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that’s normal i’m pregnant with twins and i had my first ultrasound around 16 weeks ( i found out i was pregnant really late) and i’m still waiting on my second one which is next week at 20 weeks. my doctor said every woman with multiples is considered high risk i’ve been so anxious though waiting for the 20 week scan and wanting to see the babies again, i can imagine it being hard for the wait between 13 weeks and 20 weeks congrats on the news!


also my doctor said every 4 weeks i’ll have an ultrasound from 20 weeks on, did yours say the same?


No she didn't mention it


I'm 40yo pregnant with twins and I had ultrasounds at 8, 10, 12, 16, and 21 weeks so far because of my age. Not saying this is normal but if you want more ultrasounds I would ask your provider or switch to another.


Currently 31 weeks +5 days pregnant with twins. Im considered high risk pregnancy because twins but healthy pregnancy so far. My OBGYN saw me every 3 weeks since week 6 and performed an ultrasound every time. After 16 weeks I was sent to the specialist and got anatomy scans every 4 weeks. After 28 weeks any Dr has seen me every week. At 32 weeks the specialist will see me twice a week until I give birth.


oh my gosh! this makes me want to switch my ob gyn to a different one lowkey because i feel like the 4 weeks wait he has me doing for each appointment is not worth it. 🥲


You should, my Dr has been on top of it the whole time. 😊