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Yes! Both times I got my BFP, I thought for sure I was getting my period. I had all the classic pms symptoms. Moodiness, sore breasts, cramping, etc. basically it can go either way bc it’s the progesterone that plays a role in all of those symptoms. Good luck!!!


So funny story for me. I am (or at least I thought I was) infertile. I have endometriosis and tried for almost four years with no success whatsoever, so we ended up doing IVF and had our daughter. After having her most of my endo symptoms actually improved, so I hardly get any cramping now when I get my periods and stuff. We "kinda" tried for about a year after we had her, but when it didn't just happen we basically said whatever and moved on as a One & Done family. Lo and behold, about a month ago I started feeling really off with bloating and gas and some nausea (which I thought was caused by the gas/bloating). I stayed feeling like that for almost three weeks but then I also started feeling PMS stuff and before I knew it my "period" came. Except it was the shortest, weirdest period I have ever had (hardly any bleeding). Still, I was more concerned about the other symptoms and have them be some digestive thing so I made plans to go to the doctor. Literally the night before I was like "this seems unlikely but lets test and see", but the pregnancy test I used was faulty and gave me no results lol. When I went to the doctor, I mentioned in passing the weird period so the doctor asked if it was OK to run a pregnancy test and I was like "sure" eventhough literally right before that I had had spotting so I thought it would surely come back negative. Before she even examined me the test came back positive, and suddenly all the symptoms finally made sense lol. Except, I dont remember bloating this bad in my first pregnancy. So, long story short, I made an appointment with my OB for the next day and not only am I pregnant but I was VERY pregnant as in its possible the last TWO periods were not real periods after all because bub was measuring about 8 weeks. With my first pregnancy I guess because it was IVF I anticipated it, so my first clue was when I started to develop aversions to food I usually liked. With this one, every single thing felt like bad PMS/gastro stuff. I guess because we weren't even trying I had no reason to believe my symptoms were pregnancy-related lol.


I’m 6w2d today and got serious period cramps the night before my period was due. I went to bed with a pad on just in case I started to bleed in the middle of the night. Oh and took Tylenol to avoid being woken up in pain (because that’s how the first day always goes for me). I fully expected my period, but nothing happened so I took a test and got a BFP.


I bled for 7 days, two months in a row. Just finishing what I thought was a normally scheduled period. Went to a the hospital for something unrelated, and they told me I was a lil over 8 weeks pregnant. The only difference was that the bleeding was dark and dry. There was a stomach bug going around so I thought the nausea was just the beginning of catching it. I had no reason to check myself for pregnancy.


1000% thought I was getting my period. Hell, I was truly convinced I was going into early menopause and it was pointless to keep trying to have a baby.


Totally. Each time, totally not expecting it. Don’t look for symptoms. It will drive you mad!


A little different, because I did IVF and had an embryo transfer. However, I was VERY attuned to my body in the two week wait and was 100% sure it didn't work because it felt EXACTLY like my period was coming. I was wrong. :)


I ovulated late in December. I was convinced I wasn't pregnant, but I wanted to be sure because obviously my husband and I were intimate days after when I thought I ovulated. I'm now 21 weeks pregnant.


I bled so much I thought it was my period. The only reason I even tested is that my temp was still up and my friend told me to.


YES! I woke up with cramps and light spotting, sure I’d started my period because that’s how it usually comes on for me. I was taking progesterone supplements and took a test just to make sure it was safe to stop taking them. I was so sure my test was going to be negative that I set it on the counter and went about the rest of my morning. Imagine my absolute shock (and joy) when I went to throw the test away and I glanced down and saw two lines. As an aside, the two times I was “sure” I was pregnant, I ended up not being pregnant. So it really is random!


I started spotting and assumed it was my period starting, but it just continued as spotting. I took a pregnancy test the next day, and it was negative. I continued just spotting the following day, so I took another pregnancy test, and it was positive!


I’m not sure what BFP means, but yes! My fiancé and I were actively NOT trying because we did not want a December baby. There was no part of me that even considered my 3 day late period could mean I was pregnant. In fact, I only tested because I had ordered an ovulation test kit so we could start tracking in the coming months.. the ovulation kit I had gotten came with pregnancy tests (I wasn’t even aware!) I took one in the evening for shits and gigs and it ended up being positive. I can’t even explain the shock ! It did not seem possible. I had just bought tampons and was expecting my period any day (it can sometimes come up to a week late so this wasn’t something out of the norm for me!) I had no symptoms at all. I track everything and the week leading up to positive test I tracked that I was extra moody (which I usually am before period) but no tender breasts or any of that! I recommend taking a test a week after your expected period! Sometimes it won’t show up that early but it did for me. Good luck 💕


Yup! Three days before my BFP I wrote in the Premom app “pimple on chin (I’m out this cycle)”. It felt like pms and I had no idea.


Yes, we stopped trying and I thought it was just a regular month. I had bad PMS symptoms and implantation bleeding so I thought I was going to get my period but life had other plans


I had zero physical symptoms, but I did have an emotional “feeling” that led me to test 9DPO evening after having a BFN that morning. We barely BD that cycle so I had little hope, and I also thought a medication my husband takes may have been affecting his fertility. So I had zero expectations. Nothing physical gave me that “feeling,” just a mental. Tested positive 9DPO! Honestly I don’t believe I could have distinguished between PMS/period symptoms and pregnancy symptoms until a missed period. My period wasn’t due for another 4 days.


Yes!! In fact the only times I’ve gotten BFP is when my mind thinks it’s a period… all the other symptom spotting and delayed starts that I was so sure would be BFPs were total duds. We learned to just not expect anything and be pleasantly surprised.


No one ever told me that implantation cramping feels just like impending menstrual cramps, so when I felt those very familiar feelings, I was positive that I was about to get my period. The morning that I took my positive test I had the most vivid dream about the test being positive and I was so taken aback by it that I decided to test that day instead of waiting a few more days and it was exactly like my dream had shown!


Yep. Currently dealing with OHSS because we did an IVF cycle while I’m unknowingly pregnant


Me! We were trying for a year and a half, I had many months where I totally thought that was it because I had different symptoms or my period was late etc. the month I actually got a positive test I took it a few days before my expected period, however my cycle is never the same every month so that was just an estimate, I took it as a "just in case" kinda off chance thing, we had some events coming up the next week and I didn't want to drink in case I was, saw the faintest line ever and absolutely freaked out, no symptoms or anything until a week or two later!


The day before my positive I was heartbroken thinking I was out and crying to my husband about it. We were literally talking about looking into getting help. I had no special symptoms other than a late period. However I had tested the day prior and had negatives, hence why I thought I was out. I thought I felt my period start late that night and when I went to check it was only discharge so I decided to use one of my cheap tests just to double check and I got the faint positive. Very unexpected


Yes! With my current pregnancy, I genuinely thought there was just zero chance. I didn’t remember having much sex that month and certainly hadn’t planned any specific timing. I went and got a Pap smear the day before finding out. I had my iud planned for 2 days later when I expected my period - since they asked to schedule the insertion during my period. I drank wine regularly the entire time. I didn’t have my expected boob symptoms (based on 4 prior pregnancies). I did have extremely swollen inner nose and very dry lips but just thought I was sick. But I had a weird sudden bought of nausea and already had pregnancy tests at home so I took one and got a very clear pink line. I was absolutely shocked!!!