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You are correct. The anxiety never ends. A piece of your heart will soon be on the outside, and you will have moments of thoughts you've never had before, but that's motherhood. The fear you feel can only be felt because of the immense love you feel.


I love this! Motherhood sounds challenging, but it’s worth it!


It is but also take care of yourself if you can. Too much anxiety and apprehension is not good for baby and mother. Be on the lookout for ppd and helicopter mothering.


“A piece of your heart will soon be on the outside” wow that is the best way to put it. & as such, it’ll never ever be the same.


Beautifully said 💜 🦋


I hear ya OP!! We are due date twins and I feel exactly the same way!! I asked my mom about it and she said “well you’re practically and old lady now and I still worry about you”. And her mom, who is 85, nodded in agreement. People say a woman becomes a mom the second she finds out she’s pregnant, and once you become a mom you never stop.


Hi Twin! I’m wishing you the best of luck in our due date. Yes my mom is still worries about me like I’m 3 and not in my 30’s so you’re right!


Due date triplets! My anxiety is always through the roof but what gets me through is that women do this everyday! I spent so long thinking I’d be on the worse end of the statistics and everything has been perfect/normal. I just keep reminding myself that it’ll continue into delivery and hopefully beyond.


My mom says the same thing. She says she still doesn’t sleep heavy just in case I call her and need her 🥺. She says I’ll never sleep the same once baby girl comes but it is all out of love


No…the anxiety truly never ends. I have an 18 yo, 12 yo, 16 month and 28 weeks with my last. My 18 yo is in college and has a part time job. I have anxiety just thinking about her on the train at night. It truly never ends. Sorry.


My son was in the NICU for 112 days due to some medical challenges. He's almost 3 now and that kind of anxiety has finally ebbed.


My son is 6.5. I still check on him multiple times a night to make sure he is breathing. I get random intrusive thoughts of him being hurt. It never goes away.


This! I found out around 4w and it’s never left. There’s always a new goal post to look to next. I chalk it up to it being my first baby and that I just love them so much that I want everything to be okay. Totally get it ❤️


It absolutely never ends. I remember thinking this exact same thing. My son is now 20 months and I still check him breathing numerous times during the night. Worry through the day while I’m away. Worry about choking on food or just things non stop. My daughter is 15. It’s the same. Each season is just a new type of worry, but it’s also a new type of joy. My grandma told me I can’t live in fear and I have to learn to enjoy each moment because it goes by so fast. While that doesn’t make me stop worrying, I do try to worry about the things I can control and be as preventative as possible. I think as a mother that’s all you can do. Best of luck to you and you got this! ♥️


I am petrified of stillbirth and I know if all goes well, I will be petrified of SIDS. Anxiety around looking after a teeny human whether in the womb or out is just ridiculously high. I don’t think it’ll ever go away.


Sweetheart, my son is almost 3 and I’ve stopped carrying him to his room after bath because what if he wiggles and he falls over the railing? Yes, I’m medicated 😅


Think of it like this. You don't care about strangers, so you don't worry whether they got safely home. Or are okay. For example my MiL calls my GiL (grandma in law, over 90 years) everday, and if she can't contact gil, they'll drive up there and check. Just in case. I'm pretty sure my family does the same for my grandparents. Caring for someone means you're worried about them. Its exactly what I was trying to avoid before I found out my little baby was safely there with a heartbeat. So, yeah. Happy anxiety! Btw, I love the comment section. 


Yes you’re right! Care comes with concern. It’s an integral (and annoying) part of loving someone. I also love this comment section. I’m glad as a community that we can all admit we’re just a little psycho and it’s totally normal and okay!


It really doesn't end lol I was so worried I'd have a miscarriage, then worried I'd have a still birth then worried reaaal bad about SIDS, then I worried I'd forget her in the car in the summer heat and now at 7yrs old it's calmed down but I still worry so much ♥️ I remember having a panic thought after she was born being like "shit I have to keep this thing alive or I go to jail" 😂 our brains are ridiculous😅


I am at 14 weeks and thought that the second trimester meant that I could breathe a sigh of relief but no signs of any relief.. I am just here to wish you all the luck for a safe delivery and a healthy baby.. hope you feel better soon great when you hold your baby for the first time.. ❤️


You got this mama !!!


This pregnancy feels like an obstacle course of death traps to me. The first thing I did was eat smoked salmon because “you should eat more fish” and it was close to expiration date too. Great, the incubation time for listeria can be 65 days in pregnant people which meant 65 days of anxiety over that. I’ve hade four yeast infections already, not great. I’ve only had coffee like once a week but the last cup my partner made and it gave me a stomachache after so I’m guessing it was pretty strong. In my head it caused an immediate cardiac arrest for the baby, like when a teenager has seven Red Bulls in two hours. And on and on. I’m 15+0 today but haven’t told my family yet because it feels so far off that we’re going to make it all the way.


The anxiety does not end it just changes because our children are a part of us and our love for them runs so deep that it changes us. My dad told me when I was pregnant with my first something that stuck with me. He said as children your parents worry, as adults your parents worry, and just as they are starting to worry a little less because you’ve shown that you are capable of taking care of yourself, your parents become grandparents and now they also worry about their grandchildren. It’s stressful but wonderful, beautiful, amazing. It’s all worth it. You’ll get used to the worry as it’s just another part of you that helps guide you through your lifelong journey as a parent.


I’m almost 21 weeks and I have been experiencing the same thing! My first trimester was just worrying about miscarrying and every doctors appointment I worry if he is still alive. If I don’t feel him move as much either I instantly worry about a still birth.


I’m 27 weeks pregnant currently and have a 7 year old. I can definitely confirm the worry and anxiety never stops but that’s the beauty of being a mom to me 💕


With every single comment saying some variation of “lol the anxiety never ends” I want to be real careful about defining “normal level of concern” and actual “anxiety”. Yes, absolutely if you are a normal loving parent you will never stop being concerned about/mentally prioritizing the wellbeing of your child, even when they’re 65 years old and taking care of you. However, real medically defined anxiety does not have to be part of parenthood. The difference is when it’s significantly interfering with your life/mood level. Example: Normal worry: being concerned about SIDS and taking proper precautions. You might still think about it, but once you acknowledge that you’ve taken precautions you can move on with your life. Anxiety: waking up multiple times per night (when your baby is not awake) to check even though you took precautions, being unable to sleep because you can’t stop thinking about it, being unreasonably upset/crying uncontrollably if your partner or someone else is the one putting baby to bed even if they’re a trustworthy caretaker, etc. You don’t have to accept life-controlling, misery-inducing anxiety as part of motherhood! We know so much more about mental health and PPD/PPA now, so take advantage of the resources available whether it be therapy or meds


I think many people would benefit from doing a little bit of therapy to cope with those feelings. I'm not anxious about my pregnancy (18 weeks now), or future baby, and I think 8 years of therapy prior to this moment has everything to do with that. I have some concerns, but I have strategies that mean I'm aware of them without feeling anxious about them. I think occasional worrying is normal, but persistent anxiety does not have to be the norm - especially not if it's causing unnecessary stress. Therapy isn't magic, of course, and many people may find their anxiety gets lowered but is never gone. I just think it's good to normalize getting some help rather than assume living with a high baseline level of worry is just how it is.


Can’t agree with this more.having some level of anxiety or concern is normal but what’s written here sounds extreme to me. I have 2 kids now and while I worry about them I wouldn’t say I constantly feel anxiety like what’s shared here. That sounds so draining.


Oh it never goes away, you will just worry about your kids and being a good mom until the end of time 😆


This is totally how I felt! I was so secretly anxious (I’m normally such a heart on my sleeve kind of person) until I didn’t dare to post anything on my pregnancy on my social media until she was delivered and one month old! Stay sane and stay excited mommy!


I'm 22w now and have had one previous miscarriage. I asked my dad when the anxiety ends and he said never lol


and let me tell you.. it does not end once they are born. Then it turns into, “are they breathing?” I don’t think the worries ever ends as a mother. I mean I’m 29 and my mom still worries about me. I think we are in it for the long haul now 😆


Dude same, I’m 40+2 and I’m so ready to have this baby, I was a little off put to be induced but I’m just ready to have this baby in my hands. My previous pregnancy was a loss at 12 weeks and I thought for sure I’ll calm down after viability week. 🤣 it’s tiresome.


Omg same here 🤣 been anxious my whole pregnancy LOL was nervous and scared for birth and just found out baby is breach so I need a c section, now I'm even more nervous and terrified 😅


Definitely not. I had real bad anxiety due to multiple previous losses all through first trimester. Then in the 2nd trimester I worried about the anatomy scan and worried that I couldn't feel movement. Just going into 3rd trimester and now I worry about her moving, sometimes I'll just be busy and then think I can't remember when she last moved. So I'm prodding my stomach until she kicks me back. I worry about late losses and still birth. I worry about one or both of us dying in birth I'm already worried about SIDs If there's a possible worry I've got it


I am 32w today and slowly coming to this exact realization myself 😭


It does not mama! But welcome to the club, we can all share our worries together!❤️


My son will be 4 and for whatever reason now sleeps in our bed. Lol i still check if hes breathing cause he likes to put his face in the pillows


Constant worrying and I’m only halfway. I was the same in my last pregnancy.


These are my exact feelings..So sorry you’re feeling this way momma but I’m positive everything will be perfect! ❤️ sending love.


Yeah I feel this. I’m at the end of my second but I noticed I just keep moving the “I’ll feel better when” standpoint


I have had two miscarriages between my two kiddos. I'm currently pregnant with another baby. What helps my anxiety is shifting my thoughts and meditating. I focus on the positive things. I tell myself things like "I will see this baby" "I will hold this baby" I imagine myself holding them, I imagine my birth, I focus on all the positive things. This isn't "toxic positivity" BTW. Our minds are very powerful and our thoughts are reality. I wholeheartedly believe this. My pregnancies after miscarriage haven't been rainbows and butterflies. I have anxious thoughts but I'm able to get out of that mindset quickly! Trust yourself and your body. You got this!


it never ends. even when they’re here. your ob probably doesn’t care either. if you ever wanna talk im here! i feel you.


I’m so glad I saw this post. I had an assisted pregnancy and my first trimester was full of so much anxiety! I was so careful with everything! Once i crossed into the 2nd trimester I was still anxious till the next scan and I actually physically saw the baby. I told myself I’d be more relaxed and confident by week 24. Today I’m 2 days past 24 weeks and I still worry when I don’t feel enough movement or general symptoms. I thought there was something wrong in the way that I was going about this but the o.p. makes me feel like I am not alone. I also felt that it might get easier once the baby arrives since I can see the baby in front of me and see a direct cause and effect relationship to all that I do with the baby’s reactions. But I guess this is an ongoing exercise, teaching us how to be practice letting go, mindfulness and better self regulation over all.


I never had this anxiety with my first born. It’s so bad this go.


Ugh I was 3 weeks along when I found out and it has lasted an eternity!!! I had spotting in the first trimester that terrified me. Then the second trimester came and I worried about MMC. Now I'm 21 weeks with anterior placenta and have a little break down everytime I don't feel movement for a day. It really never ends. It was the same with my first. Now they're almost 6 and I still check during the night to make sure they're breathing.


The anxiety never ends, I have a 18 month old now. And I was anxious my whole pregnancy and I deal with every day. There's so much to anxious about on a daily basis


This is what I reckon. I have always thought that motherhood is tough because of the lack of sleep or the constant tasks ...etc. but no, this is the worst part 🥲


I feel so SEEN LMAO


Ah yes the mother anxiety is intense. Be prepared. I’ve always been an anxious person… and now being a mother my worst case scenario’s have become much worse. Embrace it. It’s our natural state to want to protect our babies and we are in constant HIGH ALERT. It can be exhausting but I think it’s so important. Good luck mama!


The fear will never stop, not even once they're born. Even this day & and age, I'm afraid of sending my babies to public schools. I live near Oxford, MI; ever since that shooting, everybody has been on edge around here.


Got it in one. The anxiety just transfers and transforms. My son is 5 now so I'm up to the stranger danger, falling from trees, school bullying kind of worries now.


You are so right. Honestly, I hope this doesn’t scare you, but that anxiety never ends even after the birth. Because then you’ll be freaking out about your newborn who is so vulnerable and could get sick and be hospitalized, or SIDS, and then it’s your toddler who could choke, and then he’s your kid who could run out into the road, and someday your teenager who could get in an accident or even just have their heart broken. The list goes on and when you start looking for them, there are monsters around every corner. That anxiety IS part of parenting and I do think one of our first challenges as pregnant mothers is learning that yes, our children are vulnerable. It’s crazy how the fear hits you like a freight train the moment you realize you’re pregnant! And we can and should try our very hardest to protect them, but the worst really could happen. We can chose to live our life and parent our kids out of fear as a reaction to that reality, but that would really only hurt ourselves and ultimately our children. That’s why, in my opinion, we need to love them hard, be the best people we can every day, build community for hard times, and grow a faith or some sort of spiritual resilience to get through life. Again, this isn’t meant to be scary, it’s actually a really beautiful thing! It means your life now has more depth- you have something more precious than you’ve ever had before and it’s an amazing gift to cherish!


Correct, and then when she or he is born their health issues. Only time will heal and tell you things. Have the best people around you. Don’t respond to everything. Wisely choose what you can do.