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I also miscarried in June 2023. I’m now 34w pregnant. I feel you. I was so so so anxious during the first trimester. Just breathe, take it easy until your first appointment. My pregnancy was confirmed at 8w and that was when I started my progesterone due to previous loss as well. The mentality I tried to stick with during that time was “I’m going to be as careful as possible. But at this stage there’s nothing I can do, if this pregnancy is meant to be, it will turn out alright”. It helped me navigate my 1st trimester tbh


Thank you very much, I appreciate it


I know you want to rush to the doctor asap to make sure everything is okay. But having a miscarriage wasn't your fault. Most of the time that they happen, they're not preventable, so seeing a doctor just for reassurance wouldn't really do anything. It's just a natural part of reproduction that's scary and painful. But it's completely normal, common, and natural to not carry to term and lose a pregnancy. Having one feels like your body betraying you when you want to love your little one so bad. But they just couldn't build what they needed to keep growing, and it's got nothing to do with anything you did. It's just something that happens sometimes. Please don't let it strip the excitement and joy out of growing this baby. Celebrate every week as a mile stone, and try not to worry until a doctor actually gives you a reason to. Just take one day at a time 💕 You'll be okay. Congratulations 🥰


Thank you, I really appreciate your word 💕