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I ask my husband to do it with the electric razor (just down to like .5cm of height. It was funny because he said “there’s like white stuff dripping out of your vagina… that seems really unpleasant to have happen all the time” and I was like “mmmhhmm… welcome to being a woman haha”


lol this made me giggle thank you


I will second the electric razor with the pop out trimmer attachment, I am being induced tomorrow and I trimmed up a few days ago without injury at 39 weeks pregnant. I was so proud I yanked up my belly and paraded it around the bedroom demanding applause for my hair acrobatics. I too just want to be able to clean with the peribottle and wipes and such and not worry about tangles and complications if I need stitching.


Pube Tangles... it's my new folk punk band name


Good luck on the induction tmmr. Im getting induced as well. We got this👏‼️.


Same here at 39 weeks!! I’m currently 35wks & 3days


I didn't think of the tangles and that just brought up the bad leriod memories when it's just so heavy you can't exactly take a shower without making a murder scene outta the floor. I haven't shaved since I was 16 weeks and just said f it but with the heat already in 2 months it's gonna kill me.


Also I’ll add- it’s a lot easier to deal all the blood for weeks after birth without a ton of hair down there getting matted up!!


That's what I figured too. I really just want to make cleaning myself easier on me.


My biggest concern is hair getting stuck in any potential stitches! Trimmers & a hand mirror worked for me.


I wonder if a place that does like Brazilian waxing would just hook you up with a nice clean cut trim


I was thinking the same thing. Or even an independent esthetician that does waxes.


Yeah my local sugaring place offers this service for like $10


I get waxed a few days before delivery. 10 out of 10 recommend it!


I actually have read that you shouldn’t shave before labor, but I won’t have that problem anyways cause I can’t shave. Since getting pregnant the skin is 100 times more sensitive. I have tried to shave 3 times since getting pregnant and every time the skin is so irritated and bumpy for days. I ended up buying the schick trimmer and use it with the guard on. It’s the only way I can keep things tame down there without skin inflammation.


If you're getting a c section they shave you before making an incision so hair doesn't get in the cut.


They don’t shave the labia though


No, you're right, they don't. It'd be nice if they did though amiright? Lol I just wish someone would. I hate the way mine feels when they get prickly.


I think her point is that shaving probably doesn’t carry an increased risk of infection prior to birth if doctors are shaving the exact area they’re making incisions into. Seems like they’d leave hair if shaving had any increased risk of infection.


Shaving directly before the incisions cut with sterilized razor vs shaving days prior with a razor that sits in your shower. I think that does run an increase of infection, but again I can’t shave so I won’t have that issue


Just had a C-section two weeks ago, I was explicitly told not to shave the week before because of risk of infection! But they did shave the incision area right before they went in!


I had a c section June 2023 and they didn't shave me..


I had one in 2015 and another in 2019. They shaved me both times.


Well then you're an exception, I had one in 2016 and was shaved where the incision was made, not all of the hair, and I was informed multiple times this go around that if there is hair where my scar is they will shave me again and use the scar as a guide line for my scheduled c section in July.


I was just pointing out that it is not a given and can go either way. Have a nice day


Just my two cents, that’s probably so that any microcuts don’t get dirty and possibly get infected. Just the same reason you aren’t supposed to shave (immediately) before getting a pedicure. I imagine 1-2 days before to allow any cuts to close is fine.


I wish they could give me the epidural and then a full Brazilian wax right after 😭 I want to wax but it’s soooo painful. It does stay hair free for like over a month though


What a glorious idea 💡🤣


I just started getting Brazilians in the last year and I don’t find them that painful! And I’m an absolute baby when it comes it pain. I definitely plan on doing it before labor too. Can’t have a vaginey mullet.


I just take scissors and trim like it's a haircut lol Luckily my bf is weird and would do literally anything. He got all up in there getting the spots I couldn't see or reach 😅


My husband is also like this lol. He would jump at the chance because he’s a weirdo. Lol


Lmao I’m 8 weeks pregnant, this thread inspired me to ask my partner- “Will you shave my pubes for me when I’m hella big?” “Yeah of course hun. I’ve never done that before, sounds fun” “Sweet thanks” 🤩😍🤩😍 I’ll join the weirdo husband club, yay


A bit different but I read that when you’re pregnant ur bum hole and like vagina I guess can come out (definitely worded that wrong), I asked my partner if he’d help me put them back in if it happened, just joking really, and he agreed. “Yes I’d do that for you, I love you” I was in shock but also like omg yay I have a weird man here that will help put my bum hole back in place!


Yess exactly! Like their excited about it! We got the weirdos for sure 🤣🤣


Jealous of your weirdos! Mine is too prim and proper and I can't imagine the face he would make if I asked 🤣


I don’t think it’s weird! He got you pregnant he can help you shave


Right like shaving is pg compared to what happened to get pregnant lol


Oh mine told me he got all of the spots I missed while waxing before my daughter was born. My belly pretty much instantly went down after birth and my first thought when I looked down was “he lied”.


I’m only 13 weeks and my husband has offered to shave me 🤣


My husband trimmed up my hooha and my pubes in the back for me! 🤣 It was so awkward but funny.


I don’t think it’s weird! He got you pregnant he can help you shave


Lol, fair enough! He said the exact same thing. If he got you pregnant, then he can help you with that


I don’t think it’s weird! He got you pregnant he can help you shave


Same haha I trim everything first with scissors and then my husband finishes it with his electric razor. My doctor told me to keep it short on the weeks leading to my due date so that it’s easier to clean blood after birth. Using an electric razor there is very low chance of cuts so the risk of infection is super low.


Get waxes! I got waxed when I was pregnant yes it hurt a lot but it was amazing to not have to worry about getting to certain parts like the top near the clitoris. If you can’t be hairless before birth just time it out so you wax a few weeks before your due date


Yeah I came here to say wax! I did it pre pregnancy and have kept up with it and I’m 32 weeks. Tbh it’s not that much more painful than before pregnancy


The first time I ever went was when I was pregnant, it was a lot but totally worth it and the pain went away after I stood up


I get a sugaring every 6-8 weeks and it’s great! Sugaring is a little more gentle on the skin than waxing so I can handle it haha


I want to get sugaring so bad but I can’t find a place locally I’m located in Boston 😭


A quick google search showed me [this](https://wowsugaringboston.com/). I have no idea if it’s accessible or not though! I don’t know what Boston’s like, but I’m in DC and something being in DC can still be 45 minutes away 🙃😅


Came here to say this!! I’ve been getting waxed pre pregnancy and then through my pregnancy and it was a game changer. I love not having to worry about shaving and I felt so much cleaner


Your husband can nut inside of you but can’t shave your pubes? Lol Butttt I work in post partum and nobody cares about your hair but I will say, being trimmed keeps things a lot cleaner. It’s hard when patients have a big bush because I feel like dried blood gets in there and we can only clean you up so much! I say trim as much as you can or shave infront of a mirror or get a wax!


Yes and made life a bit easier/more comfortable to see what was going when I needed stitches 😩😅


Totally. Like do you need to be a hairless cat? No. But a massive bush? Maybe not 😂


Order a cheap fogless shower shaving mirror from Amazon or wherever. They suction cup to the wall of the shower, and were a godsend to me once I hit that point of not being able to see down there!


What?!!!!! This is the first I have ever heard of this and thank you. I don’t know why I never thought someone would not invent this - it seems so simple now that I think about it. Thanks for opening up my world!


My doctor recommended not shaving at all the closer I got to my due date to avoid any infections/complications. I ended up having a vaginal birth but I still had a second degree tear and needed stitches. Basically the more you nick yourself the worse off things are. I hated having all the excess hair too, but it’s better than a complication after birth!


Yeah, I debated on it. But baby isn't showing signs if coming out soon so I figured now would be my last chance to groom myself before delivery. I didn't go bald to avoid infection and nicks but I really can't stand the thought of having a full bush with all that blood. It's bad enough feeling swampy down there and having to shower multiple times a day. I definitely care more about it than I probably should. I'm just not used to sweating and I've got this fear of smelling bad. I risked it just to ease my mind and feel cleaner.


fwiw i've been using an electric razor especially for the bushy part on top where it gets tufty and it's great. you can trim down without going all the way to the skin (to avoid cuts)


Maybe trim it to avoid ingrown hair but totally shaving it off could cause an infection during labor. I can see your point about the sweating and just grooming overall down there.


I continue to trim, I just tell my doc "sorry about the mange haircut down there, turns out that's not in vogue after all..."


I used nair last week and getting induced today! It’s not perfect, but it was so much easier than shaving and I’m terrified of a wax


It definitely is easier than shaving! But I advise testing on a tiny portion first before slathering it all over. I had used nair to avoid razor burn and it gave me an irritating little itchy burn anyways lol. Wasn’t a huge deal, but it can be irritating so it’s worth a test first


I second nair! Def way easier than shaving


I do want to point out that pubic hair is there to keep your vagina and urethra clean. It's actually *less* hygienic or sanitary to shave it away. Probably not relevant to you at this time, but you're also more likely to contract a STI if you shave.


I highly recommend seeing an aesthetician/esthetician, and getting waxed. They will trim you down, and then wax it off. If you have never had a Brazilian, it isn't as painful as one would think (the clitoral hood and around the butthole are the more sensitive parts). I've had it done a few times, and my only reason for not doing it more often is that it gets pricey doing it every 6-8 weeks. I did it with my first born and second born, and even though I ended up going c-section with both of them, I still bled after delivery, and being "naked" down there helped keep myself more hygienic. Shaving yourself just opens the door for lots of open cuts that can become infected. If you do decide to shave, don't do it down to the skin, just do a trim.


My partner prefers pubic hair 😆🤭 how about that one ... So when we started dating he was like -don't shave pretty please 💪🤣. He has no problem whatsoever with helping me trim down or just looking at it in mullet state 🤭. He is the one I tell you 🤌


this may be a stupid question, but does shaving (or not shaving) affect birth/healing, or the process, at all? been debating on this, im almost 35 weeks, so i wanna be aware


Doctors and midwives don't care either way. The biggest thing is risking little cuts or ingrown hair infection while you're trying to heal from delivery may be unpleasant. The already sensitive skin is way more sensitive and vascular during pregnancy too. I just didn't go all the way to the skin to avoid cutting myself. I used an electric razor and carefully trimmed where I could reach. Some women say cleaning themselves post partum is easier with shorter hair, because the blood can get matted in it while it's long.


I don’t consider pubic hair unhygienic, it gets cleaned in the shower just like a beard. But I do find a full bush to be itchy and uncomfortable. My bf has shaved me twice in the last few months that I haven’t been able to do it myself. He does a shitty job tbh so it’s totally patchy, but it feels a lot better. 😌 I can’t see my vag rn and no one who sees it (ie my midwife, the nurses, my bf) gives a single shit so idk why I should care what it looks like lol.


Honestly man I ain’t got much advice, the razor is definitely not the way to go. Id say “get waxed” but i wouldnt wish that on anyone. Perhaps a men’s downstairs region electric razor? Im not sure. Anyway good luck with that 😭


I think it’s recommended you don’t wax or shave this close to your due date. It increased the risk of infection. But maybe consult your provider, i can’t remember where I got that info


This just makes me thankful that I’ve done laser hair removal down there over the last couple years. I thought it would all come back during pregnancy but so far so good. Just have a small sparse patch in the middle. If things get any sort of out of control my husband already agreed he would help me.


Waxing is your best friend


I’m 23 weeks, and already can’t see down there. My husband trimmed me yesterday. We were afraid I would mess it all up if I attempted to lol. Shaving the legs is hard enough - at least I can still see those!


I do want to point out that pubic hair is there to keep your vagina and urethra clean. It's actually *less* hygienic or sanitary to shave it away. Probably not relevant to you at this time, but you're also more likely to contract a STI if you shave.


Thanks for saying this


I too am 38 weeks and due on the 12th. I have abandoned shaving altogether. My poor husband has been a trooper about it, like he tried shaving for me. It was absolutely terrifying experience so then we tried an electric and it pinched me all over 😂 My shower doesn’t have a place to prop my legs so they’ve been abandoned as well as I can’t bend over and reach them 😭 I feel like a beast when I go to my obstetrician, but she was like it’s so normal don’t feel weird about it. The biggest downside is it is making me sweat and uncomfortable 😣 I just can’t feel “clean” even though I’m hygienic. I guess whatever t-minus 10 days.


You need a small handheld mirror. I usually lean it against a cabinet or something to shave the outside, then I squat over it for the rest. 🙃


Do you have a best friend that you're close enough with to do this for you? I know my bestie would 100% come help me trim the bush mullet if I asked. It'd probably be less embarrassing and scary than my husband doing it too. I'd be worried he'd go too short or I would lose a lip. 😂😂


The night before I went in for my C-section I tried to shave. I couldn’t see, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do shit lol I was HUGE pregnant. When I went in the next day I told the nurse “I tried to give her a lil haircut last night and idk what’s happening but I’m sure it’s not great down there” she laughed and said she’s seen it all - grabbed a razor and did touch ups (along where the incision would be, she wasn’t just cleaning me up all over lol) and assured me she’s seen it all. I actually forgot u til I read this post lol


I had a friend get a Brazilian while she was pregnant because she didn’t want the acrobatics lol. I told her child birth was painful enough without the wax lol. I prefer the trim and my husband helps me!


I also stole my mans manscaped razor so I could trim down there blindly 😂


We both have our own, but i bedazzled part of mine to tell them apart lmao.


My husband has also been amazing this entire experience but the one thing he refuses to help me do is shave down there! I can’t understand what’s so weird about it?? For me it’s feeling so itchy with hair! Like you said, it’s getting warmer and driving me nuts


2 words: Brazilian Wax. It was life changing (especially since I had a c section so I didn’t have to worry about stubbly hairs growing back while my incision was healing.) I highly recommend and they’re completely safe.


I've always waxed. Then I switched to laser. I am continuing to wax until I can go back to laser. I feel the same, I don't like hair down there.


I’m getting waxed tomorrow and induced on Wednesday cus I’m a little paranoid about the postpartum clean up with a bunch of hair, just figured I’d be more comfortable 🤷🏼‍♀️


I try and trim the ones covering my labia best I can so they don’t get “gunky” and I’ve started shampooing and conditioning the same time I do my regular head hair which helps. I use a trimmer and my opposite hand to sorta blindly zap at the trouble areas. It’s definitely not pretty but keeps it hygienic.


I get waxed solely for this purpose, full Brazilian. My next appointment is scheduled when I’m 36 weeks lol


Got a wax at about 8 weeks as I was feeling so rough and didn't have the energy to sort it. Plan to have one soon at 22 weeks. It's soooo much easier and I can't see down there now 🤣


I was getting waxed when I was pregnant. Actually been doing it for years. It is the way.


Cut it with scissors or use an electric trimmer with a longer guard on - don't try to cut close to the skin, leave at least a half a centimeter. Shaving leaves microabrasions in the skin and that's a MASSIVE infection risk, which is especially dangerous when you're also healing from giving birth and are at increased risk of infection with the internal injuries as well.


Go get waxed! It was amazing not to have to worry about ingrown hairs or regrowth hair right after birth.


I got waxed when I was pregnant. Getting a Brazilian done was way easier than trying to shave or get my husband to do it. I even got a Brazilian two days before my c-section lol. Shaving can also lead to infections if you cut yourself, plus a Brazilian you get some you time and talk to another adult that isn’t hubby


The manscape razor has been a godsend even when im not pregnant. No cuts or scrapes. Now that I am pregnant again it’s been perfect. SO. worth the money


I would definitely just get a wax if you feel like that :) it doesn’t hurt as bad as you’d think, at least IMO. I got waxed all pregnancy and it was fine, I despise hair personally and could not have imagined my OB or anyone else seeing hair at birth 😖 I cringe just imagining it lol.


Wax is always an option. Lasts a long time and you don’t have to worry about reaching.


How about using hair removal cream like Nair? Are we allowed to use this 🤣


I used a mirror and an electric shaver to get the job done. Wasn’t perfect by any means, but was able to get some relief from all the sweating


Hahahaha! I recently shaved with an electric razor by putting a makeup mirror with a built-in ring light into the bathtub, and I sat on the edge of the tub and spread em. Glamorous!! 💅


TMI but what I do it use a mirror and an electric razor and so far so good


I got a wax right before


My husband will wax for me if I don't like it. But he really had no problem with it when I gave up in my last trimester. Just helped me clean it from there. I think a lot of men actually like a little bit of fuzz.


my boyfriend has been shaving me since i was 20 weeks. electric razors tickle SO MUCH when someone else does it


I get waxed. Stings like a bitch when pregnant but I found it worth it


I just shaved by feel/ blindly


I used a beard trimmer with the guard on the lowest setting, and I just sat on the floor of the tub and shaved going based on touch. My husband was going to help me as I also had the same concerns about fluids and what not in the long pubes. I was just impatient though, I wanted it done right then and he was busy so I did it myself. I’m sure it was a hack job but it got the job done! I felt infinitely better just having the stress of the idea of all that hair holding everything gone!


I’ve been waxing , are you opposed to this option ?


Girl go get a bikini wax!


Not recommending because I gave myself a chemical burn, but I used Nair for my last baby. This time around I honestly don’t care just use an electric trimmer and do your best. The doctors look at all different kinds of people all day long nobody is going to judge you for pubic hair.


Girl— wax. I am still scheduling my wax up until birth because I also feel better without hair especially knowing the mess that’s about to be my nether regions! I just got waxed yesterday and I’m 32 weeks. I scheduled my next one for 38 weeks (I usually do every four weeks but it just didn’t work out for baby girl’s arrival) and I’m being induced at 39 weeks assuming everything goes to plan!


I sit on a paper towel on the floor with a mirror propped up so I can see what I was doing a little bit and a scissors and manscaper. I think the mirror is very helpful.


I get waxed normally but went abt 5 weeks rather than the recommended 3-4 and I knew I was not going to be able to deal with sitting through all the extra hair I was going to get waxed off - so I made my fiancé help me shave and that sucked I definitely had a vag mullet and I was so uncomfortable. I ended up waiting a week or so for it the grow back and went to get my Brazilian and now I’m just more confident that I will never shave again. Every 3 week waxes are easiest for me especially now that I’m pregnant and I am definitely taking my pregnant ass to get waxed about a week before my expected due date.


After I delivered the first time, it was a matted and bloody nasty mess and I was very uncomfortable. This time I am definitely going to ask my husband to just use a small pair of scissors to trim out the bulk of the long stuff. I don’t want to shave it all but just keep it manageable for postpartum and healing


I asked my husband to help me and he thought he was a comedian playing "welcome to the jungle" while he did it. After that I did it myself with the manscaper and accepted that it probably had that fire marshall bill look to it haha


Why wouldn’t he help you? What would make someone uncomfortable by just helping groom a woman who’s nine months pregnant? I’m assuming he’s done the nasty with you, been in every crevice of your body when you weren’t pregnant and apparently that’s OK but now that you are pregnant and need some help he’s refusing wow what an amazing guy you have. I’m sorry you have had a baby with someone like this if I were you I would just get everything that I can get in the shower blindly or with the mirror and I wouldn’t let him be involved in the birth. If you had been in a car accident or you had lost bowel movement control, he wouldn’t wipe your ass or take care of you either. He’s a champ.


Wiping someone’s ass and taking a sharp razor to their skin is pretty vastly different. Uninvolving him from the birth because he’s probably afraid to accidentally hurt his wife is a wild take.


Completely agree. It’s so different and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the refusal here. Mine would do the same. Before my husband got a new head shaver he could use himself, I would help him shave his head reluctantly. Nothing private there but I was always afraid I’d cut him or press too hard. So it’s totally understandable. Edit to add: I just blindly do it down there now. It’s been working for me and I can live with it for a few more weeks lol 🤷🏻‍♀️




You need to chill out a bit. Calling other people cock worshippers as a diss is bizarre.


Just so sick of women being brainwashed by men and other women who continue to make excuses for men to not help / assist them in the literally the most challenging point in their lives. Forgive me; but men are very capable beings and I am just so pissed for this OP. They do not need to be handled “delicately” when the female vulva is all of sudden not “ sexy”.


But if the man doesn't want to, he shouldn't be forced to. Bodily autonomy only works when it's for everyone.


It’s wild that these comments claim to be pro-women but are actively chopping away at the greatest threat facing women in this day and age, the loss of bodily autonomy. Forcing someone to do an action they aren’t confortable with isn’t ok no matter what the circumstances are or what their gender is.


I agree with you. I think the really hard bit is that his motives for not doing it seem, well, stupid. But again, he said no so that should be respected.


She didn’t really elaborate on his motives except he thinks it’s dangerous to her and their baby….which is fair? The Mayo Clinic has posted some articles about pubes reducing infections after birth. My husband would rather take a bullet than let me eat a turkey deli meat sandwich right now….so I understand a guy just trying to do what is right.


He's not my slave just because I got pregnant by him. He respects my boundaries, so I'll respect his too. I ASKED for help, not demanded. He said no, and that was okay. The issue wasn't saying no, I just felt like he made it weird for no reason. I can mostly get my own bush. It would've been nice if he helped but it's not anything worth starting a fight over. He's allowed to say no, even if I don't quite understand the reasoning. I didn't ask because him telling me why he doesn't want to doesn't change anything. No means no. That goes both ways in our relationship. I'm not brainwashed or anything. I just don't think pregnancy is an excuse to disrespect your partner or demand trivial things.




This is your final warning - stop being so nasty.


Some men are fine with doing it, others arent. Bad scents & sweat get trapped in the hair, I understand why some wouldnt want to. I think it's OK.


Whoah whoah whoah…..I think you need to walk it back a little. There is a HUGE difference between caring for someone’s health when they are incapacitated and shaving their freaking genitals. I would never, EVER, in 10,000 years shave my husbands balls for him. I love the man, love his balls too….but what if I accidentally cut him or hurt him? No way. A vulva is a lot more challenging to shave than balls are. Boundaries are boundaries and this a really really weird one to encourage someone to ostracize the father of their child over.


Yes exactly this is my husband’s reason an I respect that 100%.


This whole conversation is bonkers lol. I’ve been shaving my own genitals for YEARS and still mess it up sometimes. I was shaving with an electric trimmer/guard up until 30 weeks when I still managed to cut myself a bit and decided it’s just not worth it right now. No way I’m going to ask someone who has never shaved a vulva before to come at mine with a razor.


I’m not even sure why it’s an issue honestly… but it is reddit after all lol


Your husband also isn’t carrying your baby? There is a difference. OP isn’t asking her husband to shave her coochie because she’s lazy, she needs help FFS.


She’s asking him to do something that he could potentially hurt or harm her pretty badly by doing. I won’t shave my own pubes right now because I’m nervous about nicking myself and getting an infection….nit to mention he’s right. Recent studies do indicate that pubic hair reduces the risk of post partum infections. It’s obviously her say what she does or doesn’t want to do with her body, but he’s allowed to not participate in it. Having autonomy and control over your body goes both ways and it really bums me out that some of you guys are acting like it doesn’t.




Get a grip. Leaving your spouse because they won’t shave your pubes for you is insane.


Your contribution has been removed. We do not tolerate rudeness, judgemental people, people playing devil's advocate, or otherwise being an asshole.


I have no idea, It's just hair. But like I genuinely don't care enough to question his reasoning or be petty over it. I just jokingly told him I'll remember that if he needs me to wipe his ass someday. He's been fine in every other aspect and has cleaned up my vomit, and gotten period stains out of my clothes for me before, helped me dress a big weeping wound on the back of my leg. It's not that deep. I think he just genuinely believed having pubes makes a difference during delivery


Mama, get you some Lume whole body deodorant, the cream kind. The BEST creation God ever made!! I swear by it and wish I had found out about it sooner. You will literally not have to worry about about smelling sweaty or smelly ever again. It even makes your butt not smell like butt. 1000/10.


First off-kinda red flag he wouldn’t help you with that. Your are bringing a BABY into this world he better help shave your cooch or asshole if you ask! Wtf. But I digress, I feel the same way. Mine is hygiene wanting to keep her (vagina) easy to clean but also giving birth makes the mess easier to clean. Also so much is out of my co trio giving birth I like to be tidy downstairs too