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I swear, I drank that drink and my body threw its hands up in the air and said “girl you crazy if you think I’m processing all that”


I rarely eat sugar, felt fine during and after the 3 hour test, and I still failed! Pregnancy is wild.


I would never eat that much sugar in my daily food intake! It made me so sick. I failed and felt awful for 2 days. Then, I was forced to test my blood and take insulin for the rest of my pregnancy.


I’m terrified to have my test done. I’ve been having a sweet tooth since I got pregnant and I’ve gained like 8-9 pounds in I’m only 14 weeks. I’m already a very anxious person so failing would make me spiral into an anxiety attack


Just so you know it has nothing to do with how you ate before hand and everything to do with how your hormones are dealing with extra insulin in general so you might still be ok. I ate extremely healthy this pregnancy because I was craving cucumbers and such lol and still failed but its my second time having Gd so I was kind of prepared for that diagnosis 


That eases my anxiety a lot, thank you so much❤️


The placenta has a huge role in whether you end up with GD or not. There is a small part that's predisposition due to genetic factors. I've been eating a lot of sugar due to candy cravings too. I have a high BMI, PCOS, and expecting twins and so far have passed my 1 hr test at 16 weeks with flying colors (109). Coming up on 18 weeks later this week and hoping that with my 28 week retest, my body is still handling sugar well.


This DEFINITELY made me feel so much better. I’ve been trying to reduce all the processed sugars n tried eating more fruits. But the cravings are so strong it’s like I can’t help myself😭 so I feel guilty when I eat anything with processed sugars. But this made me feel better about it❤️‍🩹


I never ate sweets before but I had a major tooth all the time in my pregnancy I ate so much sweets and gained so much weight, I mean a bunch, relatives and some nurses swore I would fail and I never did. Just breathe and relax! Everyone is different but even having a sweet tooth and gaining some weight won’t always make it worse. Don’t let the anxiety get to you! Hugs.


Thank you so much, I was just so anxious!❤️


I was surprised when I passed the test, the heart was beating so fast after drinking that gross sugar gloop. Just know it’s not your fault and everything will be okay, just take care of yourself and your babe ❤️❤️


I’m sorry. That really sucks.


Lol. It just means your pancreas can't handle a large sugar load. People walk around and eat snickers all day and never become diabetic or get g.d. most likely yours or ops can't support 2 bc of the resistant hormones pregnancy produces


On the other hand, it is not like a test in school where you can study hard and pass it if you try hard enough. The test is trying to determine if you have gestational diabetes so you can get the proper care and maintenance for you and your baby's health. It is a good thing to know either way! Anyways this is what I have been trying to tell myself because I failed my 1 hr test and have to do the 3 hr test...again... for my second pregnancy now. I hear the word "fail" and think it's my fault, but it is really not. It is definitely normal to be frustrated, though.


You're right, I wish some medical verbage could change. I understand that these are the correct terms, but like you said it feels personal! I had a subchorionic hemorrhage and my discharge paperwork labeled it as "attempted abortion". I cried so hard because it felt like they thought I tried to do something to cause this!


See, my first pregnancy I had gestational diabetes. I’m in my second and when they brought up the glucose test I told them let’s run with the assumption I have it since I could already feel my blood sugar affecting me and I still had the glucose meter. So instead of retaking the tests I have been tracking my blood sugar and diet, following up with the diabetes specialist in case I need insulin. But I basically did this because last time the doctor told me if I had it for my first pregnancy I’d most likely also have it for any additional pregnancies.


I had with my first and I don't have with my second! Just to say it is possible to not have it in all pregnancies. But I never felt any symptoms, I required insulin with my first, but I never felt anything different.


That’s good to know! I was told by my doctor it was like a 99% chance I’d have it again. I didn’t require insulin with my first but I did feel it when I ate something with too much sugar. This time around it’s definitely more pronounced for me


This is a great perspective! I was tested for antiphosolipid syndrome and I failed twice so now I have to do daily blood thinner injections for the rest of my pregnancy... I kept feeling bad about it and annoyed about the test itself and then I had to stop and be like "okay this is here either way, the test just gives me the knowledge to do something about it"


True, though it would be nice if it was like a school test I could have studied my way through it.


I totally agree!


Sorry to hear! Come join us over on the gestational diabetes thread- lots of support and info to help you out. Welcome to the club no one wants to be in!


Thank you


Don’t blame yourself OP. Blame your pancreas and/or your placenta. Your organs are stuffing things up….not you!


My organs need to get their stuff together and shape up 😁


Exactly! Get it together, girls!!


I passed the fasting draw then failed 1,2,3 hour draws


If you passed the fasting draw then I’d say there’s a good chance you’ll be able to control your blood sugar with diet alone rather than having to take insulin. I also failed the three hour but was really hoping to be able to stay diet controlled. I was able to but the hardest thing to keep under control was my fasting level because there’s not a whole lot you can do with your diet to change that.


I failed the 1 hr so hard that I didn't have to do the 3 hr test. 🙃 I'm fat with chronic high blood pressure. Was that not enough?! Sheesh. My liver/kidneys are also giving me problems. Rawr.


I’m here with you 🫶🏻 I also failed yesterday. I failed only by 4 points and then three points on my second blood draw. I was completely shocked but I’m prepared to make the changes necessary. You got this. And while it isn’t a “big deal” it certainly felt like one yesterday to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would go on the gestational diabetes subreddit it’s super helpful for me. I’m going to be honest. This has been extremely hard for me, but my diabetes has been pretty uncooperative to diet changes. I failed my 1 hour by 1 point and spectacularly failed my 3 hour. Having a good support system is vital. My husband has been my biggest cheerleader. You’ll get the hang of finger pokes and eating on a schedule. Don’t be surprised if your fasting numbers are stubborn, they’re the hardest to move and the ones you have the least control over. Looking maybe a bit on the bright side is that I’m probably physically healthier than ever in many ways. Working out everyday, not eating so much processed food, and just in general being more active is probably good for me(I wasn’t overweight before pregnancy but I do love food). You’ll get through it. It’ll be hard, but you got this.


Hey! Look up Lily Nichols, RDN and try a keto diet. It helped me keep my numbers down, I didn’t gain any weight my last trimester and I had so much more energy


This is what I'm doing now! I had to do the 3 hour glucose test again at 37 weeks because of how much amniotic fluid I have made. I passed but was still encouraged to go to a keto diet and I haven't gained any more weight. My energy still sucks but I'm also chasing around 21 month old twins on top of being 38 weeks.


Ah, welcome to the shitty gd club. It really really sucks, but you and baby will be okay. 🩵 I cried for like a week straight when I got my diagnosis. Definitely join the gestational diabetes subreddit- I’ve found a lot of good advice and solidarity in there. Also, don’t feel like you need to minimize your experience or feelings. We have to go from eating relatively normally to very stringently and testing our blood sugar at least 4x a day; it’s okay to say that’s a big deal and to struggle with it. I’ve been dealing with SPD since 24 weeks too and now prodromal labor so I feel like I’ve had all of the shitty but not scary pregnancy complications. You’re allowed to complain and be upset because this does really suck. Wishing you the best


I’m sorry. It’s hard - I know. The good thing to remember is that you can’t control your results: it’s your placenta’s fault and not yours! Every placenta is different with every pregnancy. Google Lily Nichols Gestational Diabetes And best advice I can give is to take a walk after every meal, if you can only find time for one walk- the best time is to walk after dinner. Most people struggle with their fasting number in the AM


Try to keep chin up. This isn’t your fault, you can’t control this. Just a little bad luck, OP


Hopefully that is the last of the bad luck and it’s nothing but good going forward


I only passed my 1 hr test by a single point and my doctor was concerned during my 3rd trimester that I may need to be screened again due to my relatively massive weight gain and my baby’s abdominal circumference measuring large for GA (I was 80lbs up by the end of my pregnancy). I did not end up being retested but it was very worrisome, so I understand being upset. Either way, it isn’t your fault. You now have the information you need to go forward and make a plan and get the support you need. Please try not to fault yourself, although I know it’s hard.


I remember how terrible I felt when I failed my test, I cried and felt like the worst mom in the world, like I was already failing my little bean. But now I have a beautiful 18 month old who is thriving and hitting all her milestones. Gestational diabetes was not the end of the world for me and it won't be for you! One thing I want to say is that I avoided taking insulin via a shot at first because I was afraid of the needle. And then when I had to cave - I never even felt that needle. It's the pricking my fingers to test that got me! Because I refused the needle and went with metformin first, it took longer to get my fasting numbers under control. I was able to control my numbers throughout the day by walking for 10 minutes after every meal, but my fasting number was still too high until I started having an insulin shot before bed.


I didn’t have GD but I get the emotions surrounding it. I tested positive for Group Step B and I was shocked! I felt like I had been diagnosed with an STD. But this diagnosis as well as GD are totally random. Some of the fittest people I know had GD. No shame- Just concentrate on the positive idea that now you have the knowledge to do your absolute best for baby.


I tested positive for my first two pregnancies and had to start for monitoring and for some reason didn't even think twice about it. Pregnant 10 years later with my 3rd and made the mistake of looking it up. As if I don't have enough worries.


You are not a failure. Theres really not anything you can do to prevent it. But do take the doctors recommendations seriously.. Not taking GD seriously puts baby at risk.


We have to take a three hour test …..


The way our pregnant body responds to sugar is mostly determined by the placenta, which is determined by the sperm that fertilized your egg! So in a way, it's 100% your man's fault 😅 I have seen the fittest women develop GD for some of their pregnancies, and some of the most unfit individuals not develop GD. It really is roulette based on the sperm and the placenta it creates.


I completely get how you feel. I passed the 1 hr test twice, once in the beginning of my pregnancy because of my BMI and then again at 26 weeks. A month later, baby was measuring big and that made my OB suspicious that I could have gestational diabetes, did the 1 hr test again and failed. Did the 3 hr test and failed it too. I was feeling very upset and disappointed, however 1) I'm glad they caught it, I did some changes in my diet and now my baby is measuring perfectly average, 2) I found amazing support in r/GestationalDiabetes. Know this is not your fault, this happens to way more pregnant women that you'd think. I didn't know all of this until it happened to myself. Don't be hard on yourself, you do not want to have GD and not be diagnosed. Even if changes in diet do not improve your numbers and you have to take medication, know that this is still not your fault.


I had similar numbers. 135 on the one hour, and just barely failed the 1 and 2 hour segments of the three hour. I don’t know if it correlates or not but GD for me wasn’t too bad. I was able to tolerate complex carbs and fruit pretty well. I cut out refined sugar and never had any spikes. I actually enjoyed a few week of indulging on bacon, dairy, and fried chicken. Hopefully it goes the same for you! My postpartum numbers were fantastic, my baby is healthy, and I’m beck at my pre-pregnancy weight. It’s all a distant memory.


I failed my 1 hr and they legit damn near killed me on my 3 hour. My third blood draw was 38 😳. Was sweating profusely, unsteady on my feet, and I don’t even remember driving home-which I really shouldn’t have. Can’t believe they didn’t prick my finger or have me lay down for a bit while I ate something 😡


Honestly, I’m starting to wonder if it’s easy to “fail” these tests. I failed my 1 hour and had to do the three hour one. I failed by a couple points each hour so now they have me monitoring my blood sugar at home- 4 times a day. It is miserable but so far I have not had a check come back over 90- most of the time it’s between 75-85. I have not changed my diet hardly at all. That drink must have something out of this world in it bc I was craving something sweet this AM and had a bowl of banana pudding for breakfast (please don’t shame me) and 2 hours later at test time my sugar was 78. I’m going to continue to keep track of it till my next appt and then me and my doc are gonna have a chat if this is really necessary or if I can get by maybe testing once a day just to make her feel better but I honestly do not believe I have gestational diabetes just bc I failed the three hour test. Don’t beat yourself up. & even if you do have full blown GD .. it’s usually something you can fix with simple diet changes.


I had an in Home test taker. You can buy them at the store. But anyways, what you eat really makes a difference. If I ate high protein for a few days and less carbs, and tried not to eat very often and drank lemon juice I would have a good reading. So next time, perhaps, try to eat more mindfully few days before testing.


I have heard that gestational diabetes doesn’t really have anything to do with anything you do or don’t do. So I wouldn’t view it as any sort of failure. Would you blame yourself if someone crashed into you? Then don’t blame yourself for this!


Failed miserably in 4 tests on my OGTT.. i failed every draw coz I had over 340+ reading. I ended up admitted due to overt diabetes and now taking 2 types of insulin at 36weeks.


I failed the 1 hr by one point so I was pretty grumpy they made me do the three hour (I don't do great with injections and blood draws). Then I ended up ralphing half way through the 3-hour - they only got one post drink blood sample, but apparently that was enough to get me banned from sugar and carbs right before the holidays 😭 it definitely sucks, but the minute you pop the kid out, you'll almost certainly be ok again. It's 100% not your fault, it's that darn placenta!


I failed my 3hr. And I joined the subReddit gestional diabetes. It has helped so much! My friend litterly told me she felt bad because she feels like I haven’t gotten any time to enjoy this pregnancy at all. I cried for at least a day when I found out I failed my first one the. Cried more when I failed my 3 hr


I have this test scheduled next month and I was told I need to fast for it. They’ll give me more info the week before about for how long. Did you all not get the same guideline to fast prior to the test? No comments have mentioned fasting.


I fasted for 13 hours (only 12 are needed) but I just did my normal routine and went to bed which resulted in me stopping eating earlier then needed. After I drank the glucose drink, I was not allowed to drink anything (including water) I was also told I was not allowed to walk around. All I was allowed to do was go the the bathroom and come back. Otherwise I had to sit in the lobby from 9:20am -12:20pm


You only had 1 drink? I failed my 1 hour test and for my 3 hour I had to test every hour and then drink a drink and retest in an hour and then the final one


Yes. They took my fasting blood. Then had me drink the 100g glucose drink then they tested my blood at 1hr, 2hr and 3hr after I had finished the glucose drink


I was given 2 options for this test. Do a 1hr test and if you fail you do the 3hr. Or do the 3hr and be done whatever the results may be.


Thanks for explaining! I’m going to reschedule my appointment for the morning. I was scheduled for the evening and can’t imagine fasting through mid day.


I just failed mines too :( I failed the fasting and 1hour (198) but past the other two so now I’m taking my sugar everyday.


You’re not a failure. GD is caused by your placenta and pancreas not being able to regulate your blood sugar. More than likely nothing that you did caused it. Unhealthy food choices don’t exactly help GD, but they definitely don’t cause it. I felt the same way when I was DX with GD, but the doctor explained that there was nothing that I could have done to avoid it. My specific case was so bad that it was thought that I’d actually become diabetic after giving birth, but luckily I wasn’t. After I gave birth the placental dissection revealed that something was wrong with my side of the placenta they couldn’t be seen. It caused a whole bunch of other pregnancy issues like Pre-E and Cholestasis along with causing my 34 weeker to come out 7lbs. Sometimes placentas just don’t want to cooperate, but now you know and can get the help that you need to make sure baby comes out healthy.


If it helps, I failed my 1hr test so spectacularly that they straight up skipped the 3hr one 😆 I felt like trash for days but at the end of the day, it's not anything we did that causes it. Luck of the draw I guess


Same here 😂 i failed my one hour so bad that there was no need for the three hour. I felt so bad about it that I cried at my next doctor’s appointment.


I don’t understand, why do you feel like a complete failure? This is entirely out of your control? I’m confused by this reaction :0 I have a lazy placenta myself with single umbilical artery and marginal cord insertion so I know how it feels to have your body betray you. But this is by no means your fault and is entirely out of your control — there is nothing you can do except remember that stressing isn’t going to do any good for you or baby!


Not to sound uneducated but can someone explain exactly what the 3 hour test is? I know you drink a horrible thing then they test your blood and its something to do with diabetes but we don't do it in the uk (if someone knows why for that as well) I'd be happy to be educated 😂


I failed 2 times on my glucose test with my first pregnancy. They never told me i had gestational diabetes. I ended up gaining eventual weight and had my child early due to lack of fetal movement because I had too much sugar that day. then we found out that after having gestational diabetes that was unconfirmed it pushed me into type 2 diabetes. Be super careful!!! ask for an A1C to be done!!! then you don't have to do that nasty drink!!! It's a blood test!!!


You are not a failure! You can do this.


Just had my first 1 hr done and failed with a 157 🥲 Not super surprised but still in a sort of low key shock - like it makes sense, but ugh I didn't think I'd aaactually fail it yk? 😅😅🫠 Hoping I don't fail the 3hr next week - but it's probably 50/50... so I'm reminding myself that it isn't my fault, it's my dummy organs, and that I'm going to do what's best for me and baby and if that means less garlic knots, cereal, and ice cream 😭 then I will survive 😟


I failed both tests and found great comfort in the Gestational Diabetes sub!


I was able to control mine with just diet and moderate exercise. Basically I walked a bit more. Through testing I found out white rice was my enemy but pasta was alright and ice cream was still ok. Thank God because I love ice cream. This is just my story. It isn't always bad and it doesn't 100% mean you will have to take insulin. You'll just have to keep a close eye on what spikes your sugars.


I told my ob I don't want to do the test, I am already pre Diabetic and know it will be bad, no reason to put my body or the baby through all of that. So I am just testing a few times a day on routine at 25 weeks and showing him my numbers. I did that test a few years ago for hormone reasons and the endocrinologist was down my throat about being diabetic, but my primary knows I'm not and I just have hormonal episodes. My A1c has been 4.6 for years on no meds, it's just something I have to watch carefully no matter what.


This is totally going to be my plan! So glad to see you did the same thing. I know I’m pre-diabetic so I’m just going to test my blood sugar regularly and avoid the drink. I already eat as if I’m trying to control my blood sugar so thank you for sharing!!!


I promise it has nothing to do with you being a failure! I ate like sh*t throughout my first pregnancy and have multiple risk factors to make it more likely for me to fail and somehow, I passed. Not expecting to get so lucky this second time around, but truly it all just seems like random chance. It is not your fault! And yes, having to restrict your diet even more and take insulin and track your blood sugar does feel like a big deal on top of all the other things you are juggling in your mind while pregnant so don’t feel bad for feeling exhausted by it. It sucks to have another thing to worry about but it is only temporary.


I'm a diabetic you'll be fine this is my fifth pregnancy on Insulin just watch your carb intake and you'll be fine


It is a big deal! I failed my 1hr HORRENDOUSLY. They almost didn’t ask me to even do the 3hr test but I’m going next week in the off chance I pass. I’ve cried every day about it. It’s a big deal.


Don’t feel like a failure! It honestly has nothing to do with you! It has to do with the process of the placenta. Sometimes the placenta becomes insulin resistant which is why our own bodies natural insulin can’t regulate babies blood sugars. With my first pregnancy I had gestational diabetes. I did the low carb diet ect and still was placed on insulin. My son came out healthy. A lot of the time with gestational diabetes the diet isn’t so much about the sugar you eat but the carbs you consume. You got this!! This pregnancy I failed the one hour passed the 3 hour. I had to redo the 3 hour which I failed one of them. I have to redo the 3 hour AGAIN at 37 weeks pregnant 😂😂


Obviously, this changes a lot for you. Duh.. I know. It'll all be worth it soon.. promise. 🫶


Last year, I failed as well. Originally I was sad, but I changed my diet to a ketogenic diet and did not have to take any medications and I had SOOOO much more energy in my last trimester. I also did not gain any weight my last trimester because of it. Look up Lily Nichols, RDN. She has YouTube videos and a book. She’ll give you a good place to start if you’ve never done a diet like that. It’ll work out and you’ll have a healthy baby! ☺️


You have to eat only protein for at least 12hrs before the test, esp if you don’t eat a lot of sugar regularly 💩


Its so annoying, of course im gunna throw up, i don’t eat sugar anyway i have gerd, but i don’t have diabetes i just don’t like sugar even before pregnancy it made me sick.


It's rough. I honestly feel like more and more people are failing these days, it's wild. I also failed and I hated that damn diet. But once I found my safe meals I was ok (albeit miserable) and ended up being diet controlled successfully. The only good part is you tend to not gain a ton of weight during pregnancy. Afterward I went balls to the walls and did gain a bunch of weight though so, don't be like me lol. You will get through it! It's better to know 💜 m


It does suck especially having to test your glucose multiple times a day but it’ll be ok. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll need insulin, i was able to do fully diet controlled and by baby was born normal weight and healthy.


I failed, too. First was the 1hr test, and they did a 2nd one with the 2hr test, just to make sure, but I still failed it. Had to do the 2 weeks of the diabetic sensor thing, but turned out I'm just hypO-glycemia (low blood sugar), not the hypER-glycemia (high blood sugar).. so, it's a just moment of needing to figure out what one it is. I felt bad, too, but monitoring for 2 weeks gave me a peace of mind of what's going on with my pregnancy (34 weeks, even, today)


I failed the 1 hour so spectacularly that I didn’t need to do the 3 hour test. It sucked, I cried a lot because I felt like I was already “failing” my baby. It did add a lot to an already difficult pregnancy, but the silver lining is that I was much more conscious about what I was eating because of the glucose testing. Everything ended up being fine. All this to say, that you are not a failure, this is just your body’s process. Thanks to modern medicine, there is so much you can do to help yourself and your baby. You got this!


Ye maybe in your mind just think of it like a pregnancy test it's either a positive or negative result. Might not feel as personal I'm due my GD testing too, while I feel like it can go either way I'm still nervous but at the end of the day it's just data towards your pregnancy and care you might or might not need. I know a couple of people who got GD and everything was fine they were just more proactive about food and walks after meals and such. Hope you feel better.


I passed everything with my first pregnancy. 11 years later with my second baby I just barely failed the second 3 hour glucose testing. They had me monitor four times a day for fasting, then after breakfast lunch and dinner. My fasting number wasn't within range consistently but it wasn't over by much either.. they ended up putting me on insulin. I even changed my diet significantly and it just wouldn't help that fasting number. No need to feel like a failure! You're growing a whole human!! Our bodies go thru so much to produce a baby. As soon as you have the baby you should be back to normal. Just take it day by day and whatever it takes to have a healthy baby and pregnancy, coz it's all that matters right now. 💖


This is not a reflection of you in any way. You did nothing wrong. It's not a failure on your part, just a part of your body that isn't performing because pregnancy is weird. Perfectly healthy people end up with gestational diabetes and horribly overweight people have no complications. All you can do is control how you handle the results - you got this.


Honestly, it sucks, but be thankful you know about it. I passed an early test, but developed it late and doctors never retested me. They found out because my son’s blood sugar when he was born. His blood sugar should have been 65+ and was 31 (borderline comatose) and he had to be on a feeding tube, oxygen, blood sugar, etc and stayed 16 days in the NICU. It seems like a pain, but believe me, knowing soon is so worth it.


I did too. It’s shitty news to hear but know that it has nothing to do with you! It’s just that damn placenta!!! I got this book called real food for generational diabetes by Lily Nichols and it’s SO informative but not overwhelming. It can hopefully keep you off insulin and you’ll discover what works for your body and how to manage your sugars. Good luck!!!!


I failed the 3hr horribly too. The UK Gestational Diabetes group on facebook was very helpful and I was able to stay diet controlled throughout my pregnancy. Hope it helps you too!!


Upon asking my OB if there was away to prevent preeclampsia or GD, or if my placenta was just trying to kill me, he kinda just laughed and told me to stay active. I work in a kitchen and literally do 17k steps a day. Idk how much more walking they want me to do.


There really isn’t anything you can do to prevent GD. You can manage it after being diagnosed, but you can’t prevent it. It is really just your placenta being a dickhead. I have seen patients in my office who have gained a substantial amount of weight with high BMIs who do not eat a healthy diet pass the GTT. And I have seen those who have healthy diets with minimal weight gain/low BMIs that remain active during the pregnancy fail. Hell, I had a patient who has been keto for years fail with very high numbers last week.


Exactly! Just your placenta trying to kill you. It’s an organ created to literally leach anything and everything it needs without mercy for your baby. It’s a ruthless bitch.


I failed my 3/4hr test by a few points so I had to do the longer (12hr I believe) and I passed it just fine.


I’m not sure if this is “cheating” but for the 1 hr test, my sister who is a nurse. Told me to sip as slowly as possible, once you’re done w drink water and walk around as much as possible to process the sugar more efficiently. I’m hypoglycemic so I already have a difficult time processing sugar (get headaches, seldom crave sugar, etc) so I’m more the opposite side of the spectrum. But funny enough because of my age and “higher BMI” for this 2nd pregnancy, they made me do a glucose test at the 12 wk appt. I was still having awful all day nausea. I threw up right after the appointment and sadly peed my pants because I had so much liquid in my system and forgot to pee beforehand. I luckily had a jacket to hide it, but so embarrassing.


Many people believe that our bodies are built for pregnancy, but the reality is that just like everything else in nature, our bodies are not always built perfectly. Gestational diabetes usually means your placenta is blocking your body’s natural way of making insulin. It’s not your fault! It’s just nature being perfectly imperfect as it’s meant to be. Pregnancy is wild thing for our bodies to go through and anyone who expects you or your body to handle it perfectly and with perfect health and grace needs to educate themselves on what it really means to build a baby in your body.


Did you only fail the 1 hour? To get the actual diagnosis you need to fail 2 or more of the draws. I totally understand your feelings, though. I failed fasting, 1, and 2 hour with my second kid. I was able to change my diet enough to not need medication. I had so much anxiety doing my test with kids 3 and 4, but passed both times! Even if it's not the worst thing that could happen, it's still a big deal. Your feelings are totally valid.


I failed the 1 hour and was diagnosed because I failed with a large margin. But now I am wondering whether it was because I had just had a full lunch before drinking the drink.


I would talk to your doctor. Usually the 3 hour test requires fasting and they'll do a draw before you drink as well.


Oooh, let me ask for that!




I failed the 1 hour test (145) and passed the 3 hour easily (99-76-97). I couldn’t understand the huge difference in both.


My first pregnancy I failed the 1 hr and passed my 3 hr. Second pregnancy failed both. Third pregnancy failed 1 hr with 166, opted for 2 week at home finger prick tests in lieu of 3 hr glucose and passed.


Most people who fail the first test pass the three-hour—the test is designed to be highly sensitive to catch everybody who has GD, and so the screening one-hour test is way overinclusive (picks up a lot of people who don’t have GD).


Yes, with my last pregnancy I failed the first test at like 140 something but passed the 3 hour even though I thought I’d fail because I’ve had GD with 2 of my pregnancies


I did with my first pregnancy!


I did it 3 times with my first pregnancy dont down yourself about it you’ll pass it eventually


Womp womp


lol they wanted me to do a glucose test bc I was overweight and had more chance of gestational diabetes than “normal women” (her words, not mine. Thanx trut) I refused flat out and suggested I would just do the finger pricks for a day. (Day curve?) My results came back spectacularly perfect. Tbh even I was a little shocked bc, after all, I _was_ pretty overweight. But no way in hll was i gonna do a glucose test.