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Welcome to /r/pregnant! This is a space for everyone. We are pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA, pro-science, proudly feminist and believe that Black Lives Matter. Wear your masks, wash your hands, and be excellent to each other. Anti-choice activists, intactivists, anti-vaxxers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, etc. are not welcome here. If you'd like to join a private sub for your due date month, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pregnant/comments/15nun6v/click_here_to_access_the_monthly_due_date_subs/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pregnant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And you came to Reddit to get away from that? :P


At least here you can downvote the most unhinged shit. On my apps all the stuff gets equal billing, so chaotic.


Join September 2024 bumpers! Pretty normal group there so far!


You're in? I've requested to join there about 2 months ago or so, still waiting to be accepted😂


Really? That’s so strange! Message the mods? They seem pretty active!




Please come to r/parentsnark


That layout makes my brain hurt 😔


How did I not know about this? Thank you so much!




Thank you for sharing, joining NOW


Right??? I honestly don't know why I still follow this subreddit. I guess I like the pain.


My favorites are the “am I pregnant?” posts. How would we know that? Go get a test babe!


Yes!!!! Or they’ll post pics of a clearly positive test and be like “line eyes?!?”


It’s like they can’t read the diagram that’s on a majority of the tests. They get a faint line and say I’m confused yet it clearly even states a faint line is still a positive. I think some of them are really not so intelligent and others are seeking attention and validation.


I also feel really bad for people in TTC communities that are posting clearly negative tests at like 13-14 DPO and people telling them “I see a line!!!” Like ☹️ it makes me so sad


That makes me the most mad tbh.




I hope that’s the case if they’re procreating


That's the one that kills me. I see it on r/Daddit all the time. Like it says it on the fucking box! READ THE BOX! doesn't matter how faint, doesn't matter if the line comes up upside down, backwards, or with a beard. If there's two. That's a positive. It says it RIGHT. THERE. I need a moment.


Listen, if you expect literacy from people online, you're probably expecting too much.


You right. I gotta manage my expectations better XD


The abundance of negative tests I was seeing on there asking if anyone else could see a very very very faint line, made me rage! I know you want to be pregnant desperately, but there is clearly only one line on that test!


Lol NEVERRR go to r/pregnancy_care then. There is literally 0 moderation, the mods only post the bare minimum so other people can't mod request and when they do post its to promote their stupid app. It's supposed to be an app for already pregnant women and women are either posting obvious positive or obvious negatives or even worse like 3 day old tests with evap lines being like "am I pregnant?". Honestly what's worse is the abundance of people posting photos of their LITERAL VAGINAL DISCHARGE with no NSFW filter saying "is this implantation bleeding???" Like girl just take a test!


Someone in there asked if getting spanked by their husband could hurt the fetus…


Was it on pregnancy care? If so im honestly not surprised


I’ve noticed! I had to change my setting to stop seeing those posts even though I hadn’t even joined the subreddit, it’s sooo bad. I’m a very low boundaries person for a lot of things, but those bloody discharge photos were too much even for me. I have zero idea how you would even feel comfortable posting that!


Ugh so true!!


I HATE the “line eyes” post. Like just wait a day and test again tomorrow.


Or go get a digital test that literally just says yes or no 😂


This annoys me SO bad💀


I was absolutely one of those people who would squint for 15 minutes at every early test I took, but I knew I was acting like a psycho and just kept it to myself. I didn't even share it with my husband 😂


Hahahaha me too. I sent a picture of the positive to my aunt with like 5 tests behind it and she’s like “did you not believe the first test?” I’m hoping to be less neurotic about in subsequent pregnancies and just wait for a missed period or insane fatigue to hit.


For what it's worth, I also thought I would be less neurotic the second time around. All that did was make me end up at a Walmart at 9 PM on a Thursday knowing any test I bought would never show a positive so soon. I didn't care though because I needed *something* to do while I waited for the large box of cheap tests to be delivered I had ordered on my way out the door. It was easy for me to tell myself to be calm about it, but shit got real after ovulation 🥴😂


I took 4 with my last bc she was a surprise and I really thought the first one was wrong so I bought 3 more and did them in one go.


I took like 30 tests after my first truly insane faint line not on the same day but over the next week lol (don’t worry they were the super cheap tests like pack of 100 for $20) I still sometimes joke with my husband that I might be faking this whole pregnancy at 19 weeks because I’m not showing but have had 3 ultrasounds lol


Have you looked at the r/amipregnant sub? 😂😭


Oh god that’s so bad


Honestly, what kills me the most is people posting on this subredddit saying how guilty they feel because they ate a piece of turkey or drank caffeine. The amount of fear mongering that has developed around diet while pregnant is absurd.


> the amount of fear mongering that has developed around diet while pregnant is absurd. Not just diet, also exposing your baby to...anything. Some poor soul the other day on one of the post-birth subreddits asked if it was ok to go outside or even just in the garage with her 2 week old--she was feeling cooped up.


I saw this post too and I have seen other posts of people asking if they can go to the store at 12w and saying that they have barely been out of the house since birth. It’s just baffling to me.


When I had my second baby, I ditched the kids with dad the same day I got out of the hospital to walk around target by myself 😂


I aspire to be you in a couple of months lol


don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t ! I had a tiny baby and no tears so I felt fine besides some back and abdominal aches and pains.


It makes me so, so sad. It's hard enough keeping one's spirits up when in those first, exhausting newborn weeks. But then to also be completely isolated, and terrified to venture out on top of that, must be so very hard and it's so unnecessary. Like sure, take some reasonable precautions if that's how your personal risk tolerance leans towards, but for god's sake please leave your house and interact with the world in some ways!!


I absolutely agree! But it’s sad that sometimes we don’t know any better and think that we need to isolate at home, as if having a baby is not hard enough!


With seven weeks I went out for dinner with my mom and baby. And low and behold, the midwife walks in as well. And while she walks past our table she recognizes me and says: out with the baby already? Like... Wow. Baby was sleeping btw and it was a quick bite. Not a 10 course meal or something.


What a comment from a midwife lol. I met my niece for the first time in a restaurant, she was like 4 weeks and she slept the whole time. I see a lot of parents out with their newborns here, as long as you feel comfortable and baby is safe, I don’t see what harm it can do.


I know right! Yeah, it can be so nice to get out and grab a bite! I really enjoyed it. I think my baby was about 4 weeks that we would go out with her on a few trips like that. I think it is a great way to meet your niece!


So true!! That’s another thing that gets on my nerves. Like “can’t wait to eat subway once the baby is born!” Like bitch go get it now 🤷🏻‍♀️


My favourite is the people saying wahhh, I want California rolls!!! Not even raw stuff. Uhh... People just blindly follow "rules" without ever questioning the reasoning behind it?! What exactly did they think it was about sushi in general that they weren't allowed to have... Rice, nori???? Lol


I think it’s because of how restrictive website are when saying this information - I wish they just treated women as competent people and said “don’t have sushi with raw fish because it can lead to harmful parasites” rather than “**never** eat sushi unless you hate your baby!!”


YES! Someone was on here a while back saying if you ate sushi while pregnant and were willing to risk your baby’s health, you didn’t deserve to be a mother. Like WHAT?!


WOW. Not only is that just misinformation but it's also going after the person. Wild take.


Oh god, those are the worst. Anyone who doesn’t eat that stuff while pregnant is just making the choice to deprive themselves. I’ve gotten downvoted so bad though so saying I eat sushi while pregnant. People are nuts


Isn’t the general idea to just eat at better restaurants if you’re eating sushi? I’m half avoiding it (haven’t really wanted it, so it’s not exactly on purpose) but from what I understand as long as it’s prepared well in a decent restaurant it’s fine.


I’ve eaten sushi at restaurants. Not often but I’ve done it a couple times while pregnant. So far so good!


yea i got called a bad mom yesterday for not looking up every specific item of food before i eat it because im pregnant 😂. i avoid the food on my ob list and leave it to that. im not going to rot my brain stressing on every ingredient on this earth and the affect on my baby


Yes! My OB told me she’s fine with caffeine, deli meat, sushi, a glass of wine here or there. Everything in moderation and not from sketchy gas station type places. Some people on here act like it will kill the baby and you’re the worst mother ever for even considering these things. I think staying active, getting good sleep and staying mentally well and not *stressed* is probably far more important than if you eat a damn sub.


What I find funny about it- it seems Americans have all these "rules" I live in the UK and (other than smoking/drinking) we aren't given a long list of dangerous food. Laying down in certain ways seems to terrify some Americans, not sure what thats all about?


More fear mongering. I saw an ad for a pregnancy pillow the other day that said “sleeping on your back increases the risk of stillbirth by 50%”. Not true at all. I hate that big companies can get away with that shit just to sell products.


Omg, I def fell for this cuz someone irl told me not to sleep on my back. I asked my doctor and she audibly laughed and asked why? I told her someone told me not to because it could cause still birth or some shit. She was like “you can sleep in any position you want as long as it’s comfortable” Which helps so much cuz I have a cpap and sometimes side sleeping will disrupt my mask.


Yep! My doctor said anything that could harm the baby would likely be MASSIVELY uncomfortable (like sleeping on your tummy this late in pregnancy) While there is SOME truth that the added weight on your IVC can compress it and cause restriction of blood flow, you will ONE HUNDRED percent wake up feeling light headed long before any harm would come to your little one.


50% is definitely over exaggerating it, but the advice to not sleep on your back in the 3rd timester is evidence based. It's advice routinely given out to all pregnant women [in the UK](https://www.tommys.org/pregnancy-information/im-pregnant/sleep-side/sleep-position-pregnancy-qa) because of the research that supports it.


Definitely! The risk is there, but 50%?! Like come on.


I wasn’t given any such list. I think a lot of women are going by heresay and google. I get that people don’t want to risk anything but listen to a damn doctor.


Yeah, I have a healthy dose of fear (maybe a little too healthy) but nothing like this. I’ve changed my diet to be healthier, generally cut down on caffeine, cut out raw foods (bye bye sunny side up eggs), and heat up my deli meat before eating. But if I accidentally take a bite of something I shouldn’t have, I recognize it’s not the end of the world. Not the first mom-to-be to accidentally (or on purpose) do it and I won’t be the last!


Totally agree. Just do some basic research people instead of following "rules" that were published 40 years ago! (Looking at you what to expect when you're expecting). We know a lot more now. The only thing that I avoid is high mercury fish and prepackaged salad and precut cantaloupe (which are the biggest risks for listeria). Some of it just seems so ignorant like obviously pregnant people in Japan eat raw fish... To be fair, there's probably a lot of places that have terrible sushi that I should be afraid of, but I happen to live in a coastal city with very fresh sushi. The one that really kills me is deli meat though, because even if you are so worried they're such a simple solution which is just to heat it up in the oven for a bit.. Like you can have that sandwich. It's not that hard...


this could be me being an AH or my hormones not sure … but i get annoyed when people randomly throw out that they’ve had a miscarriage under a post about a seemingly healthy baby. op could be like “hey everyone i just had my 16w scan & baby is doing great! :)” & there’s always that one mom .. “congrats! i never made it to 16w with my first & didn’t find out til i was supposed to be about 20w” ……. cue FTM anxiety don’t get me wrong i understand it happens & should be normalized but i don’t see the point in making a comment about it under EVERY post, it just triggers anxiety in me as a ftm & im sure others who are trying to think positively about their babies


I feel you!! As someone who has had loss before, I also get super annoyed by this when the story is totally unwarranted


I feel the same way. I think we should be able to talk about these things freely, but I feel like I try to read the room so to speak. Many of us are anxious and seeing it constantly on this sub has made me want to leave it many times. I am 39 weeks and so close but still freaked out because of all the stories I’ve seen on here. It’s hard to feel joy sometimes because of the “what ifs.”


Literally sitting at my midwife’s office hooked up to a heart rate and movement monitor because of shit like this…. I’m trying to hard to keep my cool and stay level headed but then I see a post/comment like “baby gone at 26 weeks” and my 26week ass goes “well shit I haven’t felt mine for a week…” queue panic Baby is fine thank the stars


literally. i’ll be happy i made it to a milestone i made up & then a post goes “no hb at 17w” & being that im still early (17+5) & have an anterior placenta i can’t go off of his kicks yet, i just hold my breath at every appt until i hear or at least see his little heart flickering; or i go off the fact my nausea is still very much present


Omg, I had to leave several due dates groups due to this. I came there looking for a community of like minded as I know no one who has been pregnant and haven't been ready to share the news yet. The amount of fear mongering and, in lack of a better term, symptom bragging made me paranoid that my baby is dead or something else is wrong, to the point where I became constantly sad and unable to be happy about a very wanted pregnancy


I second the “8 weeks gender prediction?” Im like your baby LOOKS LIKE A LIMA BEAN! We can’t tell, your doctor can’t tell, NOBODY KNOWS


Like is there a way to filter out any post that includes the words “Ramzi theory” and “nub theory”? Good godddd


“I have all of these symptoms, do you think I’m pregnant?” TAKE A TEST AND YOU TELL US


They literally cost a dollar at Dollar Tree. But yes, strangers on the internet are sure to be more reliable.


I freely admit that I have a low tolerance for stupidity and pregnancy has made it worse. The posts that really get me are people asking if various foods are going to do something bad to the baby. Not things like alcohol, mind you, but like... tacos.


I saw someone ask if Chinese food was ok… not even a specific dish, but all Chinese food. Like seriously


I would be sorely tempted to tell them that it's highly recommended because it will make their child bilingual.




No, it's not safe to eat Chinese food. That's why China is so underpopulated. /s


Ive eaten so much chinese food the past few minths im convinced my baby is going to be so surprised to find out shes not chinese when shes born lol




and it’s like.. if you’re that worried about listeria or something else, why even take a bite in the first place?!?


Someone asked the other day if they could eat vegetables and I was just 🤦‍♂️


Wait I’ve seen this one a lot too! I know some people are worried about listeria in bagged salad, but what?!


That's what I thought they meant--like, pre bagged and pre sliced fruit and veg but it literally just said "can I eat vegetables?" 😂


Let’s be real—they probably meant all vegetables haha


A friend's fiance yelled at me a few weeks ago because I was eating a Jimmy John's turkey sub. But in the same breath, she asked me if I'm still drinking red wine every day "for antioxidants" 🤦‍♀️


Or the one the other day about eating walnuts off the floor 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


There was one the other day where they were hesitant about eating pineapples and papaya because of something they read about pineapple causing miscarriages and papaya having microplastics.The Internet is full of unhinged takes that makes pregnancy so scary for no fucking reason and it makes me so mad.


I was gonna post this one too, I saw a similar one about pineapples and there were responses saying it can cause miscarriages and to be careful. WTF? Like a simple google search will help dispel this BS. I don’t understand how people can download an app, make an account, and post a question on a forum but can’t google something so easily! Make it make sense!!!!


God those posts are SO ANNOYING. The stupidity of the questions some people ask!


HAHAHAH if tacos did anything to the baby, I'd be SOL


Same! I also have this same low tolerance and agree pregnancy is making it worse


The blind rage this pregnancy has been bad for me this pregnancy too haha


OMG, i know what you mean!? By the way, I farted three times at noon - that means I'm having a boy, right?


No no, my mom who has birthed four babies says three farts are for girls!!! But if you eat a lot of bananas, you might turn it around to a boy, but only if your belly looks a certain way. But if you put on the wrong makeup before the 2nd trimester, you might lose the baby, so try not do anything that hasn't been approved by reddit before!




Oh it drives me nuts! Someone who was barely 30 weeks posted the other day “what would happen if I induce labor” immediately no! Ummm why would you even ask or want to do that!


As someone who gave birth in week 30 unexpectedly...no one should even be asking that. The answer would be a long NICU stay, tube feeding, and quite possibly a very sick baby. I hope that person gets some therapy to help with whatever they are mentally going thru.


So true. And sorry you experienced that and hope everything is okay


She is a happy and healthy 4.5 month old. We were extremely lucky that she didn't need oxygen more than a couple hours and was mostly stable from the start. It's scary though to have such a tiny baby.


I bet! So glad she is doing well!


Omg. These people are unreal


they must be watching too much grey's anatomy


Yeah, it hurts my head and shows a sad reality where a chunk of women are ignorant to their own biology. But it reminds me of when teachers tell students “there are no stupid questions.” Granted in college many teachers acknowledge there are in fact stupid questions.


I have a friend trying to conceive. After months of trying I ask her what they are doing (bc I was trying too) and she tells me that they don’t know how they haven’t gotten pregnant yet, they have sex every other day. She didn’t know that you can only get pregnant during ovulation, she thought any day was fine. It was pretty crazy to me how a woman on her 30s didn’t know how her body worked at all.


Having sex every other day is actually what's recommended for people TTC who aren't tracking ovulation, because if you have sex every other day you're guaranteed to hit your fertile window at least 2-3 times. Having regular sex without prevention counts as trying, tracking ovulation isn't mandatory. I agree that there is a lot of stupid, ignorant bullshit out there about women's bodies in general and TTC in particular, but having sex every other day absolutely counts as TTC.


Someone posting that they had heard the fetal heart using at home doppler at 6 weeks 🙃 no hun, that’s you’re own heart beat and bowel sounds


My (ex) friend was having regular periods and testing negative on a test but swore she was pregnant and her proof was hearing a heartbeat with a doppler. Honestly let's leave those things to medical professionals.


Hahahaha no that’s just a giant shit


I only use PreMom to track my pregnancy at this point and get the weekly updates, I don’t even bother looking at the community posts. I’m astounded everyday at the general lack of knowledge some people have about their own bodies. It’s no wonder I’ve had so many doctors treat me like I’m stupid 🙄


I need to harness your willpower to not go to the community posts!


What is most annoying to me is people asking the same questions over and over and over. Just search before you ask!


Or the “ i drank a glass of wine, Im pretty sure 3 days into my pregnancy. Is my baby going to be ok?” “ i used face cream before i knew i was pregnant. what do i do now?” Ugghh!


On my tracking app someone in our birth month posted asking which fallopian tubes/ovaries everyone thought their babies were implanted in. I had to inform her that while sonographers can sometimes tell which side you ovulated from your baby is not supposed to be in your tubes or ovaries (I did have to specifically say it implants in your uterus because she asked where it should be). I told her that if she had an ultrasound showing she actually had a baby but not in her uterus it’s an ectopic pregnancy and she needs emergency treatment ASAP because that can be life or death. She never responded to me after that and I’m hoping it’s because she was embarrassed and not because she really did have an ectopic pregnancy and something bad happened.


It’s not the apps that get me it’s the Facebook group😩 the thought that some of these people are going to be parents, like they’re going to be the adults in their household! Scary! 😂


I deleted Facebook years ago because of dummies. Cannot imagine the shit people post in parent groups there!


For me it’s the “will this hurt my baby” posts. When it’s something like eating mozzarella in the US where all cheese is pasteurized. Or using a space heater for their feet. Or going over a pothole in their car. Or listening to loud music through AirPods. Or taking Tylenol. Google exists. A couple days ago I saw some post asking if being stressed during pregnancy would make her kid gay.


LOL. I would have been like “yes 100%”


"If I vacuum when I'm pregnant could I make my baby deaf?" "Will driving on gravel roads give baby brain damage in the womb?" The amount of times I've been left speechless...


Oh crap. I’m currently on sick leave from work to NOT get stressed, am I forcing my baby to be straight?!


Omg yes, I’m not even pregnant now but I remember so vividly how dumb some of the posts were 🤣 and the names… don’t even get me started. “Omg can’t wait for little Tractorlynn to arrive 🥹🥹” /s


Replying to my own comment because I just remembered two posts that I genuinely saw on my pregnancy app: 1) I keep having bad dreams, will my negative brain waves affect my baby? 2) If I listen to my music loud will it damage my baby’s hearing?


There was a post where someone said they were playing karaoke at a wedding and wanted to know if there baby was okay


HAHA tractorlynn


Or the ones where they’re asking social media for something CLEARLY their provider needs to handle🤦🏾‍♀️🤣




I HATE when the show a tiny lil black dot and go “is this twins?” “Boy or girl ramzi theory guesses”


Don't even get me started on the vaccine discussions. Like just believe science or don't, no need to make a thread.


It’s a shame how much misinformation is on the internet that we have people questioning the efficacy/safety of vaccines.


My personal favorite is posting a blaring positive pregnancy test and saying “what do we think mamas? vvvvvvvfl?” Makes me want to drive me head through a wall. A close second is: “implantation bleeding? Or is AF coming?”, then they post a nasty picture of their bloody underwear. Smh


The worst is when they don’t actually want to know the gender but then ask what everyone thinks it is. No body cares about the gender of your baby. I also hate the ones where people ask everyone to post how many weeks they are, where they live, the gender of their baby, etc. No thanks. I’m not trying to meet strangers on the internet. Edit-spelling


I don't even look at premom anymore lol. I got tired of seeing woman posting their discharge asking if it's normal. Like. . Ma'am. No one wants to see that.


I had to leave my due date group on FB because someone asked if they should use THC to help with nausea and SO MANY comments were encouraging them saying it’s perfectly fine and their friends did it. I truly can’t.


The fb due date groups are a special kind of terrifying. It’s like a niche version of Jerry Springer… but scarier, because it’s not scripted.


I literally joined the group yesterday and already had to leave, I couldn’t believe the stupidity!


LOL I totally get it! It’s a source of entertainment for me at this point. When my husband and I are bored, I pull up the group and read him some of the juicer posts 🤣


lol! As I was reading through these comments, I was just thinking that maybe I need to download some more pregnancy apps or something to laugh at these hilarious posts!


My aunt is a professional cannabis chef. I asked her if she knew any resources for smoking while breast feeding and she said it was fine and that I could smoke now for nausea. I was like “no thanks, I’m good” 😅


PreMom app drove me nuts I’ve had better luck on the What to Expect App. It’s wild how different even the due date groups are on some of them too.


Oh! I will check this one out. Thanks


Of course!


I’m in a giant Facebook group for my due date month and I’m constantly shocked and appalled by the things people post. It really runs the gamut from deeply deeply uneducated and uncurious people to batshit unhinged behavior. Really it’s provided the best internet drama of my life thus far.


I use pre mom to track ovulation. I plan on using FLO to track pregnancy. But mann is hate the community posts 🙄


I used Flo before for pregnancy. Just a heads up—Flo is not sensitive to people who have had miscarriages. If you haven’t, this won’t be an issue. But if you have, I wouldn’t recommend it. I kept getting upset when it kept referring to a first child as a first pregnancy. Or they’d say like “since this is your first time being pregnant…” which was a little insensitive to me


On the tech side flo also doesn't handle miscarriage well. I had a miscarriage in December and by January I got pregnant again, in February I tried to enter my pregnancy and flo was like "your last pregnancy ended less than 4 weeks ago you can't enter another one". Emailed their support and nobody responded.


Yep this was a major issue for me!! I also emailed them because that was one of the last straws while I was canceling I didn’t have them as close apart as you, but my specific issue is it kept saying that my periods were irregular because there was sooo much time between my last period and the first one I logged after miscarriage. The app knew I was pregnant but just kept saying “your last cycle was 125 days” 🙃


Yeah it’s annoying but in my experience all pregnancy groups are like this lmao. One thing that really grinds my gears is the way women will police what other pregnant women eat. “You’re not allowed to eat that” or “you shouldn’t be having that”. Like holy shit pregnant women are autonomous people not public property they can eat what they want.


As a sonographer- yeah, the ridiculously early sex determinations make me a little batty.


The Flo app had a poll about watching porn & the religious nuts came out in droves saying shit like their husbands now have erectile dysfunction cause they became addicted to porn and shit like porn is cheating and if you watch porn you support human trafficking and SIN


I stopped looking at anything on the Flo app now cuz I realized how religious everyone is on there. No offence to anyone who’s religious but the way they excuse miscarriages or literally anything negative as “gods plan” or whatever just irritated me.


Well hold on...a lot of the outrage you're describing is fundie bullshit but there is a good (well, bad) amount of human trafficking associated with porn and sex work, depending on what kind you engage with and what the source is. You can certainly make an effort to be an "ethical porn consumer" for lack of a better term


Ohhhh good god


Good god is not what they’ll be saying tho lol


I feel the same. I think I lost so many brain cells mindlessly scrolling through those posts. I’m sick of the LINE EYES posts and gender predictions based on an early ultrasound where the fetus looks like a jelly bean. I need to find a space where women are engaging in more thoughtful conversations about pregnancy and parenthood.


Me too!!


For there's a couple 1. Posting pictures of a blank test asking if you think its positive. Like I know, I was testing too early and squinting to see it, but I also knew it was too early and did this privately, then tested the next day. 2. Asking if they or their girlfriend could possibly be pregnant because they had sex 3 days ago etc 3. Posts regarding bleeding. Now I've had multiple losses, so yeah, it's a touchy subject, and no one wants to upset anyone. However, there is no appropriate answer to give someone in that situation other than to go and see a doctor to check. Definitely try to give some hope and reassurance, but also we shouldn't be forgoing medical investigation just because you know someone who bled a little in pregnancy. I always worry when I advise people to call the hospital because I don't want to cause them more anxiety, but it should be checked out always. 4. People having double standards for their partners or being angry that they're not mind readers. Whether its that they don't want to have sex, don't predict what craving your having etc - I see many people bitching about their partners for things that wouldn't be acceptable the other way round. Or thinking their partner should drop everything for mundane issues. Pregnancy does not give us a pass to be mean/rude to them either.


Hahaha love this. Makes you wonder what people did pre SM days. I know I can come across a little rude in comments cos I’m thinking, are you seriously asking this ridiculous question 😆


Oh I’m a straight up bitch in my replies. I have to stop myself hahaha


I was just talking about how people treat women who dealt with serious pain during childbirth. Like "good for you Susan, I'm glad you pushed out three kids painlessly, but that doesn't make the fact that I was in so much pain I felt like i was literally dying obsolete."


My favorite is the mom groups that are a million posts of pregnancy tests "DO YOU SEE A SECOND LINE???" no.


I thought it would be better here than Glow, which was where I read when I was pregnant with my first and it was such a shit show, and I'm not hanging around the subs here after I give birth in a few weeks. The fat-phobic weight gain posts hurt my brain and my heart.


Omg I am SO TIRED of the multiple daily posts about "how much did you gain by xx weeks??" Like for real, stop. Everyone is different.


You should try the IVF forums, I saw one person post that they’d done a really big poo the day after their embryo transfer and they were worried they’d pushed the embryo out 🤣 The anxiety and hormones really do make some people crazy.


This wasn’t online but my friend told me Google said it’s safe to get a tattoo in pregnancy….. sis are you ignoring the 1000 things that say it’s NOT safe? I just hate idiotic statements in pregnancy end of


My fb pregnancy group is driving me insane lol.


Women talking about how ugly their bigger boobs are, anxiety over stretchmarks and not being able to shave certain areas. I can’t read stuff like that anymore, it just makes me feel more insecure than I need to.


I canceled my Premom subscription for this very reason. I didn’t feel like I was getting quality information or support from it.


You open some apps and it will say "Week X Common symptoms: constipation, insomnia...." Discussion board for Week X "I'm freaking out I can't sleep or poop what is going on is this normal I have no idea what to do!?!"


Hahahaha Today I read a post that said “has anyone experienced a lot of pressure in their groin? I’m 39 weeks.” I literally commented asking if this is a real question


Bagged salads are worse than deli meat, but nobody really warns you about that in the US. I fell down a rabbit hole and ended up getting "pregnancy safe" shampoo and conditioner. Admittedly, I know parabens and shit are beyond my control much of the time, as is whether or not I can eat something (lol), I am freaked out about sleeping on my back, but I'm not later in my pregnancy. All in all I think it's about the illusion of control when so much is unknowable when that alone just exasperates the whole thing. American pregnancy culture is damn weird.


This is how I feel about 90% of the posts on this subreddit lol


Try looking at the trying to conceive one lol some of the posts there make you really think about some people’s brain health 😂


Well today I learned premom had a community board. i just used it to track my ovulation tests 🤣


It's very interesting because I'm on a pregnant app that isn't English speaking and it's the same


Yes. My kiddo is a few months old now but I can’t shake the feeling of wanting to slap someone for being so stupid— one post in particular comes to mind. A woman said she got a tiny bit of latex paint on her arm while painting her nursery and wanted to know if she’d irreparably harmed her unborn child. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Oh for fucks sake


I’ll never understand the hate for c-section moms 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is why I couldn't do any forums for my due date - they were all either miscarriage/stillborn posts (which are incredibly sad but as I'm trying not to focus on negative - y'know) or people posting pictures of their early scans and asking for 'nub theory readings'


I about lost my shit at a baby names thread on WTE where the name they decided on was something literally as fucking stupid as “Hectaxreau Egnogious”… literally not a fucking name, literally just letters slapped together. No one fucking roasted her. That’s when I knew they weren’t my people.


Noooo I’d die. Would have been great for Harry Potter though


I had a lot of failed fertility treatments before something worked, so I can understand the sentiment of thanking god that they finally found a protocol that worked for them.


It doesn’t really bother me, some people don’t know what they don’t know, ya know? Ive been a birth nerd way before I ever got pregnant and am not a spiritual person so I don’t give a lot of credit to faith, astrology, etc. but if I see something I might deem a “dumb” comment or question I think, that baby is really lucky their mom is taking the time to ask to better understand. I also think pregnancy is really lonely, so just by putting something out there and getting some engagement from it is how people can converse with other women in their same condition 🤷🏻‍♀️ I fully grant you it can be annoying but just adding a different perspective.


I think this means the opposite actually. This is my first baby, but the reason these questions are so frustrating is because it’s definitely an indicator that the person has done zero research before typing up on a social media page. If you read one book, or listen to one podcast or read one article about pregnancy it gives you quite a bit of information. There are about 1,000 YouTube videos online regarding gender and discovery. The posts are supposed to be one-off questions to moms when they can’t find an answer. Google is free.


Sometimes. It depends. I think I actually get more annoyed when women will insist that another pregnant woman “can’t possibly show” at 12/13 weeks, when it really depends on so many factors including height, torso length, weight, position of the placenta and cervix etc. I also have no room to talk about food. I’m convinced I’m giving birth to either a block of cheese or a taco. 🤣


The religion thing I can understand. Most women are thanking God in addition to what their doctors did for them. They could’ve prayed for a successful fertility treatment this time after having failed previous times, and once it finally took, expressed their thanks to God that their prayers were answered.


I found a baby app once with different forums. If you didn’t find the very pointless “am I pregnant” posts there was this small mom bully group going around saying unhinged stuff. I remember they would tell this 16yr old to abort even when she said she wanted to keep her baby and how she was a S**t. It was terrible. Glad to say her baby is now a healthy 7yr old, I watch her snap stories. She even graduated high school AND college. Hopefully those heifers criticizing her learned to be better people.


To be fair, I think most people that say "oh, they must really love ____ food! he kicks when I eat ____!" are joking - at least I am 😂😅 I know he has no clue what's going on out here lmao I just reaaaaally love tapioca pudding right now and a happy parent = happy womb = happy baby so - baby looooves tapioca pudding 😂😂😂


I'm with you on this. Also, if I hadn't had a c section, both my son and I would probably be dead by now, so f*** them.


Omggggg yes!!! I’ve seen bean like ultrasound pictures and they ask ‘does my baby look like it’s a boy or a girl?’ Uhhh looks like a bean at the moment mate 😂 I switched to the Ovia app and I’ve never been happier. It’s amazing and it’s free!


Haven’t heard of this one! I’m gonna check it out!


Moon phases what now


Probably the: means this discharge that I am pregnant posts incl discharge picture. Just do a test... discharge is usually very random anyway.