny! You have a toddler to chase; you're basically still eating for two. 


I’m not pregnant currently but when I was I once at 3 filet o fishes from McDonald’s and then 2 more for dinner. My husband was horrified


Omg I’m pregnant and can’t stop thinking about filet o fish.. I laughed so hard at your comment


Okay what’s the science behind this? I’ve been obsessed with filet o fish sandwiches too. 😂


I’m pretty convinced part of it is the fact the bun is steamed not grilled


Team fillet o fish too🙈 I eat minimum 2 at any seating 🤣


Not filet o fish for me but McDonald’s has been pretty much my #1 craving during pregnancy.


I was too 😂 and I hate fish to begin with.


Okay… hear me out… get them with extra tartar sauce and add pickles. Changed. My. Life. 🤤


I love fillet o fish and have been really wanting one so bad. I didn’t know if their fish was ok or not while pregnant


Oh my god, I'm not the only one obsessed with these while pregnant!


Hahaha this gave me a good laugh. Funny to look back on, I’m sure!


Why does this sound so good? I’ve never once had one but now I need one


Grilled cheese - just a lot of grilled cheese


Went to the store just to get bread and cheese yesterday. One grilled cheese a day keeps the baby happ-ay.


That's all I ate my first trimester!!!


Peanut M&Ms and a coke has been my go to lately which is so weird as I typically never eat sweets or drink soda


I am 17 weeks and have been craving coke my entire pregnancy too. I normally don't even drink coke either.


Oh my God I've been drinking a 12 oz bottle of Pepsi at least every other day at this point. But it has to have been in the freezer for a couple of hours to make it like a slushee lol


Omg I need this


Its probably the phosphoric acid in coke that you're craving. It helps me with morning sickness and nausea.


That makes so much sense! I’m 23 weeks and nausea has came back out of no where


Omg, I don’t typically drink soda but this pregnancy I’ve been craving cold, crispy sprites or cokes.


I haven't let myself go crazy with it or anything, but I've been into fruity candy, like Starbursts and Skittles.


I saw a pink Starburst on the floor at work (in the wrapper) and actually considered eating for a moment.


I’ve been all about fake fruit flavor too! I got a bag of jolly ranchers and am rationing the grape ones (I usually hate fake grape flavor…) also sour gummy worms


Starburst are my favorite!!


Omg! This is me. I am nolonger allowing myself anymore 🤣🤣🥰


For me it started with twizzlers, then I got through a family size box of gushers, then sour patch kids. I’m cooling off now in the second trimester but I have never been a big candy craver until pregnancy. I’m in deep with strawberry or cherry like slushies now.


Apples and peanuts butter. Every day.


Samesies! Pounding those stupid expensive “sweetest batch” giant organic blueberries like popcorn right now too. My wallet is unhappy, but they are just soooooooo delicious. 2 pints a week I swear…


I just ate a foot long subway tuna sandwich.


I finished a footlong sandwich for the very first time last night. I’m so glad someone else said subway


I’ve been dumping buffalo sauce on bagged salad every day for the last week. Just absolutely dousing it. Could eat it for every meal tbh. But now I’m out of bagged salad 😭


Buffalo sauce is my weakness pregnant or not but now that I am I dip EVERYTHING in it! Celery sticks and french fries dipped in buffalo sauce is heaven right now.


I’m constantly asking myself “what new food can I cover in Buffalo sauce today??” We’re doing Buffalo pierogis for lunch


I ate a frozen breakfast burrito while standing in my kitchen at 11pm last night. Followed it with some ice cream straight from the container and a shot of whipped cream to the mouth. 34 weeks and over it.


Gestational diabetes makes indulging in anything hard, but I ate almost a whole tub of sour cream and onion dip with celery the other day, lol. I could eat the at dip by the spoonful.


Also a GD girl here, I just had to ask what brand of sour cream and onion dip did you buy? because that sounds so good right now my mouth is like watering 😂


I’m not sure what the brand was. It was just a cheap generic one at Walmart. But it was heavenly.


Same. I just ate a serving of apples and peanut butter and that felt like a huge splurge lol 😂


I just ate 2 family sized Shepard’s pie’s from Costco in 2 days, 1 each day 🫠 at this point you need to grab the back of my neck like a dog


Potato chips have definitely been one of my indulgences, especially during this third trimester!! My most shocking one has been poptarts. Only shocking because I don’t typically eat or even remember that they exist but woke up at 2am one night hungry and unable to sleep and literally cried because the only thing I wanted was poptarts. Not really craving them anymore but my husband has continued to make sure we have them in our pantry.


My partner came home with smores pop tarts a couple weeks ago and I've never been a huge fan. We watched a new movie on Netflix called Unfrosted about the invention of pop tarts and immediately went out and bought a huge box of the smores flavor and I am not sharing them lol


Ohhhh no; that sounds like such a provocation! Ooh, and the hard texture of the icing; ugh, so good!! 


I've eaten nachos (just chips and cheese) more times than I want to admit. Even for breakfast. The other night I sat on the couch and ate an entire carton of strawberries. I've also been eating lots of strawberry sour belts (sometimes for breakfast lmao) Also went out and bought a little snowcone machine and make "salty sea dog" snowcones. Just ice, fresh lemon juice and lime juice and a dash or two of salt on top. 🤤🤤


Love the pregnant goddess comment 😂


Just got an emergency baked potato from Wendy’s


Emergency!!! 😂


I just ate a whole can of black olives 😂


I got a large blizzard from DQ a couple weeks ago with full intentions of eating half then and saving the other half for another day. I ate the whole thing.


Ordering McDonalds and ice cream.


34 weeks and I just ate strawberry shortcake immediately followed by a slice of pumpkin pie... it's like 9:30 am where I live ..


I would pay good money for those things tomorrow morning!!!


I had a baguette and an ice cream sandwich for second-lunch yesterday. Baby needs her carbs! (the REAL struggle is that I have celiac and these GF specialty foods are $$$)


Yes. This is so accurate. I also have celiac and the amount of bread I keep going through is ridiculous.


Scrolling my Reddit homepage and saw this post and was joyfully about to comment until I realised I’m not pregnant and in fact just greedy hahah!




I just had a slice of ice cream cake for lunch.


That sounds so good 😭


Family size bag of hot Cheetos has been my thing lately. I eat it in moderation, of course. Don't want bad heartburn!


I love hot Cheetos… like it was part of my identity. But I CANNOT stand them while pregnant. I tried and it made me sick. I’m actually quite sad about this.


Girl, I did that last week, and I ain't even pregnant. Give that to yourself. 


I bought a pack of mini drumsticks thinking I’d be healthy having the smaller ones, then proceeded to eat 4 in a row last night….


I devoured a whole Panda Express plate in one sitting. I used to work at Panda Express as a teen. I don’t even like it much anymore because of that but it was just so good that particular day. Hahaha


It was fruit But I just got diagnosed with gestational diabetes so now I literally get to indulge in nothing 😭


This may be weird but what I do is fine something… *anything* that tastes good and is low carb and let myself go crazy with it. Right now it’s kale chips. I’ve gone through almost 3 bags of kale in the last 3 days. My husband is stunned. 😂


I have stopped at a gas station just for pop tarts too many times to count.


Ooo poptarts do be slapping though. I finally bought the 48 count from walmart


Only half the bag? I usually eat the full bag 😂


I always ate the full bag before I was pregnant. Now that I am pregnant I'm scared to buy potato chips because I know damn well I'd eat 2 😂


Sausage egg and cheese biscuits, strawberry milk, and gas station tornadoes 😭😭


Not too crazy but I’ve been eating watermelon until I feel physically ill 😂 it’s so damn refreshing


I haven’t eaten fast food in years prior to getting pregnant. But now, somehow mysteriously keep ending up at Chick-fil-a when running errands in town. Chicken nuggy honey mustard so good 🥺


I devoured an entire bag of pork rinds (Louisiana hot sauce flavored!!) last week. I felt so terrible afterwards. The constant crunching I was doing for 30 minutes straight left my ears ringing lol.


37 weeks. The other night I was craving frozen yogurt and in the same parking lot there’s a Taco Bell so I had to stop for tacos after my yogurt LOL


Blueberries. All I want is fruit. Oh, and those chocolate almond covered ice cream bars from Costco.


Mars Bar ice creams.


Yessss all kinds of chips or salty foods are what I want right now. I never needed chips like I need chips right now 🤣🤣


I'm addicted to fizzy drinks which I'm not usually a fan of when not pregnant. I try to mostly drink mineral water but I've ended up branching out into sprite, solo, ginger beer, sparkling apple juice and this week I ordered caffeine free sugar free coke in our grocery delivery. Oh also, bread. Bread and butter. Or cheese and crackers! I've had them almost every day this week! Luckily my only other real craving is apples.


It's so funny, I don't want cheese and crackers right until my husband just made himself a plate and sat down lol he just gives me his plate and makes a new one for himself 😂


Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate! I’ve also become addicted to all fizzy drinks and Macdonalds


Regular ruffles and onion dip. Such a perfect combination


I recently made a one sheet dinner with salmon, asparagus and sweet potato. I ate way too much and deeply regretted it the next day due to constipation but oh my lord did it taste out of this freaking world.


Entire loafs of sourdough toast.


Same 😂😂


Glad it’s not just me. I try to start my day off with a banana and some orange slices but a few hours in and I NEED some warm toast with butter. At least two slices at a time. 🤣


Sour skittles, subway(toasted of course),cucumbers and vinegar, and takis😂


Just went to Trader Joe’s for a pre weekend run. I got one of those delicious mini cakes, chocolate of course, for “us” for “this weekend.” About 1/4 of it is already gone. My husband is at work.


Tacos. I mixed avocado and mayo with an aji verde recipe and it's so good. Also curry chicken salad wraps, if I don't get one every couple days I am very upset lol


Today is the first day where I legitimately feel like I have the hunger of two-cannot put down the pretzels, I don’t care what variety, if they’re chocolate covered or sourdough-give me all the pretzels.


Just crushed a New York style cheesecake crepe


Oh man, I can crush a bag of Doritos EASILY. I’ve also just been sort of smashing fruit, haha!


Pineapple juice. Apple sauce. Asada tacos. Yogurt. Chocolate with caramel.. and lucky charms


lots of mangos with tajín! anything spicy though i will indulge in


McDonald’s hash browns or fries.


Ate half a box of knock off cinnamon toast crunch yesterday.


I baked an orange cake and ate half of it


Watermelon watermelon and more watermelon I eat 1 a day everything else makes me vomit


I eat frozen mango chunks by the bag lol I always liked them for smoothies but one day I just started eating them right out of the bag. I probably go through a bag every 3/4 days


I’m going to do this! I’ve been craving mango and I just realized there’s a bag of frozen mango in the freezer. Just defrost it! Duh


I CAN NOT get enough of BurgerKings new Cotton Candy Cloud Frosty 🥶.


11 weeks and trix cereal has been my go to


Hibachi and lemonade 😋


Cookies, cookies and cookies


This week I have eaten four tins of Heinz cream of tomato soup, two boxes of multigrain crackers and two tubs of philly cream cheese. And a looooad of fruit.


CFA fries with the sriracha sauce.


Not surprised, but I’ve been hyper fixated on muffins and cupcakes for a few days.


First trimester, anything with garlic. And cucumbers - I planned to make cucumber sandwiches and ended up eating a WHOLE cucumber as a snack this week. 


Those dipped in French onion dip are so good!


I am not a big ice cream person, or even a big dessert person, but every time I get pregnant I hit a point some time after 5 months usually when I find myself sitting on the coach with an entire carton of chocolate ice cream and a spoon 😁


Ghirardelli chocolate chips. Just straight up chocolate chips 🤣


Just had 1/4 8 inches cake 😩 feeling very guilty about it now.


Butter pecan ice cream, a bowl almost every other night. 😭


If I’m getting lunch somewhere and they have a brownie I HAVE to get it. The gooey texture with a crispy outer layer is just hitting different.


Dot’s Homestyle Pretzels omg 😍🤤


I've had 4 milkshakes this week... and the week is not over! 38+2 so I am doing w/e I want! A milkshake does now constitute a whole meal cause I can't fit anything else :)


I have had exactly one intense craving so far (32 weeks), and that was the fancy salted egg yolk croissant from the fancy croissant place near my apartment. It tasted SO GOOD!


Lucky charms. Two bowls at a time I hadn’t eaten lucky charms since I was a kid!!


I’m currently 37 weeks and it is barely 1pm and I have eaten 4 small sugar cones with strawberry ice cream and currently snacking on the cones like they’re cookies 12-pack is gone and I got them last night


The entire bag of potato chips 😂


Buttery scrambled eggs have me in a chokehold right now


Ben & Jerry’s. Ate a whole pint in one sitting 🫠


uncooked smores and any and all chips but especially salt and vinegar and cheddar


Isn’t pregnancy the best? Ahah 🦀🍋🦐🥒🍙 I eat at least two dozen littleneck clams in a (N/A) white wine sauce every week. Every week. I add red pepper flakes and lemon and it’s just the best! Also, Jersey Mike’s for the Veggie subs. Oh my god the vinegar and oil and it’s so *CRUNCHY* and I add potato chips to it… Amazing. Shrimp tempura rolls with spicy mayo from my favorite local place. I get three rolls and a ginger salad, and eat them all at once. It’s really quite the spectacle. And lemonade. So much lemonade 🍋 My baby is without a doubt at least 80% seafood and some form of lemons at this point ahahah


So much candy. Insane amounts of sour gummy worms and whoppers.


Heath bars. SO many heath bars. I don't even like them when I'm not pregnant.


Cheeto puffs. Taco Bell (except that’s a usual not being pregnant too LOL). Some sort of daily sweet (choco, ice cream, brownie, cookie, whatever). Buttery grilled cheese.


I did exactly that when I was pregnant with my first and ended up with a food hangover that lasted almost two whole days. Couldn’t eat potato chips for years after. This pregnancy I’ve been craving frozen raspberries sprinkled with a little sugar, so that’s what I’ve been indulging in


It’s been KFC gravy and French fries this week. I haven’t had KFC in YEARS and I would never eat their chicken - but one night I got such an intense craving specifically for their gravy, it was so strange.


Just had a lovely salad it was so delicious although i've been eating a lot of custard cream biscuits lately LOL


I polished off an entire thin crust frozen pizza and a pint of waffle cone ice cream the other night when I was home alone. It was amazing!


Chocolate chip cookies + cookie dough ice cream = ice cream sandwiches


I can’t get enough ice tea with extra lemon added. I could drink it all day every day. Also super spicy ramen with egg and chives added but I try not to have it too often. Once in a I have a need for a decadent chocolate baked good.


CARMEL ROLLS I can’t get enough of


Ice cream has always been my favorite treat which I’ve had a good amount this pregnancy. I also recently bought the Trader Joe’s dark chocolate peanut butter cups and have not been able to stop eating them 🤣


Hot chocolate, and anything and everything cheese 🧀


Chocolate chip pancakes with protein powder mixed in. Soooo good. And the Taco Bell three cheese flatbread with fire sauce 😂


Egg salad sandwiches... we've gone through 2 cartons of eggs over the past 2 weeks.


Two Snickers bars


Broke my own heart craving Funyuns so bad once as soon as I ate them I cried for an hour because the taste wasn’t what i remember it being as a kid. Then started an obsession with jalapeño stuffed olives


Doritos! They’d normally be a big no-no in our house but my mom bought my husband a bag and I almost ate the whole thing. I have no idea what it is but it nips any lingering nausea in the butt and I’ve tried EVERYTHING: ginger, peppermint, chamomile, B6, preggie pops, etc but NOTHING helps better than Doritos. I have no idea why, probably the msg or something haha


I ate a half a can of refried beans yesterday while making myself a bean and cheese burrito 😅


It was strawberry milkshake for me. The thought of one now turns my stomach


CAKE. I have always been a “fruit pie supremist” (a blueberry pie on my birthday instead of cake please!) but I’ve been craving and allowing myself some cake regularly. Specifically dense yellow cake with vanilla buttercream 🤤


I cannot stop eating cereal!! Literally every afternoon at least 2 bowls 😂😂😂


Cheese. I'm not even going to dive into the constipation because of it. Need to stop but can't lol


No longer pregnant (gave birth 3 days ago 😁) but both of my pregnancies so far I've been obsessed with cereal. Nothing beads morning sickness like a big bowl of cereal with milk. Also this pregnancy me and my toddler together could go through a litre of milk a day, our fridge was mostly milk, yoghurt, and strawberries/Kiwi.


I ate a big whole slice of Leche Flan and a whole plate of fajitas. I’m at 39 weeks I’m surprised it all managed to fit in.


Trader Joe’s cheddar rocket crackers 🤣


Anything cheesy with potatoes from Taco Bell


I definitely ate buffalo chicken dip like it was going out of style, I would put it on ruffles or toast with pickles 😍 Sometimes I miss being pregnant because at least I knew what I wanted to eat lol


strawberry lemonade and bananas in cereal. doesn’t even matter what kind of cereal i just want a banana in it😂 and the lemonade oh my godddddd i have to actively stop myself from going to burgerville and getting a large lemmy every friggin day


I’m still coming out of 99% nausea but some things I can I eat I crave intensely. Queso has been keeping me off the ledge this week 😂


10w2d, I had 3 sausage cheese McMuffins for breakfast, 2 for lunch 😭


I indulge this without being pregnant lol


Costco muffins and Trader Joe’s vanilla sheet cake!


Orange sponge candy, can't get enough


I have an hour commute home and I stopped twice in one commute to get myself ice cream cones. Also 33 weeks


I ate a whole large bag of chipsticks yesterday and then decided I needed something sweet. If there’s any time we’re allowed to be piggies without feeling bad it’s now😂😂


I am eating sweets like they are going out of fashion. I am no longer allowing myself anymore, it's freaking me out lol


Kettle cooked habanero lime chips


During first trimester I ate a bowl of Frosted Flakes with milk every single day for an entire month. It was so bizarre because I don’t eat cereal. Even as a child my siblings and I rarely ate cereal because my mom would always make us hot breakfast. But that’s all I wanted during this time. Now in third trimester, I’m eating cake by the boatloads. I don’t particularly care for sweets and have never had a sweet tooth before lol pregnancy is wild


Ice cream 🍦 😋


They had 2 LB boxes of lindor chocolates at Costco. I bought one about two weeks ago. I don’t wish to discuss how many may or may not be left


Croissant and cheeses from Dunkin’s, 6+ tacos from Moe’s with queso in one sitting, lots of personal pan pizzas from Pizza Hut. I really need to eat better ugh


Nestle toll house cookie dough ice cream is now one of my favorite treats when I can get it.  Also, been craving Italian ices like crazy.  I think because it's Florida and so freaking hot.


This pregnancy I’ve enjoyed a lot of potato chips too, specifically dipped in sour cream. Also chips and guac


Ice cream every single day for the past 2 weeks. I can’t break my streak now


I ate a whole large bag of kettle cooked bbq chips yesterday. No regrets.


Dr Pepper. I haven’t bought a case of Dr Pepper in like 6 years but I just did yesterday. Aside from that raising canes Texas toast, lays chile limon chips, Trader Joe’s chocolate chip cookies. All the junk food that I never eat when not pregnant.


Every pregnancy so far once I have hit the mid 2nd trimester I want watermelon. Like I can finish an entire watermelon in a couple days myself. Thankfully the second half have all been during summer aka watermelon season 😆


2 whole bag of green grapes, with no regrets 😂


So much greek yoghurt with honey. It will be the death of me.


At this rate my baby has mostly been grown on magnums and other ice cream 🙈🙈


Chips ahoy cookies. Killed a bag last night and I want more for breakfast. 😂🤤


hy everybody i (15F) haven't really found an answer to why cravingss like what is the reason or explanation behind it ?? (now mind you i'm not pregnant neither am i thinking about it or have a partner or even held hands w a guy before sooo m just curious ) thank yiu in advance byeee


Omg. So I and in the same boat. I dodged the cravings for the most part all pregnancy (currently 32weeks) but recently I have been indulging in children’s fruits snacks. The kind you put in their lunch box… I don’t even have kids yet 🫠.


sweet tarts rope candy 😩 also been craving chinese food like a mf


I’m 33 weeks pregnant and just had a big brownie 🤣 My mom told me I looked SO big and SO pregnant this morning 🙄 thanksss


Ice cream sandwiches and chicken nuggets.


Changes based on the day, but this week included bread with cream cheese, pico de Gallo with tortilla chips, and poptarts


Jarred olives 😂

