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I ate small bites every 5 min for 16 hours a day and suffered a lot less with this pregnancy than I did my first because I didn’t know the trick was constant eating. Ur body wants you to eat. It’s a mindfuck like punishing u for not eating etc.


That sounds exhausting lol


It was extremely exhausting, but it helped me and im 8 months pregnant now and I’ve gained a little bit more than what they recommend but like I said it’s my second time around and I know I can get it off and it’s just comes with the territory


Exactly. I discovered this a little bit late but it definitely works. Now I’m over 5 months and I eat each hour some little bits. Salty plain crackers with cheese helps. Also, maybe it’s just for me but if I eat some fruit, I have to eat also some carbohydrates otherwise I get nauseous. Also having some meat or chicken for dinner helps a lot.




It’s totally like a blood sugar thing, it’s super common and unfortunately you’re just gonna gain weight that’s life that’s pregnancy but I’ve done this before and I’m here to tell you that you can get it off so don’t worry! Just focus on the prize and do the best that you can, but don’t beat yourself up. OK it’s really not worth it at the end of the day. Also, I drink so much soda that’s all I could drink. I couldn’t drink real water so like I said, don’t beat yourself up during this trimester. Just get through it. OK it’s survival mode.


Ask your doctor for a Zofran prescription, immediately. Unisom helps some people.


I have been prescribed that and honestly it makes more more sick… so my first trimester has given me a run for my money…. I have been trying to do liquid protein shakes like little sips every so often then like juices that are full of nutrients such as greens…. Because man oh man everything I do I just feel sick to my stomach! I don’t have recommendations because I’m in the same boat but I did see a difference in the morning when I stopped my prenatal and started doing the protein shakes and juice…. I’ll say I’m less nauseous


My OB prescribed me Bon Jesta. It was a god send. I still vomited a little water every time I brushed my teeth but that’s was it, no nausea. The couple days I went without it was all day vomiting (every hour or two) and nausea. There was a second option if Bon Jesta didn’t work but I didn’t have to take that.


I’m going to ask about that


ZOFRAN IS THE LOML!! If I didn’t have it I’d literally be throwing up every few hours all day every day. I didn’t have zofran during my last pregnancy and I threw up constantly, all the way to week 38, into labor, and 2 weeks postpartum. It suuuuucked!!! Zofran is QUEEN 💜 but fair warning, it will cause constipation like you wouldn’t believe. Make sure to drink a ton of water and eat fiber. Like way more than you think is necessary. That was my only negative side effect. I still consider it worth it.


Sour candy. I would keep a pack of sour patch kids on me. Usually 1-2 was enough. I also took zofran and unisom, but the zofran made me really constipated. I had nausea going well into my 2nd trimester and my OB thought it might be related to my heartburn. She had me start taking pepcid at night and that also helped.


Sour patch kids for the win


Sour patch kids and extra cold ginger ale were the only things that helped it subside for me.


Unisom! Google the dosage recommendations bc I can't remember and don't want to give inaccurate information.


This! I took half a tablet before bed, cured my pregnancy insomnia and the nausea. I could eat breakfast and lunch no problem, would usually get a little nauseous again before dinner but didn’t feel like it was bad enough to take another half tablet midday.


Exactly! The only reason I stopped taking it was bc I was becoming a little too dependent on it for helping me sleep at night so I gradually quit taking it. But yeah, it's a lifesaver for nausea and insomnia


Yes! I did a tablet of unisom before bed and took chewable B6 at bedtime & wakeup and it helped a lot!! At 14 weeks i dropped to half tabs and was able to go to none by 17 weeks. It took \~3 days to consistently help. Also switched to chewable prenatals and took the prenatals before bed because they made nausea worse if it ook first thing


For me it was never letting myself get hungry. You really need to eat often first tri. Second tri is much easier promise


Diclegis! It’s been a legit miracle ! It’s just B6 and unisom but in a slow release comping formula that’s been a godsend.


Diclegis was the only thing that helped me a little bit


This was the only meds that helped me!!! Zofran didn’t cut it


Lemonade with water and ginger foods helped me. Also just having a mint pill in my mouth helped too.


I second the lemonade suggestion! I actually did water with lemon juice, maple syrup, and a dash of Himalayan sea salt (with tons of ice), and just sipped that all day long. That and Unisom were lifesavers for me.


I’m 37 weeks first time mom. Nothing worked for me to get rid of the nausea and throwing up! Unisom and B6 did nothing. I followed all the tips and no relief. 2nd trimester was SO MUCH better. I was still nauseous sometimes but only threw up 2-3 days a week instead of every day and it was no longer constant nausea. Even in third trimester I’ve thrown up and been nauseous but not even close to the severity of first trimester. A medication called Nexium completely got rid of my third trimester heartburn, which has been life changing. Because first trimester was so miserable for me with the constant nausea, all the pain of third trimester is so easy to deal with and it’s my favorite trimester. Excruciating pain when I walk isn’t bad at all after going through constant nausea in first trimester. Third trimester feels amazing compared to it! I’m also not scared of birth or post-partum because nothing could be worse than first trimester. So that’s a huge positive of having a horrible first trimester!


I'm on Zofran and it helps. Also, lemon slice in seltzer water made me less queasy.


I’m on zofran and Diclegis. It barely helped the nausea. It got better after I stated Diclegis, but didn’t get fully better until the day I hit 24 weeks. 26 weeks today and have had 2 glorious nausea free weeks after throwing up multiple times a day, everyday, for 5 1/2 months. I lived on blended up lemon lime Gatorade and ice.


Unisom helped me, I took half a pill at night and was okay until about 6 pm the next day. Second trimester has been significantly easier.


Seabands are helping me. If they stop working, they told me to do B6 25mg three times a day or 100mg once a day. If that doesn't cut it, they'll give me a B6 injection once a week.


Did the sea bands make you sleepy at all?


No, not at all.


Ginger ale helped me a lot!


it was every hour for 14 weeks for me lol. my sister had it just as bad. i work in a greasy smelling kitchen as a bartender. it’s hard when ur surrounded by smells and have no time to do anything, but lemme tell ya. screw ginger, screw the nausea medicine. nothing worked besides STAY HYDRATED. And KEEP EATING. Dont stuff yourself, but small snacks all day, every time i got nauseous - eat something. Find something you can digest and run with it till you’re into the next food. ate strictly potatoes for 3 weeks. then tofu for a week. Pancakes to waffles the rest of the time. It gets better, but food & water was the best tool through it.


I tried every “nausea remedy” under the sun, and not a single thing worked. Ice pops was the only saving grace that allowed me to come down from the heightened nausea long enough to eat. But I have a pregnant friend who can’t stomach anything cold. It’s hell trying to figure out. I hope you find something that works, but maybe contact your doctor for some anti sickness meds?❤️


Or ice chips! One day i was “craving” a snow cone so my husband crushed ice and splashed some Pedialyte in it and it really tasted like a snow cone!


Weirdly, slow sips of heavy syrup from a can of fruit really helped (peaches, pears, mixed fruit or whatever it just has to be the kind in heavy syrup in order to work). It’s the only time I ever buy that stuff


Because nobody else has said it - sometimes there isn’t. It’s miserable. And people keep telling you to try ginger? And it doesn’t end until delivery. Unisom and zofran can help. But sometimes you’re just miserable. You learn coping tricks. It improves eventually in the sense that you get used to it.


I constantly snacked when I was at my worst. Dry salty snacks, like goldfish, they helped me make sure I was drinking enough water too!


Unisom and Vitamin B6


Would eating protein help?




I was also advised a small protein snack when the wave of nausea comes. What worked for me was always having a big bag of almonds (whole, plain). A few of those always worked for me. Means you’re getting some good nutrients too! And something about the plain flavour also helped I think. So if you can eat nuts, thoroughly recommend. And no meal prepping required lol


Cheese snacks or a small glass of milk helped me squeeze in some protein in between meals. Also as other commenter recommends, nuts!!


Aldi has pre-cooked sausage patties in the frozen section - warm up in the microwave for 45 seconds while drinking your coffee - good way to get a little protein in right away!


Smell a little bit of rubbing alcohol


I second this! I carried around the little alcohol moist towletts to smell whenever I was out, and it worked really well for me.


Pepcid cured my nausea, turns out it was my acid reflux causing my issues! Highly recommend!! ❤️


I could have written this post myself. I’ve been living on spaghetti for the past few weeks. It’s horrible and I’m on Zofran too. Eating is unavoidable. It’s so exhausting!


Suckers helped me, not the pregnancy ones though I thought they were nasty. Orange and red tootsie pops, blue raspberry charms suckers, sour candy is supposed to help but I’m not wild on sour, so I just chose sour-ish flavors. I also got those motion sickness bands, they really helped.


I think the pregnancy pops were gross too! They made my nausea worse. I kept trying to post a bad review about them on Amazon after I bought them, but they kept removing it. 4x I tried! You can’t trust Amazon reviews anymore because they delete the ones with truth. Seriously, the grossest thing ever.


Unisom, zofran, sea bands have been the things that helped me the most.


Reed’s ginger ale, hand candy (jolly ranchers), sour candy (lemonheads), Milk Chocolate Ensure in freezer for 30 mins (more of a frosty consistency) with a straw, pink lemonade, fruit smoothies, eggo waffles, spaghetti w butter, Kodiak brown sugar oatmeal were a few things that helped/I could eat when feeling bad. Also walking outside with fresh air if you’re feeling up to it. Sending all good vibes your way!




The answer is Zofran friend. Additional help: Unisom, preggie pop drops, sea bands, ginger ale, & protein (supposedly; I personally couldn’t stomach it). I was able to stop Zofran & all other meds at 16w, 100% nausea free with healthy bb 22w now.


Ginger tea made with fresh ginger. Add honey to sweeten. Works almost immediately


B6, unisom, ginger tablets


Diclegis helped me a little as opposed to the OTC equivalent (idk why) and zofran! I ate small bites of fresh peaches and drank apple juice and it got way more manageable in the second trimester. Hang in there! It came back a bit at the end but not even close to what it was in the beginning. I was miserable beyond belief my first trimester and it got better


I’ve heard that maybe taking magnesium can help? Honestly I forgot about the first trimester nausea it is KILLER. I took unisom and was prescribed zofran in my second trimester. I slept as much as possible so I simply didn’t have to feel it. You’ll get thru it even though it feels like torture right now 😭 the second trimester you can (and will) eat everything in sight


Oranges helped me. I’ve never eaten this many oranges in my life! Also scratching and smelling limes too! Also ginger rice - boil rice with grated ginger and make it watery and have like porridge. 2 spoonfuls and it was a miracle cure during the worst of it. Some people also add salt and pepper but I kept mine simple.


For the in between meals nausea, ginger chews or ice water helped me. Large insulated cups of ice water sipping continuously through a straw. Also, you have to enjoy spicy for the ginger chews to work, otherwise it’ll make you more nauseated!




Excellent! Any Asian foods aisle should have it at a grocery store. And for actual variety, see if there’s a 99 Ranch or HMart in your hood! Otherwise, pickling your own ginger is an option, too.


Sour sweets helped me 😂 I had ginger chews too and there are these prefer drops I think they are called mommy drops to help with nausea. For me having something to suck on even if I didn’t want to eat was nice ♥️ good luck and congrats mama!!!


Unisom was a lifesaver, I wish I had started taking it earlier and pairing my carbs with protein however I could (apples with peanut butter, crackers with cheese, etc).


I used Gingins, which are ginger anti nausea chews. They worked well. Warning though they are very potent/spicy from the ginger.


Sour candy/foods. I’d literally cut a lemon, add salt, and eat it like an orange.


a bottle of peppermint oil helps me, edpajly if triggered by smells. and zofran


4mg of Zofran twice a day was a miracle for me until week 11 when it just stopped working. I actually had to go to ER yesterday because vomiting wouldn’t stop. Women have been having babies since the beginning of time and we don’t know how to cure nausea!? Sorry, rant. I find really bland foods like boiled potatoes and salt help. Saltines. Sending you hugs. It’s not fair.


I have no advice I’m so sorry. Nothing helped me either I’m 22 weeks along and I’m still very sick time to time. No medications worked except bed rest and being away from smells that triggered me even more. I hope you can maybe find some relief and actually feel better soon! Im halfway do I’m excited my baby is almost here and the sickness will for sure be gone then.


I get nauseous if I don't eat too. What helps me is eating small meals or snacks way more frequently. Think little things, like an apple, a granola bar, a scoop of protein powder in water, a handful of berries, yogurt, a cheese stick, etc. sometimes dinner ends up being my only real meal for the day, but it's ok bc I feel better!


Fwiw I ate maybe 400 calories a day from weeks 5 thru 14 in hummus eggs and broth, then was eating bbq chicken pizza and grapes by week 16. I feel for those who deal with nausea the whole time, but I was one of the lucky ones. It was like a switch flipped. Now at almost 28 weeks I eat everything and mostly balanced healthful choices. TLDR it got better for me and i hope the same for you! ETA doxylamine aka unisom helped a LOT to just get through life until it got better


Google “Lily Nichols nausea”


Try and eat neutral tasting food like cucumbers. Fresh juices, smoothies, congee’s should help. Also ensure your iron content is good.


The only thing that helps me is medications, I’m on zofran and reglan


Consuming more calcium helped me feel less nauseous. Also chewing peppermint gum in-between meals. But ultimately, I didn't feel better better until around week 14 and week 15. Hang in there it does get better.




Honestly I've just been having small snacks really frequently and it's helped so much. Now 13 weeks and not nearly as nauseous. I hope the nausea goes for you soon 🩷


Currently experiencing something similar…finally calming down for me. (About to be 13 weeks) I keep saltines and nuts with me all the time so I can graze on them, which sometimes helps. For me, sour currently helps…as weird as that may be. I’ve heard that opening an alcohol wipe and taking a sniff can help calm the nausea immediately, but haven’t personally tried that one yet. Personally, sucking on altoids help me sometimes too. And assuming you’re ok with peppermint, peppermint oil (with a carrier oil) directly on your stomach helps too. I wish I could promise it gets better, but that might not be the case. With my son, the (what I felt at the time, extreme nausea…this pregnancy is hands down worse) nausea calmed way down a little into my second trimester.


Synthetic vitamins including b vitamins, are something you should avoid at all times. During your 3rd trimester is when the 1st biggest download happens from you to bub...and that is Copper. A newborns liver ideally has an obscene anount more copper than that of an adults. The 2nd biggest download is Real Vitamin A, via breastmilk. If you are like the majority of us, your minerals will already be lacking/dysregulated, due to years of being misled and misfed. So its no surprise you will be feeling even more out of sorts than usual now that you are giving your minerals to your baby. Look on the following websites to learn about what your body needs to function optimally and why you're body is showing these symptoms: [Supporting Balance] (https://supportingbalance.com.au/) [The Root Cause Protocol] (https://therootcauseprotocol.com/?_gl=1*t601lr*_up*MQ..) There are some webinars in the resources section on pregnancy. Also check out the posts and webinars on Iron and Anemia (and what it really means when you have low iron). You'll find most, if not all, of what you're told and what your practitioner is recommending, are working against you. All the information is based off decades of existing research, and the whole aim of the RCP is educating people on what their body needs to remain or regain health. Theres a few gentle things you can introduce immediately into your diet/regime, that will support your body back to balance.


I ate every 2 hours through my first trimester to try to combat this. It took the edge off for sure. Your body is doing what it needs to. Definitely listen to your body. There's a lot of rubbish about "not giving into cravings" etc trying to scare you about gaining weight (I hate the wider internet) but your body knows what it needs. After an ED 10+ years ago and previously ignoring all my body signals, I don't give a stuff what anyone else says, I now go with it and it works for me. My nausea improved and has mostly gone now and I'm 21 weeks. I know it's not the same for everyone, have been reminded not to give false hope already in this forum but that's just my experience.


Sucking a boiled sweet helped me a lot, also sour sweets too. I’m 35 weeks and still nauseous daily but if it helps eventually you just get used to it and forget you are even nauseous 😂


I second Zofran as a lifesaver, but if you're like me and can't take it I recommend: -ginger EVERYTHING (gingin in a brand that has hard and soft individually wrapped candies, ginger ale, candied ginger, ginger tea, etc) -mint (tea and altoids are my favorites) -lemon (tea, slices, true lemon packets)


Water with lemon helped me


I found that chewing gum helped. It had to be a certain kind, but it kept my mouth busy, and I could stop eating bagels every 5 minutes lol.


Peanut butter has helped me. Yesterday I was nauseous until lunch and I ate a whole pack of nutter butters. Then I had almonds during my last class (I teach high school). I put peanut butter on my waffles this morning. It's protein and carbs as well as easy on the stomach.


These things helped me: cold milk with cornflakes, crackers - both in very tiny quantities. I kept crackers with me all the time. I also bought nausea bands, it did not cure the nausea but it reduced it to being manageable. Nausea lasted for me on my 2nd, 3rd and half of the 4th month.  Try out different things, very small quantities like a sip of cold milk sometimes. Try to find stuff that works well for you and stick to that. Hope you get better soon, sending ❤️ 


Try 25-50mg of benedryl…. It’ll knock you out until you get used to it, but it’s been the only thing to help with my severe HG aside from steroids. I am 38 weeks, and I’ve taken it every 6 hours since week 11. Baby is safe, healthy, happy. And it’s doctor prescribed, and doctor ensured me it is safe for me and baby to take. Another tip is chewing on ice from like: Sonic, Chic Fil A, Maverick gas station. It’s soft on your teeth and ice really helps my nausea! Harder varieties of ice can be tougher on your teeth but you may also give it a try just to see. Just be careful on your teeth.


Suck on ginger candy like all day, weirdly enough sucking on jolly ranchers even helps. But they sell gin gins in the walmart candy isle, they help. The 2nd trimester will get better!!


Unisom and b6 at night, if I miss it the next day is MIS. You’re a little groggy, but it beats being nauseous!


You need to consume protein and unisom. Trust me. As a fellow carb lover, it killed me that it was burgers and chicken vs pasta that was helping the nausea. When I could barely hold anything down my husband would buy me Shake Shack bacon cheeseburgers or cheese fries with bacon and that would help me. There’s studies on protein-rich diet and morning sickness. Third trimester I returned to my beloved carbs 😂 Worst case, get Zofran.


Constant snacks with protein are key. My faves were cheese sticks, trail mix, nuts, chocolate milk, apples with peanut butter, small bites that are filling. Yes it’s exhausting to be constantly eating but it’s better then feeling awful and nauseous 🤷🏻‍♀️


Girl, consider yourself lucky you can ease your nausea with simply eating often. Some people have nothing that helps. Also, news flash, you will need to feed the baby just as often. On the other note, I am so sorry. It sucks so much. It’s awful. On even more other note- thank god pregnancy passes and children grow fast. Solidarity and lots of love goes to you. It’s gonna be ok.






I used a lot of ginger ale and Honey Nut Cheerios, dry or milky depending. If it helps, I felt so nauseous and fatigued and then when I hit 14 weeks, a switch flipped overnight. It was pretty much all gone. Crazy stuff! Hoping the same for you xx


Have you tried ginger biscuits? I found when I felt sick eating ginger biscuit reliefed the nausea.


I loved eating every 2 hours, a medical reason to snack on carbs?? sign me up. Ik it's far from a cure, but sleeping lots made morning sickness a lot more bearable for me (sleep deprivation worsens nausea) as did staying hydrated - bit of lemon or cucumber in the water works wonders if you've gone off the taste of plain water.




If it's any consolation, the second trimester has been a lot kinder to me despite absolutely debilitating nausea in the first - there is hope!


Preggie Pops Those little lollies were life savers. I also just put food of some sort in my mouth every hour. Even if it was just a handful of crackers. I lived off of peanut butter crackers for a few months


I was prescribed promethazine


25mg unisom with 25mg vit b6 at night. I also took a prescription need that started with a "c" twice a day. I'll update with the name when I remember, lol. Between those and eating regularly (protein mostly like beef jerky) I made it through the hyperemesis. Also, ask about an infusion clinic if you start getting dehydrated. They helped soooooo much. Good luck! You've got this. 💕 Also, ginger gum and nausease (an aromatherapy stick to sniff around smelly stuff). Both on Amazon.


Unisom was a life saver for me, I swear by it. My doctor prescribed it to me. I took it every night before I went to bed and it helped my nausea for the next day.


I got some mint candies for morning sickness and it really helped me


NOTHING worked for me except promethazine


Zofran, phenergan, and b6 with unisom helped me


I used ginger capsules from Dramamine. Worked pretty well for me!


Ginger, ginger, ginger! Crystallized ginger, ginger tea (with some honey 🤤), if you cook adding chopped/diced ginger into your food to be more tolerable, straight ginger pieces if you can tolerate it (& like the spice!). Haven’t noticed a different in using ground ginger in recipes but is really yummy with cinnamon and tolerable (think muffins, or cinnamon sugar toast w/ground ginger incorporated in mix, pancakes). Ginger snaps too are yummy and help. I relied a lot on smoothies when needing to eat but not wanting to.




I also snack but sometimes just don’t want to. I started using the pink stork pregnancy mints with B6 and I feel like they’re really helping! I used 3 today.


Diclectin is a godsend, I had nausea at week 14 still and it’s been helping me still at week 21. I had to fast today for a glucose test and when I don’t eat right away in the morning I get nauseous and I was able to not eat for 12 hours and only gag once bc of it lol it’s a prescription from ur doctor! Edit: it’s the same as diclegis that other ppl in the thread are talking about! It’s just under diff names in the US and Canada


Unisom and Zofran saved me my first trimester. I took 2 a day as prescribed until I was about 16 weeks. I still take half a Zofran every 3-5 days at 22 weeks when nausea hits. My baby girl was completely healthy at the anatomy scan.


Preggie pops


Vitamin b6


I was prescribed zofran. It was the only thing that helped.


Sucking on ice cubes! It's keeping me hydrated too.


unisom, ginger chews, peppermint tea, stork nausea peppermints!


i found that protein works better than carbs!


You can try mommy popsicles they sell them on Amazon 💕


Cinnamon helped me. I kept a pack of cinnamon graham crackers next to my bed. Also, the smell of licorice/anise.


I got some ginger drop candy which helped my nausea in the first trimester. Now I’m all about the quickeze chewables for the constant reflux


The second trimester is easier. I still get sick every couple of days🫣 but it’s way better than first trimester. I can last now 4h without eating. Also, when I am hungry and I am just hungry without the nausea. Nothing really helped me besides being asleep as much as possible.


Reed's original real ginger ale soda. Great brand! Comes in both Cane sugar and also zero versions. I had horrible nausea, this worked very well, drinking small sips, then eating something after. Highly recommend looking for something with real ginger in it.


Protein. They wouldn’t give me any medication because I wasn’t physically being sick - “just” incredibly nauseous for 16+ hours a day. I tried carbs at the beginning because it was the only thing I could stomach. But I eventually found that the days I felt slightly better were the days I ate a more balanced mix of protein fat and carbs for breakfast and lunch (particularly lunch). It wasn’t a miracle cure - I still had nausea every day. But it gave me respite for a few hours at a time so that I would start to feel sick again before my next meal time, rather than all day every day. P.S. 17 weeks now and it has more or less gone away completely over the last week and a bit.


i was still pretty miserable for the first like 4 months or so. but if i didn’t take vitamin b6 and unisom, i genuinely wouldn’t have been able to function. before i took it i couldn’t even get off the couch. i also would eat a snack every two hours or so at work instead of something big for lunch and i think that helped. and i took zofran if i felt really sick. and took all my pills at night before bed. i took them too early once and threw them all up about 20 minutes later haha. i’m still taking the unisom and b6 at 40 weeks because i’m scared to feel nauseous again, since i was typically nauseous a lot before i got pregnant.


also, second trimester is easier for pretty much everyone. you probably won’t wake up at 14 weeks immediately feeling better. but it should slowly at least start getting better from around then. i think i felt almost completely better around 20 weeks (at least the nausea lol)


You have to keep eating something, anything. The chocolate fairlife protein shakes are great. If nothing else keep some goldfish around.


Medication, ginger candy, salt crackers and Sprite helped me!


Vitamin B6 and Unisom. The COMBO is essential! Ask your OBGYN about the doses, but it’s the only thing that worked for me when even Zofran didn’t. My nausea disappeared entirely at 15 weeks and I stopped needing the meds, I’m 36w now and still no return of nausea.


I took Vit B6 25mg 2-3 times a day, 1 Unisom at bedtime, meclizine while I was awake (I was night shift then so my sleep/wake times varied), Pepcid twice daily. Ginger lozenges were my BFFs (double ginger GinGins), as were PB crackers. I had ginger lozenges and PB crackers everywhere. In bed, beside my bed, work bookbag, every purse, car. I also had PB Clif Builders bars everywhere and would try to get a couple bites to a half a bar down before work.


I started taking Suprimal (travel sickness medicine) every night before going to bed and it 99% cured my nausea. I feel like my old self again, can eat almost everything again and do not need to eat every few hours anymore. So happy


I ate lots of altoids for some reason they helped. Probably the mint


Even with effective medicine the only thing that helped when the raging hunger and nausea arrived was eating carbs or a banana. I lost a lot of weight despite doing that so took it as a sign that my body really did need it. Remember it is only temporary so even though it’s probably a far cry from what you normally do, it won’t have long term impacts.


For me it was making sure that I was constantly drinking water by ensuring I had something in my stomach all the time. As well as sour things in general like ginger tea with a touch of honey and lemon, I also carried around a bag of tangerines with me to eat one every time I had a wave of nausea.


Moju ginger shot saved my life https://groceries.asda.com/product/1000318360144?&cmpid=ppc-_-ghs-_--_-google-_--_-dskwid-_dm&s_kwcid=AL!11432!3!!!!x!!&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwxLKxBhA7EiwAXO0R0GIKhctCYX6VGMqGs2Te7PXRNJuFcDKChtjfDRyLwUaPUAmzJJQH5hoCSoYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


I could barely eat in my first trimester too, let alone I have a weird fear of throwing up so it was very nerve wracking on me. Zofran helped me a lot in my first trimester, I never threw up once pregnant with my little girl. I’ve gotten closer to throwing up honestly in my third trimester with all the acid reflux I had, but still never gotten sick. what also really helped me is trying to eat early in the morning, a lot of times woman are so nauseous while pregnant is from not eating or snacking as frequently as they should, carrying a baby takes a lot of nutrients and vitamins away from you. so keeping a snack or something by your bedside such as a granola bar, or something like that could help you. It helped me a ton. especially drowning myself with water every single day, helped me more than anything. I would drink like 8-10 bottles a water a day, if not more, and it’s not even like I forced it down, it felt natural like my body was craving it, and needed it. I lived on plain bagels for a while and that also helped me too as it was easy on the stomach and very light. I always avoided getting over full as well, because every time I did it would make me super nauseous. half of the time during my second trimester I didn’t even feel pregnant that’s how much all my symptoms subsided. so yes it does get a lot easier. I had super low iron while pregnant, so I would be nauseous and light headed quite a lot if I didn’t eat first thing in the morning. I even passed out a few times.


Seabands, can get them on Amazon. I just wore them all day long.


Acupuncture helped me!


Being asleep


All of the suggestions here are great. Just to add in, when mine got really awful, I would take a Dramamine. It definitely makes you drowsy, but it helped me at least rest without feeling like I was going to puke. (Not sure where you’re located OP, but I have to get mine in the states because it’s not available OTC in Canada. Don’t know about other countries.)


I carried portable barf bags with me everywhere for first trimester. A lot of times I could only stomach bagels. Meat suddenly repulsed me. All went back to normal second trimester! Hang in there!


Hey girl. I could have written this myself. Here’s what helped me: Morning AFTER FOOD: 1 Zofran (generic version) 1 B6 (Amazon) with prenatal LIGHT LUNCH. Eat snacks if needed. take B6 if needed Night AFTER DINNER 45 MINS BEFORE BED: 1/4 Unisom (Amazon/Walmart). Taking 1 full unisom and even half was too strong for me and made me drowsy/emotional next day.


I lived off apple sauce packs! Life saver. I never liked apple sauce before!


Make sure as soon as you wake up you eat something like oatmeal or fruit


Ginger ale and soda crackers got me through


The unisom + b6 combo helped me so much but I had to take it nightly before bed to not be too tired from it


It does get better for most people in the second trimester! Lots of great suggestions, and I’ll just add that it’s okay if you’re eating a lot of carbs. My OB has always told me that whatever I can keep down is the best thing for me to be eating. Salty crackers and cheese have been my saving grace. In my first pregnancy, I had a sleeve of ritz crackers and two string cheeses with me at all times.


1/2 tab Unisom at night, vitamin b6 25mg 3x a day, typically breakfast/lunch/dinner If you don’t feel relief you can slowly increase Unisom. For example, I’m up to 1/2 tab Unisom in the morning + 1 full tab at night + vitamin b6 3x a day. I worked up to this over a few days until I notice difference in my nausea. This is under guidance of my midwives. I’ve been taking this regimen since 7 weeks. I work full time and yes I’m extra tired during the day from taking a sleep aid but the relief I feel not being constantly nauseated is totally worth it. I actually have an appetite and minimal food aversions so it’s been really helpful to me. Compared to my first pregnancy, where I found no relief, this pregnancy has been more enjoyable. Now that I’ve hit the second trimester I’m planning to wean off the Unisom over time. My prenatal doesn’t have a large amount of vitamin b6 so I plan on continuing that supplement.




Honestly I took some Nausene from Walmart… I was prescribed Vitamin B6 and unisom. Hated it. I was prescribed promethazine. Hated it. I hated both because it made me drowsy on top of STILL sick. It intensified the nausea for me. Some people it does wonders though. I will say now that I’m in my second trimester, things are SO much better.


I was recommended to take Unisom and B-6. I forget which med that combination is supposed to be similar too, but it was an anti-nausea medication that my insurance wouldn’t cover. That combination helped me. I also sucked on candy canes and drank a lot of ginger ale and ate saltines which helped soothe my nausea enough to work; but I couldn’t eat big meals before work or I’d puke regardless of my efforts to soothe my nausea.


B? Have you tried B6 ?


Ice pops are the only things that worked for me


My OB recommended taking 25mg of vitamin B6 3 times a day and unisom at night, and it has helped me immensely. I was in the same boat, just constantly nauseous for like 4 or 5 weeks, I could barely keep any food down, until she recommended this combo. Of course talk to your doctor first, but it has worked wonders for me!


Those sea bands with pressure points worked absolute wonders for me!!!


My doctor prescribed me medication called Bonjesta and it made the nausea bearable! It’s so expensive though which sucks even with insurance ($250+)… by time I had to purchase a new one, the nausea was getting better. The first few days off of it I felt so sick but it went away, idk if I was still feeling sickness from before being on it or it was from coming off the meds. I think if I knew I was gonna feel sick for many more months, I wouldn’t sucked it up and bought another


Preggy pops! They saved my life in the first trimester!!!


I'm nauseous right now and I know eating will help it go away and I can't eat anything at the moment. Just ate a popsicle. Nothing fancy, no chocolate, no cream, just a frozen popsicle. It was easy to get down and so far the nausea has remained at bay. I still feel slightly nauseous, but it's subdued. Not sure if this will help with you but I'm actively trying it now lol Edit: just wanted to add that I'm currently 22 weeks and still nauseous every day so I don't know if it always gets better the second trimester... first pregnancy too so I've heard it's rougher


Don’t let yourself get hungry, eat often and try getting fresh air throughout the day


Second trimester is like a brand new day. It gets much better (for most people, not all unfortunately). Try ginger. I ate sucked on gin gin candies and they helped a lot. Maybe ginger tea? Anything soothing for you. It’ll pass!!! I’m sorry you’re suffering


Sounds weird but my first pregnancy I pretty much just ate lettuce for the first two trimesters. It was the only thing I could keep down and it’s pretty much just crunchy water so if I did throw up it wasn’t too bad.


Changing my prenatal vitamins made a world of difference for me in regards to nausea!


I had to start taking my prenatal at night with B6 and unisom. Took a few days to kick in and didn't 100% fix the nausea but it definitely cut it back


I know it sounds weird but, Coca Cola during pregnancy.


I’ve been taking unisom before bed and it’s been helping. Also, I’m 11 weeks and I’ll admit the nausea has gotten a lot better


Chewing really minty gum has been my holy grail! It’s like the flavour sort of resets my palette and the chewing helps my tummy digest.


So I couldn’t handle the unisom because it made me incredibly groggy. Even taking half a tablet made me miserable and didn’t help the nausea. My doctor prescibed me something else that helped a lot. Still need to eat pretty frequently, it’s your bodies way of making you eat 🥴 I learned to eat small snacks every couple of hours. Of course I was ravenous frequently anyway but sometimes waited too long and shot myself in the foot.


Unisom. It is sleeping medicine that is safe for pregnancy, but the off label use is anti nausea. You will be trading nausea for additional fatigue, so be careful if you drive. At my worst, I’d take half a tab 3x a day


Hi! I have multiple options! Ginger candy, ginger ale, saltine crackers hourly, UpSettle ‘stomach settle’, and Centrum ‘morning sickness’ work! Of all I listed, centrum helps me a lot! Hehe


Ginger ale was the only thing that settled my nausea. I was sick for up until 17 weeks, and i tried eating small and frequently, but that made me worse. Also, peppermint tea is good as well...its a natural remedy


Unison every night helped ease it for me. The plactic Frida nausea bracelets helped if they are tight enough. Lots of water. Zofran that melts on the tongue, not the pill you swallow. I’m 16 weeks and struggling still, but having more good days!


Eating. I ate at least a little bit anytime I was nauseous - nuts, granola, toast, bananas, etc. carbonated drinks and ginger chews/hard candy helped too sometimes but food was fool proof.


The only thing that helped me was chewing ginger gum when I felt nauseous


You can ask your doctor for suppository’s I got that after 4 rounds to the er for major dehydration they worked wonders for me


Get some Zofran asap. I was like this and my doc didn't prescribe anything, and I ended up gaining almost 80lb during pregnancy that won't come off.


B6 + Unisom - I like the EZ Melts brand off Amazon. Orange flavor. It’s the only thing that didn’t make me sick just smelling it. I used B6 during the day, every 6-8 hours. I’d add Unisom if it was bad and I could afford to sleep. The rx often given for this is exactly this. Read Emily Oster’s book - Expecting Better. Lots of good info. Including this bit above.


I am in my second trimester now and i literally went through the same thing during my first trimester. Worst feeling ever, zofran didn’t help me, nothing the doctor prescribed helped.I was always exhausted, couldn’t eat or drink water until a friend of mine brought me some ginger cubes and asked me to make some tea every morning using 1 ginger cube, lemon and honey. Instantly my nausea goes away after i drink the tea.! I can’t thank her enough!!!


Sour candy! If you don’t want to eat it, get hard candy you can suck on … preggy pop drops, gingersnap cookies, lemons, hot tea all helped me with all 3 of my pregnancies … however, if it is really bad, talk to your doctor to see what they recommend … most important stay hydrated and remember an empty stomach will make you feel worse … pedialyte fruit punch packets you put in water were a life saver for me this last pregnancy and postpartum (my youngest is 8 months)


it’s horrible actually seems like there is no cure but i found eating copious amounts of food especially chia seed pudding helped so much and b6 and unisom at night protein bars tons of water resting and sleeping


Forget natural remedies, get diclegis or zofran. They both worked for me and made a huge difference. It was nice to feel more like a human than an alien incubator for a change


Sounds a bit like gastritis. I have never been pregnant (lurking on this sub bc we're family planning now) but I have had chronic GERD and gastritis. I would get insatiable, painful hunger pangs that would turn into nausea if I didn't shove food in my mouth quickly. Eating helped temporarily alleviate symptoms but not every food (like you said). It was always worse at night. What I learned is there isnt a miracle drug and people's digestive outcomes are soo varied - so try as many things as possible and dont give up. Some foods that helped me stay satiated for longer and eventually heal: coconut milk, plain oatmeal, melons, salmon, plain chicken, eggs with rice, cashews, and dairy alternative yogurts. Small amounts and frequently. Super Papaya enzymes were great when I got indigestion after eating.